De Bijbel


VaYikra 2:3



3 וְהַנֹּותֶרֶת מִן־הַמִּנְחָה לְאַהֲרֹן וּלְבָנָיו קֹדֶשׁ קָדָשִׁים מֵאִשֵּׁי יְהוָה׃ ס



Explanation of Leviticus 2:3

Door Henry MacLagan

Verse 3. And from this holy worship the celestial man appropriates good and truth; it is the highest form of the worship of the Lord from pure love.

De Bijbel


Mark 14:23



23 He took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them. They all drank of it.