




1 Abrams Hustru Saraj fødte ham intet Barn. Men Saraj havde en Ægyptisk Trælkvinde ved Navn Hagar;

2 og Saraj sagde til Abram: "HE EN har jo nægtet mig Børn; gå derfor ind til min Trælkvinde, måske kan jeg få en Søn ved hende!" Og Abram adlød Saraj.

3 Så tog Abrams Hustru Saraj sin Trælkvinde, Ægypterinden Hagar, efter at Abram havde boet ti År i Kana'ans Land, og gav sin Mand Abram hende til Hustru;

4 og han gik ind til Hagar, og hun blev frugtsommelig. Men da hun så, at hun var frugtsommelig, lod hun hånt om sin Herskerinde.

5 Da sagde Saraj til Abram: "Min Krænkelse komme over dig! Jeg lagde selv min Trælkvinde i din Favn, og nu hun ser, at hun skal føde, lader hun hånt om mig; HE EN være Dommer mellem mig og dig!"

6 Abram svarede Saraj: "Din Trældkvinde er i din Hånd, gør med hende, hvad du finder for godt!" Da plagede Saraj hende, så hun flygtede for hende.

7 Men HE ENs Engel fandt hende ved Vandkilden i Ørkenen, ved Kilden på Vejen til Sjur;

8 og han sagde: "Hvorfra kommer du, Hagar, Sarajs Trælkvinde, og hvor går du hen?" Hun svarede: "Jeg flygter for min Herskerinde Saraj!"

9 Da sagde HE ENs Engel til hende: "Vend tilbage til din Herskerinde og find dig i hendes Mishandling!"

10 Og HE ENs Engel sagde til hende: "Jeg vil gøre dit Afkom så talrigt, at det ikke kan tælles."

11 Og HE ENs Engel sagde til hende: "Se, du er frugtsommelig, og du skal føde en Søn, som du skal kalde Ismael, thi HE EN har hørt, hvad du har lidt;

12 og han skal blive et Menneske Vildæsel, hvis Hånd er mod alle, og alles Hånd mod ham, og han skal ligge i Strid med alle sine Frænder!"

13 Så gav hun HE EN, der havde talet til hende, Navnet: Du er en Gud, som ser; thi hun sagde: "Har jeg virkelig her set et Glimt af ham, som ser mig?"

14 Derfor kaldte man Brønden Be'er-lahaj-ro'i; den ligger mellem Kadesj og Bered.

15 Og Hagar fødte Abram en Søn, og Abram kaldte Sønnen, Hagar fødte ham, Ismael.

16 Abram var seks og firsindstyve År gammel, da Hagar fødte ham Ismael.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#1904



1904. That 'Sarai, Abram's wife, took' means the affection for truth, which in the genuine sense is 'Sarai the wife', is clear from the meaning of 'Sarai' as truth allied to good, and from the meaning of 'wife' as affection, dealt with already in 915, 1468. There are two affections, distinct and separate - the affection for good and the affection for truth. While a person is being regenerated the affection for truth takes the lead, for it is an affection for truth for the sake of good that moves him; but once he has been regenerated the affection for good takes the lead, and it is now an affection for truth originating in good that moves him. The affection for good belongs to the will, the affection for truth to the understanding. The most ancient people established a marriage so to speak between these two affections. They used to refer to good (or the love of good) and truth (or the love of truth) as Man, calling the former 'the husband' and the latter 'the wife'. The comparison of good and truth to a marriage has its origins in the heavenly marriage.

[2] Regarded in themselves good and truth do not possess any life, but they derive their life from love or affection. They are merely the instruments that serve life. Consequently as is the love producing the affection for good and truth, so is the life; for the whole of life constitutes the whole of love or affection. This is why 'Sarai his wife' in the genuine sense means the affection for truth. And because the Intellectual desired the Rational as its offspring, and because what she says is an expression of that desire or affection, this verse contains the explicit wording, 'Sarai, Abram's wife, gave to Abram her husband' which would be an unnecessary repetition - for in themselves these words would be quite superfluous - if such matters were not embodied within the internal sense.

[3] Intellectual truth is distinct and separate from rational truth, and rational truth from factual truth, just as what is internal, what is intermediate, and what is external are. Intellectual truth is internal, rational truth is intermediate, while factual truth is external. These are quite distinct and separate because one is interior to another. With everyone intellectual truth, which is internal, or that present within the inmost part of him, is not his own but is the Lord's with him. From this the Lord flows into the rational, where truth first appears as if it were the person's own, and through the rational into his faculty of knowing. From these considerations it is clear that nobody can possibly think as of himself from intellectual truth, but from rational truth and factual truth because these do appear as if they were his.

[4] Only the Lord, when He lived in the world, thought from intellectual truth, for that truth was His own Divine truth joined to good, or the Divine spiritual joined to the Divine celestial. In this respect the Lord was different from all others. Man in no way possesses the ability to think from the Divine existing within himself as his essential self, nor can that ability possibly exist within man, only within Him who was conceived from Jehovah. Because He thought from intellectual truth, that is, from the love or affection for intellectual truth, from that truth also He desired the Rational. This is why it is stated here that 'Sarai, Abram's wife', by whom is meant the affection for intellectual truth, 'took Hagar the Egyptian and gave her to Abram her husband as his wife (mulier)'.

[5] No other arcana concealed here can be brought out and explained intelligibly because the human being dwells in very great obscurity regarding his own internals. Indeed he has no conception of these, for he identifies the rational and the intellectual degrees of the mind with the factual degree, not knowing that these degrees are distinct and separate, so distinct in fact that the intellectual is able to exist without the rational, as also can the rational, while subordinate to the intellectual, exist without the factual. This must inevitably seem absurd to those wholly immersed in factual knowledge, but it is nevertheless the truth. It is not possible however for anyone to have truth present in the factual degree of his mind, that is to say, to have an affection for it and a belief in it, if truth is not present in the rational, into which and through which the Lord flows in from the intellectual degree. These arcana do not lie open to man's view except in the next life.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.