




1 LA parola del Signore mi fu ancora indirizzata, dicendo:

2 Figliuol d’uomo, vi erano due donne, figliuole d’una medesima madre,

3 le quali fornicarono in Egitto nella lor giovanezza; quivi furono premute le lor mammelle, e quivi fu compresso il seno della lor verginità.

4 Or i nomi loro sono: Ohola, la maggiore; ed Oholiba, sua sorella; ma esse divennero mie, e mi partorirono figliuoli, e figliuole; ed i lor nomi sono: d’Ohola, Samaria; e d’Oholiba, Gerusalemme.

5 Ed Ohola ha fornicato, ricevendo altri in luogo mio, e si è innamorata de’ suoi amanti, degli Assiri, suoi vicini;

6 vestiti di giacinto, principi, e satrapi, giovani vaghi tutti quanti, cavalieri montati sopra cavalli.

7 E si è abbondonata a fornicar con loro, che erano tutti la scelta de’ figliuoli di Assur; e si è contaminata con tutti gl’idoli di coloro, de’ quali ella si era innamorata.

8 E con tutto ciò, ella non ha lasciate le sue fornicazioni di Egitto; perciocchè gli Egizi erano giaciuti con lei nella sua giovanezza, ed aveano compresso il seno della sua verginità, ed aveano sparse le lor fornicazioni sopra lei.

9 Perciò, io l’ho data in man de’ suoi amanti, in man de’ figliuoli di Assur, de’ quali ella si era innamorata.

10 Essi hanno scoperte le sue vergogne, hanno presi i suoi figliuoli, e le sue figliuole, ed hanno uccisa lei con la spada; ed ella è stata famosa fra le donne, ed essi hanno eseguiti giudicii sopra lei.

11 E la sua sorella Oholiba ha veduto ciò, e si è corrotta ne’ suoi innamoramenti più di lei; e nelle sue fornicazioni, più che la sua sorella nelle sue.

12 Ella si è innamorata de’ figliuoli di Assur, suoi vicini, principi, e satrapi, vestiti perfettamente, cavalieri montati sopra cavalli, giovani vaghi tutti quanti.

13 Ed io ho veduto ch’ella si era contaminata, che amendue seguivano un medesimo procedere.

14 Anzi, che questa ha sopraggiunto alle fornicazioni dell’altra; perciocchè avendo veduti degli uomini ritratti in su la parete, delle immagini di Caldei, dipinte di minio,

15 cinte di cinture sopra i lor lombi, con delle tiare tinte in sul capo, d’aspetto di capitani tutte quante, di’ sembianza di figliuoli di Babilonia, del paese de’ Caldei, lor terra natia,

16 ella se n’è innamorata, per lo sguardo degli occhi suoi, ed ha lor mandati ambasciatori nel paese dei Caldei.

17 Ed i figliuoli di Babilonia son venuti con lei a giacitura amorosa, e l’hanno contaminata con la lor fornicazione, ed ella si è contaminata con loro; e poi l’animo suo si è stolto da loro.

18 Ella adunque ha pubblicate le sue fornicazioni, ed ha scoperte le sue vergogne; laonde l’animo mio si è stolto da lei, siccome si era stolto dalla sua sorella.

19 E pure anch’ella ha accresciute le sue fornificazioni, ricordandosi dei giorni della sua giovanezza, quando fornicava nel paese di Egitto;

20 e si è innamorata degli Egizi, più che le lor concubine stesse; perciocchè la lor carne è carne d’asini, e il lor flusso è flusso di cavalli.

21 Così tu sei tornata alla scelleratezza della tua fanciullezza, quando le tue mammelle furon compresse dagli Egizi, a cagione de’ tuoi seni di fanciulla.

22 Perciò, Oholiba, così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Ecco, io eccito contro a te i tuoi amanti, da’ quali l’animo tuo si è stolto; e li farò venire sopra te d’ogni intorno.

23 Cioè: i figliuoli di Babilonia, e tutti i Caldei; que’ di Pecod, di Soa, di Coa, e tutti i figliuoli di Assur con loro, giovani vaghi, principi, e satrapi, tutti quanti; capitani, ed uomini famosi, montati sopra cavalli tutti quanti.

24 E verranno contro a te con carri, con carrette, e con ruote, e con gran raunata di genti; porranno contro a te d’ogn’intorno scudi, e targhe, ed elmi; ed io metterò in lor potere il far giudicio, ed essi ti giudicheranno de’ lor giudicii.

25 Ed io eseguirò la mia gelosia contro a te, ed essi opereranno inverso te con ira; ti taglieranno il naso, e gli orecchi, e ciò che di te sarà rimasto caderà per la spada; prenderanno i tuoi figliuoli, e le tue figliuole; e il tuo rimanente sarà consumato per lo fuoco.

26 E ti spoglieranno dei tuoi vestimenti, e rapiranno gli ornamenti della tua magnificenza.

27 Ed io farò venir meno in te la tua scelleratezza, e la tua fornicazione, nel paese di Egitto; e tu non leverai più gli occhi a loro, e non ricorderai più l’Egitto.

28 Perciocchè, così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Ecco, io ti do in man di coloro che tu odii: in man di coloro da’ quali l’animo tuo si è stolto.

29 Ed essi procederanno teco con odio, e rapiranno tutti i tuoi beni, e ti lasceranno ignuda, e scoperta; e sarà palesata la turpitudine delle tue fornicazioni, e la tua scelleratezza, e le tue prostituzioni.

30 Io ti farò queste cose, perciocchè tu hai fornicato dietro alle genti; perciocchè tu ti sei contaminata co’ loro idoli.

31 Tu sei camminata nella via della tua sorella; io altresì ti darò in mano la sua coppa.

32 Così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Tu berrai la coppa profonda, e larga, della tua sorella; tu sarai in derisione, ed in ischerno; quella coppa sarà di gran capacità.

33 Tu sarai ripiena di ebbrezza, e di affanno, per la coppa della desolazione, e del disertamento, per la coppa di Samaria, tua sorella.

34 E tu la berrai, e la succerai, e ne spezzerai i testi, e ti strapperai le mammelle; perciocchè io ho parlato, dice il Signore Iddio.

35 Perciò così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Perciocchè tu mi hai dimenticato, e mi hai gettato dietro alle spalle, tu altresì porta la tua scelleratezza, e le tue fornicazioni.

36 Poi il Signore mi disse: Figliuol d’uomo, non giudicherai tu Ohola, ed Oholiba? or dichiara loro le loro abbominazioni.

37 Perciocchè han commesso adulterio, e vi è del sangue nelle lor mani, ed han commesso adulterio co’ loro idoli; ed anche han fatti passar per lo fuoco i lor figliuoli, i quali mi aveano partoriti, per consumarli.

38 Ancor questo mi han fatto: in quel medesimo giorno hanno contaminato il mio santuario, ed han profanati i miei sabati.

39 E dopo avere scannati i lor figliuoli a’ loro idoli, son venute in quel medesimo giorno nel mio santuario, per profanarlo; ed ecco, così han fatto dentro della mia Casa.

40 Ed oltre a ciò, han mandato ad uomini, vegnenti di lontano, i quali, tosto che il messo è stato loro mandato, son venuti; ed alla giunta loro, tu ti sei lavata, tu ti sei lisciato il viso, e ti sei adorna di ornamenti.

41 E ti sei posta a sedere sopra un letto magnifico, davanti al quale era una tavola apparecchiata; e sopra quella tu hai posti i miei profumi, ed i miei olii odoriferi.

42 Quivi è stato uno strepito di moltitudine sollazzante; ed oltre agli uomini della turba del popolazzo, sono stati introdotti degli ubriachi del deserto; i quali han poste delle maniglie in su le mani di quelle due donne, ed una corona di gloria sopra le lor teste.

43 Ed io ho detto di quella, invecchiata in adulterii: Ora fornicheranno essi con lei a suo modo.

44 Altri dunque è venuto a lei, come si viene ad una meretrice; così son venuti coloro ad Ohola, e ad Oholiba, donne scellerate.

45 Perciò, gli uomini giusti le giudicheranno, come si giudicano le adultere, e quelle che spandono il sangue; conciossiachè esse sieno adultere, ed abbiano del sangue nelle lor mani.

46 Perciocchè, così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Io fo venir contro a loro una gran raunata di genti, e le metterò in turbamento ed in preda.

47 E quella raunata le lapiderà con pietre, e le taglierà a pezzi con le sue spade; ucciderà i lor figliuoli, e le lor figliuole, e brucerà le lor case col fuoco.

48 Ed io farò cessar la scelleratezza nel paese; e tutte le donne saranno ammaestrate a non fare secondo le vostre scelleratezze.

49 E coloro vi metteranno la vostra scelleratezza addosso; e voi porterete i peccati de’ vostri idoli, e conoscerete che io sono il Signore Iddio.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#9434



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Many thanks to Fondazione Swedenborg for making this translating publicly available.



Apocalypse Explained#539



539. And there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, signifies dense falsities therefrom out of the evils of earthly and corporeal loves. This is evident from the signification of "smoke," as being the falsity of evil (of which presently); from the signification of "the pit of the abyss," as being the hell where those are who have falsified the Word (respecting which see above, n. 537; and from the signification of "a great furnace," as being the evils of earthly and corporeal loves out of which such falsities break forth (of which in the following article). "Smoke" signifies the falsity of evil, because it proceeds from fire, and "fire" signifies the loves of self and the world and thence all evils; consequently the hells that are in falsities from the evils of those loves, and still more the hells where those are who have falsified the Word by adapting it to favor those loves, appear in a fire like that of a great furnace, from which a dense smoke mingled with fire goes up. I have also seen those hells, and it was evident that it was the loves with those who were in them that presented the appearance of such a fire, and the falsities flowing forth from those loves that presented the appearance of the fiery smoke. But there is no such appearance to those who are therein, for they are in these loves and in the falsities therefrom, their life is in them, and it is by these that they are tormented in many ways, and not by such fire and smoke as are in our natural world. (This can be seen better in the chapter in the work on Heaven and Hell 566-575, which treats of Infernal Fire and the Gnashing of Teeth.)

[2] That "smoke" signifies the dense falsity that flows forth from evil can be seen from the following passages. In Moses:

Abraham looked upon the faces of Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon all the faces of the land of the plain, and he saw, and lo, the smoke of the land went up as the smoke of a furnace (Genesis 19:28).

"Sodom and Gomorrah" in the spiritual sense mean those who are altogether in the loves of self; therefore the smoke that Abraham saw rising from their land after the burning, signifies the dense falsity pertaining to those who are altogether in the love of self; for those who love themselves supremely are in the thickest darkness in respect to things spiritual and celestial, for they are merely natural and sensual, and are wholly separated from heaven; and then they not only deny Divine things, but they think out falsities by which to destroy them. These falsities are what are signified by the "smoke" seen rising from Sodom and Gomorrah.

[3] In the same:

And the sun went down, and there was dense darkness, and behold a furnace of smoke, and a torch of fire that passed through between those pieces (Genesis 15:17).

This was said of Abraham's posterity from Jacob, as can be seen from what precedes in that chapter; "the sun went down" signifies the last time, when consummation takes place; "and there was dense darkness" signifies when evil takes the place of good and falsity the place of truth; "behold a furnace of smoke" signifies the densest falsity from evils; "a torch of fire" signifies the heat of cupidities; "it passed through between the pieces" signifies that these separated them from the Lord. (But this may be seen more fully explained in Arcana Coelestia 1858-1862.)

[4] In the same:

Moses made the people to go forth from the camp to meet God; and they stood in the lower parts of the mount. And Mount Sinai smoked, the whole of it, because Jehovah descended upon it in fire; and the smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked exceedingly (Exodus 19:17, 18);

And all the people saw the voices and the torches, and the voice of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and the people saw, and they were moved and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us and we will hear, but let not God speak with us lest we die (Exodus 20:18, 19).

This represented the quality of that people; for Jehovah, that is, the Lord, appears to everyone according to his quality; to those who are in truths from good He appears as a serene light, but to those who are in falsities from evil as smoke from fire. And because that people was in earthly and corporeal loves, and in falsities of evil therefrom, the Lord appeared to them from Mount Sinai as a devouring fire, and as the smoke of a furnace. (That the sons of Jacob were such has been shown in many places in the Arcana Coelestia, as may be seen from what is brought together in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248; and that the Lord appears to everyone according to his quality, as a vivifying and recreating fire to those who are in good, and as a consuming fire to those who are in evil, see Arcana Coelestia 934, 1861, 6832, 8814, 8819, 9434, 10551; what the other particulars in the passages cited signify may be seen in the same work where the book of Exodus is explained.)

[5] "Smoke and fire" have a like signification in David:

Because He was wroth there went up a smoke out of His nostrils, and fire out of His mouth devoured, coals burned from Him; He bowed heaven also and came down; and gross darkness was under His feet (Psalms 18:7-9; 2 Samuel 22:8, 9).

This does not mean that smoke and a devouring fire went up from Jehovah, for there is no anger in Him; but it is so said because the Lord so appears to those who are in falsities and evils, for they regard Him from their falsities and evils.

[6] The like is signified by the following in the same:

He looketh on the earth and it trembleth; He toucheth the mountains and they smoke (Psalms 104:32).

In the same:

Bow Thy heavens, O Jehovah, and come down; touch the mountains, that they may smoke (Psalms 144:5).

In Isaiah:

Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou whole Philistia art dissolved; for from the north cometh a smoke (14 Isaiah 14:31).

"Gate" signifies truth introducing into the church, "city" doctrine, "Philistia" faith; therefore "Howl, O gate, cry, O city, thou whole Philistia art dissolved," signifies the vastation of the church in respect to the truth of doctrine, and thence in respect to faith. The "north" signifies the hell where and from which are the falsities of doctrine and the falsities of faith, and "smoke" such falsities; therefore "from the north cometh smoke" signifies devastating falsity out of the hells.

[7] In Nahum:

Behold, I will burn her chariot with smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions (Nahum 2:13).

This, too, treats of the devastation of the church; and "to burn a chariot with smoke" signifies to pervert all truths of doctrine into falsities, "smoke" meaning falsities, and "chariot" doctrine; and "the sword shall devour thy young lions" signifies that falsities will destroy the chief truths of the church, "young lions" meaning the chief and protecting truths of the church, and "sword" meaning falsity destroying truth.

[8] In Joel:

I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth; blood and fire and columns of smoke (Joel 2:30).

This is said of the Last Judgment; and "blood, fire, and columns of smoke," signify the truth of the Word falsified, its good adulterated, and mere falsities resulting therefrom, "blood" meaning the truth of the Word falsified, "fire" its good adulterated, and "columns of smoke" mere and dense falsities therefrom.

[9] In David:

The wicked shall perish, and the enemies of Jehovah as the glory of lambs shall be consumed, in smoke shall they be consumed (Psalms 37:20).

"The wicked and the enemies of Jehovah shall be consumed in smoke" signifies that they shall be destroyed by the falsities of evil; those are called "wicked" who are in falsities, and "enemies" who are in evils, and "smoke" means the falsity of evil.

[10] In the same:

As smoke is driven away Thou wilt drive away; as wax melteth before the fire the wicked shall perish before God (Psalms 68:2).

The destruction of the wicked is compared to smoke driven away by the wind, and to wax that melts before the fire, because "smoke" signifies falsities, and "fire" evils.

[11] In Isaiah:

The heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment (Isaiah 51:6).

"Smoke" here signifies falsity, by which those who were in the former heaven would be destroyed; and "the garment waxing old" signifies truth destroyed by the falsities of evil. Comparison is made with smoke vanishing away, and with a garment waxing old, because comparisons in the Word are also correspondences, and in like manner significative.

[12] In Hosea:

They sin more and more, and make them a molten image of their silver, idols in their understanding, all of it the work of the artificers; therefore they shall be as a morning cloud, and as the dew falling early and going away, it is driven by a whirlwind out of the threshing-floor, and like smoke out of a chimney (Hosea 13:2, 3).

This describes the doctrinals that are from self-intelligence, in which are the evils of falsity and the falsities of evil. Such doctrinals are signified by "molten images of silver," and by "idols;" their "silver" signifies what is from self-intelligence, and the "work of the artificers" that intelligence; it is therefore added "in their understanding they have made them idols, all of it the work of the artificers." That such doctrinals, being falsities, would pass away, is signified by "they shall pass away like smoke out of a chimney." It is also said "as a morning cloud, and as the dew falling early, and as [chaff] out of the threshing-floor," because the church in its beginning is like a morning cloud, like dew falling early, and like corn in the threshing-floor, by which are signified the truths of good and the goods of truths, which nevertheless successively pass away and are changed into the falsities of evil and into the evils of falsity.

[13] "Smoke" also signifies falsity in other passages in Revelation, as in the following:

Out of the mouth of the horses went forth fire and smoke and brimstone; and by these was the third part of men slain, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone (Revelation 9:17, 18).

The smoke of their torment goeth up unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 14:11).

And again:

The smoke of Babylon goeth up unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 19:3).

[14] Because "fire" signifies love in both senses, both celestial love and infernal love, and therefore "smoke" signifies that which flows forth from love-falsity, which is from infernal love, and truth, which is from heavenly love-therefore "smoke" signifies in a good sense holy truth. This is what "smoke from the fire of the incense-offerings" signifies, as may be seen above (n. 494), as also in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah will create over every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and over her convocations, a cloud by day and a smoke and the brightness of a flame of fire by night; for over all the glory shall be a veiling (Isaiah 4:5).

(This may be seen explained above, n. 294, 504.) In the same:

The posts of the thresholds were moved at the voice of the crying seraphim, and the house was filled with smoke (Isaiah 6:4).

In Revelation:

The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power (Revelation 15:8).

And again:

The smoke of the incense-offerings with the prayers of the saints ascended out of the angel's hand before God (Revelation 8:4).


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.