De Bijbel


Ezechiel 18:2



2 Quid est quod inter vos parabolam vertitis in proverbium istud in terra Israël, dicentes : Patres comederunt uvam acerbam, et dentes filiorum obstupescunt ?

Van Swedenborgs Werken


De Sensu Interno Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis #141

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Versus | Res

Ezechiel 18:1, 2; Quod dicatur, si patres mali, etiam progenies mala sit. {2, 11}

Ezechiel 18:3, 4; sed quod progenies non damnetur propter patrem, sed quisque propter se. {2, 11}

Ezechiel 18:5-9; Quod ex progenie sint qui non faciunt mala, seu contra bona et vera Ecclesiae, et quod illi salventur. {2, 11}

Ezechiel 18:10-13; Aliter progenies quae mala facit, seu contra bona et vera Ecclesiae, quod damnetur. {2, 11}

Ezechiel 18:14-17; Qui autem non facit ita, quod salvetur. {11}

Ezechiel 18:18; sed quod patres damnentur. {2}

Ezechiel 18:19, 20; Quod cuivis fiat secundum ejus facta. {2}

Ezechiel 18:21-23; Quod impius, qui se convertit, salvetur. {2}

Ezechiel 18:24; et quod pius, si fit impius, damnetur. {2}

Ezechiel 18:25-29; Quod hoc et illud justitiae Divinae sit. {2}

Ezechiel 18:30-32; Exhortatio ut se convertant, 1 quia Dominus vult omnium salutem. {2}


1. quia pro "qui"

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This Latin text was written by Swedenborg in 1761. It was first printed 12 years after Swedenborg's death, in 1784. An 1860 printing was edited by Tafel, probably by the Swedenborg Society in London ( We're not sure of the provenance of this text, and are researching it further. We received most of this text from the NewSearch project of the Academy of the New Church (, and the front matter courtesy of the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation (