




1 اذا سرق انسان ثورا او شاة فذبحه او باعه يعوّض عن الثور بخمسة ثيران وعن الشاة باربعة من الغنم.

2 ان وجد السارق وهو ينقب فضرب ومات فليس له دم.

3 ولكن ان اشرقت عليه الشمس فله دم. انه يعوّض. ان لم يكن له يبع بسرقته.

4 ان وجدت السرقة في يده حيّة ثورا كانت ام حمارا ام شاة يعوّض باثنين

5 اذا رعى انسان حقلا او كرما وسرّح مواشيه فرعت في حقل غيره فمن اجود حقله واجود كرمه يعوّض.

6 اذا خرجت نار واصابت شوكا فاحترقت اكداس او زرع او حقل فالذي اوقد الوقيد يعوّض.

7 اذا اعطى انسان صاحبه فضة او امتعة للحفظ فسرقت من بيت الانسان فان وجد السارق يعوّض باثنين.

8 وان لم يوجد السارق يقدم صاحب البيت الى الله ليحكم هل لم يمدّ يده الى ملك صاحبه.

9 في كل دعوى جناية من جهة ثور او حمار او شاة او ثوب او مفقود ما يقال ان هذا هو تقدم الى الله دعواهما. فالذي يحكم الله بذنبه يعوّض صاحبه باثنين.

10 اذا اعطى انسان صاحبه حمارا او ثورا او شاة او بهيمة ما للحفظ فمات او انكسر او نهب وليس ناظر

11 فيمين الرب تكون بينهما هل لم يمدّ يده الى ملك صاحبه. فيقبل صاحبه. فلا يعوّض.

12 وان سرق من عنده يعوّض صاحبه.

13 ان افترس يحضره شهادة. لا يعوّض عن المفترس.

14 واذا استعار انسان من صاحبه شيئا فانكسر او مات وصاحبه ليس معه يعوّض.

15 وان كان صاحبه معه لا يعوّض. ان كان مستأجرا اتى باجرته

16 واذا راود رجل عذراء لم تخطب فاضطجع معها يمهرها لنفسه زوجة.

17 ان ابى ابوها ان يعطيه اياها يزن له فضة كمهر العذارى.

18 لا تدع ساحرة تعيش.

19 كل من اضطجع من بهيمة يقتل قتلا.

20 من ذبح لآلهة غير الرب وحده يهلك.

21 ولا تضطهد الغريب ولا تضايقه. لانكم كنتم غرباء في ارض مصر.

22 لا تسئ الى ارملة ما ولا يتيم.

23 ان اسأت اليه فاني ان صرخ اليّ اسمع صراخه.

24 فيحمى غضبي واقتلكم بالسيف. فتصير نساؤكم ارامل واولادكم يتامى.

25 ان اقرضت فضة لشعبي الفقير الذي عندك فلا تكن له كالمرابي. لا تضعوا عليه ربا.

26 ان ارتهنت ثوب صاحبك فالى غروب الشمس ترده له.

27 لانه وحده غطاؤه. هو ثوبه لجلده. في ماذا ينام. فيكون اذا صرخ اليّ اني اسمع. لاني رؤوف

28 لا تسبّ الله. ولا تلعن رئيسا في شعبك.

29 لا تؤخر ملء بيدرك وقطر معصرتك. وابكار بنيك تعطيني.

30 كذلك تفعل ببقرك وغنمك. سبعة ايام يكون مع امه وفي اليوم الثامن تعطيني اياه.

31 وتكونون لي اناس مقدّسين. ولحم فريسة في الصحراء لا تأكلوا. للكلاب تطرحونه




Apocalypse Explained#28



28. The first-born from the dead. That this signifies from whom is all good in heaven, is evident from the signification of first-born, when said of the Lord, as denoting the Divine good in heaven, thus all good there. The reason why this is signified by first-born, is, because by generations, in general and in particular, are signified spiritual generations, which are those of good and truth, or of love and faith. Therefore, by father, mother, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and sons' sons, are signified the goods and truths which generate, and which are generated, in their order (Arcana Coelestia 10490). For in heaven there are no other nativities; and, this being the case, by first-born is not meant first-born, but the good of heaven and the church, because this is in the chief place. Now, because all good in heaven exists from the Lord, therefore He is called the First-born.

[2] The reason why He is called the first-born from the dead, is because, when He rose from the dead, He made His Human Divine Good by union with the Divine which was in Him from conception. This is why He is called the first-born from the dead; and why He says of Himself in David,

"I will make him the first-born, higher than the kings of the earth" (Psalm 89:27).

What is meant by His being higher than the kings of the earth, will be seen in the subsequent article. (That the Lord, when He departed out of the world, made His Human Divine Good, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076, thus that He came forth from the Father and returned to the Father, n. 3194, 3210; and that after the union, the Divine truth, which is the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, goes forth from Him, n. 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398, 9407. But this mystery may be seen more fully explained in the small work, The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 293-295; and in the passages from Arcana Coelestia there cited, n. 303-305.)

Since the Lord as to His Divine Human is called the first-born, because all good goes forth from Him, therefore all the first-born in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah; and therefore also the Levites were taken in the place of all the first-born in Israel. For by the sons of Levi were represented those of the church who are in the good of charity. On this account, also, a double portion of the inheritance fell to the first-born. All this, because the first-born signified good from the Lord, and, in the highest sense, the Lord Himself as to the Divine Human, from which all good comes; for all the things commanded in the Israelitish church were representative of spiritual and celestial Divine things.

[3] That all the first-born in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah is evident from Moses, in the following passages:

"Sanctify unto me all the first-born, whatsoever openeth the womb among the sons of Israel, in man and in beast; it is mine" (Exodus 13:2).

"Thou shalt cause to pass over unto Jehovah all that openeth the womb, and every firstling that cometh of a beast as many as thou hast, the males shall be Jehovah's" (13:12).

"Thou shalt not delay the first fruits of thy produce, and the first fruits of thy wine; the first-born of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen and with thy sheep; seven days it shall be with its dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it me. And ye shall be men of holiness unto me" (Exodus 22:29-31).

The reason why they were to give also the first-born of beasts, was, because these also were representative; on which account, also, they were made use of in burnt-offerings and sacrifices. (What the various beasts in these services represented, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1823, 3519, 9280, 10042.) The Levites were accepted in place of all the first-born in Israel (concerning which, see Numbers 3:12, 13, 41, 45; 8:15-19), because, as observed above, the sons of Levi represented, and thence signified, the good of charity, and Levi, in the highest sense, represented the Lord as to that good (as may be seen, n. 3875, 3877, 4497, 4502, 4503, 10017). The reason why a double portion of the inheritance fell to the first-born (Deuteronomy 21:17), was, because a double portion signified the good of love (n. 720, 1686, 5194, 8423).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.