




1 A tizedik esztendõben, a tizedik hónapban, a hónap tizenkettedikén lõn az Úr beszéde hozzám, mondván:

2 Embernek fia! vesd tekintetedet a Faraóra, Égyiptom királyára, és prófétálj ellene és egész Égyiptom ellen.

3 Szólj és mondjad: Így szól az Úr Isten: Ímé, én ellened [megyek,] Faraó, Égyiptom királya, te nagy krokodil, a ki fekszik folyói közepette, a ki ezt mondja: Enyém az én folyóm, és én teremtettem magamnak.

4 És horgokat vetek szádba, és azt cselekszem, hogy folyóid halai odaragadjanak pikkelyeidhez, és kivonszlak folyóid közepébõl, és folyóid minden halait, melyek odaragadnak pikkelyeidhez.

5 És kivetlek a pusztába téged és folyóid minden halát; a mezõ színére esel; egybe nem szedetel s nem gyûjtetel; a földi vadaknak s az égi madaraknak adlak eledelül.

6 És megtudják mindnyájan Égyiptom lakói, hogy én vagyok az Úr. Mivelhogy õk nádszál-bot valának Izráel házának;

7 Melyet ha megfognak kezökkel, összetörsz, s felhasítod egész vállokat, és ha reád támaszkodnak, összeroppansz, s megrázod egész derekokat:

8 Ezokáért így szól az Úr Isten: Ímé, hozok ellened fegyvert, és kivágok belõled embert és barmot.

9 És legyen Égyiptom földje pusztasággá és sivataggá, és megtudják, hogy én vagyok az Úr. Mivelhogy azt mondja: A folyó enyém, és én teremtettem:

10 Ezokáért ímé, én ellened [megyek,] és folyóid ellen, és teszem Égyiptom földjét nagy pusztaságok pusztaságává Migdoltól fogva Siénéig, és Szerecsenország határáig.

11 Ne menjen át azon emberi láb, se baromi láb ne menjen át rajta, és ne lakják negyven esztendeig.

12 És adom Égyiptom földjét pusztaságra az elpusztult földek között, s városai lesznek az elpusztult városok közt pusztaságban negyven esztendeig, és eloszlatom az égyiptomiakat a nemzetek közé, s szétszórom õket a tartományokba.

13 Mert így szól az Úr Isten: Negyven esztendõ múlva egybegyûjtöm az égyiptomiakat a népek közül, kik közé szétszórattak.

14 És visszahozom Égyiptom foglyait s visszaviszem õket Pathrós földjére, az õ eredetök földjére, és ott lesznek alacsony királyság.

15 A [többi] királyságokhoz képest alacsony lészen s többé nem emeli magát a nemzetek fölé; és megkevesbítem õket, hogy el ne tapodják a nemzeteket.

16 És nem lesz többé Izráel házának bizodalma, mely vétekre emlékeztessen [engem,] midõn feléje hajlanak, és megtudják, hogy én vagyok az Úr Isten.

17 És lõn a huszonhetedik esztendõben, az elsõ hónapban, a hónap elsején, lõn az Úr beszéde hozzám, mondván:

18 Embernek fia! Nabukodonozor Babilon királya nagy fáradsággal fárasztotta seregét Tírus ellen: minden fõ megkopaszult és minden váll feltört; de jutalma nem lõn néki és seregének Tírusból a fáradságért, a melylyel miatta fáradott.

19 Ennekokáért így szól az Úr Isten: Ímé, én Nabukodonozornak a babiloni királynak adom Égyiptom földjét, és elviszi gazdagságát, s elragadja ragadományát, s elprédálja prédáját, és [ez] lesz jutalma seregének.

20 Fizetésül, a melyért fáradott, adom néki Égyiptom földjét, mert értem cselekedtek, ezt mondja az Úr Isten.

21 Azon a napon szarvat sarjasztok Izráel házának, és a te szádat megnyitom közöttök, és megtudják, hogy én vagyok az Úr.




Apocalypse Explained#557



557. And they had breast-plates, as it were breast-plates of iron.- That this signifies the persuasions with which they gird themselves for combats, against which the truths of the spiritual rational man do not prevail, is evident from the signification of breast-plates, or coats of mail, which denote defences against evils and falsities in combats, but here defences of evils and falsities against goods and truths, because the subject treated of has reference to those who are in falsities of evil against truths. Persuasions are here signified by breast-plates, because sensual men, who are in the falsities of evil, and who are here described, do not fight from reason against truths, for they do not see truths but only falsities, and therefore they are in the persuasion that falsities are truths, consequently they fight solely from the persuasion of falsity, and this persuasion with them is of such a nature, that the truths which the spiritual-rational man brings forth are of no avail, for they are repelled as a sword from a breast-plate or coat of mail. Hence by breast-plates as it were breast-plates of iron, are signified persuasions against which truths do not prevail. That the persuasive influence with sensual men is of such an infatuating and suffocating nature, that the spiritual Rational cannot prevail against it, may be seen above (n. 544, 549, 556). Moreover, breast-plates, or coats of mail, cover that part of the body which is called the breast, or thorax, which signifies the spiritual affection for truth. All affection also is indicated in the tone of the voice, which together with the speech goes forth from the breast. But those signified by locusts, and who are sensual men that are in falsities, have no other affection than the affection of the love of self. This affection is full of self-confidence and of the persuasion that their falsity is the truth, and because this is indicated in the tone of the voice which together with the speech goes forth from the breast, therefore the locusts appeared in breast-plates which were as breast-plates of iron. Iron also signifies truth in ultimates, and also what is false there, and at the same time hard; and the persuasive power therein, causes the falsity to be so hard that the truths opposed to it rebound, as though they were of no account or avail. Because the persuasion of sensual men, who are in falsities from self-confidence, is of such a nature, and with spirits is so powerful, as to suffocate and extinguish the Rational of other spirits with whom they converse, therefore in the world of spirits it is severely prohibited, and those who make use of it are sent amongst spirits where they are harassed even to swooning by persuasions still stronger from other spirits, and this until they desist.

[2] Since breast-plates, or coats of mail, were used in wars, and to put them on signified to gird themselves for war and thus to fight, therefore, in the Word, they who were girt for battle are said to put on coats of mail.

Thus in Jeremiah:

"Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen; and stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on coats of mail" (46:4).

By these words is not meant the combat of one army against another, but the combat of the spiritual-rational man against the natural man, who, from scientifics falsely applied, fights against truths and goods. For the subject here treated of is the army of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, whom the king of Babylon smote, and by Pharaoh king of Egypt is meant the natural man, and by the king of Babylon near Euphrates is meant the spiritual-rational man, wherefore, Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen, and stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on the coats of mail, signifies such things as relate to the combat of the spiritual-rational man against the natural man who is in falsities. Horses denote those things that pertain to the understanding, the chariots to which they are harnessed, those things that pertain to doctrine. Horsemen denote the intelligent, helmets things pertaining to reason, spears truths combating, and the coats of mail the might and strength of combating and resisting; these are denoted by the coats of mail, because they gird the breast, and all the strength to combat and resist is from the breast by means of the arms.

[3] Again, in the same prophet:

"Against Babel let him bend, let the archer bend his bow, against [her] he will lift himself up in his coat of mail" (51:3).

Here also the coat of mail is used for the power of combating and resisting.

So in Isaiah:

"He put on justice as a coat of mail, and a helmet of salvation upon his head" (59:17).

These words treat of the Lord, and of the subjugation of the hells by Him. His putting on justice as a coat of mail, signifies His zeal to deliver the faithful from hell, and the Divine Love of saving the human race. And since it was from the zeal of Divine Love, and the power thence, that the Lord fought and conquered, therefore His justice is called a coat of mail. But the helmet of salvation signifies the Divine Truth from the Divine Good, by means of which there is salvation, for a helmet signifies the same as the head, because it is put on the head. That the head, when used in reference to the Lord, signifies the Divine Truth and the Divine Wisdom, will be seen in the following pages.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.