




1 以色列人埃及以後,滿了的那一天,就到西乃的曠野。

2 他們離了利非訂,到西乃的曠野,就在那裡的下安營。

3 摩西那裡,耶和華呼喚:你要這樣告訴雅各家,曉諭以色列人

4 我向埃及人所行的事,你們都見了,且見我如將你們背在翅膀上,帶來歸我。

5 如今你們若實在從我的話,遵守我的約,就要在萬民中作屬我的子民,因為全都是我的。

6 你們要歸我作祭司的國度,為聖潔的國民。這些你要告訴以色列人

7 摩西去召了民間的長老,將耶和華所吩咐他的都在他們面前陳明。

8 百姓都同聲回答:凡耶和華的,我們都要遵行。摩西就將百姓的回覆耶和華

9 耶和華摩西:我要在密中臨到你那裡,叫百姓在我與你說話的時候可以見,也可以永遠信你了。於是,摩西將百姓的奏告耶和華

10 耶和華又對摩西:你往百姓那裡去,叫他們今天自潔,又叫他們洗衣服。

11 第三要預備好了,因為第三耶和華要在眾百姓眼前降臨在西乃上。

12 你要在的四圍給百姓定界限,:你們當謹慎,不可上去,也不可摸的邊界;凡摸這的,必要治他。

13 不可用摸他,必用石頭打死,或用箭射透;無論是牲畜,都不得活。到角聲拖長的時候,他們才可到根來。

14 摩西往百姓那裡去,叫他們自潔,他們就洗衣服。

15 他對百姓:到第要預備好了。不可親女人

16 到了第三早晨,在上有轟、閃電,和密,並且角聲甚大,中的百姓盡都發顫。

17 摩西率領百姓出迎接,都站在下。

18 西乃全冒煙,因為耶和華中降於上。的煙氣上騰,如燒窯一般,遍大大的震動。

19 角聲漸漸的高而又高,摩西說話有聲音答應他。

20 耶和華降臨在西乃頂上,耶和華摩西頂,摩西就上去。

21 耶和華摩西:你去囑咐百姓,不可闖過來到我面前觀,恐怕他們有多人死亡;

22 又叫親我的祭司自潔,恐怕我忽然出來擊殺他們。

23 摩西耶和華:百姓不能上西乃,因為你已經囑咐我們:要在的四圍定界限,叫成聖

24 耶和華對他去罷,你要和亞倫一同上來;只是祭司和百姓不可闖過來上到我面前,恐怕我忽然出來擊殺他們。

25 於是摩西到百姓那裡告訴他們。




Apocalypse Revealed#397



397. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. (8:6) This symbolizes their being prepared and ready to examine the state of the church and consequent life in people for whom religion is faith alone.

The symbolism of trumpets follows from the statute governing their use among the children of Israel, which Moses describes in this way: Jehovah told Moses to make silver trumpets for summoning the assembly and for the setting out of the camps, and they were also to sound them on days of celebration, feasts, new moons, and over burnt offerings and sacrifices. Furthermore, when they went to war against enemies oppressing them, they were to sound an alarm with the trumpets, and then they would come into remembrance before Jehovah God and be saved from their enemies. (Numbers 10:1-10)

It can be seen from this what sounding with trumpets symbolizes. Here, that the seven angels sounding symbolizes an examination and exposure of the state of the church and its character among people for whom religion is faith alone, as is apparent from the particulars in this chapter and from the particulars in the following chapters up to chapter 16 inclusive, understood in their spiritual sense.

[2] From the ways trumpets were used among the children of Israel it can also be seen what trumpets and sounding them symbolize in the following places:

Sound a trumpet in Zion, and sound it in My holy mountain! ...For the day of Jehovah is coming... (Joel 2:1-2)

Jehovah will be seen over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning; and the Lord Jehovih will sound the ram's horn... (Zechariah 9:14)

Jehovah shall go forth like a lion... (and) sound an alarm... (Isaiah 42:13)

...on that day a great ram's horn will be sounded, and those who perish in the land of Assyria, and those who are exiled in the land of Egypt, will come and bow themselves to Jehovah on the holy mountain... (Isaiah 27:13)

He will send His angels with the great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:31)

Blessed are the people who know the trumpet's sound! They walk, O Jehovah, in the light of Your countenance. (Psalms 89:15)

When the morning stars sing together, and... the sons of God sound the trumpet. (Job 38:7)

[3] Since the soundings of trumpets had these symbolic meanings, and in the Israelite Church everything was presented concretely in accordance with correspondences and the consequent symbolism, therefore it also came to pass, when Jehovah descended upon Mount Sinai, that there were voices and lightnings and a thick cloud, and the sound of a ram's horn, loud, with the sound of the ram's horn growing and becoming louder and louder, so that the people in the camp trembled greatly. (Exodus 19:16-25)

Therefore it also came to pass that when the three hundred men with Gideon sounded their ram's horns in the campaign against Midian, then every Midianite man's sword was set against his companion and they fled (Judges 7:16-22). Likewise that twelve thousand of the children of Israel with holy vessels and trumpets in their hands overcame Midian (Numbers 31:1-8). Also that the wall of Jericho fell after seven priests with seven ram's horns went around the city seven times (Joshua 6:1-20).

Therefore we read in Jeremiah:

Sound against (Babylon) all around..., her walls are thrown down. (Jeremiah 50:15)

And in Zephaniah:

...a day of darkness and blackness..., a day of ram's horn and its sounding against the fortified cities... (Zephaniah 1:15-16)


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.