Второзаконие 31:16



16 И сказалъ Господь Моисею: вотъ ты почіешь съ отцами твоими; и станетъ народъ сей блудно ходить въ слјдъ чужихъ боговъ той земли, въ которую онъ вступаетъ, и оставитъ Меня, и нарушитъ завјтъ Мой, который Я поставилъ съ ними.

Commentaar op dit vers  

Door Alexander Payne

Verse 16. And it will appear as if the Lord is angry with the soul in that state, and that He has left it, and that His mercy is departed from it, and the spiritual life will be consumed and inundated with evils and troubles; and the soul will then begin to inquire whether these evils have not come upon it because the Lord is no more within it;