




1 Or Mosè pasceva il gregge di Jethro suo suocero, sacerdote di Madian; e guidando il gregge dietro al deserto, giunse alla montagna di Dio, a Horeb.

2 E l’angelo dell’Eterno gli apparve in una fiamma di fuoco, di mezzo a un pruno. Mosè guardò, ed ecco il pruno era tutto in fiamme, ma non si consumava.

3 E Mosè disse: "Ora voglio andar da quella parte a vedere questa grande visione e come mai il pruno non si consuma!"

4 E l’Eterno vide ch’egli s’era scostato per andare a vedere. E Dio lo chiamò di mezzo al pruno, e disse: "Mosè! Mosè!" Ed egli rispose: "Eccomi".

5 E Dio disse: "Non t’avvicinar qua; togliti i calzari dai piedi, perché il luogo sul quale stai, e suolo sacro".

6 Poi aggiunse: "Io sono l’Iddio di tuo padre, l’Iddio d’Abrahamo, l’Iddio d’Isacco e l’Iddio di Giacobbe". E Mosè si nascose la faccia, perché avea paura di guardare Iddio.

7 E l’Eterno disse: "Ho veduto, ho veduto l’afflizione del mio popolo che è in Egitto, e ho udito il grido che gli strappano i suoi angariatori; perché conosco i suoi affanni;

8 e sono sceso per liberarlo dalla mano degli Egiziani, e per farlo salire da quel paese in un paese buono e spazioso, in un paese ove scorre il latte e il miele, nel luogo dove sono i Cananei, gli Hittei, gli Amorei, i Ferezei, gli Hivvei e i Gebusei.

9 Ed ora, ecco, le grida de’ figliuoli d’Israele son giunte a me, ed ho anche veduto l’oppressione che gli Egiziani fanno loro soffrire.

10 Or dunque vieni, e io ti manderò a Faraone perché tu faccia uscire il mio popolo, i figliuoli d’Israele, dall’Egitto".

11 E Mosè disse a Dio: "Chi son io per andare da Faraone e per trarre i figliuoli d’Israele dall’Egitto?"

12 E Dio disse: "Va’, perché io sarò teco; e questo sarà per te il segno che son io che t’ho mandato: quando avrai tratto il popolo dall’Egitto, voi servirete Iddio su questo monte".

13 E Mosè disse a Dio: "Ecco, quando sarò andato dai figliuoli d’Israele e avrò detto loro: L’Iddio de’ vostri padri m’ha mandato da voi, se essi mi dicono: Qual è il suo nome? che risponderò loro?"

14 Iddio disse a Mosè: "Io sono quegli che sono". Poi disse: "Dirai così ai figliuoli d’Israele: L’Io sono m’ha mandato da voi".

15 Iddio disse ancora a Mosè: "Dirai così ai figliuoli d’Israele: L’Eterno, l’Iddio de’ vostri padri, l’Iddio d’Abrahamo, l’Iddio d’Isacco e l’Iddio di Giacobbe mi ha mandato da voi. Tale è il mio nome in perpetuo, tale la mia designazione per tutte le generazioni.

16 Va’ e raduna gli anziani d’Israele, e di’ loro: L’Eterno, l’Iddio de’ vostri padri, l’Iddio d’Abrahamo, d’Isacco e di Giacobbe m’è apparso, dicendo: Certo, io vi ho visitati, e ho veduto quello che vi si fa in Egitto;

17 e ho detto: Io vi trarrò dall’afflizione d’Egitto, e vi farò salire nel paese dei Cananei, degli Hittei, degli Amorei, de’ Ferezei, degli Hivvei e de’ Gebusei, in un paese ove scorre il latte e il miele.

18 Ed essi ubbidiranno alla tua voce; e tu, con gli anziani d’Israele, andrai dal re d’Egitto, e gli direte: L’Eterno, l’Iddio degli Ebrei, ci è venuto incontro; or dunque, lasciaci andare tre giornate di cammino nel deserto, per offrir sacrifizi all’Eterno, all’Iddio nostro.

19 Or io so che il re d’Egitto non vi concederà d’andare, se non forzato da una potente mano.

20 E io stenderò la mia mano e percoterò l’Egitto con tutti i miracoli che io farò in mezzo ad esso; e, dopo questo, vi lascerà andare.

21 E farò sì che questo popolo trovi favore presso gli Egiziani; e avverrà che, quando ve ne andrete, non ve ne andrete a mani vuote;

22 ma ogni donna domanderà alla sua vicina e alla sua casigliana degli oggetti d’argento, degli oggetti d’oro e dei vestiti; voi li metterete addosso ai vostri figliuoli e alle vostre figliuole, e così spoglierete gli Egiziani".




Arcana Coelestia#6907



6907. 'That the king of Egypt will not allow you to go' means that falsity will set itself in opposition. This is clear from the meaning of 'not allowing you' as setting itself in opposition, for he who does not allow something when it is said to be a Divine command, 6903, and he who refuses to let someone worship God, sets himself in opposition, as is common among all those who are under the influence of falsity of which they have become firmly convinced; from the representation of Pharaoh or 'the king of Egypt' as falsity, dealt with in 6651, 6679, 6683; and from the meaning of 'to go' - that is to say, a three days' journey into the wilderness to sacrifice to Jehovah God - as to lead a life in keeping with truth in a state totally removed from falsities, and in so doing to worship the Lord, 6904.

[2] The situation when those under the influence of falsity, who are represented by 'the king of Egypt', set themselves against those guided by truths must be described. In the world those under the influence of falsity do not openly set themselves in opposition to those who are guided by truth, for they are held back from doing so by external restraints, which consist in the fear that others may see them as people who behave contrary to the laws of state and Church, in which case they would not seem to be good citizens. For everyone wishes the world to see him as righteous and true in outward appearance, and the wicked desire this more than the upright, in order that they may captivate people's minds and mislead them for reasons of gain and exalted positions. But inwardly they set themselves in opposition, for as often as they hear anyone proclaiming the truths of the Church not because it is his job to do so but because he loves them passionately, they laugh to themselves; and if at that time there were no external restraints to prevent them they would openly deride him. When such people enter the next life they are no longer held back by external restraints, since these are taken away from them in order that what each person is really like may be exposed to view. Then they openly set themselves in opposition to those who are guided by truths and molest them in every possible way; and this is now for them the absolute delight of their life. And when they are warned not to do such things because if they do not desist they will at length be removed completely and thrust down into hell, they nevertheless take no notice at all and carry on constantly with their molestation as before; for such is the strength of the delight they feel in living in accord with falsity. It takes them over so completely that they accept nothing whatever that makes for intelligence. These are the things that are meant by 'the king of Egypt will not allow you to go' and that are represented by Pharaoh's setting himself in opposition so many times. The removal of such spirits and the thrusting down of them into hell is represented by the destruction of Pharaoh and the Egyptians in the Sea Suph.

[3] Those who lead an evil life and are consequently under the influence of falsity see by the light of the world, since it is the light in which a person sees things with his understanding. With those who are under the influence of falsity arising from evil this light is glowing; and the more they are under the influence of falsity arising from evil, the brighter it glows. The glory of the world, which has its origin in self-love, is what ignites it and gives it its glow. This being so, those people see truths in that light as nothing but falsities, and falsities as nothing but truths. The reason for this is that this light's rays cannot be infused with heavenly light; with that kind of light heavenly light becomes thick darkness. This is why such people believe firmly but wrongly in falsities as against truths, for this is how that inferior light leads them to see falsities and truths in relation to each other. With those however who are guided by truths that spring from good the light of the world is not glowing but dim, while the light of heaven is with them brightly shining. And because it is brightly shining, truths in that light look like truths, and falsities like falsities. For when that light falls onto falsities, which look like truths in the light of the world separated from the light of heaven, it does not merely dim them but altogether blots them out. This light - the light of heaven - becomes gradually brighter and brighter with them, till at length it is so bright that the light of the world cannot be compared with it. From all this one may see why those who are steeped in falsities arising from evil set themselves, because of the great strength of their wrong belief, in opposition to those guided by truths, an opposition which has been described just above.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.