




1 Derpå kaldte Jakob sine Sønner til sig og sagde: "Saml eder, så vil jeg forkynde eder, hvad der skal hændes eder i de sidste Dage:

2 Kom hid og hør, Jakobs Sønner, lyt til eders Fader Israel!

3 uben, du er min førstefødte, min Styrke og min Mandskrafts første, ypperst i Højhed, ypperst i Kraft!

4 Du skummer over som Vandet, men du mister din Forret; thi du besteg din Faders Leje.Skændigt handled du da han besteg mit Leje!

5 Simeon og Levi, det Broder Par, Voldsredskaber er deres Våben.

6 I deres åd giver min Sjæl ej Møde, i deres Forsamling tager min Ære ej Del; thi i Vrede dræbte de Mænd, egenrådigt lamslog de Okser.

7 Forbandet være deres Vrede, så vild den er, deres Hidsighed, så voldsom den er! Jeg spreder dem i Jakob, splitter dem ad i Israel!

8 Juda, dig skal dine Brødre prise, din Hånd skal gribe dine Fjender i Nakken, din Faders Sønner skal bøje sig for dig.

9 En Løveunge er Juda. Fra ov stiger du op, min Søn! Han ligger og strækker sig som en Løve, ja, som en Løvinde, hvo tør vække ham!

10 Ikke viger Kongespir fra Juda, ej Herskerstav fra hans Fødder, til han, hvem den tilhører; kommer, ham skal Folkene lyde.

11 Han binder sit Æsel ved Vinstokken, ved anken Asenindens Fole, tvætter i Vin sin Kjortel, sin Kappe i Drueblod,

12 med Øjnene dunkle af Vin og Tænderne hvide af Mælk!

13 Zebulon har hjemme ved Havets Byst, han bor ved Skibenes Kyst, hans Side er vendt mod Zidon.

14 Issakar, det knoglede Æsel, der strækker sig mellem Foldene,

15 fandt Hvilen sød og Landet lifligt; derfor bøjed han yg under Byrden og blev en ufri Træl.

16 Dan dømmer sit Folk så godt som nogen Israels Stamme.

17 Dan blive en Slange ved Vejen, en Giftsnog ved Stien, som bider Hesten i Hælen,så ytteren styrter bagover!

18 På din Frelse bier jeg, HE E!

19 Gad, på ham gør Krigerskarer Indhug, men han gør Indhug i Hælene på dem.

20 Aser, hans Føde er fed, Lækkerier for Konger har han at give.

21 Naftali er en løssluppen Hind, han fremfører yndig Tale.

22 Et yppigt Vintræ er Josef, et yppigt Vintræ ved Kilden, anker slynger sig over Muren.

23 Bueskytter fejder imod ham, strides med ham, gør Angreb på ham,

24 men hans Bue er stærk, hans Hænders Arme rappe; det kommer fra Jakobs Vældige, fra Hyrden, Israels Klippe,

25 fra din Faders Gud han hjælpe dig!Og Gud den Almægtige, han velsigne dig med Himmelens Velsignelser oventil og Dybets Velsignelser nedentil, med Brysters og Moderlivs Velsignelser!

26 Din Faders Velsignelser overgår de ældgamle Bjerges Velsignelser, de evige Højes Herlighed. Måtte de komme over Josefs Hoved, over Issen på Fyrsten blandt Brødre!

27 Benjamin, den rovlystne Ulv, om Morgenen æder han ov, om Aftenen deler han Bytte!"

28 Alle disse er Israels Stammer, tolv i Tal, og det var, hvad deres Fader talte til dem, og han velsignede dem, hver især af dem gav han sin særlige Velsignelse.

29 Og han sagde til dem som sin sidste Vilje: "Nu samles jeg til mit Folk; jord mig da hos mine Fædre i Hulen på Hetiten Efrons Mark.

30 i Hulen på Makpelas Mark over for Mamre i Kana'ans Land. den Mark, som Abraham købte af Hetiten Efron til Gravsted,

31 hvor de jordede Abraham og hans Hustru Sara, hvor de jordede Isak og hans Hustru ebekka, og hvor jeg jordede Lea.

32 Marken og Hulen derpå blev købt af Hetiterne."

33 Dermed havde Jakob givet sine Sønner sin Vilje til Kende, og han strakte sine Fødder ud på Lejet. udåndede og samledes til sin Slægt.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#4007



4007. 'Every one that had white in it' means that which has truth in it. This is clear from the meaning of 'white' as truth, but strictly speaking as the Lord's Righteousness and Merit, and from this the Lord's righteousness and merit as these exist with man, dealt with in 3301, 3993. 'White' has that meaning because the light of heaven which radiates from the Lord, a light which is the source of splendour and brightness, means truth. Anything therefore on which that light falls and is made splendid and bright is that which is called the Lord's righteousness and merit existing with man. Those who acknowledge this, the Lord's righteousness, and who from good take it to themselves and reject their own, are specifically the ones meant by 'the righteous' whom the Lord refers to, in Matthew,

The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Matthew 13:43.

[2] The fact that that which is 'white', being splendid and bright, has this meaning is also evident from other places in the Word, as in Moses,

His eyes will be redder than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. Genesis 49:12.

This refers to Judah, who represents the Lord as regards the Divinity of His Love, and in the internal sense the celestial kingdom, and so the celestial man, see 3881. 'Eyes redder than wine' means Divine Wisdom, and 'teeth whiter than milk' means Righteousness. In David,

You will purify me with hyssop and I shall be clean; You will wash me, and I shall become whiter than snow. Psalms 51:7.

'Washing and becoming whiter than snow' stands for being purified from sins by means of receiving and putting on the Lord's righteousness. In John,

In the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man. His head and hair were white, like white wool, like snow; and his eyes were like a flame of fire. Revelation 1:13-14.

[3] In the same book,

You have a few names in Sardis, who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who conquers will be clad in white garments. Revelation 3:4-5.

In the same book,

I counsel you to buy from Me gold purified in fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you. Revelation 3:18.

In the same book,

To each soul under the altar were given white robes. Revelation 6:9, 11.

In the same book,

I saw, standing before the throne and before the Lamb those clothed in white robes. One of the elders said to me, These clothed in white robes - who are they, and where have they come from? I said to him, Sir, you know. He said to me, These are they who are coming out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and have made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9, 13-14.

In the same book,

The angels were clothed in linen, white and splendid, and were girded around their breasts with golden girdles. Revelation 15:6.

In the same book,

I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; to him a crown was given. Revelation 6:2.

And elsewhere,

After this I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. His armies in heaven were following Him on white horses and were clothed in linen white and clean. Revelation 19:11, 14.

[4] In all these places 'white' means the truth of faith; 'white garments' and 'white robes' have no other meaning. But the truth of faith does not exist with any who believe that they have faith of themselves and so believe that they are wise of themselves. Rather, it exists with those who believe that their faith and wisdom come from the Lord, for faith and wisdom are imparted to them because they do not ascribe any truth or good at all to themselves. Even less do they believe that they possess any merit through the truths and goods residing with them, and less still any righteousness, but only by ascribing these to the Lord, and so everything to His grace and mercy. This is what 'putting on white garments' means, and also what 'being made white in the blood of the Lamb' means. There are two things which all who enter heaven cast aside, namely their proprium and consequent confidence, and merit that is their own or self-righteousness. Then they assume a heavenly proprium which comes from the Lord, and the Lord's merit or righteousness. And to the extent that these are so assumed those persons advance further into heaven. These two things specifically are meant by 'red' and by 'white'; 'red' means the good of love and is present with those people at that time, 'white' the truth of faith.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.