




1 OR avvenne al tempo di Amrafel re di Sinear, d’Arioc re di Ellasar, di Chedor-laomer re di Elam, e di Tideal re de’ Goi,

2 ch’essi fecero guerra contro a Bera re di Sodoma, e contro a Birsa re di Gomorra, e contro a Sineab re di Adma, e contro a Semeeber re di Seboim, e contro al re di Bela, ch’è Soar.

3 Tutti costoro, fatta lega insieme, si adunarono nella Valle di Siddim, ch’è il mar salato.

4 Essi erano stati soggetti a Chedor-laomer, lo spazio di dodici anni, ed al decimoterzo si erano ribellati.

5 E nell’anno decimoquarto, Chedor-laomer e i re ch’erano con lui erano venuti, ed aveano percossi i Rafei in Asterot-carnaim, e gli Zuzei in Ham, e gli Emei nella pianura di Chiriataim,

6 e gli Horei nelle lor montagne di Seir, fino alla pianura di Paran, ch’è presso al deserto.

7 Poi, rivoltisi, erano venuti in Enmispat, ch’è Cades; ed aveano percosso tutto il territorio degli Amalechiti, ed anche gli Amorrei che dimoravano in Hasason-tamar.

8 E il re di Sodoma, e il re di Gomorra, e il re di Adma, e il re di Seboim, e il re di Bela, ch’è Soar, uscirono, ed ordinarono la battaglia nella Valle di Siddim, contro a questi:

9 contro a Chedor-laomer re di Elam, e Tideal re de’ Goi, ed Amrafel re di Sinear, ed Arioc re di Ellasar; quattro re contro a cinque.

10 Or la valle di Siddim era piena di pozzi di bitume; e i re di Sodoma e di Gomorra si misero in fuga, e cascarono dentro que’ pozzi; e coloro che scamparono fuggirono verso il monte.

11 E quei re presero tutte le ricchezze di Sodoma e di Gomorra, e tutta la lor vittuaglia; poi se ne andarono.

12 Presero ancora Lot figliuol del fratello di Abramo, il quale abitava in Sodoma, e la roba di esso; poi se ne andarono.

13 Ed alcuno ch’era scampato venne e rapportò la cosa ad Abramo Ebreo, il qual dimorava nelle pianure di Mamre Amorreo, fratello di Escol, e fratello di Aner, i quali erano collegati con Abramo.

14 Ed Abramo, com’ebbe inteso che il suo fratello era menato prigione, armò trecendiciotto de’ suoi allievi nati in casa sua, e perseguì coloro fino in Dan.

15 Ed egli, co’ suoi servitori, li assalì di notte da diverse bande, e li sconfisse, e li perseguì fino in Hoba, ch’è dal lato sinistro di Damasco.

16 E ricoverò tutta la roba; riscosse ancora Lot suo fratello, e la sua roba, ed anche le donne, e il popolo.

17 E di poi, come egli se ne ritornava dalla sconfitta di Chedor-laomer e de’ re ch’erano con lui, il re di Sodoma gli uscì incontro nella Valle della pianura, ch’è la Valle del re.

18 E Melchisedec, re di Salem, arrecò pane e vino; or egli era sacerdote dell’Iddio altissimo.

19 E lo benedisse, dicendo: Benedetto sia Abramo, appo l’Iddio altissimo, possessor del cielo e della terra.

20 E benedetto sia l’altissimo Iddio, che ti ha dati i tuoi nemici nelle mani. Ed Abramo gli diede la decima di ogni cosa.

21 E il re di Sodoma disse ad Abramo: Dammi le persone, e prendi per te la roba.

22 Ma Abramo rispose al re di Sodoma: Io ho alzata la mano al Signore Iddio altissimo, possessor del cielo e della terra;

23 se, di tutto ciò ch’è tuo, io prendo pure un filo, od una correggia di scarpa; che talora tu non dica: Io ho arricchito Abramo;

24 salvo sol quello che questi fanti hanno mangiato, e la parte degli uomini che sono andati meco, cioè: Aner, Escol e Mamre; essi prenderanno la lor parte.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#1690



1690. That 'the rest fled to the mountain' means that it did not happen to all of them is clear without explanation from the fact that they had now become 'the rest', who fled away. The subject in the internal sense is the temptations which the Lord underwent in childhood, about which nothing is recorded in the New Testament Word. No temptations are recorded there apart from the temptation in the wilderness, or shortly after He came out of the wilderness, and the last temptation later on in Gethsemane and after that. The fact that the Lord's life from earliest childhood right through to the last hour of His life in the world consisted in constant temptation and constant victory is clear from many places in the Old Testament Word; and the fact that it did not end with His temptation in the wilderness is clear from the following in Luke,

After the devil had ended every temptation he departed from Him for a time. Luke 4:13, as well as from His undergoing temptations right through to His death on the Cross, and so to the last hour of His life in the world. From these considerations it is evident that the whole of the Lord's life in the world from earliest childhood consisted in constant temptation and constant victory. The last was when on the Cross He prayed for His enemies, and so for all people in the whole world.

[2] In the part of the Word where the Lord's life is described - in the Gospels - no other temptation, apart from the last, is mentioned than His temptation in the wilderness. More than this was not disclosed to the disciples; and the things which were disclosed seem in the sense of the letter so slight as to amount to scarcely anything at all. For the things that are said, and the replies that are given, do not seem to constitute any temptation at all; yet in fact His temptation in the wilderness was more severe than the human mind can possibly comprehend and believe. Nobody can know what temptation is except someone who has experienced it. The temptation that is recorded in Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13, incorporates in a summary form all temptations, namely this, that out of His love towards the whole human race He fought against self-love and love of the world, with which the hells were filled completely.

[3] All temptation is an attack against the love present in a person, the degree of temptation depending on the degree of that love. If love is not attacked there is no temptation. Destroying another person's love is destroying his very life, for his love is his life. The Lord's life was love towards the whole human race; indeed it was so great and of such a nature as to be nothing other than pure love. Against this life of His, temptations were directed constantly, and this was happening, as has been stated, from earliest childhood through to His last hour in the world. The love that was the Lord's very life is meant by His being hungry and by the devil's saying,

If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread. And Jesus answered, It is written that man will not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Luke 4:2-4; Matthew 4:2-4.

[4] That He fought against love of the world, or against all that constitutes love of the world, is meant by the devil's taking Him on to a high mountain and showing Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and saying,

To you I will give all this power and their glory, for it has been given to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship before me, it will all be yours. But answering him Jesus said, Get behind Me, satan! for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. Luke 4:5-8; Matthew 4:8-10.

[5] That He fought against self-love, and all that constitutes self-love, is meant by these words,

The devil took Him into the holy city, and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, He will give His angels charge regarding you, and on their hands they will bear you, lest you strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him, Again it is written, You shall not tempt the Lord your God. Matthew 4:5-7; Luke 4:9-12.

Constant victory is meant by the statement that after temptation angels came and ministered to Him, Matthew 4:11; Mark 1:13.

[6] To sum up, the Lord was attacked by all the hells from earliest childhood right through to the last hour of His life in the world. The hells were constantly overpowered, subdued, and vanquished by Him; and this He did solely out of love towards the whole human race. And because this love was not human but Divine, and because the intensity of the love determines that of the temptation, it becomes clear how severe His conflicts were, and on the part of the hells how fierce. That all this was indeed the case I know for sure.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.