




1 大衛耶和華:我上猶大個城去可以麼?耶和華:可以。大衛:我上哪個城去呢?耶和華:上希伯崙去。

2 於是大衛和他的兩個妻─一個是耶斯列人亞希暖,一個是作過迦密人拿八妻的亞比該─上那裡去了。

3 大衛也將跟隨他的和他們各的眷屬一同帶上去,在希伯崙的城邑中。

4 猶大到希伯崙,在那裡大衛猶大家的王。有人告訴大衛說:葬埋掃羅的是基列雅比人。

5 大衛就差人去見基列雅比人,對他們:你們厚待你們的掃羅,將他葬埋。願耶和華賜福與你們!

6 你們既行了這事,願耶和華以慈愛誠實待你們,我也要為此厚待你們。

7 現在你們的掃羅死了猶大家已經我作他們的王,所以你們要剛強奮勇。

8 掃羅的元帥尼珥的兒子押尼珥,曾將掃羅的兒子伊施波設帶過河,到瑪哈念,

9 立他作王,治理基列、亞書利、耶斯列、以法蓮、便雅憫,和以色列眾人。

10 掃羅的兒子伊施波設登基的時候年四十歲,作以色列年;惟獨猶大家歸從大衛

11 大衛在希伯崙作猶大家的王,共年零

12 尼珥的兒子押尼珥和掃羅的兒子伊施波設的僕人從瑪哈念出來,往基遍去。

13 洗魯雅的兒子約押大衛的僕人也出來,在基遍池旁與他們相遇;一班在池這邊,一班在池那邊。

14 押尼珥對約押:讓少年人起來,在我們面前戲耍罷!約押:可以。

15 就按著定數起來:屬掃羅兒子伊施波設的便雅憫人過去十二名,大衛的僕人也過去十二名,

16 彼此揪,用刀刺肋,一同仆倒。所以,那地作希利甲哈素林,就在基遍

17 那日的戰事凶猛,押尼珥和以色列人敗在大衛的僕人面前。

18 在那裡有洗魯雅的個兒子:約押、亞比篩、亞撒黑。亞撒黑快如野鹿般;

19 亞撒黑追趕押尼珥,直追趕他不偏左右。

20 押尼珥回頭:你是亞撒黑麼?回答:是。

21 押尼珥對他:你或向左向右,拿住個少年人,剝去他的戰衣。亞撒黑卻不肯開不追趕他。

22 押尼珥又對亞撒黑:你開不追趕我罷!我何必殺你呢?若殺你,有甚麼臉見你哥哥約押呢?

23 亞撒黑仍不肯開。故此,押尼珥就用槍鐏刺入他的肚腹,甚至槍從背後透出,亞撒黑就在那裡仆倒而。眾人趕到亞撒黑仆倒而地方,就都站住。

24 約押和亞比篩追趕押尼珥,日落的時候,到了通基遍曠野的旁,基亞對面的亞瑪山。

25 便雅憫人聚集,跟隨押尼珥站在個山頂上。

26 押尼珥呼叫約押:刀豈可永遠殺人麼?你豈不知終久必有苦楚麼?你要等何時才百姓回去、不追趕弟兄呢?

27 約押:我指著永生的起誓:你若不戲耍的那句話,今日早晨百姓就回去,不追趕弟兄了。

28 於是約押吹角,眾民就站住,不再追趕以色列人,也不再打仗了。

29 押尼珥和跟隨他的人整夜經過亞拉巴,過約但河,走過畢倫,到了瑪哈念。

30 約押追趕押尼珥回來,聚集眾民,見大衛的僕人中缺少了十九個和亞撒黑。

31 大衛的僕人殺了便雅憫和跟隨押尼珥的,共六十名。

32 眾人將亞撒黑送到伯利恆,葬在他父親墳墓裡。約押和跟隨他的人走了一夜,天亮的時候到了希伯崙。





Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph, by Januarius Zick

Ephraim was the second son born to Joseph in Egypt and was, along with his older brother Manasseh, elevated by Jacob to the same status as Joseph’s brothers. Thus when the tribes of Israel are named, Ephraim and Manasseh are named as patriarchs along with their uncles – Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin -- but Joseph is not. According to Swedenborg, Ephraim represents the intellectual aspect of the church, the part that explores and understands what is true – especially the true ideas that can be drawn from the Bible. Manasseh, meanwhile, represents the affectional aspect of the church, the part that feels and loves and cares. This plays into the best-known story of Ephraim’s life. When Jacob was old and nearing death, Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed. He presented Manasseh to Jacob’s right hand as the elder, and Ephraim to Jacob’s left hand. But Jacob crossed his hands and gave Ephraim the primary blessing. According to Swedenborg, Manasseh was the elder son because ultimately, what we love makes us who we are; our loves form our lives. So our loves are the most central, leading aspect of our human existence, with our intellect playing a secondary role. But as we develop, we need to reverse those. We can use our intellect to understand what is good and right and force ourselves to do it, even when our desires are for what’s selfish. If we stick to that out of a determination to follow the Lord and be good people, the Lord will eventually remove the selfishness from our hearts so we can truly love what is good. By having Jacob bless Ephraim above Manasseh, the Lord is telling us that we have to put our intellect first to pursue our spiritual journey.