De Bijbel


如申命记 13



1 你們中間若有先知或是做夢的起來,向你顯個神蹟奇事,

2 對你我們去隨從你素所不認識的別,事奉他罷。他所顯的蹟奇事雖有應驗,

3 你也不可先知或是那做夢之人的;因為這是耶和華─你們的試驗你們,要知道你們是盡心盡性耶和華─你們的不是。

4 你們要順從耶和華─你們的,敬畏他,謹守他的誡命從他的話,事奉他,專靠他。

5 先知或是那做夢的既用言語叛逆那領你們出埃及、救贖你脫離為奴之家的耶和華─你們的,要勾引你離開耶和華─你所吩咐你行的道,你便要將他治死。這樣,就把那惡從你們中間除掉。

6 你的同胞弟兄,或是你的兒女,或是你中的妻,或是如同你性命的朋友,若暗中引誘你,我們不如去事奉你和你列祖素來所不認識的別

7 是你四圍列國的。無論是離你近,離你遠,從這邊到那邊的

8 你不可依從他,也不可從他,眼不可顧惜他。你不可憐恤他,也不可遮庇他,

9 總要殺他;你先下,然後眾民也下,將他治死。

10 要用石頭他,因為他想要勾引你離開那領你出埃及為奴之家的耶和華─你的

11 以色列眾人都要害怕,就不敢在你們中間再行這樣的惡了。

12 耶和華─你所賜你居住的各城中,你若,有些匪類從你們中間的座城出來勾引本城的居民,:我們不如去事奉你們素來所不認識的別

13 a

14 你就要探聽,查究,細細地訪問,果然是真,準有這可憎惡的事行在你們中間,

15 你必要用刀殺那城裡的居民,把城裡所有的,連牲畜,都用刀殺盡。

16 你從那城裡所奪的財物都要堆積在街上,用將城和其內所奪的財物都在耶和華─你面前燒盡;那城就永為荒堆,不可再建造

17 那當毀滅的物連一點都不可粘你的。你要聽從耶和華─你神的話,遵守我今日所吩咐你的一切誡命,行耶和華─你神眼中看為正的事,耶和華就必意,不發烈怒,恩待你,憐恤你,照他向你列祖所起的誓使你人數增多。

18 a




336 - A Strange Love Letter

Door Jonathan S. Rose

Title: A Strange Love Letter

Topic: The Word

Summary: God is love, and the Bible is a divine communication to us, so in some sense it mst be a love letter. But that's a pretty strange love letter!

2 Samuel 12:1-7
Joshua 1:1-9
Judges 13:1-3
Isaiah 63:7-10
Ezekiel 1:28; 2
Matthew 4:17
Luke 1:1-5
1 Thessalonians 1:1
2 Timothy 1:1-2
James 1:1
1Pet 1:1
Deut 4:2; 12:32
Rev 22:18-19

This video is a part of the Spirit and Life Bible Study series, whose purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible through a Swedenborgian lens.

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Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 4/11/2018. The complete series is available at:

De Bijbel


Luke 1:1-5



1 Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,

2 even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,

3 it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;

4 that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed.

5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the priestly division of Abijah. He had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.