




1 那时,摩西以色列人耶和华唱歌:我要向耶和华,因他大大战胜,将和骑的投在中。

2 耶和华是我的力量,我的诗歌,也成了我的拯救。这是我的,我要赞美他,是我父亲,我要尊崇他。

3 耶和华是战士;他的名是耶和华

4 法老的车辆、军兵,耶和华已抛在中;他特选的军长都沉於红

5 水淹没他们;他们如同石头坠到深处

6 耶和华阿,你的右手施展能力,显出荣耀;耶和华阿,你的右手摔碎仇敌。

7 你大发威严,推翻那些起来攻击你的;你发出烈怒如火,烧灭他们像烧碎一样。

8 你发鼻中的气,便聚起成堆,大直立如垒,中的深凝结。

9 仇敌:我要追赶,我要追上;我要分掳物,我要在他们身上称我的心愿。我要拔出刀来,亲杀灭他们。

10 你叫一吹,就把他们淹没;他们如铅沉在大水之中。

11 耶和华阿,众神之中,谁能像你?谁能像你─至至荣,可颂可畏,施行奇事?

12 伸出右手,便灭他们。

13 你凭慈爱领了你所赎的百姓;你凭能力引他们到了你的所。

14 外邦人见就发颤;疼痛抓非利士居民

15 那时,以东的族长惊惶,摩押的英雄被战兢抓迦南居民心都消化了。

16 惊骇恐惧临到他们。耶和华阿,因你膀的大能,他们如石头寂然不动,等候你的百姓过去,等候你所赎的百姓过去。

17 你要将他们领进去,栽於你产业的上─耶和华阿,就是你为自己所造的处;阿,就是你所建立的圣所。

18 耶和华必作王,直到永永远远!

19 法老的马匹、车辆,和兵下到中,耶和华使回流,淹没他们;惟有以色列人中走乾地。

20 亚伦的姊姊,女先知米利暗,里拿着;众妇女也跟他出去拿跳舞

21 米利暗应声:你们要歌颂耶和华,因他大大战胜,将和骑的投在中。

22 摩西以色列人从红往前行,到了书珥的旷野,在旷野走了不着

23 到了玛拉,不能那里的;因为苦,所以那地名玛拉

24 百姓就向摩西发怨言,:我们甚麽呢?

25 摩西呼求耶和华耶和华指示他一棵。他把丢在里,就变甜了。耶和华在那里为他们定了律例、典章,在那里试验他们;

26 :你若留意耶和华─你的话,又行我眼中看为正的事,留心我的诫命,守我一切的律例,我就不将所加与埃及人疾病加在你身上,因为我─耶和华是医治你的。

27 他们到了以琳,在那里有十二股泉,七十棵棕树;他们就在那里的边安营。




Arcana Coelestia#1928



1928. 'Near the spring on the road to Shur' means that this truth was an assemblage of things which come from facts. This is clear from the meaning of 'a spring', also from that of 'a road', as well as from the meaning of 'Shur'. 'A spring', as has been stated, means truth; 'a road' means that which leads to truth and which comes from truth, as shown already in 627; while 'Shur' means factual knowledge such as is still in the desert so to speak, that is, which has not yet acquired any life. Truths that come from facts are said to acquire life when they ally or associate themselves with truths into which the celestial element of love is flowing, the source of the actual life of truth. Real things, and thus truths, exist joined together in the way that communities in heaven are joined together, to which communities they also correspond; for interiorly man is a kind of miniature heaven. Real things, or truths, which do not exist joined together in accordance with the form which heavenly communities possess have not as yet acquired any life; for prior to this the celestial element of love from the Lord cannot fittingly flow in. They first receive life when a similar form exists on both sides, that is, when the miniature heaven in man is a corresponding image of the Grand [Man]. Prior to that nobody can be called a heaven-like man.

[2] The Lord, who from Himself was to govern the whole of heaven, imposed such order while He was in the world on the truths and goods present with His External Man, that is, with His Human Essence. But because He perceived that such order did not exist with His rational conceived first, as was stated above at verses 4 and 5, He thought about and perceived the reason why. This was that natural truths arising from facts did not as yet have any life in them, that is, that heavenly order had not been imposed on them. Furthermore truths of faith never possess any life unless a person is leading a charitable life, charity being that form from which all truths of faith flow, and that in which they inhere; and when they inhere in and flow from charity they possess life. It is in charity that life resides, never in truths devoid of charity.

[3] That 'Shur' means factual knowledge that as yet has not acquired life is clear from the meaning of this name. Shur was a desert not far from the Sea Suph, and so lay in the direction of Egypt, as is clear in Moses,

Moses made Israel journey from the Sea Suph, and they went out to the desert of Shur; from there they went three days in the desert, and did not find any water. Exodus 15:22.

That it lay in the direction of Egypt is again clear in Moses where the descendants of Ishmael are the subject,

They dwelt from Havilah to Shur, which is opposite Egypt. 1 Genesis 25:18.

And in Samuel,

Saul defeated Amalek from Havilah as you come to Shur, which is opposite Egypt'. 1 1 Samuel 15:7.

And elsewhere in 1 Samuel,

David spread out against the Geshurites, and the Gizrites, and the Amalekites, who inhabited the land from of old, as you come to Shur and as far as the land of Egypt. 1 Samuel 27:8.

These quotations show that 'Shur' means primary factual knowledge, in particular such as is still in the desert, that is, not yet joined to all the rest in accordance with the form which heavenly communities possess, for 'Egypt' which it was opposite 2 means knowledge in every sense, as shown already in 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462.


1. literally, towards the faces of Egypt

2. literally, towards the face of which it was


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.