De Bijbel


Joël 2:1



1 Blaast de bazuin te Sion, en roept luide op den berg Mijner heiligheid; laat alle inwoners des lands beroerd zijn, want de dag des HEEREN komt, want hij is nabij.




Apples at the farm market

We tend to think of "fruit" in two ways in natural language. One is as food that grows on trees and vines, sweet and delicious, and able to be eaten without harming the plant in any way. Another is as the things we produce, what our work yields for the betterment of the world. These are obviously connected: we are like trees, producing things that "feed" the world in some way, just as the tree produces fruit that feeds us. It makes sense, then, that the idea of fruit in the Bible is bound closely to the idea of goodness. Fruits that are eaten represent the desire for good and the energy to do what is good; fruit that is produced is the actual good that we go into the world and do.

De Bijbel


Maleachi 4:1



1 Want ziet, die dag komt, brandende als een oven, dan zullen alle hoogmoedigen, en al wie goddeloosheid doet, een stoppel zijn, en de toekomstige dag zal ze in brand zetten, zegt de HEERE der heirscharen, Die hun noch wortel, noch tak laten zal.