




1 قال الرب لموسى ادخل الى فرعون وقل له هكذا يقول الرب اطلق شعبي ليعبدوني.

2 وان كنت تأبى ان تطلقهم فها انا اضرب جميع تخومك بالضفادع.

3 فيفيض النهر ضفادع. فتصعد وتدخل الى بيتك والى مخدع فراشك وعلى سريرك والى بيوت عبيدك وعلى شعبك والى تنانيرك والى معاجنك.

4 عليك وعلى شعبك وعبيدك تصعد الضفادع

5 فقال الرب لموسى قل لهرون مدّ يدك بعصاك على الانهار والسواقي والآجام واصعد الضفادع على ارض مصر.

6 فمدّ هرون يده على مياه مصر. فصعدت الضفادع وغطت ارض مصر.

7 وفعل كذلك العرافون بسحرهم واصعدوا الضفادع على ارض مصر

8 فدعا فرعون موسى وهرون وقال صليا الى الرب ليرفع الضفادع عني وعن شعبي فأطلق الشعب ليذبحوا للرب.

9 فقال موسى لفرعون عيّن لي متى اصلي لاجلك ولاجل عبيدك وشعبك لقطع الضفادع عنك وعن بيوتك. ولكنها تبقى في النهر.

10 فقال غدا. فقال كقولك. لكي تعرف ان ليس مثل الرب الهنا.

11 فترتفع الضفادع عنك وعن بيوتك وعبيدك وشعبك. ولكنها تبقى في النهر

12 ثم خرج موسى وهرون من لدن فرعون وصرخ موسى الى الرب من اجل الضفادع التي جعلها على فرعون.

13 ففعل الرب كقول موسى. فماتت الضفادع من البيوت والدور والحقول.

14 وجمعوها كوما كثيرة حتى أنتنت الارض.

15 فلما رأى فرعون انه قد حصل الفرج اغلظ قلبه ولم يسمع لهما كما تكلم الرب

16 ثم قال الرب لموسى قل لهرون مدّ عصاك واضرب تراب الارض ليصير بعوضا في جميع ارض مصر.

17 ففعلا كذلك. مدّ هرون يده بعصاه وضرب تراب الارض. فصار البعوض على الناس وعلى البهائم. كل تراب الارض صار بعوضا في جميع ارض مصر.

18 وفعل كذلك العرافون بسحرهم ليخرجوا البعوض فلم يستطيعوا. وكان البعوض على الناس وعلى البهائم.

19 فقال العرافون لفرعون هذا اصبع الله. ولكن اشتد قلب فرعون فلم يسمع لهما كما تكلم الرب

20 ثم قال الرب لموسى بكّر في الصباح وقف امام فرعون. انه يخرج الى الماء. وقل له هكذا يقول الرب اطلق شعبي ليعبدوني.

21 فانه ان كنت لا تطلق شعبي ها انا ارسل عليك وعلى عبيدك وعلى شعبك وعلى بيوتك الذبّان. فتمتلئ بيوت المصريين ذبّانا. وايضا الارض التي هم عليها.

22 ولكن أميّز في ذلك اليوم ارض جاسان حيث شعبي مقيم حتى لا يكون هناك ذبّان. لكي تعلم اني انا الرب في الارض.

23 واجعل فرقا بين شعبي وشعبك. غدا تكون هذه الآية.

24 ففعل الرب هكذا. فدخلت ذبان كثيرة الى بيت فرعون وبيوت عبيده وفي كل ارض مصر خربت الارض من الذبّان

25 فدعا فرعون موسى وهرون وقال اذهبوا اذبحوا لالهكم في هذه الارض.

26 فقال موسى لا يصلح ان نفعل هكذا. لاننا انما نذبح رجس المصريين للرب الهنا. ان ذبحنا رجس المصريين امام عيونهم أفلا يرجموننا.

27 نذهب سفر ثلاثة ايام في البرية ونذبح للرب الهنا كما يقول لنا.

28 فقال فرعون انا اطلقكم لتذبحوا للرب الهكم في البرية ولكن لا تذهبوا بعيدا. صلّيا لاجلي.

29 فقال موسى ها انا اخرج من لدنك واصلي الى الرب. فترتفع الذبان عن فرعون وعبيده وشعبه غدا. ولكن لا يعد فرعون يخاتل حتى لا يطلق الشعب ليذبح للرب

30 فخرج موسى من لدن فرعون وصلى الى الرب.

31 ففعل الرب كقول موسى. فارتفع الذبان عن فرعون وعبيده وشعبه. لم تبق واحدة.

32 ولكن اغلظ فرعون قلبه هذه المرة ايضا فلم يطلق الشعب




Arcana Coelestia#5223



5223. 'And he sent and called all the magi of Egypt, and its wise men means in consulting factual knowledge, interior as well as exterior. This is clear from the meaning of 'the magi' in the good sense as interior factual knowledge, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'wise men' as exterior factual knowledge, also dealt with below. The reason 'the magi and wise men of Egypt' means factual knowledge is that Egypt had been one of the kingdoms where the representative Ancient Church existed, 1278, 2385. But in Egypt the facts known to that Church were the particular objects of care and attention, being knowledge about correspondences, representatives, and meaningful signs. For that knowledge was used to explain what had been written in the books of the Church, and to explain the things that were done in their sacred worship, 4749, 4964, 4966. This was how it came about that 'Egypt' meant factual knowledge in general, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, as did 'Pharaoh' its king too. The leading people among them who were well-versed in and imparted that knowledge were called magi and wise men. The magi were those well-versed in mystical knowledge, the wise men those well-versed in non-mystical, so that the facts known to the magi were interior ones, while those known to the wise men were exterior. This explains why such factual knowledge is meant in the Word by those two kinds of men. But after they began to misuse the Church's interior factual knowledge and to turn it into magic, Egypt', and likewise 'the magi of Egypt and its wise men', began to mean factual knowledge that led to perversions.

[2] The magi in those times had a knowledge of the kinds of things that belong to the spiritual world, and in their teaching about these they employed the correspondences and the representatives known to the Church. For this reason many of those magi also communicated with spirits and learned the arts of illusion which they used to perform miracles that involved magic. But those who were called the wise men had no interest in anything like this. Instead they provided the answers to hard questions and taught about the causes lying behind natural things. It was primarily in arts such as these that the wisdom of those times consisted, and the ability to practise them was called wisdom. This becomes clear from what is recorded about Solomon in the first Book of Kings,

Solomon's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and all the wisdom of the Egyptians, so much so that he was wiser than all people - than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. In addition he spoke about trees, from the cedars which are in Lebanon even to the hyssop which comes out of the wall. He also spoke about beasts, and about birds, and about creeping things, and about fish. Therefore they came from all peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who had heard about his wisdom. 1 Kings 4:30-34.

Also there is what is recorded about the queen of Sheba in the same book,

She came to test him with hard questions; and Solomon gave her an explanation for every matter she mentioned. 1 There was not a matter 2 hidden from the king for which he could not give her an explanation. 1 Kings 10:1 and following verses.

[3] From this one may see what was described in those times as wisdom and who exactly those people were who were called wise men, not only in Egypt but also elsewhere - in Syria, Arabia, and Babel. But in the internal sense 'the wisdom of Egypt' means nothing else than knowledge about natural things, while 'that of the magi' means knowledge about spiritual realities, so that exterior factual knowledge is meant by 'the wise men', and interior factual knowledge by 'the magi', 'Egypt' meaning knowledge in general, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 4749, 4964, 4966.

Egypt and its wise men had no other meaning in Isaiah,

The princes of Zoan are foolish, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh has become brutish. How does one say to Pharaoh, I am a son of the wise, a son of the kings of old? Where are your wise men now? Isaiah 19:11-12.

[4] The fact that the term 'magi' was applied to those who had a knowledge of spiritual realities, and who also for that reason received revelations, is clear from the magi who came from the east to Jerusalem, asking where the King of the Jews was to be born and saying that they had seen His star in the east and had come to worship Him, Matthew 2:1-2. The same is also clear from Daniel, who is called the chief of the magi in Daniel 4:9. And in another place,

The queen said to King Belshazzar, There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods. And in the days of your father, light and intelligence and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him. Therefore King Nebuchadnezzar your father set him up as chief of the magi, diviners, Chaldeans, and determiners. Daniel 5:11.

And in yet another place,

Among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; for when they were to stand before the king, every matter of wisdom [and] understanding which the king asked of them exceeded ten times [that of] all the magi, the diviners who were in his kingdom. Daniel 1:19-20.

[5] It is well known that in the contrary sense 'magi' 3 is used to mean those who pervert spiritual realities and thereby practise magic, like those mentioned in Exodus 7:9-12; 8:7, 19; 9:11. For magic is nothing else than a perversion, being the perverted use of those kinds of things that constitute true order in the spiritual world, a perverted use that gives rise to magic. But at the present day such magic is called natural, for the reason that no recognition exists any longer of anything above or beyond the natural order. People refuse to accept the existence of anything spiritual unless one means by this an interior dimension of what is natural.


1. literally, all her words

2. literally, word

3. The same Latin noun magus describes a wise man or philosopher in a good sense, but a magician in a bad sense.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.