




1 Moses svarede; "Hvis de nu ikke tror mig og ikke hører mig, men siger, at HE EN ikke har åbenbaret sig for mig?"

2 Da sagde HE EN til ham: "Hvad har du der i din Hånd?" Han svarede: "En Stav!"

3 Og han sagde: "Kast den til Jorden!" Da kastede han den til Jorden, og den blev til en Slange, og Moses flyede for den.

4 Og HE EN sagde til Moses: " æk Hånden ud og grib den i Halen!" Da rakte han sin Hånd ud, og den blev til en Stav i hans Hånd.

5 "For at de nemlig kan tro, at HE EN, deres Fædres Gud, Abrahams Gud, Isaks Gud og Jakobs Gud, har åbenbaret sig for dig."

6 Og HE EN sagde fremdeles til ham: "Stik din Hånd ind på Brystet!" Da stak han sin Hånd ind på Brystet, og da han trak den ud, se, da var den hvid som Sne af Spedalskhed.

7 Derpå sagde han: "Stik atter Hånden ind på Brystet!" Så stak han atter Hånden ind på Brystet, og da han trak den ud, se, da var den igen som hans øvrige Legeme.

8 "Hvis de nu ikke tror dig og lader sig overbevise af det første Tegn, så vil de tro det sidste;

9 men hvis de end ikke tror på disse to Tegn og hører på dig, tag da Vand fra Nilen og hæld det ud på Jorden, så skal Vandet, som du tager fra Nilen, blive til Blod på Jorden."

10 Men Moses sagde til HE EN: "Ak, Herre, jeg er ingen veltalende Mand, jeg var det ikke før og er det heller ikke nu, efter at du har talet til din Tjener, thi jeg har svært ved at udtrykke mig og tale for mig."

11 Da svarede HE EN ham: "Hvem har givet Mennesket Mund, og hvem gør stum eller døv, seende eller blind? Mon ikke jeg, HE EN?

12 Gå derfor kun, jeg vil være med din Mund og lære dig, hvad du skal sige!"

13 Men han sagde: "Ak, Herre, send dog enhver anden end mig!"

14 Da blussede HE ENs Vrede op imod Moses, og han sagde: "Har du ikke din Broder Aron, Leviten? Han, ved jeg, kan tale for sig. Han er også allerede på Vej for at møde dig, og han vil glæde sig i sit Hjerte, når han ser dig;

15 du skal tale til ham og lægge ham Ordene i Munden, så vil jeg være med din og hans Mund og lære eder, hvad I skal gøre.

16 Han skal tale på dine Vegne til Folket; han skal være din Mund, og du skal være som Gud for ham.

17 Tag nu i din Hånd denne Stav, som du skal gøre Tegnene med!"

18 Derefter vendte Moses tilbage til sin Svigerfader Jetro og sagde til ham: "Lad mig vende tilbage til mine Landsmænd i Ægypten og se, om de endnu er i Live!" Og Jetro svarede Mose's: "Drag bort i Fred!"

19 Da sagde HE EN til Moses i Midjan: "Vend tilbage til Ægypten, thi alle de Mænd, der stod dig efter Livet, er døde."

20 Så tog Moses sin Hustru og sin Søn og satte dem på sit Æsel og vendte tilbage til Ægypten; og Moses tog Guds Stav i Hånden.

21 Men HE EN sagde til Moses: "Når du vender tilbage til Ægypten, så mærk dig dette: Alle de Undergerninger, jeg giver dig Magt til at udføre, skal du gøre for Farao; men jeg vil forhærde hans Hjerte, så han ikke lader Folket rejse.

22 Og da skal du sige til Farao: Så siger HE EN: Israel er min førstefødte Søn;

23 men da jeg sagde til dig: Lad min Søn rejse, for at han kan dyrke mig! da nægtede du at lade ham rejse. Se, jeg dræber din førstefødte Søn!"

24 Men undervejs, i Natteherberget, kom HE EN imod ham og vilde dræbe ham.

25 Da greb Zippora en skarp Sten og afskar sin Søns Forhud og berørte hans Blusel dermed, idet hun sagde: "Du er mig en Blodbrudgom!"

26 Så lod han ham i Fred. Ved den Lejlighed brugte hun Ordet "Blodbrudgom" med Hentydning til Omskærelsen.

27 Derpå sagde HE EN til Aron: "Gå Moses i Møde i Ørkenen!" Og han gik ud og traf ham ved Guds Bjerg og kyssede ham.

28 Og Moses fortalte Aron om alt, hvad HE EN havde pålagt ham, og om alle de Tegn, han havde befalet ham at gøre.

29 Derefter gik Moses og Aron den og kaldte alle Israeliternes Ældste sammen;

30 og Aron fortalte alt, hvad HE EN havde sagt til Moses, og denne gjorde Tegnene i Folkets Påsyn.

31 Da troede Folket, og da de hørte, at HE EN havde givet Agt på Israeliterne og set til deres Elendighed, bøjede de sig og tilbad.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#7051



7051. People who know nothing at all about the internal sense of the Word cannot help thinking that the Israelite and Jewish nation was chosen in preference to every other nation and was therefore of superior quality to all the rest, as those who belonged to that nation also thought. And what is so astonishing, this is not only what that nation itself thinks but also what Christians think, no matter how well they know that this nation is eaten up by filthy kinds of love, by foul avarice, hatred, and pride, and in addition to this belittles and also loathes things of an internal nature that belong to charity and faith and are the Lord's. The reason why Christians also think that this nation was chosen in preference to others is that they think a person is chosen and saved as a result of mercy, irrespective of the life he leads, so that those who are criminal can be received into heaven just as well as the godly and upright. They give no consideration to the idea that choice or election is all-embracing, that is to say, that it includes all who lead a good life. Nor do they consider that the Lord's mercy is shown to every person who refrains from evil and wishes to lead a good life, and so who allows himself to be led by the Lord and to be regenerated, a process which is being effected throughout the course of his life.

[2] This goes to explain too why the majority of people in the Christian world also believe that that nation will again be chosen, and that when this happens they will be led back into the land of Canaan. And this belief is also in keeping with the sense of the letter, for example in the following places:

Isaiah 10:20-23; 11:11-12; Isaiah 29:14-end; 43:5, 6; 49:6-26; 56:8; 60:4; 61:3-10; 62;

Jeremiah 3:14-19; 15:4, 14; 16:13, 15; 23:7-8; 24:9-10; 31:31, 33; 25:29; 29:14, 18; 30:3, 8-11; 31:8-10, 17; 33:16, 20, 26;

Ezekiel 5:10, 12, 15; 16:60; 20:41; 22:15-16; 34:12-13; 37:21-22; 38:12; 39:23, 27-28;

Daniel 7:27; 12:7;

Hosea 3:4-5; Joel 2:32; 3; Amos 9:8-9 and following verses; Micah 5:7-8.

It is on the basis of these as well as other places that even Christians think that nation will again be chosen and led into the land of Canaan. They think this even though they know that nation is waiting for the Messiah who will then lead the nation in, and are at the same time aware that its waiting for Him is in vain, and that the Messiah's or Christ's kingdom is not of this world, which means that the land of Canaan into which the Messiah will lead them is heaven.

[3] Such people give no thought to the idea that the Word has a spiritual sense within it and that in that sense Israel is not meant by Israel, Jacob by Jacob, or Judah by Judah, but that the things which they represent are meant by them. Nor do they give any thought to what the historical sections record regarding that nation - what it was like in the wilderness and what it was like after that in the land of Canaan, namely that it was at heart idolatrous - or to what the Prophets say about it and about its spiritual whoredom and its abominations. What that nation is like is described in the following words contained in the Song in Moses,

I will conceal My face from them; I will see what their future will be, for they are a perverse generation, sons in whom there is no faithfulness. I would have said, I will expel them to the remotest corners, I will make the memory of them cease from mankind, except that enemies might say, Our hand is high, and not Jehovah has done all this. For they are a nation from whom counsel has perished, nor is there intelligence in them. From the vine of Sodom comes their vine, and from the fields of Gomorrah; their grapes are grapes of poison, they have clusters of bitterness. The poison of snakes (draco) is their wine, and the cruel poison of asps. Is this not hidden away with Me, sealed up in My treasuries? Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; in time their foot will slip, for near is the day of their destruction, and the things to come upon them hasten on. Deuteronomy 32:20, 26-28, 32-35.

Jehovah gave Moses the words of this song, see Deuteronomy 31:19, 21. The Lord too spoke about what that nation was like, in John,

You are from your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth. John 8:44.

And many other places besides these show what that nation was like.

[4] The reason why, although they know these things, Christians believe that that nation will at length be converted to the Lord and at that time led into the land where they lived before is, as has been stated, that they have no knowledge of the internal sense of the Word. Another reason is their supposition that it makes no difference what kind of life a person leads, and that even evil which has become deeply rooted through repeated actions in no way prevents a person - through faith, even if it has existed for only one part of an hour - from being made spiritual, being regenerated, and so being accepted by the Lord. They also suppose that admission into heaven is solely a matter of mercy, and that this is shown towards one particular nation, thus not towards all in the whole world who receive the Lord's mercy. Those who think in that way do not know that it is altogether contrary to the Divine that some should be chosen and born to salvation and heaven, and others should not be chosen but born to damnation and hell. To think about the Divine in that kind of way would be shocking, for making such choices would show a complete lack of mercy, when in fact the Divine is Mercy itself. From all this it may now be recognized that the Israelite and Jewish nation was not and never will be the chosen nation; also that not a trace of the Church existed or could exist with that nation, only a representative of the Church; and that it was preserved right up to the present day because of the Old Testament Word, regarding which see 3479.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.