




1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你在悖逆的中。他們有眼睛不見,有耳朵不見,因為他們是悖逆之

3 所以人子啊,你要預備擄去使用的物件,在白日當他們眼前從你所住的地方移到別處去;他們雖是悖逆之家,或者可以揣摩思想。

4 你要在白日當他們眼前帶出你的物件去,好像預備擄去使用的物件。到了晚上,你要在他們眼前親自出去,像被擄的人出去一樣。

5 你要在他們眼前挖通了,從其中將物件帶出去。

6 到天黑時,你要當他們眼前搭在頭上帶出去,並要蒙住臉不見,因為我立你作以色列家的預兆。

7 我就照著所吩咐的去行,白日帶出我的物件,好像預備擄去使用的物件。到了晚上,我用挖通了。天黑的時候,就當他們眼前搭在頭上帶出去。

8 次日早晨耶和華的臨到我說:

9 人子啊,以色列家,就是那悖逆之家,豈不是問你:你做什麼呢?

10 你要對他們耶和華如此:這是關乎耶路撒冷的君王和他周圍以色列全家的預表(原文是擔子)。

11 你要:我作你們的預兆:我怎樣行,他們所遭遇的也必怎樣,他們必被擄去。

12 他們中間的君王也必在天黑的時候將物件搭在頭上帶出去。他們要挖通了,從其中帶出去。他必蒙住臉,眼不見

13 我必將我的撒在他身上,他必在我的羅中纏住。我必他到迦勒底人的巴比倫;他雖在那裡,卻不見那

14 周圍一切幫助他的和他所有的軍隊,我必分散四方(方:原文是),也要拔刀追趕他們。

15 我將他們四散在列國、分散在列邦的時候,他們就知道我是耶和華

16 我卻要留下他們幾個人得免刀、饑荒、瘟疫,使他們在所到的各國中述說他們一切可憎的事,人就知道我是耶和華

17 耶和華的又臨到我說:

18 人子啊,你飯必膽戰,必惶惶憂慮。

19 你要對這的百姓耶和華耶路撒冷以色列居民如此,他們飯必憂慮,必驚惶。因其中居住的眾人所行強暴的事,這必然荒廢,一無所存。

20 居民的城邑必變為荒場,也必變為荒廢;你們就知道我是耶和華

21 耶和華的臨到我說:

22 人子啊,在你們以色列地怎麼有這俗語,說日子遲延,一切異象都落了空呢?

23 你要告訴他們耶和華如此:我必使這俗語止息,以色列中不再用這俗語。你卻要對他們:日子臨近,一切的異象必都應驗。

24 從此,在以色列家中必不再有虛假的異象和奉承的占卜。

25 我─耶和華說話,所的必定成就,不再耽延。你們這悖逆之家,我所必趁你們在世的日子成就。這是耶和華的。

26 耶和華的又臨到我說:

27 人子啊,以色列家的人:他所見的異象是關乎後來許多的日子,所的預言是指著極遠的時候。

28 所以你要對他們耶和華如此:我的沒有一句再耽延的,我所的必定成就。這是耶和華的。




Scriptural Confirmations#4


4. 2. The Son of God (Romans 1:3-4).

Called after Jesus Christ, Christians (Romans 1:6) through the faith of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22).

Faith in Christ. Through Jesus Christ we have peace toward God, and to God we have access by faith into this grace, and we glory in the hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:1-2).

By Jesus Christ were we reconciled to God (Romans 5:10,11).

As by one man sin entered into the world, so by the justice of one are we justified (Romans 5:12, 13, 15, 18-19).

There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, in order that the justification of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit (Romans 8:1-4). Christ is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us (Romans 8:34).

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, distress, hunger, death, angels, principalities, height, depth, etc. (Romans 8:35-39)?

From the fathers Christ is according to the flesh, who is over all; God blessed forever. Amen (Romans 9:5).

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved (Romans 10:13).

We are one body in Christ; all are members having different gifts according to grace (Romans 12:5-6). The gifts which belong to different members are enumerated in a long series (verses 6, 13).

Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14).

Whether we live, we live in the Lord; whether we die, we die in the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ both died and rose and lived again that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living (Romans 14:8-9).

It is written, I live, saith the Lord, for every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God (Romans 14:11). Isaiah saith, there shall be a root of Jesse, and He that shall rise to rule over the nations; in Him shall the nations hope (Romans 15:12).

The Gospel of Christ (Romans 15:19-21).

Chosen and tried in the Lord, in Christ: to work and labor in the Lord (Romans 16:8-13).


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.