




1 摩押。萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:尼波有禍了!因變為荒場。基列亭蒙羞被攻取。米斯迦蒙羞被毀壞;

2 摩押不再被稱讚。有人在希實本設計謀害他,說:來罷!我們將他剪除,不再成國。瑪得緬哪,你也必默默無聲;刀必追趕你。

3 從何羅念有喊荒涼毀滅的哀聲:

4 摩押毀滅了!他的孩童(或譯:家僮)發哀聲,使人見。

5 人上魯希坡隨走隨哭,因為在何羅念的下坡見毀滅的哀聲。

6 你們要奔逃,自性命,獨自居住,好像曠野的杜松。

7 你因倚靠自己所做的和自己的財寶必被攻取。基抹和屬他的祭司、首領也要一同被擄去。

8 行毀滅的必到各城,並無一城得免。山谷必致敗落,平原必被毀壞;正如耶和華的。

9 要將翅膀摩押,使他可以飛去。他的城邑必致荒涼,無人居住

10 (懶惰為耶和華行事的,必受咒詛;禁止刀不經血的,必受咒詛。)

11 摩押自幼年以來常享安逸,如酒在渣滓上澄清,沒有從這器皿倒在那器皿裡,也未曾被擄去。因此,他的原味尚存,香氣未變。

12 耶和華:日子將到,我必打發倒酒的往他那裡去,將他倒出,倒空他的器皿,打碎他的罈子。

13 摩押必因基抹羞愧,像以色列家從前倚靠伯特利的神羞愧一樣。

14 你們怎麼:我們是勇士,是有勇力打仗的呢?

15 摩押變為荒場,敵人上去進了他的城邑。他所特選的少年人去遭了殺戮;這是君王─名為萬軍之耶和華的。

16 摩押的災殃臨近;他的苦難速速到。

17 凡在他四圍的和認識他名的,你們都要為他悲傷,:那結實的杖和那美好的棍,何竟折斷了呢?

18 在底本的民哪(原文是女子),要從你榮耀的位上來,受乾渴;因毀滅摩押的上來攻擊你,毀壞了你的保障。

19 住亞羅珥的啊,要站在道旁觀望,問逃避的男人和逃脫的女人:是甚麼事呢?

20 摩押因毀壞蒙羞;你們要哀號呼喊,要在亞嫩旁報告說:摩押變為荒場!

21 刑罰臨到平原之的何倫、雅雜、米法押、

22 底本、尼波、伯•低比拉太音、

23 基列亭、伯迦末、伯•米恩、

24 加略、波斯拉,和摩押遠近所有的城邑。

25 摩押的角砍斷了,摩押的膀折斷了。這是耶和華的。

26 你們要使摩押沉醉,因他向耶和華誇大。他要在自己所吐之中打滾,又要被人嗤笑。

27 摩押啊,你不曾嗤笑以色列麼?他豈是在賊中查出來的呢?你每逢提到他便搖頭。

28 摩押居民哪,要離開城邑,在山崖裡,像鴿子在深淵上搭窩。

29 我們摩押人驕傲,是極其驕傲;說他自高自傲,並且狂妄,居自大。

30 耶和華:我知道他的忿怒是虛空的;他誇大的話一無所成。

31 因此,我要為摩押哀號,為摩押全地呼喊;人必為吉珥•哈列設人歎息。

32 西比瑪的葡萄樹啊,我為你哀哭,甚於雅謝人哀哭。你的枝子蔓延過,直長到雅謝。那行毀滅的已經臨到你夏天的果子和你所摘的葡萄。

33 肥田和摩押的歡喜快樂都被奪去;我使酒醡的酒絕流,無人踹酒歡呼;那歡呼卻變為仇敵的吶喊(原文是那歡呼卻不是歡呼)。

34 希實本人發的哀聲達到以利亞利,直達到雅雜;從瑣珥達到何羅念,直到伊基拉施利施亞,因為寧林的水必然乾涸。

35 耶和華:我必在摩押地使那在邱壇獻祭的,和那向他的燒香的都斷絕了。

36 腹為摩押哀鳴如簫,我腸為吉珥•哈列設人也是如此,因摩押人所得的財物都滅沒了。

37 各人上光禿,鬍鬚剪短,有劃傷,腰束麻布

38 摩押的各房頂上和街市上處處有人哀哭;因我打碎摩押,好像打碎無人喜悅的器皿。這是耶和華的。

39 摩押何等毀壞!何等哀號!何等羞愧背!這樣,摩押必令四圍的人嗤笑驚駭。

40 耶和華如此:仇敵必如大飛起,展開翅膀,攻擊摩押

41 加略被攻取,保障也被佔據。到那日,摩押的勇士中疼痛如臨產的婦人。

42 摩押必被毀滅,不再成國,因他向耶和華誇大。

43 耶和華摩押的居民哪,恐懼、陷坑、網羅都臨近你。

44 躲避恐懼的必墜入陷坑;從陷坑上的必被網羅纏住;因我必使追討之年臨到摩押。這是耶和華的。

45 躲避的人無力站在希實本的影;因為有從希實本發出,有燄出於西宏的城,燒盡摩押的角和鬨嚷人的頭頂。

46 摩押啊,你有禍了!屬基抹的民滅亡了!因你的眾子都被擄去,你的眾女也被擄去。

47 耶和華:到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。摩押受審判的話到此為止。







1 地的迦人亞拉得王,以色列人從亞他林,就和以色列人爭戰,擄了他們幾個人。

2 以色列人耶和華發願:你若將這民交付我,我就把他們的城邑盡行毀滅。

3 耶和華應允了以色列人,把迦南人交付他們,他們就把迦南人和迦南人的城邑盡行毀滅。那地方的名便何珥瑪(何珥瑪就是毀滅的意思)。

4 他們從何珥起行,往紅那條走,要繞過以東。百姓因這難行,心中甚是煩躁,

5 就怨讟摩西:你們為甚麼把我們埃及領出來、使我們在曠野呢?這裡沒有糧,沒有我們的心厭惡這淡薄的食物。

6 於是耶和華使火進入百姓中間,就咬他們。以色列人死了許多

7 百姓到摩西那裡,我們怨讟耶和華和你,有罪了。求你禱告耶和華,叫這些離開我們。於是摩西為百姓禱告。

8 耶和華摩西:你製造一條火蛇,掛在杆子上;凡被咬的,一望這蛇,就必得活。

9 摩西便製造一條銅,掛在杆子上;凡被咬的,一望這銅就活了。

10 以色列人起行,安營在阿伯。

11 又從阿伯起行,安營在以耶亞巴琳,與摩押相對的曠野,向日出之地。

12 從那裡起行,安營在撒烈谷。

13 從那裡起行,安營在亞嫩河那邊。這亞嫩河是在曠野,從亞摩利的境界流出來的;原來亞嫩河是摩押邊界,在摩押和亞摩利人搭界的地方。

14 所以耶和華的戰記上:蘇法的哇哈伯與亞嫩的谷,

15 並向亞珥城眾谷的下坡,是靠近摩押的境界。

16 以色列人從那裡起行,到了比珥(比珥就是的意思)。從前耶和華吩咐摩西:招聚百姓,我他們喝,的就是這

17 當時,以色列人唱歌說:阿,湧上水來!你們要向這

18 是首領和民中的尊貴人用圭用杖所所掘的。以色列人從曠野往瑪他拿去,

19 從瑪他拿到拿哈列,從拿哈列到巴末,

20 從巴末到了摩押地的谷,又到那下望曠野之毘斯迦的山頂。

21 以色列人差遣使者去見亞摩利人的王西宏,說:

22 求你容我們從你的經過;我們不偏入田間和葡萄園,也不裡的,只走大道(原文作王道),直到過了你的境界。

23 西宏不容以色列人從他的境界經過,就招聚他的眾民出到曠野,要攻擊以色列人,到了雅雜與以色列人爭戰。

24 以色列人用刀殺了他,得了他的,從亞嫩河到雅博河,直到亞捫人的境界,因為亞捫人的境界多有堅壘。

25 以色列人奪取這一切的城邑,也亞摩利人的城邑,就是希實本與希實本的一切鄉村。

26 這希實本是亞摩利王西宏的京城;西宏曾與摩押的先王爭戰,從他中奪取了全,直到亞嫩河。

27 所以那些作詩歌的:你們到希實本;願西宏的城被修造,被建立

28 因為有從希實本發出,有燄出於西宏的城,燒盡摩押的亞珥和亞嫩河邱壇的祭司(祭司原文作主)。

29 摩押阿,你有禍了!基抹的民哪,你們滅亡了!基抹的男子逃奔,女子被擄,交付亞摩利的王西宏。

30 我們射了他們;希實本直到底本盡皆毀滅。我們使地變成荒場,直到挪法;這挪法直延到米底巴。

31 這樣,以色列人在亞摩利人之

32 摩西打發人去窺探雅謝,以色列人就佔了雅謝的鎮市,趕出那裡的亞摩利人。

33 以色列人回,向巴珊去。巴珊王噩和他的眾民都出來,在以得來與他們交戰。

34 耶和華摩西:不要他!因我已將他和他的眾民,並他的,都交在你中;你要待他像從前待希實本的亞摩利王西宏一般。

35 於是他們殺了他和他的眾子,並他的眾民,沒有留下一個,就得了他的




Arcana Coelestia#2832



2832. 'By its horns' means with all its power as regards the truths of faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'horns'. Horns are mentioned in various places in the Word, in which places they mean the power of truth which springs from good, and in the contrary sense the power of falsity which springs from evil. In this place the meaning is that those who are spiritual, meant by 'the ram', were entangled in natural knowledge with all their power as regards truth, and that as a consequence they were bereft of the power to perceive truths. For the more anyone relies on natural facts and keeps his mind (animus et mens) fixed on these where truths of faith are concerned, the more he loses the light of truth; and when he loses this light he loses the life of truth as well. Anyone may recognize this, if he stops to reflect, from his experience of people who say they are unable to believe anything unless they grasp that it is so through sensory evidence or through factual knowledge. If you probe into what they are really like you will discover that they believe nothing at all, and what is more that to them nothing seems wiser than to ascribe every single thing to natural forces. There are also many who say that they believe even though they do not apprehend. But secretly within themselves these reason no less than others from sensory evidence and factual knowledge regarding the truths of faith whether the thing is so. These either possess a kind of persuasive belief infused into them from self-love and love of the world, or else they do not have any belief at all. Their true nature is evident from their life. Both groups of people are indeed within the Lord's spiritual Church, yet they are not of the Church. They are of the Church however when the life of good is present in them and they have faith in truths. But spiritual people have faith in no other truths than those which have been impressed on them from early childhood and which after that they have confirmed for themselves from doctrine or some other source. Such is the state of those who are spiritual, a state which is described here by 'a ram caught in the thicket by its horns' - see immediately above in 2831.

[2] A horn means the power of truth that springs from good.

This is clear from the following places: In David,

You are the splendour of their strength, and in Your good pleasure You will exalt our horn. For our shield belongs to Jehovah, and our king to the Holy One of Israel. My truth and My mercy will be with him, and in My name his horn will be exalted. And I will set his hand on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers. Psalms 89:17-18, 24-25.

Here 'our horn' and 'his horn' plainly stand for the power of truth. The subject is the Lord's spiritual kingdom. 'Our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel' stands for the fact that Divine Truth is the Lord's 'a king' being truth, and the Lord's kingship Divine Truth, see 1672, 1728, 2015, 2069. 'Setting his hand on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers' stands for the fact that strength resides in knowledge and in cognitions of truth - 'hand' and 'right hand' being strength, 878, and 'sea' and 'river' knowledge and cognitions, 28, 2702. In the same author,

I will love You, O Jehovah, my strength. Jehovah is my rock (petra), and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock (rupee) in which I trust, a shield and the horn of salvation. Psalms 18:1-2; 2 Samuel 22:2-3.

'The horn of salvation' stands for truth as regards its power, and here 'strength', 'rock' (petra), 'fortress', 'God', 'rock' (rupee), and 'shield' all mean spiritually the power of truth.

[3] In the same author,

In Zion I will make the horn of David to spring forth, I will make ready a lamp for My anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame. Psalms 132:17-18.

This refers to the Lord, who is 'David', 1888. 'Horn' stands for the power of truth, 'a lamp' for the light of truth. In Samuel,

My heart has exulted in Jehovah, my horn has exalted itself in Jehovah. My mouth has been enlarged against my enemies because I have rejoiced in Your salvation. Jehovah will give strength to His king, and will exalt the horn of His anointed. 1 Samuel 2:1, 10.

In this prophecy of Hannah 'horn' stands for the power of truth.

[4] In Moses,

The firstborn of his cattle has honour, and his horns are unicorn horns. 1 With them he will thrust 2 the peoples together to the ends of the earth. Deuteronomy 33:17.

In this prophecy of Moses concerning Joseph 'unicorn horns' stands for the mighty power of truth, as is also evident from the statement that 'with them he will thrust the peoples to the ends of the earth'. Similarly in David,

You will exalt my horn like that of a unicorn. Psalms 92:10.

And in the same author,

O Jehovah, save me from the mouth of the lion, and from the unicorn horns 1 answer me. Psalms 22:21.

Divine truths, on account of their height, are called 'unicorn horns'. It is for this reason that mention is made so many times of a horn being exalted, for exaltation means power derived from what is interior. As regards what is internal being expressed as that which is high, see 1735, 2148.

[5] In Jeremiah,

The Lord has cut down in fierce anger the whole horn of Israel, He has drawn back His right hand from before the enemy. Lamentations 2:3.

'Cutting down the whole horn of Israel' stands for deprivation of truth which possesses power. This is also the meaning of 'drawing back the right hand from before the enemy'. In Ezekiel,

On that day I will make a horn grow up for the house of Israel, and I will give you an opening of the mouth in the midst of them. Ezekiel 29:21.

'Making a horn grow up for the house of Israel' stands for multiplying the truths of the spiritual Church, meant by Israel, 'an opening of the mouth' for the confession of those truths.

[6] In Habakkuk,

God will come out of Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran. His fame has covered the heavens, and the earth has been filled with His praise. And His brightness will be as the light; He has horns going out of His hand, and there the hiding-place of His strength will be. Habakkuk 3:3-4.

This refers to the Lord. 'Horns going out of His hand' and 'there the hiding-place of His strength will be', it is plain, stands for the power of truth. 'Mount Paran' is the Divine spiritual or Divine Truth of the Lord's Human - see 2714 - which is also 'the brightness' and 'the light'.

[7] The Divine Truth of the Lord's Human is described in John as follows,

I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, a Lamb standing as though it had been slain, having seven horns, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Revelation 5:6.

'Seven horns' stands for holy, or Divine, truths - 'seven' meaning that which is holy, see 716, 881. 'The seven spirits sent out into all the earth' are the holy proclaimings of those same truths.

[8] The horns of altars meant nothing other than truth which possessed power, being spoken of in Moses as follows,

You shall make horns on the four corners of the altar; its horns shall be of one piece with it. Exodus 27:2; 38:2.

In a similar way the altar of incense was to have them on it; and it is said that the horns were to be of one piece with it, Exodus 30:2; 37:25. For the altar was the chief representative of the Lord, and of worship of Him, see 921. 'The altar' was a representative of His Divine Good, 'the horns' representatives of His Divine Truth. The derivation of truth from good was represented by the horns being protrusions from it, that is, from the altar. For the consideration that no other truth exists except that which is derived from good, see 654, 1068, 3 1162, 1176, 2063, 2261, 2417. From all this it is evident that 'horns' in the genuine sense means the power of truth that springs from good.

[9] Truths springing from good were meant in the following instances:

When Aaron and his sons were being admitted into their function, they were to take some of the blood of the young bull and place it with their finger on the horns of the altar. Exodus 29:12; Leviticus 8:15.

Aaron was to make atonement once a year on the horns of the altar. Exodus 30:10.

When a priest sinned he was to offer a young bull, and to place some of the blood on the horns of the altar of incense. Leviticus 4:3, 7.

Also, when a prince sinned he was to offer a burnt offering, and the blood was to be sprinkled over the horns of the altar of burnt offering. Leviticus 4:22, 25.

The same had to be done if a person 4 sinned - Leviticus 4:27, 30, 34 - and also when the altar was to be ritually cleansed. Leviticus 16:18-19.

Truths springing from good were meant, for all consecrations, inaugurations, and cleansings were effected by means of truths, because truths lead towards good, 2830. That 'the horns of the altar' meant truths springing from good may also be seen in John,

The sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which stood before God. Revelation 9:13.

'The horns of the golden altar' plainly stands for truths that spring from good, for it was from the horns that the voice came. 'Gold' means good, 113, 1551, 1552, and 'the golden altar' more especially so.

[10] In Amos,

On the day I visit Israel for his transgressions, I will visit the altars of Bethel; and the horns of the altar will be cut away and fall to the ground. Amos 3:14.

'The horns of the altar will be cut away' meant that in that place the representation of truth springing from good would remain no longer. 'Bethel' is Divine good, and is therefore called 'the king's sanctuary' and 'a house of the kingdom' in Amos 7:13. The practice of anointing kings with oil from a horn, 1 Samuel 16:1, 13; 1 Kings 1:39, in a similar way represented truth springing from good - 'oil' being the good, 886, 'horn' however the truth; the kingly office itself in the internal sense means truth such as this, 1782, 2015, which possesses power.

[11] A horn in the contrary sense means the power of falsity that springs from evil

This is clear from the following places: In Amos,

O you who rejoice in a thing of nought, saying, Have we not by our own strength acquired horns for ourselves? Amos 6:13.

'Home' here stands for the power of falsity. In Zechariah,

I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, four horns! And I said to the angel who talked to me, What are these? And he said to me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. And Jehovah showed me four smiths, and I said, What are these coming to do? And He said, These are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man raised his head, and these have come to terrify, to cast down the horns of the nations lifting up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it. Zechariah 1:18-21.

'Horns' stands for the power of falsity that lays waste the Church. In Ezekiel,

You push with side and shoulder, and butt with your horns all the weak [sheep] until you have scattered them abroad. Ezekiel 34:21.

This refers to shepherds who mislead by means of falsities. 'Horns' stands for the power of falsity, 'shoulder' for all the power they had, 1085. In Jeremiah,

Jehovah has destroyed and not spared; and He has caused the enemy to rejoice over you. He has exalted the horn of your foes. Lamentations 2:17.

In the same prophet,

The horn of Moab has been cut off and his arm broken. Jeremiah 48:25.

'Horn' here stands for powerful falsity.

[12] In David,

I said to the boastful, Do not boast; and to the wicked, Do not lift up the horn, do not lift up your horn on high, do not speak with a stiff neck. All the horns of the wicked I will cut away; the horns of the righteous will be exalted. Psalms 75:4-5, 10.

'The horns of the wicked' stands for the power of falsity that springs from evil, 'the horns of the righteous' for the power of truth that springs from good.

[13] In Daniel,

A fourth beast appeared, terrible and dreadful, exceedingly strong, which had iron teeth. It devoured, and broke in pieces, and trampled on the residue with its feet. It had ten horns. I was considering the horns, and behold, another little horn came up among them and three of the first horns were plucked up from before it. And behold, there were eyes in this horn like the eyes of a man (homo), and a mouth speaking great things. I looked then because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking. I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, and about the ten horns that were on its head, and about the other one that came up, and before which three of them fell, and about the same horn which had eyes, and a mouth speaking great things. As I looked this same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed over them until the Ancient of Days came and judgement was given to the saints. And he said, As for the fourth beast, it will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it in pieces. As for the ten horns, out of that same kingdom ten kings will arise, and another will arise after them, who will be different from the previous ones, and he will put down three kings. He will speak words against the Most High, and wear out the saints. After this the judgement will sit. Daniel 7:7-8, 11, 19-26.

This refers in the internal sense to the perverted state of the Church. The things mentioned here which Daniel saw - such as the beast, the iron teeth, the horn with eyes in it, and the horns that spoke; also the war these made with the saints, and [the king] speaking against the Most High - mean a state of falsity and of heresies inside the Church. For 'horns' means powerful and prevalent falsity, as may be seen merely from the consideration that 'eyes' - that is, the power of understanding, 2701 - are attributed to them, and that they spoke even against the Most High. By 'kingdoms' and 'kings' are not meant kingdoms and kings but doctrines that teach what is false, as may be seen from the meaning of them in the Word as doctrines teaching what is true, and in the contrary sense doctrines teaching what is false, see 1672, 2015, 2069, 2547.

[14] Elsewhere in Daniel when he saw a ram standing before the river, which had two horns, horns however which were high, yet one higher than the other, though the higher one had come up last,

I saw the ram butting 5 towards the west, and towards the north, and towards the south, so that no wild beast could stand before him, nor was there anyone to deliver out of his hand; therefore he did as he pleased and magnified himself. As I was considering, behold, a he-goat came from the west across the surface of the whole earth. This he-goat had a horn between his two eyes. He came to the two-horned ram 6 and ran at him in the fury of his might. He struck him and broke his two horns, and there was no strength in the ram to stand before him. After that the he-goat magnified himself exceedingly, but when he was strong, the great horn was broken, and there came up four horns in its place. Shortly after, out of one of them there came forth a little horn, and it grew exceedingly towards the south, and towards the east, and towards the glorious [land]. And it grew even towards the host of heaven, and cast down to earth some of the host, and of the stars, and trampled on them. The ram with the two horns is the kings of Media and Persia, the he-goat the king of Greece. The four horns in place of the one are four kingdoms from that nation. Daniel 8:1-end.

This refers in the internal sense to the state of the spiritual Church, meant by 'the ram', 2830; it describes how the state of that Church gradually deteriorated and was perverted. 'The he-goat' is those who have faith separated from charity, or truth separated from good, who start to raise themselves up against what is good and at length against the Lord. 'The horns of the ram' are the truths, internal and external, of the spiritual Church, 'the horns of the he-goat' truths which degenerate gradually into falsities. By 'kingdoms' and 'kings' here are not meant kingdoms and kings but truths and falsities, as stated just above. For essentially the Word of the Lord does not have to do with worldly and earthly matters but with spiritual and celestial.

[15] In John,

Another sign appeared in heaven, for behold, a great fiery-red dragon having seven heads, and ten horns, and on his heads seven jewels. With his tail he drew a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them down to the earth. Revelation 12:3-4.

And elsewhere in the same book,

I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, which had seven heads, and ten horns, and on its horns ten jewels, and on its heads a blasphemous name. It was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, which had two horns like a lamb. Revelation 13:1-2, 7, 11.

Yet again in the same book,

I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names. It had seven heads and ten horns. She was Babylon the great. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated, and they are seven kings. The ten horns are ten kings. Revelation 17:3, 5, 7, 9-10, 12-13.

Here as in Daniel 'horns' clearly means the powers of falsity.


1. i.e. horns that are high and powerful, like the horn of a unicorn

2. literally, he will strike with the horn

3. The Latin is 1608.

4. literally, a soul

5. literally, striking with the horn

6. literally, to the ram, the lord of the horns


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.