




1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 若有人犯罪,干犯耶和华,在邻舍交付他的物上,或是在交易上行了诡诈,或是抢夺人的财物,或是欺压邻舍,

3 或是在捡了遗失的物上行了诡诈,说谎起誓,在这切的事上犯了甚麽罪;

4 他既犯了罪,有了过犯,就要归还他所抢夺的,或是因欺压所得的,或是人交付他的,或是人遗失他所捡的物,

5 或是他因甚麽物起了假誓,就要如数归还,另外加上五分之一,在查出他有罪的日子要交还本主。

6 也要照你所估定的价,把赎愆祭牲─就是羊群中一只没有残疾的公绵─牵到耶和华面前,给祭司为赎愆祭。

7 祭司要在耶和华面前为他赎罪;他无论行了甚麽事,使他有了罪,都必蒙赦免。

8 耶和华晓谕摩西

9 你要吩咐亚伦和他的子孙说,燔祭的条例乃是这样:燔祭要放在的柴上,从晚上到天亮,上的要常常烧着。

10 祭司要穿上细麻布衣服,又要把细麻布裤子穿在身上,把上所烧的燔祭灰收起来,倒在的旁边;

11 随後要脱去这衣服,穿上别的衣服,把灰拿到外洁净之处。

12 上的要在其上常常烧着,不可熄灭。祭司要每日早晨在上面烧柴,并要把燔祭摆在上,在其上烧平安祭牲的脂油。

13 上必有常常烧着的,不可熄灭。

14 素祭的条例乃是这样:亚伦的子孙要在前把这祭献在耶和华面前。

15 祭司要从其中─就是从素祭的细面中─取出自己的一把,又要取些和素祭上所有的乳,烧在上,奉给耶和华为馨素祭的纪念。

16 下的,亚伦和他子孙要,必在圣处不带酵而,要在会幕的院子里

17 烤的时候不可搀。这是从所献我的火祭中赐他们的分,是至的,和赎祭并赎愆祭一样。

18 凡献给耶和华的火祭,亚伦子孙中的男丁都要这一分,直到万,作他们永得的分。摸这些祭物的,都要成为

19 耶和华晓谕摩西

20 亚伦的日子,他和他子孙所要献给耶和华的供物,就是细面伊法十分之一,为常献的素祭:早晨一半,晚上一半。

21 要在铁鏊上用调和做成,调匀了,你就拿进来;烤好了分成块子,献给耶和华为馨的素祭。

22 亚伦的子孙中,接续他为受膏的祭司,要把这素祭献上,要全烧给耶和华。这是永远的定例。

23 祭司的素祭都要烧了,却不可

24 耶和华晓谕摩西

25 你对亚伦和他的子孙,赎祭的条例乃是这样:要在耶和华面前、宰燔祭牲的地方宰赎祭牲;这是至的。

26 为赎罪献这祭的祭司要,要在圣处,就是在会幕的院子里

27 凡摸这祭的要成为;这祭牲的血若弹在甚麽衣服上,所弹的那一件要在处洗净。

28 惟有祭物的瓦器要打碎;若是在铜器里,这铜器要擦磨,在中涮净。

29 祭司中的男丁都可以;这是至的。

30 凡赎祭,若将血带进会幕所赎,那肉都不可,必用焚烧。




Apocalypse Revealed#396



396. And there were voices, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake. This symbolically means that after a communication with them was opened, the angels heard reasonings about faith alone and arguments in support of it, and they perceived the state of the church among those below as heading for destruction.

Lightnings, thunderings and voices symbolize states of enlightenment, perception, and instruction following an influx from heaven, as can be seen in no. 236 above. Here, however - in reference to people caught up in faith alone, who had no enlightenment, perception or instruction by virtue of an influx from heaven - the voices, thunderings and lightnings symbolize reasonings about faith alone, and arguments and proofs in support of it.

Earthquakes symbolize changes in the state of the church (no. 331), here that the state of the church among those below was perceived as heading for destruction. For earthquakes occur in the world of spirits when the state of the church in its societies is corrupted and turned upside down.

The angel threw the censer to the earth before the seven angels began to sound with their trumpets, in order that the influx might open a communication between the angels in the spiritual heaven and the spirits below who were caught up in faith alone. It was owing to that communication that reasonings about that faith arose, and proofs in support of it, and these were also audible and perceptible. That is why we say that after the communication was opened, the angels heard and perceived them.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.