




1 Gij zult geen vals gerucht opnemen; en stelt uw hand niet bij den goddeloze, om een getuige tot geweld te zijn.

2 Gij zult de menigte tot boze zaken niet volgen; en gij zult niet spreken in een twistige zaak, dat gij u neigt naar de menigte, om het recht te buigen.

3 Ook zult gij den geringe niet voortrekken en zijn twistige zaak.

4 Wanneer gij uw vijands os, of zijn dwalenden ezel, ontmoet, gij zult hem denzelven ganselijk wederbrengen.

5 Wanneer gij uws haters ezel onder zijn last ziet liggen, zult gij dan nalatig zijn, om het uwe te verlaten voor hem? Gij zult het in alle manier met hem verlaten.

6 Gij zult het recht uws armen niet buigen in zijn twistige zaak.

7 Zijt verre van valse zaken; en den onschuldige en gerechtige zult gij niet doden; want Ik zal de goddeloze niet rechtvaardigen.

8 Ook zult gij geen geschenk nemen; want het geschenk verblindt de zienden, en het verkeert de zaak der rechtvaardigen.

9 Gij zult ook den vreemdeling niet onderdrukken; want gij kent het gemoed des vreemdelings, dewijl gij vreemdelingen geweest zijt in Egypteland.

10 Gij zult ook zes jaar uw land bezaaien, en deszelfs inkomst verzamelen;

11 Maar in het zevende zult gij het rusten en stil liggen laten, dat de armen uws volks mogen eten, en het overige daarvan de beesten des velds eten mogen; alzo zult gij ook doen met uw wijngaard, en met uw olijfbomen.

12 Zes dagen zult gij uw werken doen; maar op den zevenden dag zult gij rusten; opdat uw os en uw ezel ruste, en dat de zoon uwer dienstmaagd en de vreemdeling adem scheppe.

13 In alles, wat Ik tot ulieden gezegd heb, zult gij op uw hoede zijn; en den naam van andere goden zult gij niet gedenken; uit uw mond zal hij niet gehoord worden!

14 Drie reizen in het jaar zult gij Mij feest houden.

15 Het feest van de ongezuurde broden zult gij houden; zeven dagen zult gij ongezuurde broden eten (gelijk Ik u geboden heb), ter bestemder tijd in de maand Abib, want in dezelve zijt gij uit Egypte getogen; doch men zal niet ledig voor Mijn aangezicht verschijnen.

16 En het feest des oogstes, der eerste vruchten van uw arbeid, die gij op het veld gezaaid zult hebben. En het feest der inzameling, op den uitgang des jaars, wanneer gij uw arbeid uit het veld zult ingezameld hebben.

17 Drie malen des jaars zullen al uw mannen voor het aangezicht des Heeren Heeren verschijnen.

18 Gij zult het bloed Mijns offers met geen gedesemde broden offeren; ook zal het vette Mijns feestes tot op den morgen niet vernachten.

19 De eerstelingen der eerste vruchten uws lands zult gij in het huis des HEEREN uws Gods brengen. Gij zult het bokje niet koken in de melk zijner moeder.

20 Ziet, Ik zende een Engel voor uw aangezicht, om u te behoeden op dezen weg, en om u te brengen tot de plaats, die Ik bereid heb.

21 Hoedt u voor Zijn aangezicht, en weest Zijner stem gehoorzaam, en verbittert Hem niet; want Hij zal ulieder overtredingen niet vergeven; want Mijn Naam is in het binnenste van Hem.

22 Maar zo gij Zijner stem naarstiglijk gehoorzaamt, en doet al wat Ik spreken zal, zo zal Ik uwer vijanden vijand, en uwer wederpartijders wederpartij zijn.

23 Want Mijn Engel zal voor uw aangezicht gaan, en Hij zal u inbrengen tot de Amorieten, en Hethieten, en Ferezieten, en Kanaanieten, Hevieten, en Jebusieten; en Ik zal hen verdelgen.

24 Gij zult u voor hun goden niet buigen, noch hen dienen; ook zult gij naar hun werken niet doen; maar gij zult ze geheel afbreken, en hun opgerichte beelden ganselijk vermorzelen.

25 En gij zult den HEERE uw God dienen, zo zal Hij uw brood en uw water zegenen; en Ik zal de krankheden uit het midden van u weren.

26 Er zal geen misdrachtige, noch onvruchtbare in uw land zijn; Ik zal het getal uwer dagen vervullen.

27 Ik zal Mijn schrik voor uw aangezicht zenden, en al het volk, tot hetwelk gij komt, versaagd maken; en Ik zal maken, dat al uw vijanden u den nek toekeren.

28 Ik zal ook horzelen voor uw aangezicht zenden; die zullen van voor uw aangezicht uitstoten de Hevieten, de Kanaanieten en de Hethieten.

29 Ik zal hen in een jaar van uw aangezicht niet uitstoten, opdat het land niet woest worde, en het wild gedierte boven u niet vermenigvuldigd worde.

30 Ik zal hen allengskens van uw aangezicht uitstoten, totdat gij gewassen zijt en het land erft.

31 En Ik zal uw landpalen zetten van de zee Suf tot aan de zee der Filistijnen, en van de woestijn tot aan de rivier; want Ik zal de inwoners van dat land in uw hand geven, dat gij hen voor uw aangezicht uitstoot.

32 Gij zult met hen, noch met hun goden, een verbond maken.

33 Zij zullen in uw land niet wonen, opdat zij u tegen Mij niet doen zondigen; indien gij hun goden dient, het zal u voorzeker tot een valstrik zijn.




Arcana Coelestia#9276



9276. 'And whatever is left by them let the wild animal of the field eat' means being joined through them to those immersed in the delights that go with external truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'whatever is left by them', that is to say, by 'the needy of the people', as that which is left and so remains after them, but at this point that which is received through them since the subject is the Church's being joined to those who possess few truths, and also here being joined to those immersed in the delights that go with external truth (the Church is joined to the latter through the former, as will be seen below); from the meaning of 'eating' as communicating and being joined together, dealt with immediately above in 9275; and from the meaning of 'the wild animal of the field' as those immersed in the delights that go with external truth. For in the Word affections for truth and good are meant by 'beasts', affections for internal truth and good being meant by 'beasts belonging to the flock', and affections for external truth and good being meant by 'beasts belonging to the herd'. But 'wild animals' are the kinds of affections that are drawn towards most external truth; for these affections compared with internal ones are 'wild animals', since they are the affections that belong to the level of the senses, and are called lowly pleasures and delights. They are delights that go with truth and not so much with good, the reason for this being that the senses, which are in direct contact with the world through the body, derive scarcely anything from spiritual good; for bodily and worldly kinds of love reside especially on the sensory level.

Affections for truth and good are meant in the Word by 'beasts', see 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 719, 776, 1823, 2180, 2781, 3218, 3519, 5198, 9090.

Affections for internal truth and good are meant by 'beasts belonging to the flock', and affections for external truth and good by 'beasts belonging to the herd', 5913, 8937, 9135.

The senses are in contact with the world, being the most external powers of the mind, 4009, 5077, 5089, 5094, 5125, 5128, 5767, 6183, 6201, 6310, 6311, 6313, 6315, 6318, 6564, 6598, 6612, 6614, 6622, 6624, 6844, 6845, 6948, 6949, 7442, 7693, 9212, 9216.

From all that is shown in these places one can see what the sensory level of a person's mind compared with more internal levels is like, namely like a wild animal.

[2] The present verse deals in the internal sense with those who are governed by the good of charity, then with those who possess few truths and still have a desire to receive instruction, and after that with those who are immersed in the delights that go with external truth. These three groups of people constitute the Church. Those governed by the good of charity constitute the internal part of the Church, whereas those who possess few truths and still wish to receive instruction, thus who derive from good an affection for truth, constitute the external part of the Church. But those immersed in the delights that go with external truth are the most external; they so to speak form the perimeter and enclose the Church.

[3] Heaven is joined to the human race, that is, the Lord coming by way of heaven is joined to it, through those who are governed by the good of charity, thus through the good of charity since the Lord is present within that good. For essentially that good is the Lord, because it emanates from Him. Through that good the Lord joins Himself to those who have an affection for truth; for the affection for truth is derived from good, and good emanates from the Lord, as has been stated. Through these people in turn the Lord is present with those immersed in the delights that go with external truth; for their delights spring for the most part from self-love and love of the world and derive little at all from spiritual good. Such is the manner in which heaven makes contact with people, that is, such is the manner in which the Lord coming by way of heaven makes contact with them; such therefore is the manner in which He is joined to them.

[4] That such is the manner in which the Lord makes contact with and is joined to the human race is clear from the consideration that the manner in which influx takes place with every member of the Church is such. The expression 'member of the Church' is used to mean one who is governed by the good of charity and consequently by the truths of faith received from the Lord; for charity from which faith springs is the Church itself present with a person, since charity and faith come from the Lord. The Lord flows into that good, which is the internal level of a person, then through that good into the affection for truth, which is his external level, and on through that affection into the delights that go with external truth, which are present on the most external levels.

[5] What applies to the individual member of the Church also applies to the Church as a whole, that is, to all collectively who constitute the Lord's Church. The reason why this should be so is that in the Lord's eyes the entire Church is like a human being; for the Lord's heaven, with which the Church acts as one, is in His eyes seen as one total human being, as becomes clear from what has been shown regarding heaven as the Grand Man at the ends of a number of the chapters explaining Genesis. This being so with the Church, the same is so with the individual member of the Church; for the individual member of the Church is a miniature heaven, Church, and Lord's kingdom.

[6] The Church also resembles an actual human being in this respect, that a person has two fountains of life, namely The Heart and The Lungs. It is well known that when human life begins the first part to develop is the heart and that the second is the lungs, and that from these two as fountains of life every other part of the body receives life. The heart of the Grand Man, that is, of heaven and the Church, is composed of those who are governed by love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour, and so, considered without reference to persons, consists in love of the Lord and love of the neighbour. But the lungs in the Grand Man, or heaven and the Church, are composed of those who are governed by charity towards the neighbour, which comes from the Lord, and from this by faith, and so, considered without reference to persons, consists in charity and faith coming from the Lord. The remaining organs and members in the Grand Man however are composed of those who are governed by external forms of good and external truths, and so, considered without reference to persons, consist in external forms of good and external truths, by means of which internal truths and forms of good can be brought in. Just as the heart, then, flows first into the lungs, and subsequently from itself through these into the organs and members of the body, so too the Lord flows through the good of love into internal truths, and through these into external truths and forms of good.

[7] From all this it may be seen that the existence of the Church on earth is absolutely vital, and that without the Church the human race would perish; for it would be like a person at the time of death, when the lungs and heart stop working. For this reason the Lord sees to it that there always exists on earth a Church in which the Lord has made Himself known through Divine Truth received from Him, such Divine Truth on our planet being the Word. Scarcely anyone at the present day believes that this is so, because no one believes that human life comes wholly from the Lord by way of heaven. For it is supposed that life exists innately in a person and can continue to do so without connection with heaven, that is, with the Lord through heaven. But that supposition is utterly false.

[8] All this now shows how to understand the idea of being joined through the good of charity to those who possess few truths and still have a desire to receive instruction, and being joined through them to those immersed in the delights that go with external truth, meant by the law about letting the land rest and letting it lie fallow in the seventh year, when the needy of their people would eat, and whatever was left by these the wild animal of the field would eat. But see what has been shown already regarding matters that are mentioned above:

In the Lord's eyes heaven is seen as one total human being and for this reason heaven is called the Grand Man, 1276, 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 4218-4228.

[9] The same applies to the Lord's Church, for the Lord's kingdom on earth is the Church, which acts as one with the Lord's kingdom in heaven, 4060, 7396, 9216.

The individual member of the Church has heaven and the Church within him, 1900, 1902, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4292, 4523, 4524, 4625, 6013, 6057.

Those who are governed by love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour constitute the province of the heart in the Grand Man, and those who are governed by charity and from this by faith coming from the Lord constitute the province of the lungs, 3635, 3883-3896.

Human life flows in wholly from the Lord by way of heaven, 2536, 2706, 2886-2889, 2893, 3001, 3318, 3484, 3742, 3743, 4151, 5846, 5850, 5986, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6327, 6466-6495, 6598-6626, 6982, 6985, 6996, 7004, 7055, 7056, 7058, 7147, 7270, 7343, 8321, 8685, 8701, 8717, 8728, 9110, 9111, 9216.

Heaven exists in connection with mankind, 9216.

Without the Church on earth the human race would perish, 468, 637, 2853, 4545.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.