De Bijbel


От Иоанна 2:6



6 Было же тут шесть каменных водоносов, стоявших по обычаю очищения Иудейского, вмещавших по две или по три меры.

Van Swedenborgs Werken


On the Athanasian Creed #144

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144. Besides, the idea of man is that the Divine which is the Father did not take on the Human because He fills the whole world. But the idea of space ought not to come into this, because God regarded in Himself is Man, as will be shown. It would be the same if the Divine which is called the Son took the Human, for it is the same as the Divine called the Father. For it is not denied that the Divine of the Lord assumed the Human, nor can the idea of extension into the universe be held in regard to this Divine any more than to the Divine of the Father.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.