

1 Mose第15章



1 Nach diesen Dingen geschah das Wort Jehovas zu Abram in einem Gesicht also: Fürchte dich nicht, Abram; ich bin dir ein Schild, dein sehr großer Lohn.

2 Und Abram sprach: Herr, Jehova, was willst du mir geben? Ich gehe ja kinderlos dahin, und der Erbe (W. der Sohn des Besitzes) meines Hauses, das ist Elieser von Damaskus.

3 Und Abram sprach: Siehe, mir hast du keinen Samen gegeben, und siehe, der Sohn meines Hauses (d. h. mein Hausgeborener) wird mich beerben.

4 Und siehe, das Wort Jehovas geschah zu ihm also: Nicht dieser wird dich beerben, sondern der aus deinem Leibe hervorgehen wird, der wird dich beerben.

5 Und er führte ihn hinaus und sprach: Blicke doch gen Himmel und zähle die Sterne, wenn du sie zählen kannst! Und er sprach zu ihm: Also wird dein Same sein!

6 Und er glaubte Jehova; und er rechnete es ihm zur Gerechtigkeit.

7 Und er sprach zu ihm: Ich bin Jehova, der dich herausgeführt hat aus Ur in Chaldäa, um dir dieses Land zu geben, es zu besitzen.

8 Und er sprach: Herr, Jehova, woran soll ich erkennen, daß ich es besitzen werde?

9 Da sprach er zu ihm: Hole mir eine dreijährige Färse und eine dreijährige Ziege und einen dreijährigen Widder und eine Turteltaube und eine junge Taube.

10 Und er holte ihm diese alle und zerteilte sie in der Mitte und legte die Hälfte eines jeden der anderen gegenüber; aber das Geflügel zerteilte er nicht.

11 Und die aubvögel stürzten auf die Äser herab; und Abram scheuchte sie hinweg.

12 Und es geschah, als die Sonne untergehen wollte, da fiel ein tiefer Schlaf auf Abram; und siehe, Schrecken, dichte Finsternis überfiel ihn.

13 Und er sprach zu Abram: Gewißlich sollst du wissen, daß dein Same ein Fremdling sein wird in einem Lande, das nicht das ihre ist; und sie werden ihnen dienen, und sie werden sie bedrücken vierhundert Jahre.

14 Aber ich werde die Nation auch richten, welcher sie dienen werden; und danach werden sie ausziehen mit großer Habe.

15 Und du, du wirst zu deinen Vätern eingehen in Frieden, wirst begraben werden in gutem Alter.

16 Und im vierten Geschlecht werden sie hierher zurückkehren; denn die Ungerechtigkeit der Amoriter (Die Amoriter stehen hier und anderswo, als Hauptvolk des Landes, für alle Kanaaniter) ist bis hierher noch nicht voll.

17 Und es geschah, als die Sonne untergegangen und dichte Finsternis geworden war, siehe da, ein rauchender Ofen und eine Feuerflamme, die zwischen jenen Stücken hindurchfuhr. (Vergl. Jer. 34,18. 19)

18 An selbigem Tage machte Jehova einen Bund mit Abram und sprach: Deinem Samen gebe ich dieses Land vom Strome Ägyptens bis an den großen Strom, den Strom Phrath:

19 die Keniter und die Kenisiter und die Kadmoniter

20 und die Hethiter und die Perisiter und die ephaim,

21 und die Amoriter und die Kanaaniter und die Girgasiter und die Jebusiter.




Arcana Coelestia#1802



1802. 'Saying, This man will not be your heir' means that that which is external will not be the heir of His kingdom. This is clear from the meaning of 'becoming the heir' or 'inheriting', dealt with already just above. The heir to the Lord's kingdom is not that which is external but that which is internal. Yet that which is external is heir as well, but only through that which is internal, for the two in that case act as one. To understand what is implied by this, one needs to keep in mind the thought that all who are in the heavens, including those in the first and in the second heavens as well as those in the third, that is, including those who are external and those who are more interior as well as those who are internal angels, are the heirs of the Lord's kingdom; for they all constitute one heaven. In the Lord's heavens internal things stand in relation to external exactly as they do with man. Angels in the first heaven are subordinate to angels in the second; and these in turn are subordinate to angels in the third. That subordination however is not one of command, but, as in man, is an influx of internal things into more external; that is to say, the Lord's life is flowing through the third heaven into the second, and through this into the first - through all the heavens in their ordered sequence, as well as into every individual heaven directly. The lower angels, or those in a subordinate position, are not aware that this is so unless they are given to reflect on it by the Lord; thus their subordination is not one involving command.

[2] Insofar as that which is internal resides in an angel of the third heaven he is an heir of the Lord's kingdom; also, insofar as that which is internal resides in an angel of the second heaven he too is an heir; and in a like manner, insofar as that which is internal resides in an angel of the first heaven he is an heir as well. It is the internal that makes each of them an heir. With angels who are more internal that which is internal exists in greater measure than with those who are more external, and therefore they are nearer to the Lord and the more His heirs. That which is internal is love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour. In the measure that they have love and charity therefore they are sons and heirs, for in the same measure they inherit the Lord's life.

[3] But no one can possibly be brought from the first or external heaven into the second or more interior heaven until he has been taught the goods of love and the truths of faith. Insofar as he is taught these he is able to be brought to and to enter the company of angelic spirits. Something similar must occur before these angelic spirits are able to be brought to or to enter into the third heaven, that is, into the company of angels. By means of such teaching, more interior and then internal things are formed, and are made suitable to receive the goods of love and truths of faith, and so to receive the perception of what is good and true. No one is able to see with perception what he does not know and believe. Thus no one can be granted an ability to see perceptively any good of love or truth of faith except through cognitions, which enable him to know what good or truth is and the nature of it. This is so with all people, even with young children, all of whom receive teaching in the Lord's kingdom. But these are taught without difficulty because they have not been imbued with false ideas. Yet they are taught general truths only, and when they receive them, there is no limit to the things they can perceive.

[4] It is the same as when a person has been persuaded of some truth in its general or overall presentation of itself. He then sees easily and so to speak from himself, or spontaneously, the particular facets that make up the general aspects, and the individual details that make up the particular facets, which are confirmatory. For stirred by an affection for a truth in its general presentation, he is also as a consequence stirred by the confirmatory facets and details of the same truth. Those particular facets and details, accompanied by delight and pleasantness, enter into the general affection and thereby perfect it constantly. Such facets and details are the internal things by virtue of which people are called heirs, that is, by which they are able to inherit the Lord's kingdom. But those people first begin to be heirs or to receive the inheritance when an affection for what is good, that is, when mutual love, exists in them, into which they have been introduced by means of cognitions of good and truth and by means of affections for these. And insofar as an affection for good, that is, insofar as mutual love, is present in these people, they are heirs or recipients of the inheritance; for mutual love is that very life itself which they receive from the Lord's essence, as from their Father. These considerations may also become clear from what follows next in verse 5.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.