De Bijbel


قضاة 8



1 وقال له رجال افرايم ما هذا الامر الذي فعلت بنا اذ لم تدعنا عند ذهابك لمحاربة المديانيين. وخاصموه بشدة.

2 فقال لهم ماذا فعلت الآن نظيركم. أليس خصاصة افرايم خيرا من قطاف ابيعزر.

3 ليدكم دفع الله اميري المديانيين غرابا وذئبا. وماذا قدرت ان اعمل نظيركم. حينئذ ارتخت روحهم عنه عندما تكلم بهذا الكلام

4 وجاء جدعون الى الاردن وعبر هو والثلاث مئة الرجل الذين معه معيين ومطاردين.

5 فقال لاهل سكوت اعطوا ارغفة خبز للقوم الذين معي لانهم معيون وانا ساع وراء زبح وصلمناع ملكي مديان.

6 فقال رؤساء سكوت هل ايدي زبح وصلمناع بيدك الآن حتى نعطي جندك خبزا.

7 فقال جدعون. لذلك عندما يدفع الرب زبح وصلمناع بيدي ادوس لحمكم مع اشواك البرية بالنوارج.

8 وصعد من هناك الى فنوئيل وكلمهم هكذا. فاجابه اهل فنوئيل كما اجاب اهل سكوت.

9 فكلم ايضا اهل فنوئيل قائلا عند رجوعي بسلام اهدم هذا البرج.

10 وكان زبح وصلمناع في قرقر وجيشهما معهما نحو خمسة عشر الفا كل الباقين من جميع جيش بني المشرق. والذين سقطوا مئة وعشرون الف رجل مخترطي السيف

11 وصعد جدعون في طريق ساكني الخيام شرقي نوبح ويجبهة وضرب الجيش وكان الجيش مطمئنا.

12 فهرب زبح وصلمناع فتبعهما وامسك ملكي مديان زبح وصلمناع وازعج كل الجيش

13 ورجع جدعون بن يواش من الحرب من عند عقبة حارس.

14 وامسك غلاما من اهل سكوت وساله فكتب له رؤساء سكوت وشيوخها سبعة وسبعين رجلا.

15 ودخل الى اهل سكوت وقال هوذا زبح وصلمناع اللذان عيرتموني بهما قائلين هل ايدي زبح صلمناع بيدك الآن حتى نعطي رجالك المعيين خبزا.

16 واخذ شيوخ المدينة واشواك البرية والنوارج وعلّم بها اهل سكوت.

17 وهدم برج فنوئيل وقتل رجال المدينة

18 وقال لزبح وصلمناع كيف الرجال الذين قتلتماهم في تابور. فقالا مثلهم مثلك. كل واحد كصورة اولاد ملك.

19 فقال هم اخوتي بنو امي. حيّ هو الرب لو استحييتماهم لما قتلتكما.

20 وقال ليثر بكره قم اقتلهما فلم يخترط الغلام سيفه لانه خاف بما انه فتى بعد

21 فقال زبح وصلمناع قم انت وقع علينا لانه مثل الرجل بطشه. فقام جدعون وقتل زبح وصلمناع واخذ الاهلّة التي في اعناق جمالهما

22 وقال رجال اسرائيل لجدعون تسلط علينا انت وابنك وابن ابنك لانك قد خلّصتنا من يد مديان.

23 فقال لهم جدعون لا اتسلط انا عليكم ولا يتسلط ابني عليكم. الرب يتسلط عليكم.

24 ثم قال لهم جدعون اطلب منكم طلبة ان تعطوني كل واحد اقراط غنيمته. لانه كان لهم اقراط ذهب لانهم اسمعيليون.

25 فقالوا اننا نعطي. وفرشوا رداء وطرحوا عليه كل واحد اقراط غنيمته.

26 وكان وزن اقراط الذهب التي طلب الفا وسبع مئة شاقل ذهبا ما عدا الاهلّة والحلق واثواب الارجوان التي على ملوك مديان وما عدا القلائد التي في اعناق جمالهم.

27 فصنع جدعون منها افودا وجعله في مدينته في عفرة وزنى كل اسرائيل وراءه هناك فكان ذلك لجدعون وبيته فخا.

28 وذلّ مديان امام بني اسرائيل ولم يعودوا يرفعون رؤسهم. واستراحت الارض اربعين سنة في ايام جدعون

29 وذهب يربعل بن يوآش واقام في بيته.

30 وكان لجدعون سبعون ولدا خارجون من صلبه لانه كانت له نساء كثيرات.

31 وسرّيته التي في شكيم ولدت له هي ايضا ابنا فسماه ابيمالك.

32 ومات جدعون بن يوآش بشيبة صالحة ودفن في قبر يوآش ابيه في عفرة ابيعزر

33 وكان بعد موت جدعون ان بني اسرائيل رجعوا وزنوا وراء البعليم وجعلوا لهم بعل بريث الها.

34 ولم يذكر بنو اسرائيل الرب الههم الذي انقذهم من يد جميع اعدائهم من حولهم.

35 ولم يعملوا معروفا مع بيت يربعل جدعون نظير كل الخير الذي عمل مع اسرائيل




Exploring the Meaning of Judges 8

Door New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Judges 8: Gideon subdues the Midianites.

In this chapter, Gideon continued to dismantle Midian’s oppression over Israel, facing opposition from some of his fellow Israelites in the process. First, the men of Ephraim complained that he did not call them to war. Gideon replied by praising them for their vineyards, and for capturing the two Midianite princes. So, Ephraim’s indignation subsided.

Then Gideon went to the city of Succoth, and asked for bread to feed his army. But the men of Succoth refused, instead taunting him because he had not yet captured the kings of Midian. Gideon told them them he would punish them with thorns and briars, after he had killed the two kings. The people of Penuel were equally dismissive when Gideon asked them for help, and he swore to tear down their tower.

In due course, Gideon captured the two Midianite kings, Zebah and Zalmunna. Gideon told his oldest son to kill them, but he was young, and too afraid to do it. So Gideon killed the two kings, and punished the people of Succoth and Penuel.

When he returned from battle, the people of Israel asked Gideon to rule over them. However, he refused, saying that the Lord would rule Israel. He then collected gold from people’s earrings, used it to make an ephod (a priest’s garment), and set it up in his own city, Ophrah. The people began to worship it, and it became a snare for Gideon.

And Israel had peace for forty years under Gideon. Gideon had seventy sons, and died at an old age. As soon as he passed away, the Israelites forgot all the goodness that the Lord had shown them, and turned to worship other gods.


The message of Gideon’s exchange with the Ephraimites is that sincerity and openness are the most powerful response to confrontation. Gideon, led by his trust in the Lord, could see the reason for Ephraim’s outburst, so he dealt with it by praising their strengths. This encounter shows how our faith in the Lord gives us a broader perspective, granting us the ability to respond rather than react (see Swedenborg’s work, Arcana Caelestia 8159[3]).

When Gideon lashes out at the people of Succoth and Penuel, it may appear that he is acting purely from anger, and a wish to retaliate. In reality, he is filled with zeal to drive out the Midianites and free Israel. It is unthinkable to him that his own people would refuse to give his soldiers food. In our own lives, we can at times be astounded by our own resistance to serving the Lord’s purpose. We are constantly torn between two forces: heaven and hell (Arcana Caelestia 3839[3]).

The killing of the two Midianite kings reflects the need for justice in spiritual matters. If we fail to heed the truths we know and believe, we will suffer the consequences of fear and guilt. These are not inflicted by the Lord, but follow on from our own choices (Arcana Caelestia 2447). Gideon’s son’s inability to kill the kings means that behind spiritual justice, there must be an understanding of the essential value of all life (Arcana Caelestia 5826[2]).

Gideon’s ephod is a symbol showing how easily we can deviate from obeying the Lord. The text does not tell us the reason for Gideon’s actions, but perhaps he felt it was better for the people to worship something superficially related to worshiping the Lord, rather than following a foreign god. Seeing a priest’s garment reminds us that a priest serves the Lord. But we can so easily focus on the majesty of the ephod itself, and think no more about the priest’s duty nor about the Lord. We sometimes drift further from the Lord without even realizing it (see Swedenborg’s work, Divine Providence 327).

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Divine Providence #327

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327. 3. It is our own fault if we are not saved. Even on first hearing it, any rational person accepts the truth that evil cannot come from what is good, and that good cannot come from what is evil, since they are opposites. This means that nothing but good comes from what is good, and nothing but evil comes from what is evil. Once we admit this truth, we also admit that good can be turned into evil, not by the goodness itself but by the evil that receives it. Every form changes what it receives into something of its own nature (see 292 above).

Since the Lord is goodness in its very essence, or goodness itself, then, we can see that evil cannot flow from the Lord or be brought forth by him, but that it can be turned into evil by a recipient subject whose form is a form of evil. In respect to our claim to autonomy, we are this kind of subject. This apparent autonomy of ours is constantly receiving good from the Lord and constantly changing it to suit the nature of its own form, which is a form of evil. It therefore follows that it is our own fault if we are not saved.

Evil does come from hell, of course, but since our insistence on autonomy accepts evil as its own and thereby incorporates it into itself, it makes no real difference whether you say that the evil is from ourselves or that it is from hell. I need to say, though, where this incorporation of evil has come from, even to the point that religion itself is dying. I will do so in the following sequence. (a) Every religion eventually wanes and comes to completion. (b) Every religion wanes and comes to completion by inverting the image of God within us. (c) This happens because of the constant increase of hereditary evil from generation to generation. (d) The Lord still provides that everyone can be saved. (e) He also provides that a new church will take the place of the earlier one that has been razed.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.