




1 雅各拉班的兒子們有說:雅各把我們父親所有的都奪了去,並藉著我們父親的,得了這一切的榮耀(或作財)。

2 雅各拉班的氣色向他不如從前了。

3 耶和華雅各:你要回你祖、你父之,到你親族那裡去,我必與你同在。

4 雅各就打發人,拉結和利亞到田野羊群那裡來,

5 對他們:我你們父親的氣色向我不如從前了;但我父親向來與我同在。

6 你們也知道,我盡了我的力量服事你們的父親

7 你們的父親欺哄我,次改了我的工價;然而不容他害我。

8 他若:有點的歸你作工價,羊群所生的都有點;他若:有紋的歸你作工價,羊群所生的都有紋。

9 這樣,把你們父親的牲畜奪來賜我了。

10 配合的時候,我夢中舉目一,見跳母的公都是有紋的、有點的、有花斑的。

11 的使者在那夢中呼叫我雅各。我:我在這裡。

12 :你舉目觀,跳母的公都是有紋的、有點的、有花斑的;凡拉班向你所做的,我都見了。

13 我是伯特利的神;你在那裡用油澆過柱子,向我許過願。現今你起來,離開這,回你本去罷!

14 拉結和利亞回答雅各:在我們父親的家裡還有我們可得的分麼?還有我們的產業麼?

15 我們不是被他當作外人麼?因為他我們,吞了我們的價值。

16 我們父親所奪出來的一切財物,那就是我們我們孩子們的。現今凡所吩咐你的,你只管去行罷!

17 雅各起來,使他的兒子妻子都騎上駱駝

18 又帶著他在巴旦亞蘭所得的一切牲畜和財物,往迦南、他父親以撒那裡去了。

19 當時拉班毛去了,拉結偷了父親家中的神像。

20 雅各背著亞蘭人拉班走了,並不告訴他,

21 就帶著所有的逃跑。他起身過大,面向基列山行去。

22 第三日,有人告訴拉班雅各逃跑了。

23 拉班帶領他的眾弟兄去追趕,追了日,在基列山就追上了。

24 夜間,到亞蘭人拉班那裡,在夢中對他:你要小心,不可與雅各歹。

25 拉班追上雅各雅各上支搭帳棚;拉班和他的眾弟兄也在基列山上支搭帳棚。

26 拉班雅各:你做的是甚麼事呢?你背著我走了,又把我的女兒們帶了去,如同用刀擄去的一般。

27 你為甚麼暗暗地逃跑著走,並不告訴我,叫我可以歡樂、唱歌、擊、彈琴的送你回去?

28 又不容我與外孫和女兒親嘴?你所行的真是愚昧!

29 中原有能力害你,只是你父親昨夜對我:你要小心,不可與雅各歹。

30 現在你雖然你父家,不得不去,為甚麼又偷了我的像呢?

31 雅各回答拉班:恐你把你的女兒從我奪去,所以我逃跑。

32 至於你的像,你在誰那裡搜出來,就不容誰存活。當著我們的眾弟兄,你認一認,在我這裡有甚麼東西是你的,就拿去。原來雅各知道拉結偷了那些像。

33 拉班進了雅各、利亞,並兩個使女的帳棚,沒有搜出,就從利亞的帳棚出,進了拉結的帳棚。

34 拉結已經把神像藏在駱駝的馱簍裡,便在上頭。拉班摸遍了那帳棚,並沒有摸著。

35 拉結對他父親:現在我身上不便,不能在你面前起來,求我不要生氣。這樣,拉班搜尋神像,竟沒有搜出來。

36 雅各就發怒斥責拉班:我有甚麼過犯,有甚麼惡,你竟這樣速的追我?

37 你摸遍了我一切的家具,你搜出甚麼來呢?可以放在你我弟兄面前,叫他們在你我中間辨別辨別。

38 我在你家這二十年,你的母綿、母山羊沒有掉過胎。你中的公,我沒有吃過

39 被野獸撕裂的,我沒有帶來給你,是我自己賠上。無論是白日,是黑夜,被去的,你都向我索要。

40 我白日受盡乾熱,黑夜受盡寒霜,不得合眼睡著,我常是這樣。

41 我這二十年在你家裡,為你的兩個女兒服事你十四年,為你的羊群服事你年,你又次改了我的工價。

42 若不是我父親以撒所敬畏的,就是亞伯拉罕的與我同在,你如今必定打發我空手而去。見我的苦情和我的勞碌,就在昨夜責備你。

43 拉班回答雅各:這女兒是我的女兒,這些孩子是我的孩子,這些羊群也是我的羊群;凡在你眼前的都是我的。我的女兒並他們所生的孩子,我今日能向他們做甚麼呢?

44 來罷!你我二人可以立約,作你我中間的證據。

45 雅各就拿一塊石頭立作柱子,

46 又對眾弟兄:你們石頭。他們就拿石頭成一,大家便在旁邊喝。

47 拉班稱那石堆為伊迦爾撒哈杜他,雅各卻稱那石堆為迦累得(都是以石堆為證的意思)。

48 拉班:今日這石堆作你我中間的證據。因此這地方名迦累得,

49 又叫米斯巴,意思我們彼此離別以後,願耶和華在你我中間鑒察。

50 你若苦待我的女兒,又在我的女兒以外另娶妻,雖沒有知道,卻有在你我中間作見證。

51 拉班:你看我在你我中間所立的這石堆和柱子。

52 石堆作證據,這柱子也作證據。我必不過這石堆去害你;你也不可過這石堆和柱子來害我。

53 但願亞伯拉罕的和拿鶴的,就是他們父親,在你我中間判斷雅各就指著他父親以撒所敬畏的起誓,

54 又在上獻祭,請眾弟兄來飯。他們吃了飯,便在上住宿。

55 拉班起來,與他外孫和女兒親嘴,給他們祝福,回往自己的地方去了。




Apocalypse Explained#827



827. Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast. That this signifies an ordinance appointed that such things should be fully taught and believed by all in the church, is evident from the signification of them who dwell on the earth, as denoting all who belong to the church (see above, n. 826). And from the signification of the image made to the beast, as denoting the doctrine of faith separated from good works, and the worship therefrom; and all this confirmed from the literal sense of the Word by means of reasonings from the natural man. Hence by making that image is signified to make a statute, or to ordain that it shall be altogether so taught and believed; as also has been done in the churches where the doctrine of faith separate has been received.

The reason why the image signifies these things is, that all spiritual things may be exhibited by means of images, also by idols, in the spiritual world; and the particulars of doctrine may be presented by them in effigy, which I have also seen done. Hence it is that images and idols have such significations in the Word. That idols signify falsities of doctrine, may be seen above (n. 587, 650, 654, 780). Hence, then, by saying to them that dwell upon the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, is signified an ordinance appointed that such things should be fully taught and believed by all in the church.

Amongst those who belonged to the Ancient Churches images were made representative of their doctrine, and of the worship therefrom. The sons of Israel, however, on account of their propensity to idolatry, were forbidden to make them. This is evident from the Word.

[2] In order, therefore, that it may be known that images signify such things, the following passages from the Word shall be adduced by way of confirmation. Thus in Moses:

"Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor worship them" (Exodus 20:4, 5).

"Ye shall not make to you idols, nor sculptured thing, nor raise up a statue to you, nor shall ye give the stone of an image in your land to bow yourselves down to them" (Leviticus 26:1).

"Lest ye make to you a sculptured image of any likeness, the figure of a male or female, the figure of any beast which is in the earth, the figure of any bird of wing which flieth under heaven, the figure of any reptile in the earth, the figure of any fish which is in the waters under the earth" (Deuteronomy 4:16-18).

The reason why it was forbidden the sons of Israel to make idols, sculptured things, images, and figures of anything in the heavens, in the earth, and in the waters was, because the Ancient Churches, which were before the Israelitish Church, were representative churches; and because the sons of Jacob were altogether external men; and external men at that time, when all worship was representative, were prone to idolatries, therefore to the worship of such things as appeared before their eyes. Now whereas the Ancient Churches were representative, therefore the men of those churches made to themselves sculptured things and images of various kinds, which represented and thence signified things heavenly; and the ancients were delighted with them on account of their signification. Therefore when they looked upon those things they were reminded of the heavenly things which they represented. And because they belonged to their religion, they made use of them in worship. Hence they had groves and high places, and also sculptured, molten, and painted figures, which they placed either in groves, or upon mountains, or in temples, or in their houses. Hence in Egypt, where the science of representations, which is the same as the science of correspondences, flourished, they had images, idols, and sculptured things; this also was the origin of their hieroglyphics. The case was the same with various other nations. But when the men of those churches, from being internal became external, then the celestial and spiritual things which were represented and thence signified, remained as traditions with their priests and wise men, who were called magi and diviners. Hence the common people, by reason of the religious principle which their fathers saw in those things, began to worship them, and to call them their gods. Now because the sons of Jacob were external men more than all others, and consequently prone to idolatries, and also to magic, therefore they were strictly forbidden to make to themselves sculptured things, images, and figures of the likeness of anything existing in the heavens, upon the earth, and in the sea; because everything in the world is representative, as fowls, beasts, fishes, reptiles. For so far as they worshipped them idolatrously, so far they did not acknowledge Jehovah. But still, because the church with them also was representative, the Tabernacle was built, in which representatives were placed, chiefly of celestial things, as the table of show-bread, the golden altar of incense, the lampstand with the lamps, the ark with the mercy-seat, and the cherubs above it, the altar not far from the door of the Tabernacle, upon which was the sacred fire. And afterwards the Temple was built, in which also all things were representative, as the paintings therein, the lavers on the outside, the brazen sea supported by oxen, also the columns and porticos, with the vessels of gold, all which it was allowed them to worship as holy, on condition that they acknowledged the Tabernacle, and afterwards the Temple, for the dwelling-place of Jehovah. These things were granted them to prevent their turning aside to idolatry and magic, which then existed in the various nations in Asia; as in Egypt, Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Tyre and Sidon, Arabia, Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, and especially in and about the land of Canaan.

[3] From this it is evident why it is that idols, in the Word, signify the falsities of religion; and images, doctrinals.

That such things existed among the various nations in the countries of Asia, is evident from the gods of Laban the Syrian, which Rachel the wife of Jacob took away (Genesis 31:19, 20); from the calves and other idols in Egypt; from the hieroglyphics there engraved and painted in temples, and upon obelisks, and walls; from Dagon the idol of the Philistines in Ekron, from the idols made by Solomon, and afterwards by the kings in the Temple of Jerusalem, and in Samaria; from the altars, statues, images, and groves, amongst the nations of the land, which the children of Israel were commanded to destroy, as is evident from various passages in the Word.

[4] It was also from the science of correspondences and representations

That the priests and diviners of the Philistines advised them to make golden images of the hemorrhoids and mice which laid waste the land, and to place them near the ark, which they sent back upon a new cart drawn by kine, that so they might give glory to the God of Israel (1 Sam. 6:1 and following verses).

For at that time their priests and diviners knew what all those things represented; and that the images of the hemorrhoids and mice signified the falsities of their religion, which, as gifts, would be rendered propitiatory, by making them of gold.

[5] Doctrinals are also signified by images in the following passages. Thus in Ezekiel:

"They shall cast their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be an abomination, because they have transposed the gracefulness of their adorning for pride, and made thereof images of their abominations and detestations; therefore I have given it to them for an abomination" (7:20).

The subject there treated of is concerning the devastation of the church by falsities and evils, which is there meant by the sword, pestilence, and famine (verse 15), which shall consume them. By the silver which they shall cast into the streets, and by the gold which shall be for an abomination, is signified the truth of the church and the good thereof turned into falsity and evil. To cast them into the streets, signifies to disperse them, and to be for an abomination signifies to be turned into infernal evil. For this is to be turned to abomination. Their transposing the gracefulness of their adorning for pride, and making thereof images of their abominations and detestations, signifies, that, they filled the whole church and the doctrine thereof, and all things which are contained therein, with things profane; the gracefulness of their adorning signifying the church and its doctrine; and images of abominations and detestations signifying all things pertaining thereto, thus its doctrinals, which are goods and truths profaned. Abominations are goods profaned; and detestations, truths profaned.

[6] In the same:

"Thou hast taken the vessels of thy adorning, of my gold and of my silver which I had given thee, and hast made the images of a male, with which thou hast committed whoredom" (16:17).

These things are said of the abominations of Jerusalem, by which are meant the adulterations of the good and truth of doctrine from the Word. The vessels of adorning of gold and silver, signify the knowledges of good and truth from the Word. To make images of a male, signifies to make doctrinals from falsities appear as if they were from truths. And to commit whoredom with them, signifies the falsification of them.

[7] Again:

Aholibah committed whoredom in Egypt, "she loved the sons of Ashur; she added to her whoredoms when she saw men painted upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans painted with vermilion, she doated upon them at the beholding of her eyes" (23:8, 12, 14, 16).

By Aholibah is meant Jerusalem, by which is signified the church as to doctrine, consequently the doctrine of the church. By committing whoredom is signified the falsification and adulteration of the Word. And because by Egypt are signified natural truths, which are called scientifics, and by Ashur rational truths; also, in the opposite sense, falsities, it is therefore evident what is signified by committing whoredom with them. Because as by the Chaldeans are signified the truths of the Word profaned, because applied to the loves of self and the world, hence by the images of the Chaldeans are signified doctrinals employed to excuse those loves. Painted with vermilion, signifies their appearing outwardly as truths, although inwardly they are profane. The same is signified by men painted upon the wall, a painted wall denoting the appearance of doctrinals in externals. Similar things are signified by images in Isaiah 2:16; in David, Psalm 73:20; also in the following passages in the Apocalypse, 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4. See also what is said concerning idols and sculptured things above (n. 587, 650, 654, 780), where other passages from the Word are adduced and explained.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.