




1 ダリヨスは全国を治めるために、その国に百二十人の総督を立てることをよしとし、

2 また彼らの上に人の総監を立てた。ダニエルはそのひとりであった。これは総督たちをして、この人の前に、その職務に関する報告をさせて、王に損失の及ぶことのないようにするためであった。

3 ダニエルは彼のうちにあるすぐれた霊のゆえに、他のすべての総監および総督たちにまさっていたので、王は彼を立てて全国を治めさせようとした。

4 そこで総監および総督らは、国事についてダニエルを訴えるべき口実を得ようとしたが、訴えるべきなんの口実も、なんのとがをも見いだすことができなかった。それは彼が忠信な人であって、その身になんのあやまちも、とがも見いだされなかったからである。

5 そこでその人々は言った、「われわれはダニエルの神の律法に関して、彼を訴える口実を得るのでなければ、ついに彼を訴えることはできまい」と。

6 こうして総監と総督らは、王のもとに集まってきて、王に言った、「ダリヨス王よ、どうかとこしえに生きながらえられますように。

7 国の総監、長官および総督、参議および知事らは、相はかって、王が一つのおきてを立て、一つの禁令を定められるよう求めることになりました。王よ、それはこうです。すなわち今から三十日の間は、ただあなたにのみ願い事をさせ、もしあなたをおいて、神または人にこれをなす者があれば、すべてその者を、ししの穴に投げ入れるというのです。

8 それで王よ、その禁令を定め、その文書に署名して、メデアとペルシャの変ることのない法律のごとく、これを変えることのできないようにしてください」。

9 そこでダリヨス王は、その禁令の文書に署名した。

10 ダニエルは、その文書の署名されたことを知って家に帰り、二階のへやの、エルサレムに向かって窓の開かれた所で、以前からおこなっていたように、一日に三度ずつ、ひざをかがめて神の前に祈り、かつ感謝した。

11 そこでその人々は集まってきて、ダニエルがその神の前に祈り、かつ求めていることを見たので、

12 彼らは王の前にきて、王の禁令について奏上して言った、「王よ、あなたは禁令に署名して、今から三十日の間は、ただあなたにのみ願い事をさせ、もしあなたをおいて、神または人に、これをなす者があれば、すべてその者を、ししの穴に投げ入れると、定められたではありませんか」。王は答えて言った、「その事は確かであって、メデアとペルシャの法律のごとく、変えることのできないものだ」。

13 彼らは王の前に答えて言った、「王よ、ユダから引いてきた捕囚のひとりである、かのダニエルは、あなたをも、あなたの署名された禁令をも顧みず、一日に三度ずつ、祈をささげています」。

14 王はこの言葉を聞いて大いに憂え、ダニエルを救おうと心を用い、日の入るまで、彼を救い出すことに努めた。

15 時にその人々は、また王のもとに集まってきて、王に言った、「王よ、メデアとペルシャの法律によれば、王の立てた禁令、または、おきては変えることのできないものであることを、ご承知ください」。

16 そこで王は命令を下したので、ダニエルは引き出されて、ししの穴に投げ入れられた。王はダニエルに言った、「どうか、あなたの常に仕える神が、あなたを救われるように」。

17 そして一つの石を持ってきて、穴の口をふさいだので、王は自分の印と、大臣らの印をもって、これに封印した。これはダニエルの処置を変えることのないようにするためであった。

18 こうして王はその宮殿に帰ったが、その夜は食をとらず、また、そばめたちを召し寄せず、全く眠ることもしなかった。

19 こうして王は朝まだき起きて、ししの穴へ急いで行ったが、

20 ダニエルのいる穴に近づいたとき、悲しげな声をあげて呼ばわり、ダニエルに言った、「生ける神のしもべダニエルよ、あなたが常に仕えている神はあなたを救って、ししの害を免れさせることができたか」。

21 ダニエルは王に言った、「王よ、どうか、とこしえに生きながらえられますように。

22 わたしの神はその使をおくって、ししの口を閉ざされたので、ししはわたしを害しませんでした。これはわたしに罪のないことが、神の前に認められたからです。王よ、わたしはあなたの前にも、何も悪い事をしなかったのです」。

23 そこで王は大いに喜び、ダニエルを穴の中から出せと命じたので、ダニエルは穴の中から出されたが、その身になんの害をも受けていなかった。これは彼が自分の神を頼みとしていたからである。

24 王はまた命令を下して、ダニエルをあしざまに訴えた人々を引いてこさせ、彼らをその妻子と共に、ししの穴に投げ入れさせた。彼らが穴の底に達しないうちに、ししは彼らにとびかかって、その骨までもかみ砕いた。

25 そこでダリヨス王は全世界に住む諸民、諸族、諸国語の者に詔を書きおくって言った、「どうか、あなたがたに平安が増すように。

26 わたしは命令を出す。わが国のすべての州の人は、皆ダニエルの神を、おののき恐れなければならない。彼は生ける神であって、とこしえに変ることなく、その国は滅びず、その主権は終りまで続く。

27 彼は救を施し、助けをなし、天においても、地においても、しるしと奇跡とをおこない、ダニエルを救って、ししの力をのがれさせたかたである」。

28 こうして、このダニエルはダリヨスの世と、ペルシャ人クロスの世において栄えた。





原作者: Andy Dibb (机器翻译成: 中文)

Henry Ossawa Tanner (United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, 1859 - 1937) 
Daniel in the Lions' Den, 1907-1918. Painting, Oil on paper mounted on canvas, 41 1/8 x 49 7/8 in.



正如我们在第三章中所看到的,六代表一种不完整的状态,与 "二 "有相同的含义。天国的秘密900)--原因相同:它比表示完整的数字少一个。二在三之前,如同六在七之前。三 "和 "七 "都代表完整,例如,主在坟墓里呆了三天,或者圣父、圣子和圣灵三位一体。数字 "七 "也是类似的:在创造之后,主在第七天休息,在十诫中,我们被指示要遵守那一天,保持它的圣洁。"六 "与这种完美的代表相差无几,所以说明了一种不完美的状态。



"智者 "和 "治理者 "是但以理书前半部分的一个主题。虽然通常是失败的,但这些人是国王们最先寻求建议的人。他们代表了我们在中心自私下的习惯性思维(智者)和爱(管理者)。在这一章中,大流士将他的王国分为一百二十个省,每个省由一个 "萨特普 "或总督统治。


数字 "一百二十 "是另一个复合数字,描述了萨特拉所代表的情感。在一个完美的正方形中,如数字一百,长度和宽度完全相等。因此,善良和真理的质量是相同的。十代表遗体的状态,或由主植入人类心灵的善与真的状态。十乘以十,使这一意义加倍--遗体的丰满(AC 1988 [2]).

对于 "一百二十",我们必须加上最后的二十。二十是十乘以二。正如我们前面所看到的,二代表完整之前的状态,是实现这一完整的必要动荡(天国的秘密900).然而,数字 "二 "也描述了结合的状态,即通过生活中的考验和诱惑,使善与真达到和谐。


大流士的统治是一个充满希望的统治,这一点得到了进一步的发展:在这一百二十个沙陀之上,大流士任命了三位 "总统",但以理是其中的第一位。但以理将控制这块土地,沙陀们将向他报告,他将作为巴比伦的实际统治者进行统治。这与被俘的男孩被带出耶路撒冷有很长的路要走--从良知的第一次骚动,到我们的生活被牢牢置于良知的指导和控制之下,有很长的路要走。但以理被任命为这一权威职位是对真理在我们心中胜利的明确承诺,如果我们愿意听从它的引导,让它谦卑和审判我们,就像尼布甲尼撒和伯沙撒被谦卑和审判一样。










在这种情况下,狮子的含义从与邪恶和虚假斗争的美丽力量,从主的力量,到从强烈的自爱产生的 "绝望的胆量"。由于自爱得到了虚假推理的支持和支撑,所以用一块大石头封住了这个洞穴。

国王在绝望中度过的那一夜代表着蒙昧,这是诱惑的一个重要部分(天国的秘密1787, 2694, 7166).诱惑的特点是怀疑主的存在,以及重生是否真的可能(天国的秘密2334).这种怀疑开始时很温和,但随着时间的推移而增加。







Arcana Coelestia#2576



2576. 'Behold, it is for you a covering of the eyes for all who are with you' means that rational truths are like a covering or garment for spiritual truths. This is clear from the meaning of 'a covering', to be dealt with immediately below, and from the meaning of 'the eyes' as things of the understanding, as is evident from very many places in the Word, and also from the meaning of 'seeing' as understanding, 2150, 2325. Anyone may see that each detail in this verse holds arcana within it which cannot be brought to light except by some interior sense - such as the detail that it is said 'he gave a thousand pieces of silver to her brother' not 'to her husband'; or the details that it was 'a covering of the eyes', and that it was 'for her and all who were with her', also 'with all'; or the detail 'so she was vindicated'. Many historical inferences might indeed be drawn from the sense of the letter, but none of these would have anything spiritual in them, still less anything Divine. Such is the nature of the Word.

[2] As regards rational truths being like a covering or garment for spiritual truths, the position is that the inmost parts of man's being belong to his soul, while the more exterior belong to his body. Man's inmost parts consist in goods and truths from which the soul has its life, or else the soul would not be a soul. Those which are more exterior however derive their life from the soul, and each one of them is like a body, or what amounts to the same, a covering or garment. This becomes clear in particular from the things that are seen in the next life, for example, from angels when these are presented to view. The interior parts of their beings shine from their faces, while the exterior are represented both in their bodies and in the clothes they are wearing, so completely that anyone there may recognize the character of those angels simply from the clothes they are wearing; for every angel consists of real substance and so is an essence given outward form. It is similar in the case of angels who have been seen and whose faces and clothing are described in the Word, such as those seen in the Lord's tomb, Matthew 28:3; Mark 16:5; and the twenty-four elders around the throne, Revelation 4:4; and others. Nor does this apply only to angels but also to everything else, even inanimate objects, mentioned in the Word. Their exteriors are a covering or garment as with the Ark of the Covenant and the tent surrounding it. 'The Ark' there, which was inmost, represented the Lord Himself, for the Testimony belonged there, while 'the tent' outside of it represented the Lord's kingdom. Every single one of 'the coverings' there, that is, the veils and screens, represented the exterior celestial and spiritual things within the Lord's kingdom, that is to say, within the three heavens. This becomes clear from the plan of it that was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai, Exodus 25:9; 26:30. It was this that gave it its holiness, not the gold and silver and the carvings that were in it.

[3] Since the matter of rational truths being like a covering or garment to spiritual truths is being discussed here, and since in Moses a description of the Tent is given - of its coverings or of its screens, and also of its veils in front of places of entry - let an explanation be given, for the sake of illustration, of what specifically was meant by the veils. (But what was meant by the enveloping covers will in the Lord's Divine mercy be stated elsewhere.) The Tabernacle had three veils, the first, which made a division between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies; the second, which is called a screen serving as a door into the tent; the third, which is called a screen serving as a gate into the court.

[4] The first of these, the veil itself, which was a screen in front of the Ark, is referred to in Moses,

You shall make a veil of violet and purple and twice-dyed scarlet and fine-twined linen. The work of a designer, 1 you shall make it with cherubs on it. And you shall hang it on four pillars of shittim, overlaid with gold, and their hooks shall be of gold; [they shall stand] on four bases of silver. And you shall hang the veil under the clasps. And you shall bring in, within the veil, the Ark of the Testimony, and the veil shall divide for you the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. Exodus 26:31-34; 36:35-36.

This veil represented the most immediate and inmost appearances of rational good and truth, which occur among the angels of the third heaven. These appearances are described by the violet, purple, twice-dyed scarlet, and fine-twined linen, the red of which represented the goods that belong to love, and the white its truths. Also, the gold and silver with which the pillars were overlaid, and of which the hooks and bases were made had a similar representation. As regards colours being representative, see 1042, 1043, 1053, 1624; and as regards 'gold' meaning the good of love, 113, 1551, 1552, and 'silver' truth, 1551, 2048.

[5] This shows what is meant by the veil of the temple being torn in two, Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45 - namely that once all appearances had been dispelled the Lord entered into the Divine Itself, and at the same time He opened a means of access to the Divine Itself through His Human that had been made Divine.

[6] The second veil, or screen serving as a door to the tent, is referred to in Moses as follows,

You shall make a screen for a door of the tent, of violet and purple and twice-dyed scarlet and fine-twined linen, the work of an embroiderer. And you shall make for the screen five pillars of shittim and overlay them with gold, and their hooks shall be of gold; and you shall cast for them five bases of bronze. Exodus 26:36-37; 36:37-38

This screen represented the appearances of good and truth which are lower and more exterior than those mentioned already; that is, they are the middle appearances that belong to the rational, which occur among the angels of the second heaven. The description given to these appearances is virtually the same, the difference being that this screen had five pillars and five bases, by which number is meant something relatively small, for these appearances are not so unified or heavenly as the appearances belonging to the inmost or third heaven. Regarding the number 'five' meaning that which is small, see 649, 1686. And because these appearances look to natural things, it was commanded that the bases should be cast of bronze; for bronze represented and meant natural good, 425, 1551.

[7] The third veil, or screen serving as a gate into the court, is referred to in Moses as follows,

The screen for a gate of the court shall be twenty cubits [long], of violet and purple and twice-dyed scarlet and fine-twined linen, the work of an embroiderer; the pillars of it shall be four and the bases of these four. All the pillars of the surrounding court shall be fastened with silver; their hooks shall be of silver but their bases of bronze. Exodus 27:16-17; 38:18-19

This screen represented the still lower and more exterior appearances of good and truth, which are the lowest appearances belonging to the rational, and which occur among the angels of the first heaven. Because these appearances correspond to those that are more interior the description given to them is also much the same, the differences being that the pillars were not overlaid with gold but were fastened together with silver, while the hooks were made of silver - all of which mean rational truths such as have their origin immediately in factual knowledge - and the bases were made of bronze which mean natural goods. All these considerations show that there was nothing in the Tent which was not representative of the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's kingdom; that is, they show that all those things were made so as to provide every type or imprint of the celestial and spiritual things that exist in the three heavens. And they also show that the coverings or screens meant things which, like a body or clothing, surround or are outside of that which is inmost.

[8] In addition to all this, the fact that coverings, screens, and a garment or clothes mean relatively lower truths becomes clear from many places in the Word, as in Ezekiel,

Fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt was your sail, violet and purple from the islands of Elishah was your covering. 2 Ezekiel 27:7.

This refers to 'Tyre', which means interior cognitions of celestial and spiritual things, and therefore those who possess those cognitions, 1201. 'Embroidered work from Egypt' stands for factual knowledge - 'Egypt' meaning factual knowledge, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462. 'Violet and purple from the islands of Elishah as a covering' stands for forms of ritual corresponding to internal worship, 1156.

[9] In the same prophet,

All the princes of the sea will step down from upon their thrones, and will remove their robes and will strip off their embroidered clothes. They will clothe themselves with tremblings; they will sit on the ground. Ezekiel 26:16.

This too refers to 'Tyre'. 'Robes' and 'embroidered clothes' stand for cognitions formed out of factual knowledge, and so stand for lower truths.

[10] In the same prophet,

I clothed you with embroidered cloth and shod you with badger, and I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk, and I adorned you with adornments and put bracelets on your hands and a chain on your neck. You took some of your garments and made for yourself gaily-decked high places and committed whoredom on them. You took your embroidered clothes and covered them. Ezekiel 16:10-11, 16, 18.

This describes 'Jerusalem', which is the spiritual Church, as it had been in early times and as it was subsequently when perverted. Its lower spiritual things and its matters of doctrine are the embroidered clothes, fine linen, and silk.

[11] In Isaiah,

The Lord, Jehovah Zebaoth, is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah the whole staff of bread and staff of water. At that time a man will take hold of his brother, of his father's house, [saying,] You have clothing, you will be leader for us. On that day he will speak out, saying, I will not be a binder up; and in my house there is neither bread nor clothing. You shall not make me leader of the people. The Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion. And on that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, and of the networks, and of the crescents, and of the necklaces, and of the chainlets, and of the bracts; 3 and the tiaras, and the garters, and the sashes, and the perfume boxes, 4 and the earrings; the rings, and the nose-jewels, the changes of clothes, and the robes, and the veils, and the pin-cases, and the mirrors, and the muslin, and the turbans, and the mantles. Isaiah 3:1, 6-7, 17-24.

'Jerusalem' stands for the spiritual Church, 'Judah' for the celestial Church, 'the staff of bread and the staff of water which will be taken away' for good and truth. 'The clothing which the leader will have' stands for the truths that make up doctrine. The various articles of clothing and adornments that are listed belonging to the daughters of Zion mean every single genus and species of good and truth which were to be taken away from them. Unless each item that is mentioned meant some specific detail of the Church they would not be part of the Word, every expression of which has what is Divine within it. 'The daughters of Zion' who are said to possess all these articles means those things that constitute the Church; see 2362.

[12] In the same prophet,

Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion, put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; no more may there come in to you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Isaiah 52:1-2.

'Zion' stands for the celestial Church, 'Jerusalem' for the spiritual, 'beautiful garments' for the sacred things of faith. In the same prophet,

Their webs do not become clothing, neither are they covered in their works. Their works are works of iniquity. Isaiah 59:6.

'Webs' stands for made-up truths which do not become clothing. 'Clothing' stands for exterior truths of doctrine and worship, hence the statement 'neither are they covered in their works'.

[13] In the same prophet,

I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah, my soul will exult in my God, for He will clothe me with the clothes of salvation, with the robe of righteousness has He covered me. Isaiah 61:10.

'The clothes of salvation' stands for truths of faith, 'the robe of righteousness' for the good that flows from charity. In John,

You have a few names also in Sardis, who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who conquers will be clad in white garments. Revelation 3:4-5.

In the same book,

Blessed is he who is awake and keeps his garments, so that he may not walk naked. Revelation 16:15.

In the same book,

On the thrones I saw twenty-four elders seated, clad in white garments. Revelation 4:4.

Here it is evident that 'garments' do not mean garments but spiritual things, which are forms of truth.

[14] The same may be seen in what the Lord said when speaking about the close of the age. When He said that people were not to turn back and fetch their garments, Matthew 24:18; Mark 13:16, truths were meant by 'garments', see 2454, as they also are in His reference to the man who was not wearing a wedding garment, Matthew 22:11-12, and in His reference to John,

What did you go out to see. A man clad in fine garments? Those who wear fine garments are in kings' houses. Matthew 11:8; Luke 7:25.

This means that they did not care about the external things of doctrine and worship but about the internal, and this is why He adds,

What did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. Matthew 11:9.

'A prophet' here stands for the external things of doctrine and worship.

[15] As 'clothes' meant truths of every kind the children of Israel were commanded when leaving Egypt to ask from their neighbour for gold and silver, and for clothes, and to place them on their children, Exodus 3:22; 12:35-36.

[16] They were also commanded not to wear clothes made from different kinds of stuff, or to wear mixed ones, Leviticus 19:19; Deuteronomy 22:11; and were commanded to make tassels for the hems of their clothes, to put a violet cord there, and when they saw it were to recollect the commandments and carry them out, Numbers 15:38-40. In former times they also rent their clothes, as is evident in Joshua 7:6; Judges 11:35; 1 Samuel 4:12; 2 Samuel 1:2, 11-12; 3:31; 13:30-31; 15:32; 1 Kings 21:27; 2 Kings 5:7-8; 6:30; 22:11, 14, 19; Isaiah 36:22; 37:1. This action meant a zealous regard for doctrine and truth which had in a similar way been torn to shreds, and also a humble recognition that nothing existed with them, which is meant by the adornment of clothing.

[17] That veils, screens, garments, or clothes mean such things is also evident with the prophecy of Jacob, who by now was Israel,

He will bind his colt to the vine, and the foal of his ass to a choice vine. He will wash his clothing in wine, and his garment in the blood of grapes. Genesis 49:11.

What these words mean nobody can know except from the internal sense, that is to say, what is meant by 'a vine', 'a choice vine', 'a colt', 'the foal of an ass', 'wine', 'the blood of grapes', 'clothing', and 'garment'. That it is a reference to the Lord who in that prophecy is called 'Shiloh' is self-evident. The reference at this point is to Judah who represents the Lord's Divine celestial. 'The clothing he was to wash in wine' and 'the garment in the blood of grapes' mean His Rational and Natural which He was to make Divine.

[18] Similarly in Isaiah,

Who is this coming from Edom, with dyed clothes from Bozra, he that is glorious in his apparel, marching in the vast numbers of his strength? Why are you red as to your clothing, and your clothes like his that treads the winepress? And I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me. Their victory has been sprinkled on my clothes, and I have stained all my raiment. Isaiah 63:1-3.

Here also 'clothes' and 'raiment' stand for the Lord's Human which, by means of the conflicts brought about by temptations and by means of victories, He made Divine by His own power; hence the statement, 'I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me'. The reference to 'Isaac smelling the smell of Esau's clothes, and so blessing him' implies much the same, Genesis 27:27.

[19] The Holiness itself of the Lord's Divine Human was also a garment which was seen as light and as something dazzling white when He was transfigured, described in Matthew as follows,

When Jesus was transfigured His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became [white] as the light. Matthew 17:2.

In Luke,

When Jesus was praying the appearance of His face was altered; His clothing became dazzling white. Luke 9:29.

And in Mark,

When Jesus was transfigured His clothes became glistening, intensely white like snow, as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Mark 9:3.

The sacred vestments worn by Aaron when he went inside the veil, which were made of linen, were similarly representative, Leviticus 16:2, 4, and so were the sacred vestments 'for glory and adornment' when he ministered, which are described in Exodus 28:2-end; 39:1-end. Not a detail of those vestments failed to be representative.


1. literally, of designing, but where this verse is explained Swedenborg translates of a designer; see 9669.

2. The Latin word used here is the same as that which in preceding quotations from the Word has been translated screen.

3. i.e. thin metal plates worn as jewelry

4. literally, houses of the soul


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.