




1 Aga ta kuulis Laabani poegade kõnelusi, kes ütlesid: 'Jaakob on ära võtnud kõik, mis oli meie isa päralt. Sellest, mis oli meie isa päralt, on ta enesele soetanud kõik selle rikkuse.'

2 Ja Jaakob nägi Laabani palet, ja vaata, see ei olnud enam ta vastu nagu enne.

3 Siis Issand ütles Jaakobile: 'Mine tagasi oma isade maale ja oma sugulaste seltsi. Mina olen sinuga!'

4 Ja Jaakob läkitas sõna ning käskis kutsuda oma karja juurde väljale Raaheli ja Lea

5 ning ütles neile: 'Ma näen teie isa palgest, et ta ei ole enam mu vastu nagu enne. Aga mu isa Jumal oli mu juures.

6 Te ju teate, et ma olen teeninud teie isa kõigest väest.

7 Kuid teie isa narritas mind ja muutis mu palka kümme korda. Jumal aga ei ole lubanud teda mulle kurja teha.

8 Kui ta ütles nõnda: Tähnilised saagu sinule palgaks, siis kõik lambad ja kitsed poegisid tähnilisi. Ja kui ta ütles nõnda: Vöödilised saagu sinule palgaks, siis kõik loomad poegisid vöödilisi.

9 Nõnda võttis Jumal teie isa karja ja andis mulle.

10 Lammaste ja kitsede innaajal tõstsin ma oma silmad üles ja nägin unes, vaata, et isased, kes kargasid emaseid, olid vöödilised, tähnilised ja laigulised.

11 Ja Jumala ingel ütles mulle unes: Jaakob! Ja ma vastasin: Siin ma olen!

12 Siis ta ütles: Tõsta ometi oma silmad üles ja vaata: kõik isased, kes kargavad emaseid, on vöödilised, tähnilised ja laigulised, sest ma olen näinud kõike, mis Laaban sulle teeb!

13 Mina olen Peeteli Jumal, kus sa võidsid samba, kus sa andsid mulle tõotuse. Võta nüüd kätte, lahku siit maalt ja mine tagasi oma sünnimaale!'

14 Siis Raahel ja Lea vastasid ning ütlesid temale: 'Kas meil ongi enam osa või omandit meie isakojas?

15 Eks ta ole pidanud meid võõraks, kuna ta meid müüs ja ise muidugi ka meie hinna ära sõi!

16 Jah, kõik see rikkus, mille Jumal meie isalt ära võttis, on meie ja meie laste oma. Ja nüüd tee kõik, mis Jumal sulle on öelnud!'

17 Ja Jaakob võttis kätte, tõstis oma lapsed ja naised kaamelite selga

18 ja saatis teele kogu oma karja ja kõik oma varanduse, mis ta oli kogunud, oma karjavaranduse, mis ta Mesopotaamias oli soetanud, et minna oma isa Iisaki juurde Kaananimaale.

19 Aga Laaban oli läinud lambaid niitma. Ja Raahel varastas oma isa teeravikujud.

20 Jaakob kasutas süürlase Laabani teadmatust ega andnud temale märku, et ta põgeneb.

21 Nõnda ta siis põgenes koos kõigega, mis tal oli, võttis kätte ja läks üle jõe ning siirdus Gileadi mäestiku poole.

22 Aga kolmandal päeval anti Laabanile teada, et Jaakob oli põgenenud.

23 Tema võttis siis enesega kaasa oma suguvennad ja ajas teda taga seitse päevateekonda ning jõudis Gileadi mäestikus temale järele.

24 Kuid Jumal tuli süürlase Laabani juurde öösel unes ja ütles temale: 'Hoia, et sa Jaakobile ei ütle head ega halba!'

25 Kui Laaban Jaakobile järele jõudis, oli Jaakob mäestikus telgi üles löönud, ja Laabangi suguvendadega lõi telgi üles Gileadi mäestikku.

26 Ja Laaban ütles Jaakobile: 'Mis sa oled teinud? Sa kasutasid mu teadmatust ja viisid ära mu tütred, nagu oleksid nad olnud mõõga abil vangistatud.

27 Miks sa põgenesid salaja ja vargsel viisil ega teatanud mulle, et oleksin saanud sind rõõmsasti ära saata laulude, trummi ja kandlega?

28 Sa ei lasknud mind suudelda oma poegi ja tütreid! Sa oled nüüd talitanud mõistmatult.

29 Mul oleks meelevald teha teile kurja. Aga teie isa Jumal rääkis minuga eile öösel, öeldes: Hoia, et sa Jaakobile ei ütle head ega halba!

30 Nüüd oled sa küll läinud oma teed, sellepärast et sa igatsesid nii väga oma isakoja järele. Aga mispärast sa varastasid mu jumalad?'

31 Ja Jaakob vastas ning ütles Laabanile: 'Sellepärast et ma kartsin. Sest ma mõtlesin, et sa röövid minult oma tütred.

32 See, kelle juurest sa leiad oma jumalad, ärgu jäägu elama! Meie suguvendade ees otsi läbi, mis mul kaasas on, ja võta ära, mis on sinu!' Aga Jaakob ei teadnud, et Raahel oli need varastanud.

33 Ja Laaban läks Jaakobi telki ja Lea telki ja mõlema teenija telki, aga ei leidnud midagi; ja Lea telgist välja tulnud, läks ta Raaheli telki.

34 Kuid Raahel oli võtnud teeravid ja oli pannud need kaameli sadula tasku ning istus ise nende peal. Ja Laaban kompas läbi kogu telgi, aga ei leidnud midagi.

35 Ja Raahel ütles oma isale: 'Ärgu süttigu viha mu isanda silmis, et ma ei saa su ees üles tõusta, sest mul on naiste asjad!' Nõnda ta otsis läbi, aga teeraveid ta ei leidnud.

36 Siis Jaakob vihastus ja riidles Laabaniga. Ja Jaakob kostis ning ütles Laabanile: 'Milles seisneb mu üleastumine? Mis on mu patt, et oled mind nii tulisi jalu taga ajanud?

37 Kuna sa oled läbi otsinud kogu mu kraami, siis missuguse oma koja riista oled sa leidnud? Pane siia minu suguvendade ja oma suguvendade ette, et nad võiksid õigust mõista meie mõlema vahel!

38 Ma olin sinu juures kakskümmend aastat. Su lambad ja kitsed ei heitnud loodet ja jäärasid su karjast ma ei söönud.

39 Murtut ma sulle ei toonud, ma pidin selle hüvitama. Sa nõudsid minult niihästi päeval kui öösel varastatut.

40 Päeval piinas mind palavus ja öösel külm, ja uni põgenes mu silmist.

41 Nüüd ma olen olnud su kojas kakskümmend aastat. Neliteist aastat ma teenisin sind su kahe tütre pärast ja kuus aastat lammaste ja kitsede pärast, ja sa muutsid mu palka kümme korda.

42 Kui minuga ei oleks olnud mu isa Jumal, Aabrahami Jumal, Iisaki Kartus, siis oleksid sa mind nüüd tühje käsi ära saatnud. Jumal on näinud mu häda ja mu kätevaeva ja on eile öösel teinud otsuse.'

43 Siis Laaban kostis ja ütles Jaakobile: 'Tütred on minu Tütred ja pojad on minu pojad ja kari on minu kari, ja kõik, mis sa näed, on minu! Aga mida ma saaksin praegu teha oma tütarde heaks või nende poegade heaks, keda nad on ilmale toonud?

44 Aga tule nüüd, tehkem leping, mina ja sina, ja see olgu tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel!'

45 Siis Jaakob võttis ühe kivi ja pani sambaks püsti.

46 Ja Jaakob ütles oma suguvendadele: 'Korjake kive!' Ja need võtsid kive ning kuhjasid kivikangru; ja nad sõid seal kivikangru peal.

47 Ja Laaban pani sellele nimeks Jegar-Sahaduuta; Jaakob aga nimetas selle Galeediks.

48 Ja Laaban ütles: 'See kivikangur olgu täna tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel!' Seepärast ta pani sellele nimeks Galeed

49 ja Mispa, sest ta ütles: 'Issand valvab minu ja sinu vahel, kui me teineteist enam ei näe.

50 Kui sa kohtled mu tütreid halvasti või võtad mu tütarde kõrvale teisi naisi, ilma et ükski inimene oleks meie juures, vaata, siis on Jumal ometi tunnistajaks minu ja sinu vahel.'

51 Siis ütles Laaban Jaakobile: 'Vaata, see kivikangur, ja vaata, see sammas, mille ma püstitasin enese ja sinu vahele, -

52 see kivikangur olgu tunnistajaks, samuti olgu see sammas tunnistajaks, et mina ei tohi tulla sellest kivikangrust mööda sinu juurde ja et sina ei tohi tulla sellest kivikangrust ja sambast mööda minu juurde kurja tegema!

53 Aabrahami Jumal ja Naahori Jumal, nende vanemate Jumal, see mõistku kohut meie vahel!' Ja Jaakob vandus oma isa Iisaki Kartuse juures.

54 Ja Jaakob ohverdas mäe peal tapaohvri ning kutsus oma suguvennad leiba võtma. Ja nad võtsid leiba ning jäid ööseks mäele.




Apocalypse Explained#438



438. Of the tribe of Asher were sealed twelve thousand.- That this signifies charity towards the neighbour, and that all who are in it are in heaven, and come into heaven, is evident from the signification of the tribe of Asher, which denotes that spiritual affection, which is charity, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of twelve thousand sealed, as denoting those who are in heaven, and who come into heaven, as above (n. 433). That the tribe of Asher signifies love towards the neighbour, which is called charity, will be evident from what follows, and is also clear from this fact, that the twelve tribes taken together represented heaven and the church, and therefore signify these in the Word, and that each tribe represented, and therefore signifies, some universal essential which makes heaven and the church. There are in general three universal essentials which make these, that is, love to the Lord, charity towards the neighbour, and the obedience of faith. Love to the Lord is signified by the first three tribes, Judah, Reuben, and Gad, as shown above; charity towards the neighbour is signified by the following three tribes, Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh; but the obedience of faith is signified by the three following, Simeon, Levi, and Issachar; the conjunction of all these with the Lord is signified by the last three tribes, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. This is the signification in brief of all the tribes named in the above order; for their significations are governed by the order in which they are named, as shown above (n. 431:12, 435, 436).

[2] Moreover the sealed mean those who are separated from the evil and are received into heaven. The first three tribes mean those who are received into the highest or third heaven, where all are in love to the Lord. The next three tribes, which are now the subject, mean those who are received into the middle or second heaven, where all are in charity towards the neighbour; but the three tribes which follow these mean those who are received into the ultimate or first heaven, where those are who are in obedience, which is called the obedience of faith. The last three tribes mean the reception of all these into the three heavens by the Lord. For there are three heavens which are distinguished one from another according to the degrees of the good of love. From these considerations, it is evident in the first place, that this second class of the tribes, that is, the three tribes, Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh, mean those who are in charity towards the neighbour. The tribe of Asher denotes charity towards the neighbour; Naphtali, the regeneration of these; and Manasseh, their good of life.

[3] But it shall first be explained, what Asher signifies in the kingdom of the Lord, or in the church. Asher signifies the blessedness of spiritual affections, and thence spiritual affection itself. And because spiritual affection is that which is called love towards the neighbour or charity, therefore Asher here signifies charity, consequently, the twelve thousand of that tribe here signify all who are in charity, and therefore in the second or middle heaven.

[4] That Asher was named from what is blessed, or blessedness, is evident not only from the signification of that expression in the Hebrew, but also from these words spoken respecting him by Leah, the wife of Jacob, when he was born.

"Zilpah Leah's handmaid bare Jacob a second son. And Leah said, In my blessedness, for the daughters will call me blessed; and she called his name Asher" (Genesis 30:12, 13).

Here, the daughters who should call her blessed, signify those spiritual affections of truth which make the church from which all that internal blessedness, which is celestial, arises. In this blessedness are those who are in charity towards the neighbour, for charity towards the neighbour is the spiritual affection of truth, as said just above. To love truth in its essence, that is, to love truth because it is truth, is the spiritual affection of truth. The neighbour also, in the spiritual sense, is nothing else but good and truth, and charity is the love thereof. This may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, where the nature of love towards the neighbour, which is called charity, is shown (n. 84-107). The rest of the above passage may be seen explained in the Arcana Coelestia 3936-3940). That Asher signifies the blessedness of love and charity, is further evident from the blessing of Asher by Israel his father:

"From Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall give the delights of a king" (Genesis 49:20).

"From Asher" signifies from celestial and spiritual affections, which are those of love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour. His bread shall be fat, signifies delight from good. And he shall give the delights of a king, signifies pleasantness from truth. For a further explanation of these things see Arcana Coelestia 6408-6410).

[5] The signification of Asher is similar in the blessing pronounced upon him by Moses, namely, the delight of the affection of truth from the Word. The blessing is as follows:

"And of Asher he said, Blessed above sons be Asher; let him be acceptable to his brethren, dipping his foot in oil. Thy shoe shall be iron and brass; and as the days thy fame" (Deuteronomy 33:24, 25).

In the blessing of the sons of Israel by Moses there are contained interior facts concerning the Word. Asher, who is there named last, signifies the spiritual affection of truth from the Word, wherefore it is said, "Blessed above sons be Asher, let him be acceptable to his brethren," sons signifying, truths, and brethren, the church thence, while blessed and acceptable are used in reference to the affection of these. The good of love, from which are the truths of the Word in the sense of the letter, is signified by dipping his foot in oil; the foot denotes truth in the ultimates, which is the truth of the sense of the letter of the Word, and oil signifies the good of love. That the ultimate of the Word is natural truth and good, is signified by, thy shoe shall be iron and brass; natural truth is signified by iron and natural good, by brass, and the ultimate, by the shoe. And as thy days thy fame, signifies that the Word shall endure to eternity. That iron signifies natural truth, may be seen above (n. 176) that brass signifies natural good, also above (n. 70); and that shoe signifies the ultimate of the natural, which is the sensual, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 1748, 2162, 6844).

[6] Because Asher signifies the delight of affections, such as those have who are in truths from the sense of the letter of the Word, therefore that tribe, together with the tribe of Dan, and the tribe of Naphtali, encamped to the north (Num. 2:25-31). The encampments of the sons of Israel in the wilderness, represented the arrangement of the angelic societies in the heavens (see above, n. 431:12-13), and those dwell in the heavens to the north who, from the good of charity, are in the affection of spiritual knowledges.

[7] That Asher signifies spiritual blessedness, which is blessedness from love and charity, is also evident in Ezekiel, where a new earth and a new city are treated of, and the land said to be distributed as an inheritance among all the tribes of Israel. The city is also stated to have twelve gates, one for each tribe. The inheritance of Asher is there treated of, chapter 48:1-3; and concerning the gates in these words:

"The corner towards the sea four thousand and five hundred; the gates of the city three; one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali. The circuit eighteen thousand; and the name of the city from that day, Jehovah Shammah" (chap. 48:34, 35).

The land distributed among the tribes for an inheritance, signifies the church; the sons of Israel, amongst whom it was to be distributed, signify all the truths of the church which are from good collectively. The city signifies the doctrine of truth from the good of love, therefore it was called, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah is there; the gates signify introductory truths, which are doctrinals; the number four thousand and five hundred also signify all truths from good, and eighteen thousand, all the truths of doctrine encompassing and defending. From these things it is evident, that not only all the particulars there mentioned, even to the numbers, signify things of the church, but also that not any tribe of Israel is there meant, but instead of the tribe named, some universal essential of the church. It is also evident there that Asher signifies the spiritual affection of truth, which makes one with charity towards the neighbour. That Asher, in the highest sense, signifies eternity, in the internal sense, felicity of life from the blessedness of the affections of love and charity, and in the external sense, natural delight therefrom, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 3938, 3939, 6408).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.