




1 Så brød de op fra Elim, og hele Israeliternes Menighed kom til Sins Ørken, der ligger mellem Elim og Sinaj, på den femtende Dag i den anden Måned efter deres Udvandring af Ægypten.

2 Men hele Israeliternes Menighed knurrede mod Moses og Aron i Ørkenen,

3 og Israeliterne sagde til dem: "Var vi dog blot døde for HE ENs Hånd i Ægypten, hvor vi sad ved Kødgryderne og kunde spise os mætte i Brød! Thi I har ført os ud i denne Ørken for at lade hele denne Forsamling af Sult."

4 Da sagde HE EN til Moses: "Se, jeg vil lade Brød regne ned fra Himmelen til eder, og Folket skal ud og hver Dag samle så meget, som de daglig behøver, for at jeg kan prøve dem, om de vil følge min Lov eller ej.

5 Og når de på den sjette Ugedag tilbereder, hvad de har bragt hjem, så skal det være dobbelt så meget, som de samler de andre Dage."

6 Og Moses og Aron sagde til alle Israeliterne: "I Aften skal I kende, at det er HE EN, som har ført eder ud af Ægypten,

7 og i Morgen skal I skue HE ENs Herlighed, thi han har hørt eders Knurren mod HE EN; thi hvad er vel vi, at I knurrer mod os!"

8 Og Moses tilføjede: "Det skal ske, når HE EN i Aften giver eder Kød at spise og i Morgen Brød at mætte eder med; thi HE EN har hørt, hvorledes I knurrer mod ham; thi hvad er vi? Thi det er ikke os, I knurrer imod, men HE EN."

9 Derpå sagde Moses til Aron: "Sig til hele Israeliternes Menighed: Træd frem for HE ENs Åsyn, thi han har hørt eders Knurren!"

10 Og da Aron sagde det til hele Israeliternes Menighed, vendte de sig mod Ørkenen, og se, HE ENs Herlighed viste sig i Skyen.

11 Da talede HE EN til Moses og sagde:

12 "Jeg har hørt Israeliternes Knurren; sig til dem: Ved Aftenstid skal I få Kød at spise, og i Morgen tidlig skal I få Brød at mætte eder med, og I skal kende, at jeg er HE EN eders Gud."

13 Da det nu blev Aften, kom en Sværm Vagtler flyvende og faldt i et tykt Lag over Lejren; og næste Morgen lå Duggen tæt rundt om Lejren,

14 og da Duggen svandt, var Ørkenen dækket med noget fint, skælagtigt noget, noget fint der lignede im på Jorden.

15 Da Israeliterne så det, spurgte de hverandre: "Hvad er det?" Thi de vidste ikke, hvad det var; men Moses sagde til dem: "Det er det Brød, HE EN har givet eder til Føde!

16 Og således har HE EN påbudt: I skal samle deraf, enhver så meget som han har behov, en Omer for hvert Hoved; I skal tage deraf i Forhold til Antallet af eders Husfolk, enhver skal tage deraf til dem, der er i hans Telt!"

17 Israeliterne gjorde nu således, og de samlede, nogle mere og andre mindre;

18 og da de målte det med Omeren, havde den, der havde meget, ikke for meget, og den, der havde lidt, ikke for lidt, enhver havde samlet, hvad han behøvede til Føde.

19 Derpå sagde Moses til dem: "Ingen må gemme noget deraf til næste Morgen!"

20 Dog adlød de ikke Moses, og nogle af dem gemte noget deraf til næste Morgen; men da var det fuldt af Orme og lugtede. Da blev Moses vred på dem.

21 Således samlede de nu hver Morgen, enhver så meget som han havde behov. Men når Solen begyndte at brænde, smeltede det.

22 På den sjette Ugedag havde de samlet dobbelt så meget Brød, to Omer for hver Person. Og alle Menighedens Øverster kom og sagde det til Moses;

23 men han sagde til dem: "Det er netop, som HE EN har sagt. I Morgen er det Hviledag, en hellig Sabbat for HE EN. Bag, hvad I vil bage, og kog, hvad I vil koge, men læg det tiloversblevne til Side for at gemme det til i Morgen!"

24 De lagde det da til Side til næste Dag, som Moses havde befalet, og det kom ikke til at lugte, og der gik ikke Orm deri.

25 Derpå sagde Moses: "Det skal I spise i Dag, thi i Dag er det Sabbat for HE EN; i Dag finder I intet ude på Marken.

26 I seks bage skal I samle det, men på den syvende Dag, på Sabbaten, er der intet at finde."

27 Alligevel var der nogle blandt Folket, der gik ud på den syvende Dag for at samle; men de fandt intet.

28 Da sagde HE EN til Moses: "Hvor længe vil I vægre eder ved at holde mine Bud og Love?

29 Betænk dog, at HE EN har givet eder Sabbaten! Derfor giver han eder på den sjette Dag Brød til to Dage. Enhver af eder skal blive, hvor han er, og ingen må forlade sin Bolig på den syvende Dag!"

30 Da hvilede Folket på den syvende Dag.

31 Men Israeliterne kaldte det Manna; det lignede hvide Korianderfrø og smagte som Honningkager.

32 Moses sagde fremdeles: "Således har HE EN påbudt: En Omer fuld deraf skal gemmes til eders Efterkommere, for at de kan se det Brød, jeg gav eder at spise i Ørkenen, da jeg førte eder ud af Ægypten!"

33 Og Moses sagde til Aron: "Tag en Krukke, kom en Omer Manna deri og stil den foran HE ENs Åsyn for at gemmes til eders Efterkommere!"

34 Og Aron gjorde, som HE EN havde pålagt Moses, og han stillede den foran Vidnesbyrdet for at gemmes.

35 Og Israeliterne spiste Manna i fyrretyve År, indtil de kom til beboede Egne; de spiste Manna, indtil de kom til Grænsen af Kana'ans Land.

36 En Omer er Tiendedelen af en Efa.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#10248



10248. 'And it shall be the statute of an age to them' means an eternal law of order. This is clear from the meaning of 'a statute' as a law of order, dealt with in 7884, 7995, 8357; and from the meaning of 'an age' as that which is eternal. The reason why 'an age' means what is eternal is that duration even to the end should be understood by it, and in the internal sense what is eternal is meant by that duration. Furthermore the word used to denote an age means eternity in the original language. 'Age' means what is eternal because when used in the Word with regard to the Church it means duration of it even to the end. Consequently, when the term is used with regard to heaven, where there is no end, or with regard to the Lord, it means what is eternal. The term may be used to refer in general to any Church, but in particular to the celestial Church. In addition to all this 'age' means the world and life there, and also life after this to eternity.

[2] 1. The term 'age', when used with regard to the Church, means the duration of it even to the end

This is clear from the following places: In Matthew,

The disciples said to Jesus, Tell us, what will be the sign of Your coming and of the close of the age? Matthew 24:3.

'The close of the age' means the final period of the Church, thus the end of it, when there is no longer any faith because there is no charity. The fact that this is meant by 'the close of the age' and that 'the age' therefore means the duration of the Church even to the end becomes clear from all the things stated by the Lord in that chapter, an explanation of which may be seen in the opening sections of Chapters 26-40 of Genesis. 'The age' and 'the close' of it have the same meaning elsewhere in the same gospel,

The harvest is the close of the age. Matthew 13:39-40, 49.


Behold, I am with you at all times 1 even to the close of the age. Matthew 28:20.

Here also 'the age' is used to mean the duration of the Church from start to finish.

[3] In Ezekiel,

They will dwell on the land, they and their sons and their sons' sons even to an age. David will be their prince for an age. My sanctuary will be in their midst for an age. Ezekiel 37:25, 28.

These promises refer to Israel, who in the internal sense serves to mean the spiritual Church. 'The land' on which they will dwell also means the Church; 'the sanctuary' means everything composing the Church; and 'David' means the Lord. From this it is evident that 'for an age' means even to the end.

'Israel' in the Word is the spiritual Church, see in the places referred to in 9340.

'The land' is the Church, in the places referred to in 9325.

'The sanctuary' is everything composing the Church, and it has reference to the goodness and truth of the spiritual Church, 8330, 9479.

'David' is the Lord, 1888, 9954.

[4] In David,

Before the mountains were born, and the earth and the world were formed, from age even to age You are God. Psalms 90:2.

By the birth of mountains and formation of the earth and the world not the creation of the world but the establishment of a Church should be understood, for in the Word heavenly or celestial love, and so the Church in which that love exists, is meant by 'the mountains'. 'The earth' too and 'the world' mean the Church, so that 'from age to age' means from when Churches are established to when they come to an end. Churches follow in succession, one after another; for when one has come to an end or undergone vastation another is established.

'Mountain' means heavenly or celestial love, and therefore the Church which is governed by that love, see 795, 796, 4210, 6435, 8758.

'The earth' is the Church in particular, but 'the world' the Church in general, see in the places referred to in 9325.

[5] 2. The term 'age', when used with regard to heaven, where there is no end, or with regard to the Lord, means what is eternal

This is clear from the following places: In David,

Jehovah is King for an age and for perpetuity. Psalms 10:16; Exodus 15:18.

In the same author,

Your kingdom is a kingdom of all the ages, and Your dominion to every generation after generation. Psalms 145:13.

In Jeremiah,

[He is] the living God [and] the King of the age. Jeremiah 10:10.

In Daniel,

His dominion is the dominion of an age which will not pass away. Afterwards the saints of the Most High 2 will receive the kingdom and will strengthen the kingdom even to an age, and even to ages of ages. Daniel 7:14, 18, 27.

In Matthew,

Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ages. Matthew 6:13.

In Luke,

God will give Him the throne of David, so that He may reign over the house of Jacob for ages. Luke 1:32-33.

[6] In the Book of Revelation,

To Jesus Christ be glory and might for ages of ages. Revelation 1:6.

Elsewhere in the same book,

Behold, I live for ages of ages. Revelation 1:18.

And elsewhere again,

Blessing, and honour, and glory, and might to the Lamb for ages of ages! The twenty-four elders worshipped the One living for ages of ages. Revelation 5:13-14; 10:6; 11:15.

In Isaiah,

My salvation will exist for an age, and My righteousness to each generation 3 . Isaiah 51:6, 8.

In the same prophet,

The angel of [His] face carried them all the days of the age. Isaiah 63:9.

In Daniel,

Many of those sleeping will awake to the life of the age 4 , the rest to the disrepute of the age 5 . Daniel 12:2.

In John,

If anyone eats of this bread he will live for an age. John 6:51, 58.

In the same gospel,

I give them eternal life, and they will not perish for an age. John 10:28.

In David,

Lead me in the way of the age 6 . Psalms 139:24.

In the same author,

He has caused them to stand for perpetuity and for an age; He has given a statute that will not pass away. Psalms 148:6.

[7] In these places 'age' means what is eternal since it is used with regard to the Lord, to His kingdom, and to heaven and the life there, all of which have no end. 'Ages of ages' is not used to mean eternities of eternities but that which is eternal. That expression is used however with regard to the Churches on earth coming in succession one after another. From the Word it is evident that a Church has been established four times on this planet. The first of them was the Most Ancient, which existed before the Flood; the second was the Ancient, which came after the Flood; the third was the Israelite and Jewish; and the last was the Christian. The whole period of each one from start to finish is an age. And after the Christian Church a new one will begin. This series of Churches is meant by 'ages of ages', 'an age' being the duration of a Church even to its end, as shown above.

[8] 3. The term 'age' may be used to refer in general to any Church, but in particular to the celestial Church

This is clear from the following places: In Amos,

I will raise up the tent of David that is fallen down, and I will build as in the days of a [previous] age. Amos 9:11.

'The days of a [previous] age' is used to mean the time when the Most Ancient Church, which was celestial, existed. In Micah,

Bethlehem Ephrath, from you will come forth for Me one who will be Ruler in Israel, and whose origins are from of old, from the days of a [previous] age. Micah 5:2.

Here the meaning is similar. In Moses,

Remember the days of a [previous] age, understand the years of generation after generation. Deuteronomy 32:7.

'The days of a [previous] age' stands for the time of the Most Ancient Church, which was a celestial Church, and 'the years of generation after generation' for the time of the Ancient Church, which was a spiritual Church.

[9] In Isaiah,

Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of Jehovah. Awake as in the days of antiquity, of the generation of [previous] ages. Isaiah 51:8-9.

'As in [the days] of the generation of [previous] ages' means as it was with the states of love and faith in the Ancient Churches that descended from the Most Ancient. In David,

I have considered the days of old, the years of [previous] ages. Psalms 77:5.

Here the meaning is similar.

[10] In Isaiah,

Remember from a [previous] age the former thing. Isaiah 46:9.

In Malachi,

Then the minchah of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to Jehovah, as in the days of a [previous] age, and as in ancient years. Malachi 3:4.

In Joel,

Judah will abide for an age, and Jerusalem from generation to generation. Joel 3:20.

In these places 'Judah' means the celestial Church, to which the words 'as in the days of the age' and 'into the age' therefore refer, while 'Jerusalem' means the spiritual Church, to which the words 'as in the ancient years' and 'into generation after generation' refer.

'Judah' is the celestial Church, see 3654, 3881, 6363, 8770.

'Jerusalem' is the spiritual Church, 402, 3654.

[11] 4. The term 'age' may mean the world and life there

This is clear in Matthew,

The one who is sown among thorns is he who hears the Word but the cares of this age and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word. Matthew 13:22.

In Luke,

The sons of this age are more shrewd than the sons of light. Luke 16:8.

In the same gospel,

The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. Luke 20:34.

And in David,

The wicked and carefree ones of the age multiply wealth. Psalms 73:12.

[12] 5. The term 'age' may mean life to eternity after death

In Mark,

... will receive a hundredfold, now in this time, and in the age to come eternal life. Mark 10:30.

In Ezekiel,

When I will cause you to go down with those going down to the pit, to the people of a [previous] age, ... Ezekiel 26:20.

And elsewhere, as in Luke 18:30; 20:35; Isaiah 34:10, 17; Revelation 14:11; 20:10; 22:5.


1. literally, I am with you all the days

2. The Latin word rendered the Most High is plural, as is the word used in the original Aramaic. It must be regarded as a plural of majesty.

3. literally, generations of generations

4. i.e. eternal life

5. i.e. eternal disgrace

6. i.e. an eternal way


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.