




1 La parole de l'Eternel me fut adressée, en ces mots:

2 Fils de l'homme, fais connaître à Jérusalem ses abominations!

3 Tu diras: Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel, à Jérusalem: Par ton origine et ta naissance tu es du pays de Canaan; ton père était un Amoréen, et ta mère une Héthienne.

4 A ta naissance, au jour où tu naquis, ton nombril n'a pas été coupé, tu n'as pas été lavée dans l'eau pour être purifiée, tu n'as pas été frottée avec du sel, tu n'as pas été enveloppée dans des langes.

5 Nul n'a porté sur toi un regard de pitié pour te faire une seule de ces choses, par compassion pour toi; mais tu as été jetée dans les champs, le jour de ta naissance, parce qu'on avait horreur de toi.

6 Je passai près de toi, je t'aperçus baignée dans ton sang, et je te dis: Vis dans ton sang! je te dis: Vis dans ton sang!

7 Je t'ai multipliée par dix milliers, comme les herbes des champs. Et tu pris de l'accroissement, tu grandis, tu devins d'une beauté parfaite; tes seins se formèrent, ta chevelure se développa. Mais tu étais nue, entièrement nue.

8 Je passai près de toi, je te regardai, et voici, ton temps était là, le temps des amours. J'étendis sur toi le pan de ma robe, je couvris ta nudité, je te jurai fidélité, je fis alliance avec toi, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, et tu fus à moi.

9 Je te lavai dans l'eau, je fis disparaître le sang qui était sur toi, et je t'oignis avec de l'huile.

10 Je te donnai des vêtements brodés, et une chaussure de peaux teintes en bleu; je te ceignis de fin lin, et je te couvris de soie.

11 Je te parai d'ornements: je mis des bracelets à tes mains, un collier à ton cou,

12 je mis un anneau à ton nez, des pendants à tes oreilles, et une couronne magnifique sur ta tête.

13 Ainsi tu fus parée d'or et d'argent, et tu fus vêtue de fin lin, de soie et d'étoffes brodées. La fleur de farine, le miel et l'huile, furent ta nourriture. Tu étais d'une beauté accomplie, digne de la royauté.

14 Et ta renommée se répandit parmi les nations, à cause de ta beauté; car elle était parfaite, grâce à l'éclat dont je t'avais ornée, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.

15 Mais tu t'es confiée dans ta beauté, et tu t'es prostituée, à la faveur de ton nom; tu as prodigué tes prostitutions à tous les passants, tu t'es livrée à eux.

16 Tu as pris de tes vêtements, tu t'es fait des hauts lieux que tu as garnis d'étoffes de toutes couleurs, et tu t'y es prostituée: rien de semblable n'était arrivé et n'arrivera jamais.

17 Tu as pris ta magnifique parure d'or et d'argent, que je t'avais donnée, et tu en as fait des simulacres d'hommes, auxquels tu t'es prostituée.

18 Tu as pris tes vêtements brodés, tu les en as couverts, et tu as offert à ces simulacres mon huile et mon encens.

19 Le pain que je t'avais donné, la fleur de farine, l'huile et le miel, dont je te nourrissais, tu leur as offert ces choses comme des parfums d'une odeur agréable. Voilà ce qui est arrivé, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.

20 Tu as pris tes fils et tes filles, que tu m'avais enfantés, et tu les leur as sacrifiés pour qu'ils leur servent d'aliment: n'était-ce pas assez de tes prostitutions?

21 Tu as égorgé mes fils, et tu les as donnés, en les faisant passer par le feu en leur honneur.

22 Au milieu de toutes tes abominations et de tes prostitutions, tu ne t'es pas souvenue du temps de ta jeunesse, lorsque tu étais nue, entièrement nue, et baignée dans ton sang.

23 Après toutes tes méchantes actions, -malheur, malheur à toi! dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, -

24 tu t'es bâti des maisons de prostitution, tu t'es fait des hauts lieux dans toutes les places;

25 l'entrée de chaque chemin tu as construit tes hauts lieux, tu as déshonoré ta beauté, tu t'es livrée à tous les passants, tu as multiplié tes prostitutions.

26 Tu t'es prostituée aux Egyptiens, tes voisins au corps vigoureux, et tu as multiplié tes prostitutions pour m'irriter.

27 Et voici, j'ai étendu ma main contre toi, j'ai diminué la part que je t'avais assignée, je t'ai livrée à la volonté de tes ennemies, les filles des Philistins, qui ont rougi de ta conduite criminelle.

28 Tu t'es prostituée aux Assyriens, parce que tu n'étais pas rassasiée; tu t'es prostituée à eux, et tu n'as pas encore été rassasiée.

29 Tu as multiplié tes prostitutions avec le pays de Canaan et jusqu'en Chaldée, et avec cela tu n'as pas encore été rassasiée.

30 Quelle faiblesse de coeur tu as eue, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, en faisant toutes ces choses, qui sont l'oeuvre d'une maîtresse prostituée!

31 Lorsque tu bâtissais tes maisons de prostitution à l'entrée de chaque chemin, lorsque tu faisais tes hauts lieux dans toutes les places, tu n'as pas même été comme la prostituée qui réclame un salaire;

32 tu as été la femme adultère, qui reçoit des étrangers au lieu de son mari.

33 A toutes les prostituées on paie un salaire; mais toi, tu as fait des dons à tous tes amants, tu les as gagnés par des présents, afin de les attirer à toi de toutes parts dans tes prostitutions.

34 Tu as été le contraire des autres prostituées, parce qu'on ne te recherchait pas; et en donnant un salaire au lieu d'en recevoir un, tu as été le contraire des autres.

35 C'est pourquoi, prostituée, écoute la parole de l'Eternel!

36 Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: Parce que tes trésors ont été dissipés, et que ta nudité a été découverte dans tes prostitutions avec tes amants et avec toutes tes abominables idoles, et à cause du sang de tes enfants que tu leur as donnés,

37 voici, je rassemblerai tous tes amants avec lesquels tu te plaisais, tous ceux que tu as aimés et tous ceux que tu as haïs, je les rassemblerai de toutes parts contre toi, je leur découvrirai ta nudité, et ils verront toute ta nudité.

38 Je te jugerai comme on juge les femmes adultères et celles qui répandent le sang, et je ferai de toi une victime sanglante de la fureur et de la jalousie.

39 Je te livrerai entre leurs mains; ils abattront tes maisons de prostitution et détruiront tes hauts lieux; ils te dépouilleront de tes vêtements, prendront ta magnifique parure, et te laisseront nue, entièrement nue.

40 Ils amèneront la foule contre toi, ils te lapideront et te perceront à coups d'épée;

41 ils brûleront tes maisons par le feu, et ils feront justice de toi, aux yeux d'une multitude de femmes. Je ferai cesser ainsi ton impudicité et tu ne donneras plus de salaire.

42 J'assouvirai ma colère contre toi, et tu ne seras plus l'objet de ma jalousie; je m'apaiserai, je ne serai plus irrité.

43 Parce que tu ne t'es pas souvenue du temps de ta jeunesse, parce que tu m'as provoqué par toutes ces choses, voici, je ferai retomber ta conduite sur ta tête, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, et tu ne commettras plus le crime avec toutes tes abominations.

44 Voici, tous ceux qui disent des proverbes, t'appliqueront ce proverbe: Telle mère, telle fille!

45 Tu es la fille de ta mère, qui a repoussé son mari et ses enfants; tu es la soeur de tes soeurs, qui ont repoussé leurs maris et leurs enfants. Votre mère était une Héthienne, et votre père un Amoréen.

46 Ta grande soeur, qui demeure à ta gauche, c'est Samarie avec ses filles; et ta petite soeur, qui demeure à ta droite, c'est Sodome avec ses filles.

47 Tu n'as pas seulement marché dans leurs voies, commis les mêmes abominations, c'était trop peu; tu as été plus corrompue qu'elles dans toutes tes voies.

48 Je suis vivant! dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, Sodome, ta soeur, et ses filles n'ont pas fait ce que vous avez fait, toi et tes filles.

49 Voici quel a été le crime de Sodome, ta soeur. Elle avait de l'orgueil, elle vivait dans l'abondance et dans une insouciante sécurité, elle et ses filles, et elle ne soutenait pas la main du malheureux et de l'indigent.

50 Elles sont devenues hautaines, et elles ont commis des abominations devant moi. Je les ai fait disparaître, quand j'ai vu cela.

51 Samarie n'a pas commis la moitié de tes péchés; tes abominations ont été plus nombreuses que les siennes, et tu as justifié tes soeurs par toutes les abominations que tu as faites.

52 Toi qui condamnais tes soeurs, supporte ton opprobre, à cause de tes péchés par lesquels tu t'es rendue plus abominable qu'elles, et qui les font paraître plus justes que toi; sois confuse, et supporte ton opprobre, puisque tu as justifié tes soeurs.

53 Je ramènerai leurs captifs, les captifs de Sodome et de ses filles, les captifs de Samarie et de ses filles, et tes captifs au milieu des leurs,

54 afin que tu subisses ton opprobre, et que tu rougisses de tout ce que tu as fait, en étant pour elles un sujet de consolation.

55 Tes soeurs, Sodome et ses filles, reviendront à leur premier état, Samarie et ses filles reviendront à leur premier état; et toi et tes filles, vous reviendrez à votre premier état.

56 Ne discourais-tu pas sur ta soeur Sodome, dans le temps de ton orgueil,

57 avant que ta méchanceté soit mise à nu, lorsque tu as reçu les outrages des filles de la Syrie et de tous ses alentours, des filles des Philistins, qui te méprisaient de tous côtés!

58 Tu portes tes crimes et tes abominations, dit l'Eternel.

59 Car ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: J'agirai envers toi comme tu as agi, toi qui as méprisé le serment en rompant l'alliance.

60 Mais je me souviendrai de mon alliance avec toi au temps de ta jeunesse, et j'établirai avec toi une alliance éternelle.

61 Tu te souviendras de ta conduite, et tu en auras honte, quand tu recevras tes soeurs, les grandes et les petites; je te les donnerai pour filles, mais non en vertu de ton alliance.

62 J'établirai mon alliance avec toi, et tu sauras que je suis l'Eternel,

63 Afin que tu te souviennes du passé et que tu rougisses, afin que tu n'ouvres plus la bouche et que tu sois confuse, quand je te pardonnerai tout ce que tu as fait, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.




Apocalypse Explained#239



239. And blind and naked. That this signifies that they are without the understanding of truth, and without the understanding and the will of good, is evident from the signification of blind, as being those who are without the understanding of truth, as will be explained in what follows; and from the signification of naked, as being those who are destitute of the will of good, thus also of the understanding thereof, which will also be explained presently. That those who hold the doctrine of faith alone and of justification thereby are without the understanding of truth is evident from this, that faith alone, or faith without charity, resides wholly in the memory, and nothing of it in the understanding; therefore they remove the understanding from the things of faith, saying that such things are to be believed, and that the understanding has nothing to do with them; thus they can say whatever they will, be it ever so false, provided they know how to adduce something in confirmation thereof from the sense of the letter of the Word, of the spiritual sense of which they are ignorant. In this lies concealed something similar to the statute of the Popes, that everyone should depend on their utterances; thus persuading the people that they know and see all things, although they see nothing. Those therefore who do not see, that is, who do not understand, the things that they believe, are meant by the blind. It is also a consequence of this, that they cannot perfect the life by means of the things that must belong to faith; for the way of access to the life of man is through the understanding, and by no other way can man become spiritual. All in heaven see truths with the understanding, and thus receive them; but what they do not see with the understanding, they do not accept; and if any one say to them that they must have faith, although they neither see nor understand, they turn away, saying, How can this be? What I see or understand, that I believe; but what I do not see nor understand, that I cannot believe; possibly they are falsities, which may destroy spiritual life.

[2] That those who hold the doctrine of faith alone, and of justification thereby, are destitute of the understanding of good, because they are without the will of good, is evident from this, that they know nothing at all of charity towards the neighbour, and consequently nothing of good; for all spiritual good is from charity, and there is no good without it; therefore those who separate faith from charity, and assert that charity does not contribute anything to salvation, but that faith alone does, are entirely ignorant of what good is, because they are ignorant of what charity is, although spiritual good, with its affection, which is called charity, constitutes the very spiritual life of man, but not faith without it. Hence it is plain, that those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, are destitute of the understanding of good. The reason why this is the result of their being without the will of good is because they call themselves just, or justified, when they have faith, and by being justified, they understand that they are not liable to condemnation for any thing which they think and will, because they are reconciled to God; therefore they believe, because it follows from connection with their principle, that the evil may be saved equally with the good, if they only receive faith, although it should be in the last hours of their life.

The secret things of this doctrine consist in this, that they speak of progressive degrees of justification, arising not from anything of man's life, or from the affection of his charity, but from faith alone in the reconciliation of God the Father by the Son; this faith they call confidence, or trust, and saving faith itself. They do not know that there can be nothing of spiritual life, therein unless there be charity; that which is interiorly perceived, or appears, in the confidence which they profess, has nothing in it derived from spiritual affection, but springs from natural thought about the joy of deliverance from damnation.

[3] Besides, those who are ignorant of the good of charity have no will of good, and those who know nothing of this good, know nothing concerning evil, for good discovers evil; therefore neither can such persons explore themselves, nor see their own evils, and thus flee from, and be averse to them. Hence they relax all restraint on their thought and their will, only taking heed not to do evil, from the fear of the laws, of the loss of reputation, of honour, gain and life. This is why, when such persons become spirits, and those fears are removed, they associate themselves with devils; for they think and will as they do, because they had so thought in the world; for it is the spirit in man which thinks; the case, however, is different with those who have lived the life of charity.

[4] Moreover, those who believe themselves to be justified by faith alone, imagine that they are to be led by God, and do good thence. They say that all good is from God, and nothing from man; and that otherwise good would be merit-seeking; they do not know that there ought to be reception on man's part, and that reception is not possible if man does not attend to his thoughts and intentions, and thence to his deeds, and then desists from evils and does good, this being the case when he looks to the truths he has derived from the Word, and lives according to them. And, indeed, unless this takes place there is no reciprocation on his part, and hence no reformation: and in such case, of what use are all the precepts of the Lord in the Word? That a man can do this, is also from the Lord; for such power is given to every man from His Divine presence and His desire to be received. In a word, unless a man receives in his understanding and will, or in his thought and affection, or, what is the same, in his faith and love, there can be no reception on his part, consequently no conjunction with the Lord. Every one may know that the Lord is continually present with good, and desirous to be received, but that where all restraint on the thoughts is cast off, He cannot flow in: He can only do so where the thoughts and intentions of lust are restrained by means of truths from the Word.

[5] That the Lord is continually present with good, and desires to be received, He Himself teaches in the following words of this chapter, where He says,

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (ver. 20).

To open the door, denotes reception on man's part as just stated. The Lord teaches the same also in other parts of the Word, as in John:

"He that loveth me keepeth my words, and my Father will love him; and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my words" (14:23, 24).

In Matthew:

"He that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the Word and understandeth it, which beareth and bringeth forth fruit" (13:23).

In Mark:

"These are they which received the seed into good ground, such as hear the Word and receive it, and bring forth fruit" (4:20).

Because it is reception on man's part that conjoins him with the Lord, and thus makes him spiritual, therefore, when the Lord uttered those things, He cried, saying,

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" (Matthew 13:9; Mark 4:9; Luke 8:8).

[6] That the blind signify those who have no understanding of truth, and that the naked signify those who have no understanding of good, because they are not in the will thereof, is evident from many passages in the Word; of which I desire to adduce a few, as a means also of showing that the Word internally is spiritual, but that in the letter it is natural, consequently that the sense of the letter, which is natural, has a spiritual sense treasured up within it.

That the blind signify those who have no understanding of truth is clear from the following passages. In Isaiah:

"Then in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness" (29:18).

In this passage, the re-establishment of the church is treated of: and by the deaf who shall hear the words of the book, are understood those who are willing to obey truths, and therefore to live in the practice of good, but cannot because they have not the Word. And by the blind, whose eyes shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness, are meant those who have not the understanding of truth because they are in ignorance, and that they shall then understand. That the deaf and the blind are not meant literally is evident.

[7] Again:

"Behold, your God will come to vengeance; he will come to the retribution of God, and will save you; then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be opened; waters shall break out in the desert, and rivers in the plain of the desert" (35:4-6).

These things are spoken of the Lord's advent, to show that at that time those who believe in Him will be saved. That those who are destitute of the understanding of truth shall then understand is signified by the eyes of the blind being opened; and that those who have not the perception and will of good, shall then obey and live in good, is signified by the ears of the deaf being opened. It is therefore said that waters shall break out in the desert, and rivers in the plain of the desert: desert signifies where there is no good, because there is no truth; and waters signify truths, and rivers intelligence from truths.

[8] Again:

"I will give thee for a covenant to the people, for a light of the nations; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the bound from the prison. I am Jehovah; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another". (42:6-8).

These things also are said of the Lord, and the establishment of a church from Him among the nations. That those who were before in ignorance should then understand truths is signified by the blind eyes which the Lord should open; and that they should be led out from ignorance and from falsities is meant by His bringing the bound out of prison. That the Divine himself would assume the Human is meant by, I am Jehovah; that is My name; and My glory will I not give to another.

[9] Again:

"I will lead the blind into a way which they have not known; I will lead them into paths which they have not known; I will make their darkness light" (42:16).

The blind here also denote those who are without any understanding of truth; the truths and goods of truth which they should receive are signified by their being led into a way, and into paths which they have not known; the dissipation of the falsity of ignorance, and enlightenment, are signified by I will make their darkness light.

[10] Again:

"I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; every one that is called by my name I have created, I have formed, yea, I have made him. Bring forth the blind people who have eyes, and the deaf who have ears" (43:5-8).

The establishment of the church by the Lord among the nations is here treated of. To bring seed from the east, the west, the north, and the south denotes all of whatever religion they be; for the east and west signify respectively where the good of love is clear and obscure; and the north and the south, where the truth of faith is in obscurity and in brightness. Here those who are in obscurity from ignorance are meant, for it is said, "Bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth:" those are called sons who receive truths, and those who receive good, daughters; from far, and "from the ends of the earth," signify those who are remote from the truths and goods of the church. That all will be received and reformed by the Lord who acknowledge Him, is signified by I have created, I have formed, I have made every one that is called by my name. These then are those who are meant by the blind who have eyes, and by the deaf who have ears.

[11] Again:

"We look for light, but behold darkness; in thick darkness we walk, we grope for the wall as the blind, and we grope as they that have no eyes, we stumble in the noon-day as in twilight, among the living we are as dead" (59:9, 10).

Here also the blind denote those who are without the understanding of truths; darkness and thick darkness denote falsities; to stumble at noonday as in twilight denotes to err in falsities, although they may be in light from the Word.

[12] Again:

"His watchmen are all blind; they are shepherds who know not to understand" (56:10, 11).

Here also the blind denote those who do not understand truths, although they have the Word. That such are signified by the blind is evident; for it is said they know not, and know not to understand.

[13] In Jeremiah:

"Behold, I bring them from the land of the north, the blind and the lame amongst them; with tears they shall come, and with prayers I will bring them; I will lead them to fountains of waters in the way of right" (31:8, 9).

Here by the land of the north, is denoted where the falsity of ignorance prevails; those who are in it are called blind; their being led to fountains of waters in the way of right, denotes their being led into truths.

[14] In Lamentations:

"Jehovah hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof, for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests; they have wandered in the streets as the blind, they are polluted with blood, the things which they cannot, they touch with their garments" (4:11, 13, 14).

Zion here denotes the church; by the fire which is said to devour her foundations is meant the love of self, which will disperse all the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth; the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, signify the perversities of those who teach truths and goods: and that consequently they understand nothing of truth is signified by their wandering in the streets as the blind. The blood with which they are polluted, denotes the falsification of truth and the adulteration of good in the Word: the profanation of good, and of truth therefrom, by evils and falsities, is meant by the things which they cannot, they touch with their garments.

[15] In Zechariah:

"In that day I will smite every horse with astonishment, and the horseman with madness: I will smite every horse of the peoples with blindness" (12:4).

Horse signifies the Intellectual, and a horseman, one who is intelligent; hence it is evident what is signified by smiting every horse with astonishment, and every horse of the people with blindness, also the horseman with madness. (That a horse signifies the Intellectual, may be seen in the small work, The White Horse 1-6.)

[16] In David:

"Jehovah looseth the bound, Jehovah openeth the blind eyes" (Psalms 146:7, 8).

Those are called bound who are in falsities and desire to be loosed from them; the blind are those who are consequently without the understanding of truth; to open their eyes is to make them to understand.

[17] In John:

"Esaias said, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart" (12:39, 40).

That to blind their eyes that they should not see with their eyes, denotes not to understand truths, is evident.

[18] Again:

"Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they who see not might see; and that they who see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees said unto him, Are we blind also? Jesus said, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now ye say, We see, therefore your sin remaineth" (9:39-41).

By those who do not see are meant those who are outside the church, and do not know truths because they have not the Word, thus the Gentiles; but by those who see are meant those who are within the church, and have the Word, thus the Jews; concerning the latter it is said that they should be made blind, but concerning the former, that they should see. The reason why their sin remains is because they said that they are not blind, but that they see; for they were in the church where the Word is, and yet were not willing to see and acknowledge truths, thus neither the Lord. This is why the Scribes and Pharisees with the Jews are called by the Lord

"blind leaders of the blind" (Matthew 15:14; Luke 6:39); also "blind guides, fools and blind" (Matthew 23:16, 17, 19, 24).

[19] In John:

Jesus "saw a man which was blind from birth. He said to the disciples, As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam. He went his way, therefore, and washed, and came seeing" (9:1, 5-7).

No one can understand why the Lord thus acted, unless he knows the internal or spiritual sense of the Word; in which sense, by the man who was blind from his birth, are meant those who are born out of the church, and hence can know nothing concerning the Lord, nor be instructed from the Word. By the clay which the Lord made from the spittle on the ground is signified reformation by means of truths from the sense of the letter of the Word. The ground denotes the church where the Word is; the clay the ultimate Divine, forming. To anoint the eyes of the blind with clay denotes to impart thereby the understanding of truth; the pool of Siloam also signifies the Word in the letter, to be washed therein denotes to be purified from falsities and evils. That these things are meant in the above passage has been hitherto hidden. (That ground signifies the church, may be seen,Arcana Coelestia 566, 10570: that clay signifies good from which is truth, thus good forming, see n. 1300, 6669; that the pool of Siloam signifies the Word in the sense of the letter is evident in Isaiah 8:6; and in general the pools that were in Jerusalem, Isaiah 22:9, 11.)

[20] In Mark:

Jesus "cometh to Bethsaida; where they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw aught. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees walking. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up; and he was restored, and saw every man clearly" (8:22-27).

What these words involve can be understood only from the internal or spiritual sense of the Word; if this is not understood, nothing can be seen but the transaction itself, and the thought concerning it will, perhaps, be entirely from the senses: but all things which the Lord spoke and did in the world contained spiritual things in order, from highest to ultimates, thus fully, as do also all the miracles and the descriptions of them. The blind whom the Lord restored to sight signified the spiritually blind, who are those who do not know and understand truths. The reason why the blind man here mentioned was led out of the town of Bethsaida was, because Bethsaida signified damnation on account of non-reception of the Lord; the spitting on his eyes has a similar signification with the making clay of spittle, mentioned above; the Lord afterward touching his eyes, signifies that He enlightened him from the Divine; hence it is that the blind man first saw men as trees, walking; by which is signified a general and obscure perception of truth from the sense of the letter. By trees also are signified knowledges, and by walking is signified living. By his seeing every man clearly after the Lord put His hands on him again is signified that, after instruction and enlightenment from the Lord, he understood truths; this meaning is contained in these words, and is perceived by the angels.

[21] (That Bethsaida signifies damnation on account of non-reception of the Lord is evident in Matthew 11:21, and in Luke 10:13; that touch signifies communication and transfer, but here enlightenment, because the eyes were touched, may be seen above, n. 79. That trees signify knowledges, see in Arcana Coelestia 2722, 2972, 7692: that to walk signifies to live, see n. 519, 1794, 8417, 8420; and above, n. 97.)

Moreover, by all the blind whom the Lord restored to sight, are meant those who are in ignorance, and yet receive Him, and are enlightened by the Word from Him; and in general all the miracles of the Lord signified things that concern heaven and the church, that is spiritual things; for this reason His miracles were divine; for it is divine to act from primaries, and to manifest those things in ultimates. From these considerations it is clear what is signified by the blind whom the Lord restored to sight (concerning whom see Matthew 9:27-31; 12:22; 20:29 to end; 21:14; Mark 10:46 to end; Luke 7:21, 22; 18:35 to end).

[22] Because by the blind are signified those who have not the knowledges of truth, and consequently do not understand truth, it was amongst the laws and statutes given to the sons of Israel, that the blind of the sons of Aaron and of the Levites should not draw near to offer the bread of his God, that is, to offer sacrifice (Leviticus 21:18; Deuteronomy 15:21); also that what was blind should not be offered (Leviticus 22:22; Deuteronomy 15:21); similarly that they should not put a stumbling-block before the blind (Leviticus 19:14); that he who made the blind to go astray from the way should be cursed (Deuteronomy 27:18). The reason why these laws were enacted was that the church instituted amongst the Jews was a representative church, in which all the observances represented spiritual things, because they corresponded to them. Therefore also the following curse is pronounced upon those who do not keep the commandments:

"If thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of Jehovah thy God, to observe to do all his commandments, Jehovah shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart. And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness" (Deuteronomy 28:15, 28, 29).

By these words is also meant that those will be smitten with spiritual blindness and astonishment who do not obey the voice of the Lord, in doing the things which He has commanded in the Word. Spiritual blindness of the eyes, and spiritual astonishment of the heart denote no understanding of truth, and no will of good; to grope at noonday is to be of such a character in the church, where the light of truth is given by the Word. (That noonday signifies where truth is in light may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 9642; and in the work, Heaven and Hell 148, 149, 151.)


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4964



4964. 'Was made to go down to Egypt' means to factual knowledge which the Church possessed. This is clear from the meaning of 'Egypt' as knowledge, or factual knowledge in general, dealt with in 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462. But no explanation of the essential nature of that factual knowledge properly meant by 'Egypt' has been provided as yet. In the Ancient Church there was doctrinal knowledge and there was factual knowledge. Doctrinal knowledge had regard to love to God and charity towards the neighbour, whereas factual knowledge had to do with the correspondences of the natural world with the spiritual world, and with the representations of spiritual and heavenly realities within natural and earthly ones. Such was the factual knowledge of those in the Ancient Church.

[2] Egypt was one of those parts of the world and one of those kingdoms where the Ancient Church also existed, 1138, 1385; but since in that land mainly factual knowledge was handed down from one generation to another, 'Egypt' means factual knowledge in general. This also explains why frequent reference is made to Egypt in the prophetical part of the Word, where that knowledge is meant specifically by 'Egypt'. What is more, the actual magic practised by the Egyptians had its origin in the same knowledge; for they were acquainted with the correspondences of the natural world with the spiritual, and at a later time, after the Church among them had come to an end, they misused these in magical practices. Now because such factual knowledge existed among them - that is to say, knowledge which taught correspondences, and also representatives and meaningful signs - and because this factual knowledge was the servant of the doctrinal teachings of the Church, especially in their understanding of things stated in their Word (for the Word of the Ancient Church was both prophetical and historical, like the Word that exists today, though this is a different Word, see 2686) 'he was made to go down to Egypt' consequently means made to go down to the factual knowledge which the Church possessed.

[3] Because the Lord is represented by 'Joseph' and the words 'Joseph was made to go down to Egypt' are used here, the meaning is that when the Lord was to glorify His Internal Man, that is, make it Divine, He first of all assimilated the factual knowledge possessed by the Church. Then, starting from and using that knowledge He advanced towards things increasingly interior and at length even to those that were Divine. For it pleased Him to glorify or make Himself Divine in conformity with the same kind of order as that by which He regenerates the human being or makes him spiritual, 3138, 3212, 3296, 3490, 4402. That is to say, there is a gradual advance from external ideas, which are known facts and the truths of faith, towards internal ones, which are ideas of charity towards the neighbour and of love to Him. From this one may see what is meant by the following words in Hosea,

When Israel was a boy I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. Hosea 11:1.

These words refer to the Lord, see Matthew 2:15.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.