De Bijbel


耶利米書 48:13



13 摩押必因基抹羞愧,像以色列家從前倚靠伯特利的神羞愧一樣。

De Bijbel


以賽亞書 16:12



12 摩押人朝見的時候,在處疲乏,又到他聖所祈禱,也不蒙應允。

De Bijbel


Isaiah 24:3-5



3 The earth will be utterly emptied and utterly laid waste; for Yahweh has spoken this word.

4 The earth mourns and fades away. The world languishes and fades away. The lofty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth also is polluted under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant.