




1 人子啊,你要向歌革发预言攻击他,耶和华如此:罗施、米设、土巴的王歌革啊,我与你为敌。

2 我必调你,领你前往,使你从北方的极处上你到以色列的上。

3 我必从你左打落你的,从你右打掉你的

4 你和你的军队,并同着你的列国人,都必倒在以色列的上。我必将你各类的鸷和田野的走兽作食物。

5 你必倒在田野,因为我曾说过。这是耶和华的。

6 我要降在玛各和海安然居住的人身上,他们就知道我是耶和华

7 我要在我民以色列中显出我的名,也不容我的名再被亵渎,列国人就知道我是耶和华以色列中的者。

8 耶和华:这日事情临近,也必成就,乃是我所的日子。

9 以色列城邑的人必出去捡器械,就是大小盾牌弓箭、梃杖、枪矛,都当柴烧,直烧年,

10 甚至他们不必从田野捡柴,也不必从林伐;因为他们要用器械烧,并且抢夺那抢夺他们的人,掳掠那掳掠他们的人。这是耶和华的。

11 当那日,我必将以色列地的谷,就是东人所经过的谷,赐歌革为坟地,使经过的人到此停步。在那里人必葬埋歌革和他的群众,就称那地为哈们歌革谷。

12 以色列家的人必用葬埋他们,为要洁净全

13 的居民都必葬埋他们。当我得荣耀的日子,这事必叫他们得名声。这是耶和华的。

14 他们必分派人时常巡查遍,与过路的人一同葬埋那地面上的尸首,好洁净全。过了,他们还要巡查。

15 巡查遍的人要经过全,见有人的骸,就在旁边立一标记,等葬埋的人来将骸葬在哈们歌革谷。

16 他们必这样洁净那,并有一城名叫哈摩那。

17 人子啊,耶和华如此:你要对各类的飞和田野的走兽:你们聚集罢,要从四方聚到我为你们献祭之地,就是在以色列上献祭之地,好叫你们血。

18 你们必勇士的上首领的血,就如公绵羔、公山、公牛,都是巴珊的肥畜。

19 你们我为你们所献的祭,必饱了脂油,了血。

20 你们必在我席上饱吃马匹和坐车的,并勇士和一切的战士。这是耶和华的。

21 我必显我的荣耀在列国中;万民就必见我所行的审判与我在他们身上所加的

22 这样,从那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和华─他们的

23 列国人也必知道以色列家被掳掠是因他们的罪孽。他们得罪我,我就掩面不顾,将他们交在敌人中,他们便都倒在刀下。

24 我是照他们的污秽和罪过待他们,并且我掩面不顾他们。

25 耶和华如此:我要使雅各被掳的人归回,要怜悯以色列全家,又为我的名发热心。

26 他们在本地安然居住,无人惊吓,是我将他们从万民中领回,从仇敌之地召来。我在许多国的民眼前,在他们身上显为圣的时候,他们要担当自己的羞辱和干犯我的一切罪。

27 a

28 因我使他们被掳到外邦人中,後又聚集他们归回本地,他们就知道我是耶和华─他们的;我必不再留他们一人在外邦。

29 我也不再掩面不顾他们,因我已将我的灵浇灌以色列家。这是耶和华的。




Apocalypse Revealed#10



10. John, to the seven churches. (1:4) This symbolically means, to all who are in the Christian world where the Word exists and where through it the Lord is known, and who turn to the church.

The seven churches mean, not seven churches, but all who are constituents of the church in the Christian world. For numbers in the Word symbolize properties, and seven symbolizes all things or all people, and so also fullness and completeness, and it occurs in the Word where the subject is something holy, and in an opposite sense, something profane. Consequently this number involves holiness, and in an opposite sense, profanation.

Numbers symbolize properties, or rather they serve as a class of adjectives to substantives, assigning some attribute to their subjects, because a number in itself is a natural quantity. For natural things are measured by numbers, but spiritual things by properties and their states. Therefore someone who does not know the symbolism of numbers in the Word, and particularly in the book of Revelation, cannot know the many secrets that it contains.

Now, because seven symbolizes all things or all people, it is apparent that the seven churches mean all people in the Christian world where the Word exists and where through it the Lord is known. If these live according to the Lord's commandments in the Word, they form the real church.

[2] It is because of this that the Sabbath was instituted on the seventh day, and that the seventh year was called a sabbatical year, and the forty-ninth year the year of Jubilee, which symbolized everything holy in the church.

It is because of this, too, that a week in Daniel and elsewhere symbolizes an entire period from beginning to end and is predicated of the church.

Similar things are symbolized by seven hereafter, as for example, by the seven golden lampstands, in the midst of which was the Son of Man (Revelation 1:13); by the seven stars in His right hand (1:16, 20); by the seven spirits of God (1:4; 4:5); by the seven lamps of fire (4:5); by the seven angels to whom were given seven trumpets (8:2); by the seven angels having the seven last plagues (15:5-6); by the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues (16:1; 21:9); by the seven seals with which the book was sealed (5:1).

Likewise in the following places: That their hands should be filled for seven days (Exodus 29:35). That they should be sanctified for seven days (Exodus 29:37). That when they were inaugurated they should go in seven days, clothed in holy garments (Exodus 29:30). That for seven days they should not go out of the Tabernacle while being initiated into the priesthood (Leviticus 8:33, 35). That atonement should be made for the altar seven times on its horns (Leviticus 16:18-19), and also seven times toward the east (Leviticus 16:12-15). That the water of separation should be sprinkled seven times toward the Tabernacle (Numbers 19:4). That Passover should be celebrated for seven days and unleavened bread eaten for seven days (Exodus 12:1ff., Deuteronomy 16:4-7).

So, too, that the Jews should be punished sevenfold for their sins (Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, 28), on which account David says, "Requite our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom" (Psalms 79:12). "Sevenfold" means fully.

[3] Also in these places:

The words of Jehovah are pure words, silver... in a furnace... purified seven times. (Psalms 12:6)

The hungry have ceased, until the barren has borne seven, while she who has many children has become feeble. (1 Samuel 2:5)

"The barren" is the church of the gentiles, who did not have the Word. "She who has many children" is the church of the Jews, who did have the Word. Similarly,

She will languish who has borne seven; she will breath out her soul. (Jeremiah 15:9)

Those who dwell in the cities of Israel will... set on fire and burn the weapons...; and they will make fires with them for seven years... ...they will bury Gog, and... for seven months... will be cleansing the land. (Ezekiel 39:9, 11-12)

(The unclean spirit) will take seven other spirits more wicked than himself... (Matthew 12:45)

Profanation is described there, and the seven spirits with which he would return symbolize all falsities of evil, thus a complete extinguishing of goodness and truth.

The seven heads of the dragon, and the seven jewels 1 on its heads (Revelation 12:3), symbolize the profanation of all goodness and truth.

This makes apparent that "seven" involves holiness or profanation, and symbolizes completeness and fullness.


1. The word translated as "jewels" here means diadems or crowns in the original Greek and Latin, but the writer's definitions of the term elsewhere make plain that he regularly and consistently interpreted it to mean jewels or gems.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.