




1 Nebudeš vynášeti pověsti lživé. Neklaď s bezbožným ruky své, abys měl býti s ním svědek nepravý.

2 Nepostoupíš po množství ke zlému,a nebudeš se přimlouvati k rozepři, tak abys se uchýlil po větším počtu k převrácení soudu.

3 Ani chudého šanovati nebudeš v při jeho.

4 Trefil-li bys na vola nepřítele svého neb osla jeho, an bloudí, obrátíš a dovedeš ho k němu.

5 Uzřel-li bys an osel toho, jenž tě má v nenávisti, leží pod břemenem svým, zdaž se zdržíš, abys mu neměl pomoci? Nýbrž opravdově pomůžeš jemu, spolu s tím, kdož tě v nenávisti má.

6 Nepřevrátíš soudu chudého svého v jeho při.

7 Od slova lživého vzdálíš se. Nevinného a spravedlivého nezabiješ, nebo já neospravedlním bezbožného.

8 Aniž bráti budeš darů, nebo dar oslepuje i prozřetelné, a převrací slova spravedlivých.

9 Příchozího nebudeš ssužovati; nebo sami znáte, jaký jest život příchozích, poněvadž pohostinu jste byli v zemi Egyptské.

10 Po šest let osívati budeš zemi svou, a shromažďovati úrodu její;

11 Sedmého pak léta ponecháš , ať odpočine, aby jedli chudí lidu tvého. Co pak zůstane po nich, pojí zvěř polní. Tak uděláš s vinicí svou i s olivovím svým.

12 Šest dní budeš dělati díla svá, dne pak sedmého přestaneš, aby odpočinul vůl tvůj i osel tvůj, a oddechl syn děvky tvé i příchozí.

13 Ve všech těch věcech, kteréž mluvil jsem vám, ostříhati se budete. Jména bohů cizích ani připomínati nebudete, aniž bude slyšáno z úst tvých.

14 Třikrát slaviti mi budeš svátek na každý rok.

15 Slavnosti přesnic ostříhati budeš. Sedm dní jísti budeš chleby přesné, jakž jsem přikázal tobě, v čas vyměřený měsíce Abib; nebo v ten vyšel jsi z Egypta. Aniž se ukážete přede mnou prázdní.

16 A držeti budeš slavnost žně, když mi obětovati budeš prvotiny prací svých z toho, což jsi vsel na poli. Slavnost také sklizení držeti budeš při vyjití roku, když sklidíš práce své z pole.

17 Třikrát v roce ukáže se každý z tvých pohlaví mužského před tváří Panovníka Hospodina.

18 Nebudeš obětovati krve z oběti mé, dokavadž u tebe kvas jest, aniž zůstane tuk slavnosti mé do jitra.

19 Prvotiny prvních úrod země své přinášeti budeš do domu Hospodina Boha svého. Nebudeš vařiti kozelce v mléku mateře jeho.

20 Aj, já pošli anděla před tebou, aby ostříhal tebe na cestě, a přivedl tě na místo, kteréž jsem připravil.

21 Šetrně se měj před ním, a poslouchej hlasu jeho. Nepopouzej ho, neboť nepromine přestoupení vašeho, poněvadž jméno mé jest u prostřed něho.

22 Nebo budeš-li věrně poslouchati hlasu jeho, a činiti, cožť bych koli řekl: tedy nepřítelem budu nepřátel tvých, a trápiti budu ty, jenž tebe trápí.

23 Nebo půjde anděl můj před tebou, a uvede tě do země Amorejského a Hetejského, Ferezejského a Kananejského, Hevejského a Jebuzejského, kteréž vyhladím.

24 Nebudeš se klaněti bohům jejich, ani jim sloužiti, aniž dělati budeš tak, jako oni dělají; ale z gruntu vyvrátíš je, a obrazy jejich na kusy stroskoceš.

25 Sloužiti pak budete Hospodinu Bohu svému, a požehnáť chlebu tvému i vodám tvým; a odejmu nemoc z prostředku tvého.

26 Nebudeť, která by potratila, ani neplodná v zemi tvé; počet dnů tvých doplním.

27 Strach svůj pustím před tebou, a předěsím všeliký lid, proti kterémuž vyjdeš, a způsobím to, aby všickni nepřátelé tvoji utíkali před tebou.

28 Pošli i sršně před tebou, aby vyhnali Hevea, a Kananea a Hetea před tváří tvou.

29 Nevyženu ho od tváři tvé v jednom roce, aby se země neobrátila v poušť, a nerozmnožily se proti tobě šelmy divoké.

30 Pomalu vyháněti jej budu od tváři tvé, až bys ty se rozplodil, a dědičně mohl ujíti zemi.

31 Položím pak meze tvé od moře Rudého až k moři Filistinskému, a od pouště až k řece; nebo v ruce vaše dám obyvatele země, a vyženeš je od tváři své.

32 Neučiníš s nimi a bohy jejich smlouvy.

33 Nebudou bydliti v zemi tvé, aby nepřipravili tě k hříchu proti mně, když bys ctil bohy jejich; nebo by to bylo tobě osídlem.




Apocalypse Explained#865



865. These were redeemed from among men, being the first-fruits unto God and unto the Lamb. That this signifies those in the New Church who are received by the Lord, is evident from the signification of those who are redeemed by the Lord, as denoting those who receive instruction from the Word, especially respecting the Lord, and who live according to it; respecting which see above (n. 860). These are also called the redeemed of the Lord; and these are the redeemed who are regenerated by the Lord; and these are they who follow the Lord, that is, are led by Him, of whom we have just treated above. And the same appears from the signification of the first-fruits of God and the Lamb, as denoting those who have given themselves to the Lord, and are adopted by Him. That these are those who belong to the New Church, is evident from this consideration, that they are called the first-fruits to God and to the Lamb. For those who are received therein, acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, and live according to His precepts. No others, are received in the New Church, called the New Jerusalem, because those who do not believe it, and so live, are not in agreement with the life of heaven, neither with the light there, nor with the heat; for the light there is Divine truth, from which come all intelligence and wisdom; and the heat there is Divine good, from which come all love and charity. All man's affection and thought therefrom is not only within him, and constitutes his life, but is also external to him, and constitutes the sphere of his life. This is why heaven is divided into societies according to the varieties of affections and thoughts therefrom. Unless therefore the affections and the thoughts therefrom are spiritual, and are formed solely from the acknowledgment of the Lord, and from a life according to His precepts, they cannot be admitted into any society of heaven, for they are repugnant thereto. This is the reason that those who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, and do not live according to His precepts in the Word, cannot be in association with the angels of heaven. That this is the case, has been made plain to me from much experience. There were some who had thought of the Lord only as of another man, and had lived in the faith of the present day, which is a faith of the thought merely, without any good of life. But because they believed that nothing more was necessary to life eternal than to be admitted into heaven, therefore, according to their wish, they were admitted into some society; but as soon as the light of heaven struck their eyes with its lustre, their sight and also their understanding began to be entirely obscured and became stupefied. And when the heat of heaven came upon them, they began to be tormented in a direful manner, and as to the head and limbs to writhe like serpents. Therefore they cast themselves downwards, swearing that to enter heaven was hell to them, unless they were in the light and heat of heaven; and that they did not know that every one has heaven from love and thence faith, or from a life according to the Lord's precepts in the Word, and from faith in the Lord, and not in any way from faith without the life of faith, which is charity.

[2] It shall now be stated in a few words what first-fruits in the Word signify. They signify the same as the first-begotten; but the latter term is used of animals, and first-fruits of vegetables. Thus the first-begotten are what are born first, and first-fruits are from the first things produced; and both signify the spiritual good first formed, which is essentially truth from good from the Lord. The origin of this is as follows. There are two minds in man, natural and spiritual. From the natural mind alone nothing but evil is produced, and the falsity therefrom; but as soon as the spiritual mind is opened, then good is produced, and the truth therefrom; this which is first produced is meant by the first-begotten and by the first-fruits. Now because nothing born and produced from the spiritual mind is from man but from the Lord, therefore those things were sanctified to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord, because they were His, and consequently holy. And because that which is born or produced first, signifies all the things that follow in a series - as a leader the people, and a shepherd the flock - therefore by the first-begotten and the first-fruits being given to the Lord was signified that all other things were also His.

[3] But in order that this may be more clearly understood, it must be known, that the merely natural mind is formed according to the idea or image of the world, but the spiritual mind according to the idea or image of heaven; and that the spiritual mind is opened to no one, except by the acknowledgment of the Divine of the Lord, and by a life according to His precepts; and that previous to this, no good and truth are produced. But as soon as the spiritual mind is opened, then they are produced therefrom from the Lord. Therefore the first that is produced is called holy, and signifies that all things afterwards produced are also holy. From these things, it is evident that the opening of the womb or matrix signifies the opening of the spiritual mind. That this is the signification is seen also from correspondence; for the womb corresponds to the good of celestial love; concerning which correspondence see above (n. 710), and in the Arcana Coelestia 4918, 5050-5062).

[4] Since the things now mentioned were signified by the first-fruits; and since the things of harvest, as wheat, barley, and the rest, signified the goods and truths of heaven and the church; also wool, and the clean and useful beasts, therefore, of the latter the first-begotten were given to the Lord, and of the former the first-fruits. And because the high priest represented the Lord as to His priesthood, which is the good of love, therefore they were given to that priest. And consequently everything produced from corn, wine, and oil was sanctified.

But concerning those first-fruits, see the statutes for the sons of Israel in the law of Moses; as, for example, the first of the fruits of all the corn, oil, wine, and the fruit of the tree; also of the fleece, and the first-begotten of the flock and the herd; and that they were given as holy to Jehovah, and by Jehovah to Aaron, and after him to the high priest.

(Exodus 22:29; Numbers 13:20; 15:17-22; 18:8-20; Deuteronomy 18:4; 26:1, to the end).

And concerning the feast of the first-fruits of harvest, and of the first-fruits of bread

(Exodus 23:14, 15, 16, 19, 26; Leviticus 23:9-15, 20-25 Numbers 28:26, to the end; and elsewhere).

From these things it is now evident, that by first-fruits to God and to the Lamb are meant those who will belong to the New Church, called the New Jerusalem, who acknowledge the Lord's Divine Human, and live a life of love, that is, a life according to the Lord's precepts in the Word. For in the case of these and no others is the spiritual mind opened; no others, therefore, are led of the Lord, or follow Him whithersoever He goeth.

That by God and the Lamb in the Apocalypse, is meant the Lord as to the Divine itself, and at the same time as to the Divine Human, may be seen above (n. 297, 314, 343, 460, 482).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.