

2 Mose第33章



1 Und Jehova redete zu Mose: Gehe ziehe hinauf von hinnen, du und das Volk, das du aus dem Lande Ägypten heraufgeführt hast, in das Land, das ich Abraham, Isaak und Jakob zugeschworen habe, indem ich sprach: Deinem Samen werde ich es geben! -

2 Und ich werde einen Engel vor dir hersenden und vertreiben die Kanaaniter, die Amoriter und die Hethiter und die Perisiter, die Hewiter und die Jebusiter, -

3 in ein Land, das von Milch und Honig fließt; denn ich werde nicht in deiner Mitte hinaufziehen, denn du bist ein hartnäckiges Volk, daß ich dich nicht vernichte auf dem Wege.

4 Und als das Volk dieses böse Wort hörte, da trauerten sie, und keiner legte seinen Schmuck an.

5 Denn Jehova hatte zu Mose gesagt: Sprich zu den Kindern Israel: Ihr seid ein hartnäckiges Volk; zöge ich nur einen Augenblick in deiner Mitte hinauf, so würde ich dich vernichten. Und nun, lege deinen Schmuck von dir, und ich werde wissen, was ich dir tun will.

6 Und die Kinder Israel rissen sich ihren Schmuck ab an dem Berge Horeb.

7 Und Mose nahm das Zelt und schlug es sich auf außerhalb des Lagers, fern vom Lager, und nannte es: Zelt der Zusammenkunft. Und es geschah, ein jeder, der Jehova suchte, ging hinaus zu dem Zelte der Zusammenkunft, das außerhalb des Lagers war.

8 Und es geschah, wenn Mose zu dem Zelte hinausging, so erhob sich das ganze Volk, und sie standen, ein jeder am Eingang seines Zeltes; und sie schauten Mose nach, bis er in das Zelt trat.

9 Und es geschah, wenn Mose in das Zelt trat, so stieg die Wolkensäule hernieder und stand am Eingang des Zeltes; und Jehova redete mit Mose.

10 Und das ganze Volk sah die Wolkensäule am Eingang des Zeltes stehen; und das ganze Volk erhob sich, und sie warfen sich nieder, ein jeder am Eingang seines Zeltes.

11 Und Jehova redete mit Mose von Angesicht zu Angesicht, wie ein Mann mit seinem Freunde redet; und er kehrte zum Lager zurück. Sein Diener aber, Josua, der Sohn Nuns, ein Jüngling, wich nicht aus dem Innern des Zeltes.

12 Und Mose sprach zu Jehova: Siehe, du sprichst zu mir: Führe dieses Volk hinauf, aber du hast mich nicht wissen lassen, wen du mit mir senden willst. Und du hast doch gesagt: Ich kenne dich mit Namen, und du hast auch Gnade gefunden in meinen Augen.

13 Und nun, wenn ich denn Gnade gefunden habe in deinen Augen, so laß mich doch deinen Weg wissen, daß ich dich erkenne, damit ich Gnade finde in deinen Augen; und sieh, daß diese Nation dein Volk ist!

14 Und er sprach: Mein Angesicht wird mitgehen, und ich werde dir Ruhe geben.

15 Und er sprach zu ihm: Wenn dein Angesicht nicht mitgeht, so führe uns nicht hinauf von hinnen.

16 Und woran soll es denn erkannt werden, daß ich Gnade gefunden habe in deinen Augen, ich und dein Volk? Nicht daran, daß du mit uns gehst und wir ausgesondert werden, ich und dein Volk, aus jedem Volke, das auf dem Erdboden ist?

17 Und Jehova sprach zu Mose: Auch dieses, was du gesagt hast, werde ich tun; denn du hast Gnade gefunden in meinen Augen, und ich kenne dich mit Namen.

18 Und er sprach: Laß mich doch deine Herrlichkeit sehen!

19 Und Jehova sprach: Ich werde alle meine Güte vor deinem Angesicht vorübergehen lassen und werde den Namen Jehovas vor dir ausrufen; und ich werde begnadigen, wen ich begnadigen werde, und werde mich erbarmen, wessen ich mich erbarmen werde.

20 Und er sprach: Du vermagst nicht mein Angesicht zu sehen, denn nicht kann ein Mensch mich sehen und leben.

21 Und Jehova sprach: Siehe, es ist ein Ort bei mir, da sollst du auf dem Felsen stehen.

22 Und es wird geschehen, wenn meine Herrlichkeit vorübergeht, so werde ich dich in die Felsenkluft stellen und meine Hand über dich decken, bis ich vorübergegangen bin.

23 Und ich werde meine Hand hinwegtun, und du wirst mich von hinten sehen; aber mein Angesicht soll nicht gesehen werden.




Arcana Coelestia#10453



10453. 'And the tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets' means the outward sense of the Word and the inward - which come from the Divine - and Divine Truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the tablets' as the Word in its entirety, dealt with immediately above in 10452, but at this point the outward form of the Word, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'the work of God' as its coming from the Divine; from the meaning of 'the writing' as the inward form of the Word, also dealt with below, so that 'the writing of God' is the inward form of the Word coming from the Divine, and thus is Divine Truth; and from the meaning of 'engraved on the tablets' as the inward impressed on and so contained within the outward.

[2] The reason why the tablets here mean the outward form of the Word is that they are distinguished here from the writing, which is its inward form; but when they are not distinguished from the writing they mean the inward and the outward forms of the Word together, thus the Word in its entirety, as above in 10452. They are distinguished here because these tablets were broken, but nevertheless the same words were afterwards inscribed by Jehovah on the other tablets which were hewn by Moses. The outward form of the Word is its literal sense, the inward form is its internal sense. The former - the literal sense - is meant by 'the tablets', because this sense is like a tablet or level surface on which the internal sense is inscribed.

[3] The breaking by Moses of the tablets which were the work of God, when he saw the calf and the dances, and the hewing by Moses, as commanded by Jehovah, of other tablets, which then had the same words inscribed on them (so that the tablets were no longer the work of God but the work of Moses, though the writing was still the writing of God), hold an arcanum unknown up to now. The arcanum is that the literal sense of the Word would have been different if the Word had been written among another people, or if the character of the Israelite people had not been such as it was. For the literal sense of the Word is all about that people since the Word was written among them, as is evident from both the historical sections and the prophetical parts of the Word. They were a people steeped in evil because they were idolatrous at heart; yet in order that the internal sense and the external sense might be in agreement that people had to be highly acclaimed, and to be called God's people, a holy nation, and a peculiar treasure. Consequently the simple, who would be taught by means of the outward sense of the Word, would believe that that nation was all those things, as that nation itself also believes, and indeed as the majority in the Christian world do at the present day. Most of the things furthermore that present themselves in and constitute the outward sense of the Word were ones that were permitted on account of their hardness of heart, such as those referred to in Matthew 19:8 and also others which need not be mentioned here.

[4] Since therefore the literal sense of the Word came to be what it was because of what those people were like, the tablets which were the work of God were broken and others, as commanded by Jehovah, were hewn by Moses. But since they nevertheless had the same holy and Divine content within them the same words as were on the first tablets were inscribed by Jehovah on them, as is evident from the following verses in Moses,

Jehovah said to Moses, Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. And Jehovah wrote on those tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words. Exodus 34:1, 4, 28.

And elsewhere,

At that time Jehovah said to me, Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. And Jehovah wrote on the tablets according to the first writing, the Ten Words. Afterwards Jehovah gave them to me. Deuteronomy 10:1-4.

[5] The fact that Jehovah did not acknowledge that people as His own people - even though they were called such so that the inward sense would accord with the outward - but as Moses' people is clear from the present chapter,

Your people have corrupted themselves, whom you caused to come up out of the land of Egypt. Go! lead the people to what I have spoken of to you. Exodus 32:7, 34.

And further on,

And Jehovah spoke to Moses, Go up, you and the people whom you have caused to come up out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I will send an angel before you, for I will not go up in your midst because you 1 are a stiff-necked people. Exodus 33:1-3.

[6] The like is meant by Moses' being put in the hole of the rock, and his not being allowed to see Jehovah's face, but only His back parts, Exodus 33:22-23. The like is also meant, when the skin on Moses' face shone, by his putting a veil onto his face whenever he talked to the children of Israel, Exodus 34:30-35. What the character of that people would be is foretold by Jehovah to Abram, when he wanted his seed to inherit the land of Canaan, where it is stated that after Abram had parted down the middle the three year old heifer, the three year old she-goat, and the three year old ram, which served for entering into a covenant,

A deep sleep came over Abram, and behold, a dread of a great darkness was coming over him. And when the sun went down there was thick darkness, and behold, a smoking furnace, and a flaming torch which passed between these pieces. Genesis 15:8, 9, 12, 17.


1. The Latin means that [people] but the Hebrew means you, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.