




1 赎愆祭的条例乃是如此:这祭是至的。

2 人在那里宰燔祭牲,也要在那里宰赎愆祭牲;其血,祭司要洒在的周围。

3 又要将肥尾巴和盖脏的脂油,

4 两个腰子和腰子上的脂油,就是靠腰两旁的脂油,并上的网子和腰子,一概取下。

5 祭司要在上焚烧,为献给耶和华的火祭,是赎愆祭。

6 祭司中的男丁都可以这祭物;要在,是至的。

7 祭怎样,赎愆祭也是怎样,两个祭是个条例。献赎愆祭赎祭司要得这祭物。

8 献燔祭的祭司,无论为谁奉献,要亲自得他所献那燔祭牲的

9 凡在炉中烤的素祭和煎盘中做的,并铁鏊上做的,都要归那献祭的祭司

10 凡素祭,无论是调和的是乾的,都要归亚伦的子孙,大家均分。

11 人献与耶和华平安祭的条例乃是这样:

12 他若为感谢献上,就要用调无酵饼和抹无酵薄饼,并用调匀细面做的饼,与感谢祭一同献上。

13 要用有的饼和为感谢献的平安祭,与供物一同献上。

14 从各样的供物中,他要把个饼献给耶和华为举祭,是要归给洒平安祭牲血的祭司

15 为感谢献平安祭牲的,要在献的日子,一点不可留到早晨

16 若所献的是为还愿,或是甘心献的,必在献祭的日子,所下的第二也可以

17 但所下的祭,到第三要用焚烧;

18 第三吃了平安祭的,这祭必不蒙悦纳,人所献的也不算为祭,反为可憎嫌的,这祭的,就必担当他的罪孽。

19 挨了污秽物的就不可,要用焚烧。至於平安祭的,凡洁净的人都要

20 只是献与耶和华平安祭的,人若不洁净而吃了,这人必从民中剪除。

21 有人摸了甚麽不洁净的物,或是人的不洁净,或是不洁净的牲畜,或是不洁可憎之物,吃了献与耶和华平安祭的,这人必从民中剪除。

22 耶和华摩西

23 你晓谕以色列人:牛的脂油、绵羊的脂油、山羊的脂油,你们都不可

24 自死的和被野兽撕裂的,那脂油可以做别的使用,只是你们万不可

25 无论何人吃了献给耶和华当火祭牲畜的脂油,那人必从民中剪除。

26 在你们一切的处,无论是雀的血是野兽的血,你们都不可

27 无论是谁血,那人必从民中剪除。

28 耶和华摩西

29 你晓谕以色列人:献平安祭给耶和华的,要从平安祭中取些来奉给耶和华

30 他亲献给耶和华的火祭,就是脂油和胸,要带来,好把胸在耶和华面前作摇祭,摇一摇。

31 祭司要把脂油在上焚烧,但胸要归亚伦和他的子孙。

32 你们要从平安祭中把右腿作举祭,奉祭司。

33 亚伦子孙中,献平安祭牲血和脂油的,要得这右腿为分;

34 因为我从以色列人的平安祭中,取了这摇的胸和举的腿祭司亚伦和他子孙,作他们从以色列人中所永得的分。

35 这是从耶和华火祭中,作亚伦受膏的分和他子孙受膏的分,正在摩西(原文是他)叫他们前来给耶和华供祭司职分的日子,

36 就是在摩西(原文是他)他们的日子,耶和华吩咐以色列人他们的。这是他们世世代永得的分。

37 这就是燔祭、素祭、赎祭、赎愆祭,和平安祭的条例,并承接圣职的礼,

38 都是耶和华在西乃所吩咐摩西的,就是他在西乃旷野吩咐以色列人献供物给耶和华之日所说的。




Apocalypse Revealed#395



395. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. (8:5) This symbolizes spiritual love, containing celestial love, and its influx into the lower regions where those people were who were caught up in a faith divorced from charity.

A censer, just like incense, symbolizes worship springing from a spiritual love. This is apparent from what we have already shown, and from the fact that in the Word, a container has the same symbolism as what it contains, even as a cup and plate have the same symbolism as wine and food (Matthew 23:25-26, Luke 22:20, and elsewhere).

Fire from the altar of burnt offering symbolizes Divinely given celestial love, because that altar symbolized worship springing from that love (see no. 392 above). And fire in the highest sense symbolizes Divine love (no. 494).

Spiritual love, or charity, takes its essence from celestial love, or love toward the Lord. Apart from that love, spiritual love or charity has in it no vitality, for spirit and life have no other origin than the Lord.

This was represented in the Israelite Church by their taking fire for their censers and burning incense only from the altar of burnt offering, as can be seen in the books of Moses (Leviticus 16:12-13).

It was also a statute, therefore, that fire burn continually on the altar of burnt offering and not go out (Leviticus 6:13). The reason was that the fire of that altar symbolized the Lord's Divine love, and thus love toward the Lord.

Throwing the censer to the earth symbolizes an influx into lower regions.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.