




1 La seconde année du règne de Nebucadnetsar, Nebucadnetsar eut des songes. Il avait l'esprit agité, et ne pouvait dormir.

2 Le roi fit appeler les magiciens, les astrologues, les enchanteurs et les Chaldéens, pour qu'ils lui disent ses songes. Ils vinrent, et se présentèrent devant le roi.

3 Le roi leur dit: J'ai eu un songe; mon esprit est agité, et je voudrais connaître ce songe.

4 Les Chaldéens répondirent au roi en langue araméenne: O roi, vis éternellement! dis le songe à tes serviteurs, et nous en donnerons l'explication.

5 Le roi reprit la parole et dit aux Chaldéens: La chose m'a échappé; si vous ne me faites connaître le songe et son explication, vous serez mis en pièces, et vos maisons seront réduites en un tas d'immondices.

6 Mais si vous me dites le songe et son explication, vous recevrez de moi des dons et des présents, et de grands honneurs. C'est pourquoi dites-moi le songe et son explication.

7 Ils répondirent pour la seconde fois: Que le roi dise le songe à ses serviteurs, et nous en donnerons l'explication.

8 Le roi reprit la parole et dit: Je m'aperçois, en vérité, que vous voulez gagner du temps, parce que vous voyez que la chose m'a échappé.

9 Si donc vous ne me faites pas connaître le songe, la même sentence vous enveloppera tous; vous voulez vous préparer à me dire des mensonges et des faussetés, en attendant que les temps soient changés. C'est pourquoi dites-moi le songe, et je saurai si vous êtes capables de m'en donner l'explication.

10 Les Chaldéens répondirent au roi: Il n'est personne sur la terre qui puisse dire ce que demande le roi; aussi jamais roi, quelque grand et puissant qu'il ait été, n'a exigé une pareille chose d'aucun magicien, astrologue ou Chaldéen.

11 Ce que le roi demande est difficile; il n'y a personne qui puisse le dire au roi, excepté les dieux, dont la demeure n'est pas parmi les hommes.

12 Là-dessus le roi se mit en colère, et s'irrita violemment. Il ordonna qu'on fasse périr tous les sages de Babylone.

13 La sentence fut publiée, les sages étaient mis à mort, et l'on cherchait Daniel et ses compagnons pour les faire périr.

14 Alors Daniel s'adressa d'une manière prudente et sensée à Arjoc, chef des gardes du roi, qui était sorti pour mettre à mort les sages de Babylone.

15 Il prit la parole et dit à Arjoc, commandant du roi: Pourquoi la sentence du roi est-elle si sévère? Arjoc exposa la chose à Daniel.

16 Et Daniel se rendit vers le roi, et le pria de lui accorder du temps pour donner au roi l'explication.

17 Ensuite Daniel alla dans sa maison, et il instruisit de cette affaire Hanania, Mischaël et Azaria, ses compagnons,

18 les engageant à implorer la miséricorde du Dieu des cieux, afin qu'on ne fît pas périr Daniel et ses compagnons avec le reste des sages de Babylone.

19 Alors le secret fut révélé à Daniel dans une vision pendant la nuit. Et Daniel bénit le Dieu des cieux.

20 Daniel prit la parole et dit: Béni soit le nom de Dieu, d'éternité en éternité! A lui appartiennent la sagesse et la force.

21 C'est lui qui change les temps et les circonstances, qui renverse et qui établit les rois, qui donne la sagesse aux sages et la science à ceux qui ont de l'intelligence.

22 Il révèle ce qui est profond et caché, il connaît ce qui est dans les ténèbres, et la lumière demeure avec lui.

23 Dieu de mes pères, je te glorifie et je te loue de ce que tu m'as donné la sagesse et la force, et de ce que tu m'as fait connaître ce que nous t'avons demandé, de ce que tu nous as révélé le secret du roi.

24 Après cela, Daniel se rendit auprès d'Arjoc, à qui le roi avait ordonné de faire périr les sages de Babylone; il alla, et lui parla ainsi: Ne fais pas périr les sages de Babylone! Conduis-moi devant le roi, et je donnerai au roi l'explication.

25 Arjoc conduisit promptement Daniel devant le roi, et lui parla ainsi: J'ai trouvé parmi les captifs de Juda un homme qui donnera l'explication au roi.

26 Le roi prit la parole et dit à Daniel, qu'on nommait Beltschatsar: Es-tu capable de me faire connaître le songe que j'ai eu et son explication?

27 Daniel répondit en présence du roi et dit: Ce que le roi demande est un secret que les sages, les astrologues, les magiciens et les devins, ne sont pas capables de découvrir au roi.

28 Mais il y a dans les cieux un Dieu qui révèle les secrets, et qui a fait connaître au roi Nebucadnetsar ce qui arrivera dans la suite des temps. Voici ton songe et les visions que tu as eues sur ta couche.

29 Sur ta couche, ô roi, il t'est monté des pensées touchant ce qui sera après ce temps-ci; et celui qui révèle les secrets t'a fait connaître ce qui arrivera.

30 Si ce secret m'a été révélé, ce n'est point qu'il y ait en moi une sagesse supérieure à celle de tous les vivants; mais c'est afin que l'explication soit donnée au roi, et que tu connaisses les pensées de ton coeur.

31 O roi, tu regardais, et tu voyais une grande statue; cette statue était immense, et d'une splendeur extraordinaire; elle était debout devant toi, et son aspect était terrible.

32 La tête de cette statue était d'or pur; sa poitrine et ses bras étaient d'argent; son ventre et ses cuisses étaient d'airain;

33 ses jambes, de fer; ses pieds, en partie de fer et en partie d'argile.

34 Tu regardais, lorsqu'une pierre se détacha sans le secours d'aucune main, frappa les pieds de fer et d'argile de la statue, et les mit en pièces.

35 Alors le fer, l'argile, l'airain, l'argent et l'or, furent brisés ensemble, et devinrent comme la balle qui s'échappe d'une aire en été; le vent les emporta, et nulle trace n'en fut retrouvée. Mais la pierre qui avait frappé la statue devint une grande montagne, et remplit toute la terre.

36 Voilà le songe. Nous en donnerons l'explication devant le roi.

37 O roi, tu es le roi des rois, car le Dieu des cieux t'a donné l'empire, la puissance, la force et la gloire;

38 il a remis entre tes mains, en quelque lieu qu'ils habitent, les enfants des hommes, les bêtes des champs et les oiseaux du ciel, et il t'a fait dominer sur eux tous: c'est toi qui es la tête d'or.

39 Après toi, il s'élèvera un autre royaume, moindre que le tien; puis un troisième royaume, qui sera d'airain, et qui dominera sur toute la terre.

40 Il y aura un quatrième royaume, fort comme du fer; de même que le fer brise et rompt tout, il brisera et rompra tout, comme le fer qui met tout en pièces.

41 Et comme tu as vu les pieds et les orteils en partie d'argile de potier et en partie de fer, ce royaume sera divisé; mais il y aura en lui quelque chose de la force du fer, parce que tu as vu le fer mêlé avec l'argile.

42 Et comme les doigts des pieds étaient en partie de fer et en partie d'argile, ce royaume sera en partie fort et en partie fragile.

43 Tu as vu le fer mêlé avec l'argile, parce qu'ils se mêleront par des alliances humaines; mais ils ne seront point unis l'un à l'autre, de même que le fer ne s'allie point avec l'argile.

44 Dans le temps de ces rois, le Dieu des cieux suscitera un royaume qui ne sera jamais détruit, et qui ne passera point sous la domination d'un autre peuple; il brisera et anéantira tous ces royaumes-là, et lui-même subsistera éternellement.

45 C'est ce qu'indique la pierre que tu as vue se détacher de la montagne sans le secours d'aucune main, et qui a brisé le fer, l'airain, l'argile, l'argent et l'or. Le grand Dieu a fait connaître au roi ce qui doit arriver après cela. Le songe est véritable, et son explication est certaine.

46 Alors le roi Nebucadnetsar tomba sur sa face et se prosterna devant Daniel, et il ordonna qu'on lui offrît des sacrifices et des parfums.

47 Le roi adressa la parole à Daniel et dit: En vérité, votre Dieu est le Dieu des dieux et le Seigneur des rois, et il révèle les secrets, puisque tu as pu découvrir ce secret.

48 Ensuite le roi éleva Daniel, et lui fit de nombreux et riches présents; il lui donna le commandement de toute la province de Babylone, et l'établit chef suprême de tous les sages de Babylone.

49 Daniel pria le roi de remettre l'intendance de la province de Babylone à Schadrac, Méschac et Abed-Nego. Et Daniel était à la cour du roi.




Apocalypse Explained#70



70. The reason why the feet are said to be like unto fine brass is, that by fine brass is meant brass polished and shining, like something fiery; and brass in the Word signifies natural good. Metals, like all other things in the Word, are significative. Gold in the Word signifies celestial good, which is inmost good; silver signifies its truth, which is spiritual good; brass natural good, which is ultimate good, and iron its truth, which is natural truth. That such things are signified by metals, is from correspondence; for many things are seen in heaven shining like gold and silver, and also many things shining like brass and iron. And it is there known, that by those things are signified the above-mentioned kinds of good and truth; this is why the ancients, who were in the knowledge of correspondences, named the ages after those metals. The first age they called the golden age, because innocence, love and wisdom therefrom, then reigned; but the second age they called the silver age, because truth from that good, or spiritual good, and intelligence therefrom, then reigned; the third age they called the brazen, or copper, age, because only natural good, which is what is just and sincere pertaining to moral life, then reigned; but the last age they called the iron age, because only truth without good then reigned, and when that reigns, then also falsity reigns. The reason why the ages were thus distinguished, was from the spiritual signification of those metals.

[2] From these considerations it is evident what is signified by the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, seen in his dream,

"whose head was of gold, the chest and arms of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, the legs of iron, and the feet partly of iron and partly of clay" (Dan. 2:32, 33).

The state of the church from its first time to its last as to good and truth, is here signified; its last time was when the Lord came into the world.

When it is known that gold signifies celestial good, silver spiritual good, brass natural good, and iron natural truth, many arcana in the Word where those metals are mentioned can be known. For example, what is signified by these words in Isaiah:

"For brass I will bring gold, for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron; I will also make thy government peace, and thine exactors justice" (60:17).

[3] But as the signification of brass is what is here treated of, as being natural good, it is necessary only to adduce a few passages where brass is mentioned and signifies that good. Thus in Moses:

"Asher acceptable to his brethren, and dipping his foot in oil; iron and brass thy shoe, and as thy day, thy fame" (Deuteronomy 33:24, 25).

Asher, as one of the tribes, signifies the happiness of life, and the delight of the affections (see Arcana Coelestia 3938, 3939, 6408); to dip the foot in oil signifies natural delight (that oil denotes delight, see n. 9954, and that the foot denotes the Natural, see above, n. 69); the shoe being iron and brass signifies the lowest Natural derived from truth and good, shoe denoting the lowest Natural (see n. 1748, 1860, 6844); iron is its truth, and brass its good, as above. Again,

"Jehovah thy God will bring thee into a rich land; a land out of whose stones thou shalt cut iron, and out of whose mountains brass" (Deuteronomy 8:7, 9).

And in Jeremiah:

"I will give thee unto this people for a fortified wall of brass, that they may fight against thee, and not prevail over thee" (15:20).

And in Ezekiel:

"Javan, Tubal, and Mesech, they were thy merchants; with the soul of man and vessels of brass they gave thy merchandise" (27:13).

In this chapter the merchandises of Tyre are treated of, by which are signified the knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth. By the names Javan, Tubal, and Mesech, are signified those things that pertain to good and truth, to which the knowledges relate; the soul of man denotes the truth of life; vessels of brass denote scientifics of natural good.

[4] (What is signified by Tyre, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1201; what by merchandises, n. 2967, 4453; what by Tubal and Mesech, n. 1151; what by Javan, n. 1152, 1153, 1155; what by the soul of man, n. 2930, 9050, 9281; what by vessels, n. 3068, 3079, 3316, 3318.)

Again, in the same prophet:

The feet of the cherubs "shone like the appearance of polished brass" (1:7).

(What the cherubs and the feet signify, may be seen above, n. 69.) And in the same prophet:

"I saw, and, lo, a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, and a thread of flax in his hands; he stood in the gate" (40:3).

Because the angel here mentioned measured the wall and the gates of the house of God, which signify the externals of the church, his appearance was seen to be the appearance of brass.

He who knows that brass signifies the external of the church, which in itself is natural, may in some measure understand why the altar of burnt-offering was overlaid with brass, and the gate round it was of brass, and the vessels of brass (Exodus 27:1-4), also why the great vessel, which was called the sea, with the twelve oxen under it, and the ten lavers with the bases, and also all the vessels of the tabernacle for the house of God, were made by Solomon of polished brass (1 Kings 7:43-47). He who knows what brass signifies, can also enter into the arcanum why a serpent of brass was commanded to be set up for the people to look at, concerning which it is thus written in Moses:

"Jehovah sent serpents among the people, which bit the people. And he said unto Moses, Make thee a serpent, and set it upon a pole; and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten, when he hath looked upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that when a serpent had bitten any man, and he looked upon the serpent of brass, he lived" (Numbers 21:6, 8, 9).

That the Lord was signified by that serpent, He himself teaches in John:

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (3:14, 15).

By the serpent is signified the ultimate of life in man, which is called the external Sensual, which is natural. To represent this ultimate, which in the Lord was Divine, among the sons of Israel, with whom all things were representative, a serpent of brass was made; and the signification was, that, if they looked to the Divine Human of the Lord, they would revive, that is, if they believed in Him, they should have eternal life, as the Lord himself also teaches. (That to see in the spiritual sense is to believe, may be seen above, n. 37, 68; and that a serpent denotes the external Sensual, which is the ultimate of the life of man, see Arcana Coelestia 195-197, 6398, 6949, 10313.) That brass and iron in the Word also signify what is hard, as in Isaiah 48:4; Dan. 7:19; and other places, will be seen in the following pages.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#5922



5922. 'And you must tell my father about all my glory in Egypt' means a communication of the spiritual heaven in the natural with spiritual good. This is clear from the meaning of 'telling' as communicating; from the meaning of 'glory' as the spiritual heaven, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'Egypt' as factual knowledge within the natural, thus the natural itself, as above in 5908; and from the representation of Israel, to whom 'father', the recipient of the communication, refers here, as spiritual good, dealt with above in 5906. From all this it is evident that 'you must tell my father about all my glory in Egypt' means a communication of the spiritual heaven in the natural with spiritual good.

[2] With regard to 'glory' meaning the spiritual heaven, the situation is this: There are two kingdoms that form heaven - the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. The celestial kingdom is the inmost or third heaven, and the spiritual kingdom is the middle or second heaven. Good as it exists among celestial angels is called celestial good, and good as it exists among spiritual angels is called spiritual good. Celestial good is the good of love to the Lord, while spiritual good is the good of love towards the neighbour. As for what joins the two kingdoms together, the good of charity towards the neighbour does so. For with members of the celestial kingdom love to the Lord is what is internal and charity towards the neighbour what is external; but with members of the spiritual kingdom charity towards the neighbour is what is internal and faith deriving from it what is external. From this one may see that what joins the two kingdoms is charity towards the neighbour; for charity is that in which the celestial kingdom ends and the spiritual kingdom begins. What comes last in the one comes first in the other, and is thus where they receive each other.

[3] Now let what 'glory' is be stated. In the highest sense 'glory' is the Lord in respect to Divine Truth; thus it is Divine Truth that goes forth from the Lord. But in the representative sense 'glory' is the good of love towards the neighbour or charity, which is the external good of the Lord's celestial kingdom and the internal good of His spiritual kingdom; for in the genuine sense this good is Divine Truth in heaven. Now since reference is made at this point in the story to Israel, who is spiritual good or charity which makes the spiritual kingdom in heaven and the spiritual Church on earth, Joseph's 'glory' here which they were to tell Israel about means the spiritual heaven. The spiritual heaven is called 'glory' because things there are seen in light, brilliance, and radiance.

[4] Glory is attributed to Divine Truth that comes forth from the Lord's Divine Human, and it is ascribed to the Lord as King; for in the internal sense kingship means Divine Truth, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068. This is clear in John,

What is more, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the Only Begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14.

'The Word' is Divine Truth. Since it goes forth from the Lord it is the Lord Himself, and for that reason 'glory' is attributed to Divine Truth.

[5] In Luke, when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain,

Behold, two men talked to Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who were seen in glory. Luke 9:30-31.

There the Lord showed Peter, James, and John what His Divine Human was like and what it looked like in Divine light. The form in which they saw Him at that time demonstrated what the Word is like in its internal sense, and so what Divine Truth in heaven is like; for the Word is Divine Truth provided for the Church's use. This also explains why at the same time the scene presented Moses and Elijah talking to Him; for 'Moses' represents the Law, by which one means the books by him together with the historical ones, while 'Elijah' represents the Prophets or prophetical part of the Word. For more about Moses' representation of the Law, see Preface to Genesis 18, and also 4859 (end); and for more about Elijah's representation of the prophetical part of the Word, see the same Preface, and also 2762, 5247 (end).

[6] In Matthew,

They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Matthew 24:30.

The literal sense of the Word is meant by 'the clouds', while the internal sense, consequently Divine Truth as this exists in heaven, is meant by 'glory'; see Preface to Genesis 18. 'Glory' also means the intelligence and wisdom that flow from Divine Truth, 4809. So far as its external sense is concerned the Word exists 'in a cloud', for the reason that people's minds dwell in darkness. Therefore if the Word did not dwell 'in a cloud' scarcely anyone would understand it, and also the sacred contents of the internal sense would be rendered profane by wicked people in the world. This is why the Lord says in Isaiah,

Jehovah will create over every habitation of Mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory there will be a covering. And there will be a tabernacle for shade by day. Isaiah 4:5-6.

[7] It was for the same reason that over the tabernacle a cloud was seen by day and a fire by night. The tabernacle represented the Lord's Divine Human, consequently Divine Truth which goes forth from Him, and so the Word, which is Divine Truth for the Church, see 3210, 3439. The same is meant by the following in Moses,

The cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of Jehovah filled the dwelling-place. Exodus 40:34.

In the same author,

The glory of Jehovah appeared in the tent of meeting before all the children of Israel. Numbers 14:10.

And in another place,

The cloud covered the tent, and the glory of Jehovah appeared. Numbers 16:42.

[8] A cloud and glory appeared in a similar way over Mount Sinai, which are spoken of in Moses as follows,

When Moses went up into the mountain the cloud covered the mountain. And the glory of Jehovah dwelt over Mount Sinai and covered it six days. Exodus 24:15-16.

The same representations occurred then because the Law, which is Divine Truth, was delivered from that mountain. The reason why the cloud was seen and the glory of Jehovah when Moses went up into the mountain was that in this he represented the Law, that is, the historical section of the Word. This explains why on several occasions the expression 'Moses and the Prophets' or else 'the Law and the Prophets' is used. 'The Law' is in this case used to mean the books by him together with all the other historical books, but not the Prophets because that part of the Word was represented by Elijah and Elisha. For as is well known, the Word has a historical section and a prophetical part, and therefore when the Word is called 'the Law and the Prophets', 'the Law' is used to mean the historical section and 'the Prophets' the prophetical part.

[9] Divine Truth was also represented by a brightness, like a rainbow in the cloud, that surrounded the cherubs and was up above them - in Ezekiel, where those things are described as follows,

I saw the appearance of fire, like a brightness round about, like the appearance of a rainbow which is in the cloud on a day of rain. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. Ezekiel 1:26-28.

Divine Truth is also called the glory of Jehovah, and the glory of the God of Israel in Ezekiel 8:4; 10:18-19; 11:21, 23. It is called 'the glory of Jehovah' in reference to the inmost heaven, and 'the glory of the God of Israel' in reference to the middle or spiritual heaven. The reason why in heaven Divine Truth appears in glory is that truth itself in the spiritual heaven appears before one's eyes as a shining cloud, which I too have been allowed to see several times, while the good held within that truth appears there as a fieriness. The cloud which is given diverse colourings by the fire presents amazing sights, which are 'glory' in the external sense. But the glory in the internal sense is intelligence and wisdom, which are also what those sights represent.

[10] The fact that Divine Truth, the source of all wisdom and intelligence, is 'the glory', as is the diversely coloured cloud appearing before one's external sight, is also clear from the following places: In Moses,

Jehovah said, I am the Living One, and the whole earth will be filled with the glory of Jehovah. Numbers 14:21.

This was said by Jehovah when the Israelite people were rejected by Him. He said that only their young children would enter the land of Canaan, at which time the whole earth would be filled with the glory of Jehovah. The meaning of this was that the glory of Jehovah would be present in the representatives of the Church existing among them, and in the Word which referred for the most part to them, and that all heaven and consequently the holy things of the Church would be filled with this glory.

[11] In Isaiah,

The seraphim kept calling out, Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah Zebaoth; the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3.

In the same prophet,

The glory of Jehovah will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together. Isaiah 40:5.

In the same prophet,

Therefore in the Urim give glory to Jehovah, in the isles of the sea to the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Isaiah 24:15.

'The Urim' stands for the light that is received from Divine Truth going; forth from the Lord. 'The isles of the sea' stands for those who are further away from the truth, 1158.

[12] In the same prophet,

The glory of Lebanon has been given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of Jehovah, the majesty of our God. Isaiah 35:2.

'Lebanon' stands for the spiritual Church, Carmel and Sharon' for the celestial Church. 'The glory of Jehovah' is attributed to the latter when celestial truth, which is charity, is meant, and 'the majesty of the God of Israel' to the former when spiritual good, which also is charity, is meant.

[13] In the same prophet,

Arise, shine, for Your light has come, and the glory of Jehovah has risen upon You. For behold, darkness is covering the earth, and thick darkness the peoples. But Jehovah will arise upon You, and His glory will be seen over You. Isaiah 60:1-2.

This refers to the Lord, who is called the Light, as in John 1:4, 9. It also says that 'the glory of Jehovah will arise upon Him', meaning that Divine Truth belongs to Him. Similarly in the same prophet,

For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it; for how should it be profaned? My glory I do not give to another. Isaiah 48:11.

This too refers to the Lord, 'glory' in the highest sense standing for the Divine Human, and so also for Divine Truth since this comes forth from it. 'Not giving glory to another' is imparting it solely to the Divine Human, which is one with Himself.

[14] In John,

The holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, having the glory of God, and its light was like a most precious stone. Revelation 21:10-11.

'The holy city Jerusalem' is the Lord's spiritual kingdom in heaven and His spiritual Church on earth, to both of which glory is attributed. Its light is truth radiating from the Divine.

[15] Since Divine Truth is what kingship in the Word represents - even as the Lord in respect to His Divine Truth was represented by kings, see the places listed just above - glory was therefore ascribed to Him as King, as in David,

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted , O ancient doors, 1 so that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, lift up. O ancient doors, 1 that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah Zebaoth, He is the King of glory. Psalms 24:7-10.

In Isaiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before His elders, glory. Isaiah 24:23.

'Glory' stands for Divine Truth. Jehovah is called 'Jehovah Zebaoth' - that is, Jehovah of Hosts or of Armies - when the subject is Divine truth; for truths are meant by 'armies', 3448.

[16] Also, because Divine Truth was represented by kingship, the throne on which kings sat when they made judgements was called a throne of glory, Isaiah 22:23; Jeremiah 14:21; 17:12.

And in Matthew,

The Son of Man will sit on the throne of His glory. Matthew 19:28.

In the same gospel,

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. And the King will say to them . . . Matthew 25:31, 34, 40.

The throne was called 'a throne of glory' for the further reason that truth was the basis on which judgements were made. In the same gospel,

The Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father together with His angels, and at that time He will repay everyone according to his deeds. Matthew 16:27.

[17] From all this one may now see what is meant by 'the glory' in the Lord's Prayer,

Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Matthew 6:13.

The Lord's spiritual kingdom in heaven and His spiritual Church on earth is in addition referred to by another word for 'glory' (decus) in Isaiah 60:7; 63:15; 64:11; Daniel 8:9-11; 11:16, 41, 45.

Joseph too therefore speaks of his glory, for Joseph himself in the highest sense represents the Lord's Divine Spiritual or His Divine Truth, and in the internal sense His spiritual kingdom, also the good of faith, see 3969, 4669, 4723, 4727.


1. literally, doors of the world


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.