De Bijbel


Ézéchiel 16



1 La parole de l'Eternel me fut adressée, en ces mots:

2 Fils de l'homme, fais connaître à Jérusalem ses abominations!

3 Tu diras: Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel, à Jérusalem: Par ton origine et ta naissance tu es du pays de Canaan; ton père était un Amoréen, et ta mère une Héthienne.

4 A ta naissance, au jour où tu naquis, ton nombril n'a pas été coupé, tu n'as pas été lavée dans l'eau pour être purifiée, tu n'as pas été frottée avec du sel, tu n'as pas été enveloppée dans des langes.

5 Nul n'a porté sur toi un regard de pitié pour te faire une seule de ces choses, par compassion pour toi; mais tu as été jetée dans les champs, le jour de ta naissance, parce qu'on avait horreur de toi.

6 Je passai près de toi, je t'aperçus baignée dans ton sang, et je te dis: Vis dans ton sang! je te dis: Vis dans ton sang!

7 Je t'ai multipliée par dix milliers, comme les herbes des champs. Et tu pris de l'accroissement, tu grandis, tu devins d'une beauté parfaite; tes seins se formèrent, ta chevelure se développa. Mais tu étais nue, entièrement nue.

8 Je passai près de toi, je te regardai, et voici, ton temps était là, le temps des amours. J'étendis sur toi le pan de ma robe, je couvris ta nudité, je te jurai fidélité, je fis alliance avec toi, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, et tu fus à moi.

9 Je te lavai dans l'eau, je fis disparaître le sang qui était sur toi, et je t'oignis avec de l'huile.

10 Je te donnai des vêtements brodés, et une chaussure de peaux teintes en bleu; je te ceignis de fin lin, et je te couvris de soie.

11 Je te parai d'ornements: je mis des bracelets à tes mains, un collier à ton cou,

12 je mis un anneau à ton nez, des pendants à tes oreilles, et une couronne magnifique sur ta tête.

13 Ainsi tu fus parée d'or et d'argent, et tu fus vêtue de fin lin, de soie et d'étoffes brodées. La fleur de farine, le miel et l'huile, furent ta nourriture. Tu étais d'une beauté accomplie, digne de la royauté.

14 Et ta renommée se répandit parmi les nations, à cause de ta beauté; car elle était parfaite, grâce à l'éclat dont je t'avais ornée, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.

15 Mais tu t'es confiée dans ta beauté, et tu t'es prostituée, à la faveur de ton nom; tu as prodigué tes prostitutions à tous les passants, tu t'es livrée à eux.

16 Tu as pris de tes vêtements, tu t'es fait des hauts lieux que tu as garnis d'étoffes de toutes couleurs, et tu t'y es prostituée: rien de semblable n'était arrivé et n'arrivera jamais.

17 Tu as pris ta magnifique parure d'or et d'argent, que je t'avais donnée, et tu en as fait des simulacres d'hommes, auxquels tu t'es prostituée.

18 Tu as pris tes vêtements brodés, tu les en as couverts, et tu as offert à ces simulacres mon huile et mon encens.

19 Le pain que je t'avais donné, la fleur de farine, l'huile et le miel, dont je te nourrissais, tu leur as offert ces choses comme des parfums d'une odeur agréable. Voilà ce qui est arrivé, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.

20 Tu as pris tes fils et tes filles, que tu m'avais enfantés, et tu les leur as sacrifiés pour qu'ils leur servent d'aliment: n'était-ce pas assez de tes prostitutions?

21 Tu as égorgé mes fils, et tu les as donnés, en les faisant passer par le feu en leur honneur.

22 Au milieu de toutes tes abominations et de tes prostitutions, tu ne t'es pas souvenue du temps de ta jeunesse, lorsque tu étais nue, entièrement nue, et baignée dans ton sang.

23 Après toutes tes méchantes actions, -malheur, malheur à toi! dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, -

24 tu t'es bâti des maisons de prostitution, tu t'es fait des hauts lieux dans toutes les places;

25 l'entrée de chaque chemin tu as construit tes hauts lieux, tu as déshonoré ta beauté, tu t'es livrée à tous les passants, tu as multiplié tes prostitutions.

26 Tu t'es prostituée aux Egyptiens, tes voisins au corps vigoureux, et tu as multiplié tes prostitutions pour m'irriter.

27 Et voici, j'ai étendu ma main contre toi, j'ai diminué la part que je t'avais assignée, je t'ai livrée à la volonté de tes ennemies, les filles des Philistins, qui ont rougi de ta conduite criminelle.

28 Tu t'es prostituée aux Assyriens, parce que tu n'étais pas rassasiée; tu t'es prostituée à eux, et tu n'as pas encore été rassasiée.

29 Tu as multiplié tes prostitutions avec le pays de Canaan et jusqu'en Chaldée, et avec cela tu n'as pas encore été rassasiée.

30 Quelle faiblesse de coeur tu as eue, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, en faisant toutes ces choses, qui sont l'oeuvre d'une maîtresse prostituée!

31 Lorsque tu bâtissais tes maisons de prostitution à l'entrée de chaque chemin, lorsque tu faisais tes hauts lieux dans toutes les places, tu n'as pas même été comme la prostituée qui réclame un salaire;

32 tu as été la femme adultère, qui reçoit des étrangers au lieu de son mari.

33 A toutes les prostituées on paie un salaire; mais toi, tu as fait des dons à tous tes amants, tu les as gagnés par des présents, afin de les attirer à toi de toutes parts dans tes prostitutions.

34 Tu as été le contraire des autres prostituées, parce qu'on ne te recherchait pas; et en donnant un salaire au lieu d'en recevoir un, tu as été le contraire des autres.

35 C'est pourquoi, prostituée, écoute la parole de l'Eternel!

36 Ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: Parce que tes trésors ont été dissipés, et que ta nudité a été découverte dans tes prostitutions avec tes amants et avec toutes tes abominables idoles, et à cause du sang de tes enfants que tu leur as donnés,

37 voici, je rassemblerai tous tes amants avec lesquels tu te plaisais, tous ceux que tu as aimés et tous ceux que tu as haïs, je les rassemblerai de toutes parts contre toi, je leur découvrirai ta nudité, et ils verront toute ta nudité.

38 Je te jugerai comme on juge les femmes adultères et celles qui répandent le sang, et je ferai de toi une victime sanglante de la fureur et de la jalousie.

39 Je te livrerai entre leurs mains; ils abattront tes maisons de prostitution et détruiront tes hauts lieux; ils te dépouilleront de tes vêtements, prendront ta magnifique parure, et te laisseront nue, entièrement nue.

40 Ils amèneront la foule contre toi, ils te lapideront et te perceront à coups d'épée;

41 ils brûleront tes maisons par le feu, et ils feront justice de toi, aux yeux d'une multitude de femmes. Je ferai cesser ainsi ton impudicité et tu ne donneras plus de salaire.

42 J'assouvirai ma colère contre toi, et tu ne seras plus l'objet de ma jalousie; je m'apaiserai, je ne serai plus irrité.

43 Parce que tu ne t'es pas souvenue du temps de ta jeunesse, parce que tu m'as provoqué par toutes ces choses, voici, je ferai retomber ta conduite sur ta tête, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, et tu ne commettras plus le crime avec toutes tes abominations.

44 Voici, tous ceux qui disent des proverbes, t'appliqueront ce proverbe: Telle mère, telle fille!

45 Tu es la fille de ta mère, qui a repoussé son mari et ses enfants; tu es la soeur de tes soeurs, qui ont repoussé leurs maris et leurs enfants. Votre mère était une Héthienne, et votre père un Amoréen.

46 Ta grande soeur, qui demeure à ta gauche, c'est Samarie avec ses filles; et ta petite soeur, qui demeure à ta droite, c'est Sodome avec ses filles.

47 Tu n'as pas seulement marché dans leurs voies, commis les mêmes abominations, c'était trop peu; tu as été plus corrompue qu'elles dans toutes tes voies.

48 Je suis vivant! dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel, Sodome, ta soeur, et ses filles n'ont pas fait ce que vous avez fait, toi et tes filles.

49 Voici quel a été le crime de Sodome, ta soeur. Elle avait de l'orgueil, elle vivait dans l'abondance et dans une insouciante sécurité, elle et ses filles, et elle ne soutenait pas la main du malheureux et de l'indigent.

50 Elles sont devenues hautaines, et elles ont commis des abominations devant moi. Je les ai fait disparaître, quand j'ai vu cela.

51 Samarie n'a pas commis la moitié de tes péchés; tes abominations ont été plus nombreuses que les siennes, et tu as justifié tes soeurs par toutes les abominations que tu as faites.

52 Toi qui condamnais tes soeurs, supporte ton opprobre, à cause de tes péchés par lesquels tu t'es rendue plus abominable qu'elles, et qui les font paraître plus justes que toi; sois confuse, et supporte ton opprobre, puisque tu as justifié tes soeurs.

53 Je ramènerai leurs captifs, les captifs de Sodome et de ses filles, les captifs de Samarie et de ses filles, et tes captifs au milieu des leurs,

54 afin que tu subisses ton opprobre, et que tu rougisses de tout ce que tu as fait, en étant pour elles un sujet de consolation.

55 Tes soeurs, Sodome et ses filles, reviendront à leur premier état, Samarie et ses filles reviendront à leur premier état; et toi et tes filles, vous reviendrez à votre premier état.

56 Ne discourais-tu pas sur ta soeur Sodome, dans le temps de ton orgueil,

57 avant que ta méchanceté soit mise à nu, lorsque tu as reçu les outrages des filles de la Syrie et de tous ses alentours, des filles des Philistins, qui te méprisaient de tous côtés!

58 Tu portes tes crimes et tes abominations, dit l'Eternel.

59 Car ainsi parle le Seigneur, l'Eternel: J'agirai envers toi comme tu as agi, toi qui as méprisé le serment en rompant l'alliance.

60 Mais je me souviendrai de mon alliance avec toi au temps de ta jeunesse, et j'établirai avec toi une alliance éternelle.

61 Tu te souviendras de ta conduite, et tu en auras honte, quand tu recevras tes soeurs, les grandes et les petites; je te les donnerai pour filles, mais non en vertu de ton alliance.

62 J'établirai mon alliance avec toi, et tu sauras que je suis l'Eternel,

63 Afin que tu te souviennes du passé et que tu rougisses, afin que tu n'ouvres plus la bouche et que tu sois confuse, quand je te pardonnerai tout ce que tu as fait, dit le Seigneur, l'Eternel.


Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #1045

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1045. Having a golden cup in her hand full of the abominations and uncleanness of her whoredoms. That this signifies doctrine from goods and truths profaned, is evident from the signification of a cup, as denoting falsity from hell. For the signification of a cup is the same as that of wine; and by wine is signified truth from heaven, and, in the opposite sense, falsity from hell (see (n. 887, 960, 1022). And because a cup signifies truth or falsity; and the doctrine of every church is either that of truth or of falsity - for all the truth or falsity of the church is contained in doctrine - therefore by a cup is also signified doctrine, and by a golden cup, the doctrine of falsity from evil.

[2] Similarly in Jeremiah:

"A golden cup is Babel in the hand of Jehovah, making drunken the whole earth" (51:7).

It is called a golden cup for the same reason that the woman is said to be clothed in crimson and scarlet, and decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls, namely, from appearance in externals, although, in internals, it is as a cup full of abominations and uncleanness. For it is as the Lord says of the externals and internals with the scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, who make clean the outside of the cup and platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. And ye make yourselves like to whitened sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but within are full of bones of the dead and all uncleanness" (Matthew 23:25-27).

It is also evident from the signification of abominations, as denoting the profanations of good, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the uncleanness of whoredom, as denoting the profanation of truth. For whoredom signifies the falsification of truth, as above, hence the uncleanness thereof signifies profanation.

[3] As to the profanations signified by abominations, they are the perversions of the holy things of the church; thus, the turning of its goods into evils, and its truths into falsities. They are called abominations, because the angels abominate them; for so far as they were the holy things of the church, from goods and truths from the Word, they ascend into heaven; but so far as they were applied to evils, and thus profaned, they carry with them that which is infernal, concealed within. Consequently, they are perceived as things dead, in which there once was a living soul, and therefore heaven abominates and detests them.

[4] That such things are meant by abominations in the Word, is evident from the account of the abominations of Jerusalem. Thus in Ezekiel:

As that she took off the garments of her adorning which were given to her, and made herself variegated lofty places, and played the harlot upon them.

That of the gold and silver given to her, she made herself images of a male, with which she also committed whoredom.

That the oil, the incense, the bread, fine flour, and honey, which were given to her, she made into an odour of rest.

That they sacrificed their sons and their daughters.

That she committed whoredom first in Egypt, and afterwards with the sons of Asshur, and lastly with the Chaldeans. Besides several other things which are there called abominations (16:2-63).

By all these things are signified the profanations of the Word, of the church, and of worship. Similarly in other passages where abominations are either recounted or spoken of:

As Jeremiah 7:9, 10; 16:18; 32:35; Ezekiel 5:11; 7:19, 20; 8:6-18; 11:21; 14:6; 20:7, 8; Deuteronomy 7:25, 26; 12:31; 18:9, 10; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; Dan. 9:27; 11:31; and elsewhere.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #960

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960. Go, pour out the vials of the anger of God into the earth. That this signifies the state of the devastated church, is evident from the signification of the vials of the anger of God, as denoting the evils and falsities that have devastated the church, for the vials of the anger of God have a similar signification to that of the plagues in the preceding chapter (15:6), where it is said, that seven angels went out from the temple having seven plagues; and by the plagues there are signified evils and the falsities therefrom, and falsities and the evils therefrom that have devastated the church, as may be seen above (n. 949); similar things are signified by the anger of God; for the anger of God is said of the evils and falsities that devastate the goods and truths of the church, and from the signification of earth, as denoting the church (concerning which see n. 29, 304, 417, 697, 741, 752, 876).

The reason why by pouring out those vials into the earth is signified the state of the church thus effected is, that the vastations of the church in the Word are attributed to God, consequently, that they flow forth from heaven, although nothing of them is from God, but from man only. Still, however, it is so said in the sense of the letter of the Word because it appears to be so to men; and because that sense is the ultimate, therefore it consists of appearances.

[2] The reason why they are called vials is, that vials are vessels and vessels signify the same as their contents, as chalices, bowls, cups, with the wine or other liquor in them; and as the censers (acerrae et thuribula) for the incense, and several other vessels. The reason is, that the sense of the letter of the Word is the ultimate sense of Divine truth, and, therefore, consists of ultimates that are in nature; for ultimates are those things upon which interior or higher things are built and founded. That vials, chalices, cups, bowls, and dishes are mentioned for their contents, and therefore have a similar signification, is evident from the Word, for there they signify falsities from hell, and the drunkenness or insanity therefrom. They also signify temptations, and also truths from the Lord and the wisdom therefrom. That they signify falsities from hell, and insanity therefrom, is evident from the following passages.

In Jeremiah:

"Jehovah said, Take this cup of the wine of the anger of Jehovah out of my hand, and make all nations drink to which I send thee, that they may drink and stagger, and be mad, by reason of the sword. When they refuse to take the cup out of thine hand to drink, thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith Jehovah Zebaoth, drinking ye shall surely drink" (25:15, 16, 28).

By the cup of wine here also is signified falsity from hell; by drinking is signified to appropriate to themselves; by being mad is signified to be spiritually insane, which takes place when falsity is called truth, and truth falsity. By the nations that shall drink are signified the evil, and, in the abstract sense, evils; for many nations that were to drink are there enumerated. But still those nations are not meant, but the evils signified by them; and it is evils that drink, that is, appropriate to themselves falsities. That the cup of wine signifies falsity, is also evident from its being said, that they may be mad by reason of the sword; for by sword is signified falsity destroying truth.

[3] In the same:

"A golden cup is Babel in the hand of Jehovah, making drunk the whole earth; the nations have drunk of her wine, therefore are the nations mad" (51:7).

By the golden cup is signified falsity destroying good; by Babel is signified dominion by means of the holy things of the church over heaven, and over the souls of men, from which dominion profane falsities are derived; by making the earth drunk is signified to infatuate the church, so that any truth is no longer seen. Wine signifies such a falsity.

[4] In Ezekiel:

"Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister, therefore will I give her cup into thine hand. Thus saith the Lord Jehovih, Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup, deep and broad; thou shalt be for laughter and derision, ample to be taken; with drunkenness and sadness shalt thou be filled, with the cup of devastation and desolation, with the cup of thy sister Samaria, which thou shalt drink and press out: and thou shalt break the sherds thereof" (23:31-34).

These things are said concerning Jerusalem, by which is signified the celestial church as to doctrine; and by Samaria there, which is the sister, is signified the spiritual church, also as to doctrine. For the Jewish nation represented the Lord's celestial kingdom; and the Israelitish nation His spiritual kingdom. But in this case by Jerusalem and Samaria is signified the church devastated as to all good and truth. The full devastation of the church with the Jewish nation is described by the cup of the sister deep and broad; and by their being filled with drunkenness and sadness; also by drinking the cup, pressing it out, and breaking the sherds thereof. It is called a cup of devastation and desolation, because devastation is said of good, and desolation of truth.

[5] In Zechariah:

"Behold I make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about" (12:2).

In Habakkuk:

"Thou shalt be satiated with ignominy for glory: drink thou also, that thy foreskin may be uncovered. The cup of Jehovah shall pass about to thee, that a shameful vomit may be upon thy glory" (2:16).

Cup denotes falsified truth, which in itself is falsity; and of which a shameful vomiting is said. Wherefore it is said, "upon thy glory," glory signifying the Divine truth in the Word.

In Lamentations:

"Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, the cup shall also pass over to thee, thou shalt be made drunken and shalt be uncovered" (4:21).

Here also the cup has a similar signification.

[6] In David:

"Jehovah shall rain upon the impious, snares, fire, and brimstone, and a wind of storms; the portion of their cup" (Psalms 11:6).


"There is a cup in the hand of Jehovah, and he hath mixed it with wine, he hath filled it with mixture, and poured out thence; but the dregs thereof all the impious of the earth shall suck out and drink them" (Psalms 75:8).

By snares, fire, and brimstone are signified falsities and evils seducing, and by a wind of storms is signified the vehement assault of truth. These things are called the portion of a cup, because a cup, as containing, signifies them. By mixing and filling with mixture, is signified, to falsity truth and profane it.

[7] In all these passages the devastation of truth and good by falsities and evils is attributed to Jehovah. For it is said that they should take the cup of the anger of Jehovah out of His hand, that Jehovah mixed it with wine, and filled it with mixture; it is also called a cup in the hand of Jehovah. But, nevertheless, it is to be understood, that nothing of devastation is from Jehovah, but that it is entirely from man. The reason it is so said is, that the natural man only sees that God is angry, and punishes, condemns, and casts into hell those who despise and blaspheme Him, that is, those who do not give Him glory. But to think in this way is natural; therefore in the sense of the letter of the Word, which is natural, it is so said.

[8] Similar elsewhere in the Apocalypse:

"He who worshipped the beast, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God mixed pure in the cup of His wrath" (14:10).

"Great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the wrath of his anger" (16:19).

"A woman having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the uncleanness of whoredom" (17:4).

"Double to her double, according to her works; in the cup in which she hath mingled, mingle to her double" (18:6).

From these things it is evident what is signified by the seven vials of the angels, which they poured out into the earth, the sea, the rivers, the fountains of waters, the sun, upon the throne of the beast, the river Euphrates, and into the air, that is, that they denote states of devastation, which are thereby described.

[9] That a chalice or cup signifies temptations is evident from the following passages.

In the Evangelists:

Jesus said to the sons of Zebedee, "Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup which I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They said unto him, We are able. Then he said unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and with the baptism that I am baptized with, ye shall be baptized" (Matthew 20:22, 23; Mark 10:38, 39).

But these passages may be seen explained above (n. 83).


"Jesus said to Peter, The cup which my Father gave me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11).

In Gethsemane, Jesus said, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me" (Matthew 26:39, 42, 44; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42).

That in these passages a cup or chalice signifies temptations is evident. Also in Isaiah (51:17, 22); where it is also called the cup of the anger of God, and the cup of trembling.

[10] Because a cup signifies the same as wine, and wine, in the good sense, signifies Divine truth, therefore also this is signified by cup in the following passages.

In the Evangelists:

Jesus, "taking the cup and giving thanks, gave it to his disciples, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood, that of the new covenant" (Matthew 26:27, 28; Mark 14:23, 24; Luke 22:17, 18).

Because by the Lord's blood is signified the Divine truth proceeding from Him, and similarly by wine, consequently, by cup, therefore it is said, "This is my blood." And because the Lord's conjunction with the church is by means of Divine truth, therefore it is called, that of the New Testament or the New Covenant. That the Lord's blood signifies Divine truth may be seen (n. 328, 329, 476, 748); and that Covenant signifies conjunction (n. 701).

[11] In David:

"Jehovah is the portion of my part and my cup. Thou sustainest my lot" (Psalm 16:5).


"Thou settest before me a table in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup shall abound" (Psalms 23:5).

In these passages cup is for Divine truth; and because cup has this signification it is also called the

"Cup of salvation" (Psalms 116:13).

And the

"Cup of consolations" (Jeremiah 16:7).

[12] In Mark:

"Whosoever of you shall give a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye are Christ's, shall not lose his reward" (Mark 9:41).

By giving a cup of water to drink in my name, because they are Christ's, signifies to teach truth from the love of truth, thus from the Lord, also to do it. The love of truth for the sake of truth is meant by giving a cup of water in the name of the Lord. By Christ also is meant the Lord as to Divine truths.

[13] In the Evangelists:

"Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! ye make clean the outside of the cup and platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess; purge first the inside of the cup and platter, that the outside may be clean also" (Matthew 23:25, 26; Luke 11:39).

The reason why the Lord mentioned the cup and platter is, that the thing containing signifies the same as what is contained; thus, the cup the same as wine, and the plate the same as meat. By wine is signified the truth of the Word and of doctrine; and by meat, the good of the Word and of doctrine.

The natural man or the natural mind is inwardly purified when falsities and evils are removed; but the contrary is the case when they are not removed. For as is the interior, such is the exterior, but not the contrary. For the interior flows into the exterior, and disposes it to agreement with itself, but not the reverse.

Continuation concerning the Second Precept:-

[14] Because by the name of God is meant what is from God, and which is God, and this is called Divine truth, and with us the Word; and since this is in itself Divine, and most holy, it is not to be profaned; and it is profaned when its sanctity is denied, as is the case when it is despised, rejected, and treated with contempt. When this is the case, then heaven is closed, and man is left to hell. For the Word is the only medium of conjunction of heaven with the church; therefore, when it is rejected from the heart, that conjunction is loosed; and then a man, because left to hell, no longer acknowledges any truth of the church.

There are two things by which heaven is shut to the men of the church. One is the denial of the Lord's Divine, and the other is the denial of the sanctity of the Word. The reason is, that the Lord's Divine is the all of heaven; and the Divine truth, which is the Word in the spiritual sense, constitutes heaven. It is therefore evident that he who denies the one or the other, denies the all of heaven, and that from which heaven is and exists; and that, consequently, he deprives himself of communication, and thence of conjunction, with heaven.

To profane the Word is the same as blaspheming the Holy Spirit; and this is remitted to no one. Wherefore, also, it is said in this precept, that he who profanes the name of God shall not be left unpunished.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.