




1 Stalo se pak po dvou letech, měl Farao sen. Zdálo mu se, že stál nad potokem.

2 A aj, z toho potoku vycházelo sedm krav, pěkných na pohledění a tlustých, kteréžto pásly se na mokřinách.

3 A aj, sedm krav jiných vycházelo za nimi z potoku, šeredných na pohledění a hubených, kteréžto stály podlé oněch krav při břehu potoka.

4 A ty krávy na pohledění šeredné a hubené sežraly oněch sedm krav na pohledění pěkných a tlustých. I procítil Farao.

5 A když usnul zase, zdálo se jemu podruhé. A aj, sedm klasů vyrostlo z stébla jednoho, plných a pěkných.

6 A aj, sedm klasů tenkých a východním větrem usvadlých vzcházelo za nimi.

7 A ti klasové tencí pohltili sedm oněch klasů zdařilých a plných. I procítiv Farao, a aj, byl sen.

8 Když pak bylo ráno, zkormoucena byla mysl jeho; a poslav, svolal všecky hadače Egyptské, a všecky mudrce jejich. I vypravoval jim Farao sny své; a nebylo žádného, kdo by je vyložil Faraonovi.

9 Tedy mluvil nejvyšší šeňk Faraonovi takto: Na provinění své rozpomínám se dnes.

10 Farao rozhněvav se na služebníky své, dal mne byl do vězení v domě nejvyššího nad drabanty, mne a správce nad pekaři.

11 Měli jsme pak sen jedné noci, on i já, jeden každý podlé vyložení snu svého.

12 A byl tam s námi mládenec Hebrejský, služebník nejvyššího nad drabanty, jemuž když jsme vypravovali, vykládal nám sny naše; jednomu každému podlé snu jeho vykládal.

13 A stalo se, že jakž vykládal nám, tak bylo: Já jsem navrácen k úřadu svému, a on oběšen.

14 Tedy poslav Farao, povolal Jozefa, a rychle vypustili ho z žaláře. Kterýžto oholiv se, a změniv roucho své, přišel k Faraonovi.

15 I řekl Farao Jozefovi: Měl jsem sen, a není, kdo by jej vyložil; o tobě pak slyšel jsem to, že když uslyšíš sen, umíš jej vyložiti.

16 Odpověděl Jozef Faraonovi, řka: Není to má věc; Bůh oznámí šťastné věci Faraonovi.

17 Tedy řekl Farao Jozefovi: Zdálo mi se ve snách, že jsem stál na břehu potoka.

18 A aj, z potoka toho vystupovalo sedm krav tlustých a pěkných, kteréžto pásly se na mokřinách.

19 A aj, sedm jiných krav vystupovalo za nimi churavých a šeredných velmi a hubených; neviděl jsem tak šeredných ve vší zemi Egyptské.

20 A sežraly krávy ty hubené a šeredné sedm krav prvnějších tlustých.

21 A ač dostaly se do břicha jejich, však nebylo znáti, by se dostaly v střeva jejich; nebo na pohledění byly mrzké, jako i před tím. I procítil jsem.

22 Viděl jsem také ve snách, ano sedm klasů vyrostlo z stébla jednoho plných a pěkných.

23 A aj, sedm klasů drobných, tenkých a východním větrem usvadlých vycházelo za nimi.

24 I pohltili klasové ti drobní sedm klasů pěkných. Což když jsem vypravoval hadačům, nebyl, kdo by mi vyložil.

25 Odpověděl Jozef Faraonovi: Sen Faraonův jednostejný jest. Což Bůh činiti bude, to ukázal Faraonovi.

26 Sedm krav pěkných jest Sedm let, a Sedm klasů pěkných tolikéž jest Sedm let; sen jest jednostejný.

27 Sedm pak hubených krav a šeredných, vystupujících za nimi, Sedm let jest; a Sedm klasů drobných a větrem východním usvadlých bude Sedm let hladu.

28 Toť jest, což jsem mluvil Faraonovi: Což Bůh činiti bude, ukazuje Faraonovi.

29 Aj, sedm let nastane, v nichž hojnost veliká bude ve vší zemi Egyptské.

30 A po nich nastane sedm let hladu,v nichž v zapomenutí přijde všecka ta hojnost v zemi Egyptské; a zhubí hlad zemi.

31 Aniž poznána bude hojnost ta v zemi, pro hlad, kterýž přijde potom; nebo velmi veliký bude.

32 Že pak opětován jest sen Faraonovi podvakrát, znamená, že jistá věc jest od Boha, a že tím spíše Bůh vykoná to.

33 Protož nyní ať vyhledá Farao muže opatrného a moudrého, kteréhož by ustanovil nad zemí Egyptskou.

34 To ať učiní Farao, a postaví úředníky nad zemí, a béře pátý díl z úrod země Egyptské, po sedm let hojných.

35 Ať shromáždí všeliké potravy těch úrodných let nastávajících, a sklidí obilí k ruce Faraonovi; a potravy v městech ať se chovají pilně.

36 A budou pokrmové ti za poklad zemi této k sedmi letům hladu, kteráž budou v zemi Egyptské, aby nebyla zkažena země tato hladem.

37 I líbila se řeč ta Faraonovi i všechněm služebníkům jeho.

38 Tedy řekl Farao služebníkům svým: Najdeme-liž podobného tomuto muži, v němž by byl Duch Boží?

39 Jozefovi pak řekl: Poněvadž Bůh dal znáti tobě všecko toto, neníť žádného tak rozumného a moudrého, jako ty jsi.

40 Ty budeš nad domem mým, a líbati bude tvář tvou všecken lid můj; stolicí toliko královskou vyšší nad tebe budu.

41 Řekl také Farao Jozefovi: Aj, ustanovil jsem tě nade vší zemi Egyptskou.

42 A sňav Farao prsten svůj s ruky své, dal jej na ruku Jozefovu, a oblékl ho v roucho kmentové, a vložil zlatý řetěz na hrdlo jeho.

43 A dal ho voziti na svém druhém voze, a volali před ním: Klanějte se! I ustanovil ho nade vší zemi Egyptskou.

44 A řekl Farao Jozefovi: Já jsem Farao, a bez dopuštění tvého nepozdvihne žádný ruky své ani nohy své ve vší zemi Egyptské.

45 A dal Farao jméno Jozefovi Safenat Paneach, a dal mu Asenat dceru Putifera, knížete On, za manželku. I vyšel Jozef na zemi Egyptskou.

46 (Jozef pak byl ve třidcíti letech, když stál před Faraonem králem Egyptským.) A vyšed od tváři Faraonovy, projel všecku zemi Egyptskou.

47 A vydala země po sedm let úrodných obilí hojnost.

48 I nahromáždil všelijakých potrav v těch sedmi letech hojných v zemi Egyptské, a složil potravu tu v městech; úrody polní jednoho každého města, kteréž byly okolo něho, složil v něm.

49 A tak nahromáždil Jozef obilí velmi mnoho, jako jest písku mořského, tak že přestali počítati; nebo mu nebylo počtu.

50 Jozefovi pak narodili se dva synové, prvé než přišel rok hladu, kteréž mu porodila Asenat, dcera Putifera, knížete On.

51 A nazval Jozef jméno prvorozeného Manasses, řka: Nebo způsobil to Bůh, abych zapomenul na všecky práce své, a na všecken dům otce svého.

52 Jméno pak druhého nazval Efraim, řka: Nebo dal mi Bůh zrůst v zemi trápení mého.

53 Tedy pominulo sedm let hojných v zemi Egyptské;

54 A počalo sedm let hladu přicházeti, jakž byl předpověděl Jozef. I byl hlad po všech krajinách, ale po vší zemi Egyptské byl chléb.

55 Potom také nedostatek trpěla všecka země Egyptská, a volal lid k Faraonovi o chléb. I řekl Farao všechněm Egyptským: Jděte k Jozefovi, což vám rozkáže, učiníte.

56 A byl hlad na tváři vší země. Tedy otevřel Jozef všecky obilnice, v nichž obilí bylo, a prodával Egyptským; nebo rozmohl se hlad v zemi Egyptské.

57 A všickni obyvatelé země přicházeli do Egypta k Jozefovi, aby kupovali; nebo rozmohl se byl hlad po vší zemi.




Arcana Coelestia#5247



5247. 'And he clipped [his hair and beard]' means a casting aside and the change made so far as the coverings of the exterior natural were concerned. This is clear from the meaning of 'clipping' - that is, clipping the head and beard - as casting aside the coverings of the exterior natural. For 'hair' which was clipped means the exterior natural, see 3301. Also, both hair on the head and that composing the beard correspond in the Grand Man to the exterior natural. This explains why in the light of heaven sensory-minded people - that is, those who have had no belief in anything apart from that which is natural, and have had no desire to understand how anything more internal or purer can exist apart from that which they can perceive with their senses - have a hairy appearance in the next life. They look so hairy that their faces are scarcely anything else than hairy beards. I have seen faces covered with hair like these on many occasions. But rationally-minded people, that is, spiritually-minded ones, with whom the natural has played a correctly subordinate role, are seen with tidy hair. Indeed from the state of people's hair in the next life one can tell what the natural with them is like. The reason spirits appear with hair on their heads is that in the next life spirits look exactly like people on earth. This too is why the Word sometimes includes a description of the hair of the angels people have seen.

[2] From all this one may now see what is meant by 'clipping', as in Ezekiel,

The priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, shall put off their garments in which they have been ministering and lay them in the holy chambers, and they shall put on other garments, and they shall not sanctify the people in their own garments. And they shall not shave their head and shall not let their hair grow long; they shall surely clip their heads. Ezekiel 44:15, 19-20.

This refers to a new Temple and a new priesthood, that is, to a new Church. 'Putting on other garments' means holy truths; 'not shaving their head, and not letting their hair grow long, but surely clipping their heads' means not casting aside the natural but taking measures to make it conformable, and so to make it subordinate. Anyone who believes that the Word is indeed holy can see that these and all the other details mentioned by the prophet which describe a new land, a new city, and a new Temple and priesthood must not be taken literally. The statement, for example, that the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, will minister there, at which time they will put off their ministerial garments and put on new ones, and will also clip their heads, is not meant literally; rather, each and all the details given by the prophet have as their meaning such things as are aspects of a new Church.

[3] The following rules were laid down for the high priest, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, in Moses,

The priest who is chief among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and who has been consecrated 1 to wear the garments, shall not shave his head or rend his garments. Leviticus 21:10.

The sons of Aaron shall not introduce any baldness on their head or shave the corner of their beard. They shall be holy to their God, and they shall not profane the name of their God. Leviticus 21:5-6.

You shall purify the Levites like this: Sprinkle over them the water of expiation, and they shall pass a razor over their flesh and wash their garments, and they shall be pure. Numbers 8:7.

These rules would never have been given unless they had held holy ideas within them. Can there be anything holy or anything of the Church in the actual rule forbidding the high priest to shave his head or rend his garments, or in the actual rule forbidding the sons of Levi to introduce any baldness on their head or shave the corner of their beard, or in that commanding the Levites to shave their flesh with a razor when they underwent purification? Rather, the possession of an external or natural man made subordinate to the internal or spiritual man, both of which have thereby been made subordinate to the Divine, is the holy idea within those rules; and it is also what angels perceive when man reads about them in the Word.

[4] The same goes for what is said about a Nazirite who was holy to Jehovah. If someone next to him happened to die suddenly and so defile his consecrated head, the Nazirite was required to clip his head on the day of his cleansing; on the seventh day he had to clip it. On the day that the days of his Naziriteship were completed he had to clip his consecrated head at the door of the Tent of Meeting and to take the hair from his head and put it on the fire which was under the sacrifice of peace offerings, Numbers 6:8, 9, 13, 18. For the meaning of a Nazirite and what aspect of holiness he represented, see 3301. No one can possibly understand why anything holy existed within the Nazirite's hair unless he knows from correspondence what is meant by 'the hair' and from this what aspect of holiness a Nazirite's hair corresponded to. Nor can anyone likewise understand how the source of Samson's strength lay in his hair, which he told Delilah about in the following description,

No razor has come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite of God from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, my strength will depart from me, and I shall become weak and be like anyone else. And Delilah called a man who shaved off the seven locks of his hair; and his strength departed from him. After that, when the hair on his head began to grow, even as it had been shaved off, his strength returned to him. Judges 16:17, 19, 22.

Without any knowledge of correspondence who can see that the Lord's Divine Natural was represented by 'a Nazirite', or that 'Naziriteship' had no other meaning than this, or that Samson's strength was due to that representation?

[5] Anyone who does not know, and more so one who does not believe that the Word has an internal sense, and that the sense of the letter serves to represent the real things contained in the internal sense, will recognize scarcely anything holy at all in these matters, when in fact the greatest holiness lies within them. Anyone who does not know, and more so one who does not believe that the Word has an internal sense that is intrinsically holy cannot know what the following texts enfold within them: In Jeremiah,

Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth. Cut off the hair of your Naziriteship and throw it away. Jeremiah 7:28-29.

In Isaiah,

On that day the Lord will shave by means of a razor hired at the crossing-places of the River - by means of the king of Asshur - the head and the hair of the feet; and it will consume the beard also. Isaiah 7:20.

In Micah,

Make yourself bald, and shave your head for the children of your delight; extend your baldness like an eagle, for they have departed from you. Micah 1:16.

Nor will anyone know the aspect of holiness contained in the reference to Elijah's being a man covered with hair, who wore a skin girdle around his loins, 2 Kings 1:8. Nor will he know why the children who called Elisha baldhead were torn apart by the bears out of the forest, 2 Kings 2:23-24.

[6] Both Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord as to the Word, and so represented the Word itself, specifically the prophetical part, see Preface to Genesis 18, and 2762. Being covered with hair and having a skin girdle meant the literal sense, 'a man covered with hair' meaning that sense so far as truths were concerned, 'wearing a skin girdle around his loins' so far as forms of good were concerned. For the literal sense is the natural sense of the Word since it employs ideas formed from things that exist in the world, whereas the internal sense is the spiritual sense because it employs ideas formed from things existing in heaven. These two senses are related to each other in the way that the internal and the external are related in the human being. But because the internal can have no existence without the external, the external being the last and lowest degree of order within which the internal is held in being, the calling of Elisha 'baldhead' therefore meant the shameful accusation made against the Word that it lacked so to speak an external and so lacked a sense suited to man's capacity to understand it.

[7] From all this one may see that every particular detail in the Word is holy. However, this holiness within the Word is discerned by no one unless he is acquainted with the internal sense; yet an inkling of it flows from heaven into someone who believes that the Word is holy. The internal sense known to the angels is the channel through which that influx comes; and even if the person has no understanding of that sense it nevertheless stimulates an affection in him, because the affection felt by the angels who know that sense is communicated to him. From this it is also evident that the Word was given to man so that he might have a means of communication with heaven and so that by flowing into him Divine Truth in heaven might stimulate affection in him.


1. literally, whose hand has been filled


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.