




1 约但河西亚摩利人的诸和靠迦南人的诸耶和华以色列人前面使约但河的乾了,等到我们过去,他们的心因以色列人的缘故就消化了,不再有胆气。

2 那时,耶和华吩咐约书亚:你制造火石刀,第二以色列人割礼

3 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在除皮山那里给以色列人割礼

4 约书亚行割礼的缘故,是因为从埃及出来的众民,就是一切能打仗的男丁,出了埃及以後,都旷野上。

5 因为出来的众民都受过割礼;惟独出埃及以後、在旷野上所生的众民都没有受过割礼

6 以色列人旷野走了四十年,等到国民,就是出埃及的兵丁,都消灭了,因为他们没有耶和华的话。耶和华曾向他们起誓,必不容他们耶和华向他们列祖起誓、应许赐我们,就是流奶与蜜之

7 他们的子孙,就是耶和华所兴起来接续他们的,都没有受过割礼;因为在上没有给他们行割礼,约书亚这才给他们行了。

8 国民都受完了割礼,就住在中自己的地方,等到痊愈了。

9 耶和华对约书亚:我今日将埃及的羞辱从你们身上辊去了。因此,那地方吉甲吉甲就是辊的意思),直到今日。

10 以色列人吉甲安营。正十四晚上,在耶利哥平原逾越节

11 逾越节的次日,他们就吃了的出产;正当那日无酵饼和烘的谷。

12 他们吃了的出产,第二日吗哪就止住了,以色列人也不再有吗哪了。那一年,他们却迦南的出产。

13 约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观,不料,有一个里有拔出来的刀,对面站立。约书亚到他那里,问他:你是帮助我们呢,是帮助我们敌人呢?

14 他回答:不是的,我是要作耶和华军队的元帅。约书亚就俯伏在下拜,:我有甚麽话吩咐仆人

15 耶和华军队的元帅对约书亚:把你上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站的地方的。约书亚就照着行了。





原作者: New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth (机器翻译成: 中文)




结果,上帝对约书亚说:"我今天把埃及的污点从你们身上滚开了。"因此,这个地方被称为吉格,意思是 "滚动"。以色列人在那里安营扎寨,直到他们痊愈。然后他们第一次用地上的食物吃了逾越节,上帝在旷野中每天提供的吗哪也停止了。



请注意,这一章是以色列人在迦南的第一章,直接进行了两个重要的犹太教仪式--割礼和逾越节。割礼就是割掉包皮。它意味着从爱自己和世界,以及生活的外在事物中得到净化,并在内心深处在上帝面前成为公义。(见 天国的秘密2102.)

这个意思有助于我们理解为什么《圣经》中其他地方经常提到 "割礼"。在迦南的割礼是为了标记新的一代,在灵性上对我们来说,这意味着我们的重生总是涉及新的状态。(真实的基督教信仰601)


以色列人在迦南的第一个营地是在吉甲,一个靠近耶利哥的地方,这个名字的意思是 "滚动"。我们已经看过它与割礼的关系,但更广泛地说,"滚动 "是指前进,继续前进,继续前进。这是故事初期对我们重生的有力描述,有考验也有祝福,两者都是为了让我们继续前进,在主希望我们拥有的生命中不断前进。(天国的秘密8911)

有了这一切早期的第一感觉,终于到了迦南,上帝一直应许给他们的土地,约书亚被耶和华的好战天使,耶和华军队的指挥官所迎接,是如此的恰当。(天国的秘密7277).请仔细注意,当约书亚问他是为我们还是为我们的敌人时,指挥官说 "不是"。在精神上这是非常重要的,因为主利用一切--善与恶--和平与诱惑--来引导我们走向天堂。

指挥官宣布约书亚要把他的凉鞋从脚上脱下来,因为他站的地方是圣地。在精神上,"圣地 "是指整个生命的范围,以及我们认为所有这些都是主给我们的礼物的感觉。(见 天国的秘密566, 1585)



Arcana Coelestia#2273



2273. That 'He said, I will not do it for the sake of the forty' means that they will be saved is clear without explanation. Regarding those who are meant by 'the forty-five' in the previous verse, it was said, 'I will not destroy it if I find forty-five', which meant that they would not perish if goods could be joined to truths. In the verse that follows here which has regard to 'the forty' it is said, 'I will not do it for the sake of the forty', which does not mean that people would be saved merely because of temptations, for there are some undergoing temptations who give way, so that in their case goods are not joined to truths. Nor indeed is anyone saved because of temptations if he places any merit in them, for if he places any merit in temptations he does so from self-love, in that he boasts about his temptations and believes that he has merited heaven more than others, and at the same time he is thinking about his own pre-eminence over others, despising others in comparison with himself, all of which is contrary to mutual love and consequently to heavenly blessedness.

[2] The temptations in which a person is victorious entail the belief that all others are more worthy than he, and that he is more like those in hell than those in heaven, for ideas such as these present themselves to him in temptations. When therefore after temptations a person enters into ways of thinking that are contrary to this outlook it is a sign that he has not been victorious, for the thoughts he had in temptations are those towards which the thoughts that he has following temptations can be turned. But if the thoughts he has after temptations cannot be turned in the direction of those he had during them, he has either given way in temptation, or he has departed into similar, and sometimes graver ones, till he has been brought to that healthier outlook in which he believes he has merited nothing. From this it is clear that 'forty' means people with whom by means of temptations goods have been joined to truths.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.