




1 Efter disse Begivenheder satte Gud Abraham på Prøve og sagde til ham: "Abraham!" Han svarede: "Se, her er jeg!"

2 Da sagde han: "Tag din Søn Isak, din eneste, ham, du elsker, og drag hen til Morija Land.og bring ham der som Brændoffer på et af Bjergene, som jeg vil vise dig!"

3 Da sadlede Abraham tidligt næste Morgen sit Æsel, tog to af sine Drenge og sin Søn Isak med sig, og efter at have kløvet Offerbrænde gav han sig på Vandring; til det Sted, Gud havde sagt ham.

4 Da Abraham den tredje Dag så. op, fik han Øje på Stedet langt borte.

5 sagde Abraham til sine Drenge: "Bliv her med Æselet, medens jeg og Drengen vandrer der. hen for at tilbede; så kommer vi tilbage til eder."

6 Abraham tog da Brændet til Brændofferet og lagde,det på sin Søn Isak; selv tog han Ilden og Offerkniven, og så gik de to sammen.

7 Da sagde Isak til sin Fader Abraham: "Fader!" Han svarede: "Ja. min Søn!" Da sagde han: "Her er Ilden og Brændet, men hvor er Dyret til Brændofferet?"

8 Abraham svarede: "Gud vil selv udse sig Dyret til Brændofferet, min Søn!" Og så gik de to sammen.

9 Da de nåede det Sted, Gud havde sagt ham, byggede Abraham der et Alter og lagde Brændet til ette; så bandt han sin Søn Isak og lagde ham på Alteret oven på Brændet.

10 Og Abraham greb Kniven og rakte Hånden ud for at slagte sin Søn.

11 Da råbte HE ENs Engel til ham fra Himmelen: "Abraham, Abraham!" Han svarede: "Se, her er jeg!"

12 Da sagde Engelen: " æk ikke din Hånd ud mod Drengen og gør ham ikke noget; thi nu ved jeg, at du frygter Gud og end ikke sparer din Søn, din eneste, for mig!"

13 Og da Abraham nu så op, fik han bag ved sig Øje på en Væder, hvis Horn havde viklet sig ind i de tætte Grene; og Abraham gik hen og tog Væderen og ofrede den som Brændoffer i sin Søns Sted.

14 Derfor kaldte Abraham dette Sted: HE EN udser sig, eller, som man nu til dags siger: Bjerget, hvor HE EN viser sig.

15 Men HE ENs Engel råbte atter til Abraham fra Himmelen:

16 "Jeg sværger ved mig selv, lyder det fra HE EN: Fordi du har gjort dette og ikke sparet din Søn, din eneste, for mig,

17 så vil jeg velsigne dig og gøre dit Afkom talrigt som Himmelens Stjerner og Sandet ved Havets Bred; og dit Afkom skal tage sine Fjenders Porte i Besiddelse;

18 og i din Sæd skal alle Jordens Folk velsignes, fordi du adlød mig!"

19 Derpå vendte Abraham tilbage til sine Drenge, og de brød op og tog sammen til Be'ersjeba. Og Abraham blev i Be'ersjeba.

20 Efter disse Begivenheder meldte man Abraham: "Også Milka har født din Broder Nakor Sønner:

21 Uz, hans førstefødte, dennes Broder Buz, Kemuel, Arams Fader,

22 Kesed, Hazo, Pildasj, Jidlaf og Betuel;

23 Betuel avlede ebekka; disse otte har Milka født Abrahams Broder Nakor,

24 og desuden har hans Medhustru e'uma født Teba, Gaham, Tahasj og Ma'aka."


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#2795



2795. 'And return to you' means conjunction after that. This too becomes clear without explanation. The subject of this chapter being the Lord's severest and inmost temptations, all the states are described which He assumed when undergoing those temptations. The first state is described in verse 3, the second state in the present verse, the third state in the verse that follows next and in all the rest after that. But these states cannot possibly be explained to the ordinary mind unless many other things are known first, not only about the Lord's Divine which is represented here by 'Abraham' but also about His Divine Human which is represented by 'Isaac', and about the state - when He went into and underwent the conflicts brought about by temptations - of this Rational, meant here by 'the boy'. In addition to this one has to know what the first rational was, and the nature of it, as well as the natural that went with that rational, and also the nature of the state when one was joined to the other, and the nature of the state when they were more or less separated. What is more, one needs to know many things regarding temptations, such as what exterior and interior temptations are, and from this what were the inmost and severest temptations that were the Lord's, which are the subject in this chapter. As long as all these matters remain unknown the things within this verse cannot possibly be described intelligibly. And if they were described, even in the clearest possible manner, they would still appear obscure. To angels, since they dwell in the light of heaven flowing from the Lord, all these matters are plain and clear, and indeed blessed because these matters are supremely heavenly.

[2] This alone need be said here, that the Lord could not possibly be tempted when He was one with the Divine itself, for the Divine is infinitely above all temptation. But He could experience temptation as to His human. This is the reason why, when He was to undergo the severest and inmost temptations, He joined the first human to Himself, that is to say, the rational and the natural degrees of it, as described in verse 3, and after that separated Himself from them, as stated in the present verse, though still retaining certain traits through which He could be tempted. It is for this reason that here Isaac is not spoken of as 'my son' but as 'the boy', an expression used to mean the Divine Rational in that particular state, that is to say, in a state of truth, equipped for the severest and inmost conflicts brought about by temptations, see 2793. The truth that neither the Divine itself nor the Divine Human could be tempted may become clear to anyone merely from the fact that not even angels can approach the Divine, still less the spirits who bring temptations about, and least of all the hells. From all this it is evident why the Lord came into the world and took on the human state of being with all its weakness, for by doing so He was able to be tempted as regards the human and by means of temptations to suppress the hells. He was able to restore every single thing to obedience and to order, and to save the human race which had removed itself so far away from the Supreme Divine.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.