




1 以色列带着一切所有的,起身到别是巴,就献祭给他父亲以撒的

2 夜间,在异象中对以色列雅各雅各!他:我在这里。

3 :我是,就是你父亲。你埃及去不要害怕,因为我必使你在那里成为族。

4 我要和你同埃及去,也必定带你上来;约瑟必给你送终(原文作将按在你的眼睛上)。

5 雅各就从别是巴起行。以色列的儿子们使他们的父亲雅各和他们的妻子、儿女都坐在法老雅各送来的车上。

6 他们又带着迦南所得的牲畜、货财埃及雅各和他的一切子孙都一同来了

7 雅各把他的儿子、孙子、女儿、孙女,并他的子子孙孙,一同带到埃及

8 埃及以色列人名字记在下面。雅各和他的儿孙:雅各长子是流便。

9 流便的儿子是哈诺、法路、希斯伦、迦米。

10 西缅儿子是耶母利、雅悯、阿辖、雅斤、琐辖,还有迦南女子所生的扫罗

11 利未的儿子是革顺、哥辖、米拉利。

12 犹大的儿子是珥、俄南、示拉、法勒斯、谢拉;惟有珥与俄南迦南。法勒斯的儿子是希斯伦、哈母勒。

13 以萨迦的儿子是陀拉、普瓦、约伯、伸仑。

14 西布伦的儿子是西烈、以伦、雅利。

15 这是利亚在巴旦亚兰给雅各所生的儿子,还在女儿底拿。儿孙共三十三人。

16 迦得的儿子是洗非芸、哈基、书尼、以斯本、以利、亚罗底、亚列利。

17 亚设的儿子是音拿、亦施瓦、亦施韦、比利亚,还有他们的妹子西拉。比利亚的儿子是希别、玛结。

18 这是拉班给他女儿利亚的婢女悉帕从雅各所生的儿孙,共有十六人。

19 雅各之妻拉结的儿子是约瑟和便雅悯。

20 约瑟在埃及生了玛拿西以法莲,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女儿亚西纳给约瑟生的。

21 便雅悯的儿子是比拉、比结、亚实别、基拉、乃幔、以希、罗实、母平、户平、亚勒。

22 这是拉结给雅各所生的儿孙,共有十四人。

23 但的儿子是户伸。

24 拿弗他利的儿子是雅薛、沽尼、耶色、示冷。

25 这是拉班给他女儿拉结的婢女辟拉从雅各所生的儿孙,共有人。

26 那与雅各同到埃及的,除了他儿妇之外,凡从他所生的,共有六十六人。

27 还有约瑟在埃及所生的两个儿子。雅各埃及的共有七十人。

28 雅各打发犹大先去见约瑟,请派人引歌珊去;於是他们歌珊

29 约瑟套车往歌珊去,迎接他父亲以色列,及至见了面,就伏在父亲的颈项,哭了许久。

30 以色列对约瑟:我既得见你的面,知道你还在,就是我也甘心。

31 约瑟对他的弟兄和他父的全家:我要上去告诉法老,对他:我的弟兄和我父的全家从前在迦南,现今都到我这里来了

32 他们本是牧的人,以养牲畜为业;他们把羊群牛群和一切所有的都带来了。

33 法老召你们的时候,问你们:你们以何事为业?

34 你们要:你的仆人,从幼年直到如今,都以养牲畜为业,连我们的祖宗也都以此为业。这样,你们可以歌珊,因为凡牧的都被埃及人所厌恶。




Arcana Coelestia#6025



6025. Further explanation of these verses can be dispensed with since they are mere names. What those names mean may be seen from the general explanation given immediately above in 6024; and what Jacob's actual sons mean may be seen in the explanation where their births are dealt with. But the following observation is worth making, that no son was born to Jacob's sons in Egypt when they came there, though they were still young men; all their sons were born in the land of Canaan. They themselves, apart from Benjamin, were born in Paddan Aram; and this was for a particular reason that the Lord in His Divine Providence had in view, which was that aspects of the Church might be represented by them from when they were born. Their being born in Paddan Aram represented the fact that a member of the Church must be born anew or regenerated through knowledge or cognitions of goodness and truth, for Paddan Aram means that knowledge, 3664, 3680, 4107, while their actual birth represented the new birth effected through faith and charity, 4668, 5160, 5598, and so at the initial stage through knowledge of them. But the birth of all Jacob's sons' sons in the land of Canaan represented the fact that the kinds of things that constitute the Church spring from that knowledge, for 'the land of Canaan' is the Church, 3705, 3686, 4447, 4454, 4517, 5136, 5757. The birth of Joseph's sons took place in Egypt however so as to represent the dominion of the internal man within the external, especially the dominion of the celestial of the spiritual within the natural. 'Manasseh' is the new area of will within the natural, and 'Ephraim' the new area of understanding there, which the Church possesses.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.