De Bijbel


民数记 15



1 耶和华摩西

2 你晓谕以色列人:你们到了我所赐你们居

3 若愿意从牛群羊群中取牛作火祭,献给耶和华,无论是燔祭是平安祭,为要还特许的愿,或是作甘心祭,或是逢你们节期献的,都要奉给耶和华为馨之祭。

4 那献供物的就要将细面伊法十分之一,并分之一,调和作素祭,献给耶和华

5 无论是燔祭是平安祭,你要为每只绵羊羔,同预备奠祭的酒分之

6 为公绵预备细面伊法十分之,并分之一,调和作素祭,

7 又用酒一分之一作奠祭,献给耶和华为馨之祭。

8 你预备公牛作燔祭,或是作平安祭,为要还特许的愿,或是作平安祭,献给耶和华

9 就要把细面伊法十分之,并,调和作素祭,和公牛一同献上,

10 又用酒半作奠祭,献给耶和华为馨的火祭。

11 献公牛、公绵、绵羔、山羊羔,每只都要这样办理。

12 照你们所预备的数目,按着只数都要这样办理。

13 凡本地人将馨的火祭献给耶和华,都要这样办理。

14 若有外人和你们同居,或有人世世代住在你们中间,愿意将馨的火祭献给耶和华,你们怎样办理,他也要照样办理。

15 至於会众,你们和同居的外人都归例,作为你们世世代永远的定例,在耶和华面前,你们怎样,寄居的也要怎样。

16 你们并与你们同居的外人当有样的条例样的典章。

17 耶和华摩西

18 你晓谕以色列人:你们到了我所领你们进去的那

19 的粮食,就要把举祭献给耶和华

20 你们要用初熟的麦子磨面,做饼当举祭奉献;你们举上,好像举禾场的举祭一样,

21 你们世世代要用初熟的麦子磨面,当举祭献耶和华

22 你们有错误的时候,不守耶和华所晓谕摩西的这一切命令,

23 就是耶和华摩西一切所吩咐你们的,自那日以至你们的世世代

24 若有误行,是会众所不知道的,後来全会众就要将只公牛犊作燔祭,并照典章把素祭和奠祭同献给耶和华为馨之祭,又献只公山羊作赎祭。

25 祭司要为以色列全会众赎,他们就必蒙赦免,因为这是错误。他们又因自己的错误,把供物,就是向耶和华献的火祭和赎祭,一并奉到耶和华面前。

26 以色列全会众和寄居在他们中间的外人就必蒙赦免,因为这罪是百姓误犯的。

27 若有个人误犯了,他就要献岁的母山羊作赎祭。

28 那误行的人犯罪的时候,祭司要在耶和华面前为他赎罪,他就必蒙赦免。

29 以色列中的本地人和寄居在他们中间的外人,若误行了甚麽事,必归样的条例,

30 但那擅敢行事的,无论是本地人是寄居的,他亵渎了耶和华,必从民中剪除。

31 因他藐视耶和华的言语,违背耶和华的命令,那人总要剪除;他的罪孽要归到他身上。

32 以色列人旷野的时候,遇见一个在安息日捡柴。

33 遇见他捡柴的人,就把他带到摩西亚伦并全会众那里,

34 将他收在监内;因为当怎样办他,还没有指明。

35 耶和华吩咐摩西:总要把那;全会众要在外用石头把他打

36 於是全会众将他带到外,用石头他,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的

37 耶和华晓谕摩西

38 “你吩咐以色列人,叫他们世世代衣服边上作繸子,又在底边的繸子上,

39 你们佩带这繸子,好叫你们见就记念遵行耶和华一切的命令

40 使你们记念遵行我一切的命令,成为圣洁,归与你们的

41 我是耶和华─你们的,曾把你们从埃及领出来,要作你们的。我是耶和华─你们的






'Judgment' refers to times when evil is brought to its height. Judgment' has two sides, a principle of good and a principle of truth. The faithful are judged from a principle of good, but the unfaithful, from a principle of truth. In Revelation 17:1, judgement signifies the state of the church at its end.

(Referenties: Apocalypse Explained 17; Arcana Coelestia 2319)

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #17

Bestudeer deze passage

/ 1232  

17. These approximate or general explanations of the preceding words, not being presented in a continuous series, will appear disconnected; and this must be the case when each word or phrase is expounded separately, and the internal sense is immediately joined to the literal sense, which is diverse from it, and each is viewed by itself. But nevertheless, with angels, who are in the internal sense, this is not so. They do not see the sense of the letter, nor do they know anything about it; they see only the internal sense; and because they see this in the light of heaven, they see it in such a series and connection, and also in such abundance and thence in such wisdom, as cannot be expressed and described in human words. The ideas of angels, which are spiritual, also conjoin all things in a wonderful manner, and comprehend more than man can include or express in his ideas, which are natural, even as to a thousandth part thereof.

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.