




1 耶和華的臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要面向耶路撒冷和聖所滴下預言,攻擊以色列地。

3 以色列耶和華如此:我與你為敵,並要拔刀出鞘,從你中間將人和惡人一併剪除。

4 我既要從你中間剪除人和惡人,所以我的刀要出鞘,自攻擊一切有血氣的;

5 一切有血氣的就知道我─耶和華已經拔刀出鞘,必不再入鞘。

6 人子啊,你要歎息,在他們眼前彎著腰,苦苦地歎息。

7 他們問你:為何歎息呢﹖你就:因為有風聲、災禍要。人都必消化,都發軟,精神衰敗,膝弱如。看哪,這災禍臨近,必然成就。這是耶和華的。

8 耶和華的臨到我說:

9 人子啊,你要預言。耶和華吩咐我如此:有刀、有刀,是磨快擦亮的;

10 磨快為要行殺戮,擦亮為要像閃電。我們豈可快樂麼﹖罰我子的杖藐視各

11 這刀已經交人擦亮,為要應使用。這刀已經磨快擦亮,好交在行殺戮的人中。

12 人子啊,你要呼喊哀號,因為這刀臨到我的百姓和以色列一切的首領。他們和我的百姓都交在刀下,所以你要拍歎息。

13 有試驗的事;若那藐視的杖歸於無有,怎麼樣呢﹖這是耶和華的。

14 人子啊,你要拍掌預言。我─耶和華要使這刀,就是致傷的刀,一連三次加倍刺人,進入他們的內屋,使人受傷的就是這刀。

15 我設立這恐嚇人的刀,攻擊他們的一切城,使他們的消化,加增他們跌倒的事。哎!這刀造得像閃電,磨得尖利,要行殺戮。

16 刀啊,你歸在右邊,擺在左邊;你面向哪方,就向那方殺戮。

17 我也要拍掌,並要使我的忿怒止息。這是我─耶和華的。

18 耶和華的又臨到我說:

19 人子啊,你要定出兩條,好使巴比倫王的刀。這兩條必從分出,又要在通城的口上畫出

20 你要定出一條,使刀到亞捫人的拉巴;又要定出一條,使刀猶大的堅固城耶路撒冷

21 因為巴比倫王站在岔那裡,在兩條口上要占卜。他搖籤(原文是)求問神像,察犧牲的

22 在右手中拿著為耶路撒冷占卜的籤,使他安設撞城錘,張叫殺,揚聲吶喊,築壘造臺,以撞城錘,攻打城

23 據那些曾起誓的猶大人看來,這是虛假的占卜;但巴比倫王要使他們想起罪孽,以致將他們捉住。

24 耶和華如此:因你們的過犯顯露,使你們的孽被記念,以致你們的罪惡在行為上都彰顯出來;又因你們被記念,就被捉住。

25 你這受傷行惡的以色列王啊,罪孽的盡頭到了,受報的日子已到。

26 耶和華如此:當除掉冠,摘下冕,景況必不再像先前;要使卑者升為,使者降為卑。

27 我要將這國傾覆,傾覆,而又傾覆;這國也必不再有,直等到那應得的人到,我就賜他。

28 人子啊,要發預言耶和華論到亞捫人和他們的凌辱,吩咐我如此:有刀,有拔出來的刀,已經擦亮,為行殺戮,使他像閃電以行吞滅。

29 人為你見虛假的異象,行謊詐的占卜,使你倒在受傷之惡人的頸項上。他們罪孽到了盡頭,受報的日子已到。

30 你將刀收入鞘罷!在你受造之處、生長之,我必刑罰你。

31 我必將我的惱恨倒在你身上,將我烈怒的噴在你身上;又將你交在善於殺滅的畜類人中。

32 你必當柴被焚燒,你的血必流在國中,你必不再被記念,因為這是我─耶和華的。




The Lord#48



48. 2. Since our life varies depending on our state, “spirit” means the variable attitude we take toward life. For example:

a. Living wisely.

Bezalel was filled with the spirit of wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. (Exodus 31:3)

You shall speak to all who are wise at heart, everyone whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom. (Exodus 28:3)

Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom. (Deuteronomy 34:9)

Nebuchadnezzar said of Daniel that [the spirit of the holy gods was in him]. (Daniel 4:8)

[Belshazzar’s queen said of Daniel that] there was an excellent spirit of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom in him. (Daniel 5:12)

Those who go astray in spirit will know intelligence. (Isaiah 29:24)

[2] b. Living [under the influence of some particular] inspiration.

Jehovah has stirred up the spirit of the kings of the Medes. (Jeremiah 51:11)

Jehovah stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel and the spirit of all the remnant of the people. (Haggai 1:14)

I am putting the spirit into the king of Assyria [to cause him] to hear a rumor and return to his own land. (Isaiah 37:7)

Jehovah hardened the spirit of King Sihon. (Deuteronomy 2:30)

What is rising up in your spirit will never happen. (Ezekiel 20:32)

[3] c. Living in a state of freedom.

The four beasts seen by the prophet, which were angel guardians, went wherever the spirit wanted to go. (Ezekiel 1:12, 20)

[4] d. Living in fear, sorrow, or anger.

... so that every heart will melt, all hands will slacken, and every spirit will recoil. (Ezekiel 21:7)

My spirit has fainted within me; my heart is stupefied inside me. (Psalms 142:3; Psalms 143:4)

My spirit is wasting away. (Psalms 143:7)

I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit. (Daniel 7:15)

The spirit of Pharaoh was disturbed. (Genesis 41:8)

Nebuchadnezzar said, “My spirit is troubled.” (Daniel 2:3)

I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit. (Ezekiel 3:14)

[5] e. Living in subjection to various evil mental states.

... who has no guile in his spirit. (Psalms 32:2)

Jehovah has mixed together in their midst a spirit of perversities. (Isaiah 19:14)

[The Lord Jehovih] says, “[Woe] to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit.” (Ezekiel 13:3)

The prophet is foolish; the man of the spirit is insane. (Hosea 9:7)

Keep watch over your spirit, and do not act treacherously. (Malachi 2:16)

A spirit of whoredom has led them astray. (Hosea 4:12)

There is a spirit of whoredom in their midst. (Hosea 5:4)

When a spirit of jealousy has come over him... (Numbers 5:14)

A man who is a wanderer in spirit and speaks lies... (Micah 2:11)

... a generation whose spirit was not constant with God... (Psalms 78:8)

He has poured a spirit of sleepiness over them. (Isaiah 29:10)

Conceive chaff and give birth to stubble. As for your spirit, fire will devour you. (Isaiah 33:11)

[6] f. Living in subjection to hell.

I will make the unclean spirit depart from the land. (Zechariah 13:2)

When an unclean spirit goes out of someone, it wanders through dry places, and then recruits seven spirits worse than itself, and they come in and live there. (Matthew 12:43-45)

Babylon has become a refuge for every unclean spirit. (Revelation 18:2)

[7] g. Then there are the hellish spirits by whom we are tormented: Matthew 8:16; 10:1; 12:43-45; Mark 1:23-28; 9:17-29; Luke 4:33, 36; 6:17-18; 7:21; 8:2, 29; 9:39, 42, 55; 11:24-26; 13:11; Revelation 13:15; 16:13-14.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.