




1 Og jeg skuede og se, over hvælvingen over kerubernes hoveder var der noget som Safir; noget ligesom en Trone viste sig over dem.

2 sagde han til Manden i det linnede Klædebon: "Gå ind mellem Hjulene under keruberne og tag Hænderne fulde af glødende Kul fra ummet mellem Keruberne og strø det ud over Byen!" Og jeg så ham gå derhen.

3 Keruberne stod sønden for Templet, da Manden gik derhen, og Skyen fyldte den indre Forgård.

4 Og HE ENs Herlighed hævede sig fra Keruberne og flyttede sig hen til Templets Tærskel; da fyldtes Templet af Skyen, og Forgården fyldtes af HE ENs Herligheds Glalans.

5 Og Suset af Kerubernes Vinger hørtes helt ud i den ydre Forgård som Gud den Almægtiges øst, når han taler.

6 Så bød han Manden i det linnede Klædebon: "Tag Ild fra ummet mellem Hjulene, inde mellem keruberne!" Og Manden stillede sig hen ved Siden af det ene Hjul

7 og rakte Hånden ind i Ilden, som brændte mellem Keruberne, og kom ud med noget deraf.

8 Under Kerubernes Vinger sås noget, der lignede en Menneskehånd;

9 og jeg skuede, og se, der var fire Hjul ved Siden af Keruberne, eet ved hver Kerub, og Hjulene var som funklende Krysolit at se til.

10 De så alle fire ens ud, og det var, som om der i hvert Hjul var et andet Hjul,

11 De kunde gå til alle fire Sider de vendte sig ikke, når de gik. Thi de gik i den etning, den forreste vendte, og de vendte sig ikke, når de gik.

12 Hele deres Legeme, yg, Hænder og Vinger og ligeledes Hjulene var fulde af Øjne rundt om; således var det med alle fire Hjul.

13 Og jeg hørte, at Hjulene kaldtes Galgal.

14 Hver af dem havde fire Ansigter; det ene var et Kerubansigt, det andet et Menneskeansigt, det tredje et Løveansigt og det fjerde et Ørneansigt.

15 Og Keruberne hævede sig i Vejret. Det var det samme levende Væsen, jeg så ved Floden Kebar.

16 Når Keruberne gik, gik også Hjulene ved Siden af, og når Keruberne løftede Vingerne for at hæve sig fra Jorden, vendte Hjulene sig ikke fra dem;

17 når de standsede, standsede også de; og når de hævede sig, hævede de sig med, thi Væsenets Ånd var i dem.

18 Så forlod HE ENs Herlighed Templets Tærskel og stillede sig over Keruberne.

19 Og jeg så, hvorledes Keruberne løftede Vingerne og hævede sig fra Jorden, da de gik, og Hjulene med dem; og de standsede ved Indgangen til HE ENs Huses Østport, og Israels Guds Herlighed var oven over dem.

20 Det var det samme levende Væsen, jeg så under Israels Gud ved Floden Kebar; og jeg skønnede, at det var Keruber.

21 Hver af dem havde fire Ansigter og fire Vinger og noget ligesom Menneskehænder under Vingerne.

22 Og deres Ansigter var ligesom de Ansigter, jeg så ved Floden Kebar. De gik alle lige ud.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Apocalypse Revealed#945



945. 22:8 Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. This means that John supposed that the angel sent to him by the Lord to keep him in a state of the spirit was the God who revealed these things, when in fact that was not the case, as the angel only showed him what the Lord presented.

Clearly John supposed that the angel sent to him was the Lord Himself, for we are told that he fell down to worship before the angel's feet. But that it was not as he supposed is apparent from the next verse, in which the angel tells him that he is his fellow servant: "Worship God." That the angel was sent to John by the Lord is apparent from verse 16, which says, "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches."

But behind this lies the following secret: The Lord sent the angel to John in order to keep him in a state of the spirit and to show him in that state the visions he saw. For whatever John saw, he saw not with the eyes of his body, but with the eyes of his spirit, as can be seen from the passages in which he says that he was in the spirit and seeing a vision (Revelation 1:10; 9:17; 17:3; 21:10), thus everywhere that he says "he saw." And a person can enter that state and be kept in it only by angels who are closely attached to the person, who induce their own spiritual state on the interiors of his mind. For this raises the person into the light of heaven, and in that light he sees sights in heaven and not in the world.

[2] Ezekiel, Zechariah, Daniel, and other prophets were at times in the same state, but not when they spoke the Word. When they spoke the Word they were not in the spirit, but conscious in the body, and the words they wrote they heard from Jehovah Himself, that is, from the Lord.

These two states experienced by the prophets must be properly distinguished. The prophets themselves also properly distinguished them, for they everywhere say when they wrote the Word from Jehovah that Jehovah spoke with them and to them, and most often, "Thus says Jehovah," or "the word of Jehovah." However, when they were in the other state, they say that they were in the spirit or seeing in a vision, as can be seen from the following: (Ezekiel said,) "The spirit lifted me up and brought me in a vision... of God into Chaldea, to those in captivity. So the vision that I saw went up upon me." (Ezekiel 11:1, 24)

Ezekiel says that the spirit lifted him up and that he heard behind him an earthquake, among other things (Ezekiel 3:12, 14). Also that the spirit lifted him up between earth and heaven, and brought him in visions of God to Jerusalem, where he saw abominations (Ezekiel 8:3ff.). Therefore he was also seeing in a vision of God or in the spirit when he saw four living creatures, which were cherubim (Ezekiel 1 and 10). And when he saw a new temple and a new land, and an angel measuring them (Ezekiel 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48). He says that he was then seeing in the visions of God (Ezekiel 40:2), and that the spirit lifted him up (Ezekiel 43:5).

[3] It was the same with Zechariah, who had an angel with him at the time when he saw a man riding among the myrtle trees (Zechariah 1:8ff.). When he saw the four horns, and then the man with a measuring line in his hand (Zechariah 1:18; 2:1ff.). When he saw Joshua, the high priest (Zechariah 3:1ff.). When he saw the lampstand and two olive trees (Zechariah 4:1ff.). When he saw the flying scroll and the ephah (Zechariah 5:1, 6). And when he saw the four chariots and their horses coming from between two mountains (Zechariah 6:1ff.).

Daniel was in the same state when he saw four beasts coming up from the sea (Daniel 7:1ff.), and when he saw the combat of the ram and the male goat (Daniel 8:1ff.). That he saw these sights in visions is said in Daniel 7:1-2, 7, 13; 8:2; 10:1, 7-8. Moreover, that he saw the angel Gabriel and spoke with him in a vision (Daniel 9:21).

It was the same with John when he saw the sights he described, as when he saw the Son of Man in the midst of the seven lampstands; when he saw the tabernacle, 1 the temple, 2 the ark, 3 and the altar 4 in heaven; the dragon and its combat with Michael; 5 the beasts; 6 the woman sitting on the scarlet beast; 7 the new heaven and new earth, and the holy Jerusalem with its wall, gates, and foundations; 8 and more.

These sights were revealed by the Lord, but shown by an angel.



Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.