




1 ISACCO adunque chiamò Giacobbe, e lo benedisse, e gli comandò, e gli disse: Non prender moglie delle figliuole di Canaan.

2 Levati, vattene in Paddan-aram, alla casa di Betuel, padre di tua madre, e prenditi di là moglie, delle figliuole di Labano, fratello di tua madre.

3 E l’Iddio Onnipotente ti benedica, e ti faccia fruttare, e crescere; talchè tu diventi una raunanza di popoli.

4 E ti dia la benedizione di Abrahamo; a te, ed alla tua progenie teco; acciocchè tu possegga il paese dove sei andato peregrinando, il quale Iddio donò ad Abrahamo.

5 Isacco adunque ne mandò Giacobbe; ed egli si ne andò in Paddan-aram, a Labano, figliuolo di Betuel, Sirio, fratello di Rebecca, madre di Giacobbe e di Esaù.

6 Ed Esaù vide che Isacco avea benedetto Giacobbe, e l’avea mandato in Paddan-aram, acciocchè di là si prendesse moglie; e che, benedicendolo, gli avea vietato e detto: Non prender moglie delle figliuole di Canaan;

7 e che Giacobbe avea ubbidito a suo padre ed a sua madre, e se n’era andato in Paddan-aram.

8 Esaù vedeva, oltre a ciò, che le figliuole di Canaan dispiacevano ad Isacco suo padre.

9 Ed egli andò ad Ismaele, e prese per moglie Mahalat, figliuola d’Ismaele, figliuolo di Abrahamo, sorella di Nebaiot; oltre alle sue altre mogli.

10 OR Giacobbe partì di Beerseba, ed andando in Charan,

11 capitò in un certo luogo, e vi stette la notte; perciocchè il sole era già tramontato, e prese delle pietre del luogo, e le pose per suo capezzale; e giacque in quel luogo.

12 E sognò; ed ecco una scala rizzata in terra, la cui cima giungeva al cielo; ed ecco gli angeli di Dio salivano e scendevano per essa.

13 Ed ecco, il Signore stava al disopra di essa. Ed egli disse: Io sono il Signore Iddio di Abrahamo tuo padre, e l’Iddio d’Isacco; io darò a te, ed alla tua progenie, il paese sopra il quale tu giaci.

14 E la tua progenie sarà come la polvere della terra; e tu ti spanderai verso occidente, e verso oriente, e verso settentrione, e verso mezzodì; e tutte le nazioni della terra saranno benedette in te, e nella tua progenie.

15 Ed ecco, io son teco, e ti guarderò dovunque tu andrai, e ti ricondurrò in questo paese; perciocchè io non ti abbandonerò, finchè io abbia fatto ciò che ti ho detto.

16 E quando Giacobbe si fu risvegliato dal suo sonno, disse: Per certo il Signore è in questo luogo, ed io nol sapeva.

17 E temette, e disse: Quanto è spaventevole questo luogo! questo luogo non è altro che la casa di Dio, e questa è la porta del cielo.

18 E Giacobbe si levò la mattina a buon’ora, e prese la pietra, la quale avea posta per suo capezzale, e ne fece un piliere, e versò dell’olio sopra la sommità di essa.

19 E pose nome a quel luogo Betel; conciossiachè prima il nome di quella città fosse Luz.

20 E Giacobbe fece un voto, dicendo: Se Iddio è meco, e mi guarda in questo viaggio che io fo, e mi del pane da mangiare, e de’ vestimenti da vestirmi;

21 e se io ritorno sano e salvo a casa di mio padre, il Signore sarà il mio Dio.

22 E questa pietra, della quale ho fatto un piliere, sarà una casa di Dio, e del tutto io ti darò la decima di tutto quel che tu mi avrai donato.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#10559



10559. 'And Moses said to Jehovah' means annoyance that the Divine, and so the Church itself, does not reside with them. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' here as annoyance, for it includes what comes after it, this being what he actually said; and what comes after it is an expression of annoyance because the Divine was not willing to reside with them. That being so, the Church would not reside with them to make them more distinguished than all who are on the face of the earth, as is evident from verse 16 below. The reason why Moses' words to Jehovah were an expression of annoyance because of this was that Moses now represents the head of the Israelite nation, see above in 10556; therefore he speaks on behalf of himself and of that nation, for in verse 16 he says 'I and the people'. And since he now represents that nation as its head, the words 'Moses said to Jehovah' mean annoyance, for anyone who is by nature like that nation is annoyed with God if he does not attain his desires.

[2] This is how all whose interest lies in external things devoid of what is internal behave; for if they revere and worship God, and seem to love Him, they do so not for His sake but their own. Their only desire is for pre-eminence over others and greater wealth than others. This burning desire is what moves them to revere, worship, and seemingly love Him. But if they do not obtain the things they desire they forsake God. The fact that that nation was like this is plainly evident from the historical narratives in the Word. The following words spoken by Jacob have a similar meaning,

Jacob made a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and guard me on this road on which I am walking, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, and I come back in peace to my father's house, then Jehovah will be my God. Genesis 28:20-21.

The import of these words is that if he received those things he would acknowledge Jehovah as his God, but if he did not receive them he would not do so. Of such a mind also was the nation descended from him. This explains why that nation forsook Him so many times and worshipped other gods, till at length they were for that reason expelled from the land of Canaan, first the Israelite nation and afterwards the Jewish.

[3] It is evident that the cause of the annoyance referred to above lay in the fact that they would not become more distinguished than all throughout the whole world if Jehovah did not go with them. Another cause of that annoyance was that the Church itself would not exist among them, which follows from this, that being led by Jehovah into the land of Canaan means being made a Church. The reasons for this are that the Church had existed in the land of Canaan since most ancient times, and that the Word could not have been written anywhere else than in that land, thus among the nation that possessed it, and the place where the Word exists is where the Church exists. The Word could not have been written anywhere else than there because all the places throughout the whole of that land, and those around it - the mountains, valleys, rivers, forests, and everything else - had become representative of celestial and spiritual realities, and the literal sense of the Word in both the historical sections and the prophetical parts must of necessity consist of such representative things. It must do so because the interiors of the Word, which are celestial and spiritual, terminate in such things and so to speak rest on them like a house on its foundations. For unless the Word as to its literal sense, which is the last and lowest level of it, rested on those things it would be like a house without foundations. The truth of this is evident from the Word, in that references are made so many times to places in that land, all of which, having become representative, are signs for the realities of heaven and the Church.

[4] All this explains why being led into the land of Canaan means the establishment of the Church and why Moses' annoyance has to do with the same thing, though nothing of that was in his mind.

The Church had existed in the land of Canaan since most ancient times, and for this reason all the places there became representative, see 3686, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517, 5136, 6306, 6516, 8317, 9320, 9325.

For the same reason 'the land of Canaan' in the Word means the Church, in the places referred to in 9325.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.