




1 雅各起行,到了東方人之

2 見田間有一,有臥在旁;因為人飲羊群都是用那裡的上的石頭的。

3 常有羊群在那裡聚集,牧人把石頭轉離,隨後又把石頭放在的原處。

4 雅各對牧人弟兄們,你們是那裡來的?他們:我們是哈蘭來的。

5 他問他們:拿鶴的孫子拉班,你們認識麼?他們:我們認識。

6 雅各:他平安麼?他們:平安。看哪,他女兒拉結領著來了

7 雅各:日頭還,不是羊群聚集的時候,你們不如飲,再去放一放。

8 他們:我們不能,必等羊群聚齊,人把石頭轉離才可飲

9 雅各正和他們說話的時候,拉結領著他父親來了,因為那些是他牧放的。

10 雅各見母舅拉班的女兒拉結和母舅拉班的羊群,就上前把石頭轉離,飲他母舅拉班的羊群

11 雅各與拉結親嘴,就放聲而哭。

12 雅各告訴拉結,自己是他父親的外甥,是利百加的兒子,拉結就跑去告訴他父親

13 拉班見外甥雅各的信息,就跑去迎接,抱著他,與他親嘴,領他到自己的家。雅各將一切的情由告訴拉班

14 拉班對他:你實在是我的。雅各就和他同一個月

15 拉班雅各:你雖是我的骨肉(原文作弟兄),豈可白白地服事我?請告訴我,你要甚麼為工價?

16 拉班有兩個女兒,大的名叫利亞,小的名叫拉結。

17 利亞的眼睛沒有神氣,拉結卻生得美貌俊秀。

18 雅各拉結,就:我願為你小女兒拉結服事你年。

19 拉班:我把他你,勝似,你與我同罷!

20 雅各就為拉結服事了年;他因為深愛拉結,就看這年如同幾

21 雅各拉班:日期已經滿了,求你把我的妻子給我,我好與他同房。

22 拉班就擺設筵席,請齊了那地方的眾人。

23 晚上,拉班將女兒利亞送給雅各,雅各就與他同房。

24 拉班又將婢女悉帕女兒利亞作使女。

25 到了早晨,雅各一看是利亞,就對拉班:你向我做的是甚麼事呢?我服事你,不是為拉結麼?你為甚麼欺哄我呢?

26 拉班:大女兒還沒有人,先把小女兒人,在我們這地方沒有這規矩。

27 你為這個滿了日,我就把那個也你,你再為他服事我年。

28 雅各就如此行。滿了利亞的七日,拉班便將女兒拉結雅各為妻。

29 拉班又將婢女辟拉女兒拉結作使女。

30 雅各也與拉結同房,並且拉結勝似利亞,於是又服事了拉班年。

31 耶和華見利亞失寵(原文作被恨;下同),就使他生育,拉結卻不生育。

32 利亞懷孕生子,就給他起名流便(就是有兒子的意思),因而耶和華見我的苦情,如今我的丈夫我。

33 他又懷孕生子,就耶和華因為見我失寵,所以又賜我這個兒子,於是他起名西緬(就是見的意思)。

34 他又懷孕生子,起名利未(就是聯合的意思),:我給丈夫生了兒子,他必與我聯合。

35 他又懷孕生子,:這回我要讚美耶和華,因此給他起名猶大(就是讚美的意思)。這才停了生育。




Heaven and Hell#57



57. We can say the same of the church as we have of heaven, since the church is the Lord's heaven on earth. It also has many components, and yet each is called a church and is a church to the extent that the qualities of love and faith rule within it. In it, the Lord forms a single whole out of the varied elements, and therefore makes a single church out of many churches. 1

Much the same can be said of the individual member of the church as has been said about the church in general, namely that the church is within and not outside, and that anyone is a church in whom the Lord is present in the qualities of love and faith. 2

Much the same can be said of the individual who has the church within as has been said about the angel who has heaven within, that such an individual is a church in least form as the angel is a heaven in least form. Even more, we can say that the individual who has the church within is a heaven just as much as an angel is, for we have been created to enter heaven and become angels. So anyone who has the quality of goodness from the Lord is an angel-person. 3

It is worth noting what we have in common with angels and what we possess that they lack. We have in common with angels the fact that our deeper levels are formed in the image of heaven and that we also become images of heaven to the extent that we participate in the qualities of love and faith. What we have that angels lack is that our more outward levels are formed in the image of this world; and that to the extent that we are engaged in what is good, the world within us is subordinated to heaven and serves it; 4 and that then the Lord is present with us on both levels as he is in his heaven. He is actually present on both levels in his divine order, for God is order. 5


1. [Swedenborg's footnote] If goodness were the essential characteristic of the church and not truth apart from goodness, the church would be one: 1285, 1316, 2982, 3267, 3445, 3451-3452. Further, all the churches constitute a single church in the Lord's sight because of their quality: 7395 [7396?], 9276.

2. [Swedenborg's footnote] The church is within the individual and not outside, and the church in general is made up of people who have the church within themselves: 3884.

3. [Swedenborg's footnote] The individual who is a church is a heaven in least form, in the image of the greatest, because the deeper levels of his or her mind are arranged in the form of heaven and are therefore arranged for the acceptance of all the elements of heaven: 911, 1900, 1982 [1928?], 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4524, 4625, 6013, 6057, 9279, 9632.

4. [Swedenborg's footnote] We have an inner and an outer nature, our inner formed from creation in the image of heaven, and our outer in the image of the world, which is why the ancients called the human being a microcosm: 4523-4524, 5368 [3628?], 6013, 6057, 9279, 9706, 10156, 10472. Consequently we have been so created that the world serves the heaven in us, which actually happens in good people: however, the opposite holds true for evil people, in whom heaven is subservient to the world: 9283, 9278.

5. [Swedenborg's footnote] The Lord is order because the divine good and truth that emanate from the Lord constitute order: 1728, 1919, 2201 [2011?], 2258, 5110, 5703, 8988, 10336, 10619. Divine truths are laws of order: 2247, 7995. To the extent that we live according to order - that is, to the extent that we are engaged in what is good as determined by divine truths - to that extent we are human and have the church and heaven within us: 4839, 6605, 8067 [8513?].


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.