




1 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒將猶大約雅敬兒子耶哥尼雅和猶大的首領,並工匠、鐵匠從耶路撒冷擄去,到巴比倫。這事以耶和華指給我,有兩筐無花果放在耶和華的殿前。

2 筐是極無花果像是初熟的;筐是極壞的無花果,壞得不可

3 於是耶和華問我耶利米見甚麼?我:我無花果的極,壞的極壞,壞得不可

4 耶和華的臨到我說:

5 耶和華以色列的如此:被擄去的猶大人,就是我打發離開這迦勒底人去的,我必看顧他們如這無花果,使他們得處。

6 我要眷顧他們,使他們得處,領他們歸回這。我也要建立他們,必不拆毀;栽植他們,並不拔出。

7 我要賜他們認識我的知道我是耶和華。他們要作我的子民,我要作他們的,因為他們要一歸向我。

8 耶和華如此:我必將猶大王西底和他的首領,以及剩在這耶路撒冷的餘民,並埃及猶大人都交出來,好像那極壞、壞得不可無花果

9 我必使他們交出來,在天下萬國中拋來拋去,遭遇災禍;在我趕逐他們到的各處成為凌辱、笑談、譏刺、咒詛。

10 我必使刀、饑荒、瘟疫臨到他們,直到他們從我所賜給他們和他們列祖之地滅絕。





To Charity, by João Zeferino da Costa

It seems rather circular to say that “good” in the Bible represents good, but in a general sense it's true! The case is this: The Lord is love itself given form and expression as wisdom itself, and that Divine Love and Divine Wisdom flow down into us, into the world and into the Bible in an unending stream with endless variety. Divine Love gives rise to our loves, our affections, our desires for good and the joy we can feel; Divine Wisdom gives rise to facts, knowledge, intelligence, understanding and human wisdom. And the more we can bring those two aspects of our lives into harmony, the more elevated we can become -- which will in turn make us happier, more useful, and ultimately more angelic.