De Bijbel


Второзаконие 3:9



9 Сидоняне Ермон называют Сирионом, а Аморреи называют его Сениром, –



Explanation of Deuteronomy 3

Door Alexander Payne

Verses 1-17. The subjugation of the love of the world in the external mind.

Verses 18-20. The principles acquired in the regeneration of the external mind must assist in the perfecting of the internal domain of motives and thoughts.

Verses 21-29. After the conquest of evil in externals the soul desires at once to attain heavenly happiness; but this is not yet possible.

De Bijbel


Psalms 89:4



4 'I will establish your seed forever, and build up your throne to all generations.'" Selah.