




1 Mutta käärme oli kavalin kaikista kedon eläimistä, jotka Herra Jumala oli tehnyt; ja se sanoi vaimolle: "Onko Jumala todellakin sanonut: 'Älkää syökö kaikista paratiisin puista'?"

2 Niin vaimo vastasi käärmeelle: "Me saamme syödä muiden puiden hedelmiä paratiisissa,

3 mutta sen puun hedelmästä, joka on keskellä paratiisia, on Jumala sanonut: 'Älkää syökö siitä älkääkä koskeko siihen, ettette kuolisi'."

4 Niin käärme sanoi vaimolle: "Ette suinkaan kuole;

5 vaan Jumala tietää, että sinä päivänä, jona te siitä syötte, aukenevat teidän silmänne, ja te tulette niinkuin Jumala tietämään hyvän ja pahan".

6 Ja vaimo näki, että siitä puusta oli hyvä syödä ja että se oli ihana katsella ja suloinen puu antamaan ymmärrystä; ja hän otti sen hedelmästä ja söi ja antoi myös miehellensä, joka oli hänen kanssansa, ja hänkin söi.

7 Silloin aukenivat heidän molempain silmät, ja he huomasivat olevansa alasti; ja he sitoivat yhteen viikunapuun lehtiä ja tekivät itselleen vyöverhot.

8 Ja he kuulivat, kuinka Herra Jumala käyskenteli paratiisissa illan viileydessä. Ja mies vaimoineen lymysi Herran Jumalan kasvojen edestä paratiisin puiden sekaan.

9 Mutta Herra Jumala huusi miestä ja sanoi hänelle: "Missä olet?"

10 Hän vastasi: "Minä kuulin sinun askeleesi paratiisissa ja pelkäsin, sillä minä olen alasti, ja sentähden minä lymysin".

11 Ja hän sanoi: "Kuka sinulle ilmoitti, että olet alasti? Etkö syönyt siitä puusta, josta minä kielsin sinua syömästä?"

12 Mies vastasi: "Vaimo, jonka annoit olemaan minun kanssani, antoi minulle siitä puusta, ja minä söin".

13 Niin Herra Jumala sanoi vaimolle: "Mitäs olet tehnyt?" Vaimo vastasi: "Käärme petti minut, ja minä söin".

14 Ja Herra Jumala sanoi käärmeelle: "Koska tämän teit, kirottu ole sinä kaikkien karjaeläinten ja kaikkien metsän eläinten joukossa. Vatsallasi sinun pitää käymän ja tomua syömän koko elinaikasi.

15 Ja minä panen vainon sinun ja vaimon välille ja sinun siemenesi ja hänen siemenensä välille; se on polkeva rikki sinun pääsi, ja sinä olet pistävä sitä kantapäähän."

16 Ja vaimolle hän sanoi: "Minä teen suuriksi sinun raskautesi vaivat, kivulla sinun pitää synnyttämän lapsia; mutta mieheesi on sinun halusi oleva, ja hän on sinua vallitseva".

17 Ja Aadamille hän sanoi: "Koska kuulit vaimoasi ja söit puusta, josta minä kielsin sinua sanoen: 'Älä syö siitä', niin kirottu olkoon maa sinun tähtesi. Vaivaa nähden sinun pitää elättämän itseäsi siitä koko elinaikasi;

18 orjantappuroita ja ohdakkeita se on kasvava sinulle, ja kedon ruohoja sinun on syötävä.

19 Otsasi hiessä sinun pitää syömän leipäsi, kunnes tulet maaksi jälleen, sillä siitä sinä olet otettu. Sillä maasta sinä olet, ja maaksi pitää sinun jälleen tuleman."

20 Ja mies antoi vaimolleen nimen Eeva, sillä hänestä tuli kaiken elävän äiti.

21 Ja Herra Jumala teki Aadamille ja hänen vaimollensa puvut nahasta ja puki ne heidän yllensä.

22 Ja Herra Jumala sanoi: "Katso, ihminen on tullut sellaiseksi kuin joku meistä, niin että hän tietää hyvän ja pahan. Kun ei hän nyt vain ojentaisi kättänsä ja ottaisi myös elämän puusta ja söisi ja eläisi iankaikkisesti!"

23 Niin Herra Jumala ajoi hänet pois Eedenin paratiisista viljelemään maata, josta hän oli otettu.

24 Ja hän karkoitti ihmisen ja asetti Eedenin paratiisin itäpuolelle kerubit ynnä välkkyvän, leimuavan miekan vartioitsemaan elämän puun tietä.




Divine Providence#310



310. 1. What our own prudence is and what the prudence is that is not our own. People are devoted to their own prudence when they convince themselves that the way things seem is the way they really are, and particularly when they accept as truth the appearance that their own prudence is everything and that divine providence is nothing but a generality; though as already explained [201], no such generality could exist without being made up of specifics. They are then caught up in illusions as well, since any appearance that we take to be truth becomes an illusion. Further, to the extent that they justify themselves with illusions, they become materialists to the point that eventually they believe only what they can apprehend with one of their physical senses. They rely primarily on sight because it especially interacts with our thinking. Ultimately they become sense-centered; and if they come down decisively in favor of the material world and against God, they close off the inner levels of their minds and put a kind of veil in the way. From then on, they think underneath this veil, as though nothing above it existed. The ancients called sense-centered people like this "serpents of the tree of knowledge." In the spiritual world they say that as they become fixed in their opinions, people like this close the deeper levels of their minds all the way to the nose. The nose means our sense of what is true, and that sense is lacking.

Now I need to describe what these people are like.

[2] They are exceptionally adroit and shrewd, ingenious debaters. They call their ingenuity and shrewdness intelligence and wisdom and see no evidence to the contrary. They look on people who differ from them as simple and stupid, especially if those people revere God and acknowledge divine providence. In the deeper principles of their minds--which they themselves know very little about--they are like the people called Machiavellians, people who trivialize murder, adultery, theft, and perjury as such. If they do argue against such crimes, it is only to be careful that their actual nature does not become obvious.

[3] As far as our life in this world is concerned, the thought that it might be different from that of animals never crosses their minds. They think of our life after death as a kind of living mist that rises up out of the corpse or the tomb and then sinks back down and dies. This insanity leads to the belief that spirits and angels are made of air. Any of these materialists who are obliged to believe in eternal life believe that this is what our souls are like. This means that our souls do not see, hear, or speak, that they are blind, deaf, and mute. All they do is think in their own bit of air. "How could the soul be anything more?" materialists ask. "Aren't the outer senses dead along with the body? We won't get them back until our souls are reunited with our bodies." They cling to these conclusions because they can think about the state of the soul after death only in physical terms, not in spiritual terms. Without their physical concepts they would have lost their belief in eternal life.

They particularly justify their own self-love, calling it the fire of life and the spur to the various useful activities in the state. This makes them their own idols; and their thoughts, being illusions based on illusions, are false images. Since they approve of the pleasures of their obsessions, they are satans and devils. We call them satans because they inwardly justify their obsessions with evil, and devils because they act them out.

[4] I have also been shown what the shrewdest sense-centered people are like. Their hell is deep down at the back, and they want to be unnoticed. So it looks as though they are flying around like ghosts (which are their hallucinations). They are called demons. Once some of them were let out of hell so that I could find out what they are like. They promptly attached themselves to my neck just below the base of my skull and from there moved into my feelings. They did not want to enter my thoughts, and adroitly evaded them. They altered my feelings one at a time, shifting my mood imperceptibly to its opposite, into obsessions with evil; and since they were not touching my thoughts at all, they would have distorted and inverted them without my noticing it if the Lord had not prevented it.

[5] That is what becomes of people who in this world do not believe there is any divine providence, and who pay close attention to others only to find out what their urges and desires are and in this way influence them until they have complete control over them. Since they do this so subtly and shrewdly that others are not aware of it, and since they keep the same nature after death, as soon as they arrive in the spiritual world they are dismissed into this hell. In heaven's light they seem to have no noses, and strange as it may seem, even though they are so shrewd, they are still more sense-centered and superficial than anyone else.

It is because the ancients called sense-centered people "serpents" and because people like this are more deft, shrewd, and clever at debating than others that it says, "The serpent was made shrewd beyond every beast of the field" (Genesis 3:1) and, "The Lord said, 'Be prudent as serpents and simple as doves'" (Matthew 10:16). So too the dragon, who is also called the old serpent, the devil, and satan [Revelation 20:2], is described as "having seven heads and ten crowns, and on the heads seven diadems" (Revelation 12:3, 9). The seven heads mean shrewdness, the ten horns the power of persuasion by distortions, and the seven diadems the holy values of the Word and the Church profaned.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.