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属天的奥秘 #9392

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9392. 出埃及记 24:6-8. 摩西取一半的血盛在盆中, 将一半的血洒在祭坛上. 然后, 他拿起约书来, 向百姓耳中读; 他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从. 摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上, 说, 看哪, 立约的血, 是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的.

“摩西取了一半的血” 表已经变成生命和敬拜之事的神性真理.

“盛在盆中” 表与人同在, 在形成其记忆的事物中.

“将一半的血洒在祭坛上” 表从主的神性人身发出的神性真理.

“然后, 他拿起约书来” 表与天堂里的圣言结合的文字上的圣言.

“向百姓耳中读” 表为了倾听和服从.

“他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从” 表接受从主的神性人身发出的真理, 出于内心和灵魂服从它.

“摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上” 表使人适合接受它.

“说, 看哪, 立约的血” 表主的神性人身通过这真理与天地结合.

“是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的” 表主通过圣言的每一个部分实现这种结合.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #10112

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10112. 'And a stranger shall not eat them' means no making of good their own by those who do not acknowledge the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'a stranger' or a foreigner as one who is outside the Church, dealt with in 2049, 2115, 7996, and they are said to be outside the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord (among the Jewish nation those who did not acknowledge Jehovah as their God or allow themselves to receive instruction in the ritual observances of the Church [were called 'outsiders']; those who did acknowledge Him and allow themselves to receive instruction were called 'sojourners', who had the same rights as natives, see 8007, 8013, 9196); and from the meaning of 'eating' as making good one's own, dealt with in 10109. The reason why good is not made their own by people who do not acknowledge the Lord is that acknowledging one's God is the starting point of religion, and among Christians acknowledging the Lord is the starting point of the Church; for without acknowledgement of Him there can be no transmission of anything from Him, nor consequently any faith, nor thus any love. So it is that the chief thing the Christian Church teaches is that without the Lord there is no salvation. For whatever a person calls true and believes and whatever he calls good and loves cannot be said to be true or good unless it comes from the Divine, and so unless it comes from the Lord. For no one left to himself is able to believe what is true or do what is good; rather, as is also well known, everything true and everything good comes from above. From this it is plainly evident that people within the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord cannot possess faith, nor thus any love to God, and therefore cannot be saved. This was represented among the Israelite nation by their acknowledgement of Jehovah as their God, by the acceptance of their worship and its being called holy, and by their being sanctified then, regardless of what they were like inwardly. For things of a representative nature were no more than outward forms, and with that nation an interest in these alone was sufficient, see the places referred to in 9320(end). Those of them therefore who did not acknowledge Jehovah but some other God, however much they offered the same kinds of sacrifice and worshipped in the same kinds of ways, were nevertheless banished from the Church, such as those who honoured baal and other gods. From this it may be recognized what kind of fate in the next life awaits those who have been born within the Church and yet at heart fail to accept the Lord, whatever the ways in which they have behaved towards others. Much experience as well has led me to see that they cannot be saved, as also the Lord teaches explicitly in John,

He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him. John 3:36.

As regards nations outside the Church however, those who, true to their religion, have led lives in which some kind of charity towards their neighbour has figured, and some kind of love to God the Creator of the universe in a human form, are accepted in the next life by the Lord and saved. For after receiving instruction from angels they acknowledge the Lord, believe in Him, and love Him, see 2589-2604.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #8013

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8013. 'There shall be one law for the native and for the sojourner sojourning in the midst of you' means that someone who has received instruction in and accepted the Church's truth and good, and leads a life in keeping with them, will be as someone within the Church who has already been instructed and leads a life conforming to the commandments of faith and charity. This is clear from the meaning of 'there shall be one law' as a similar right, thus that it shall be as it is with another; from the meaning of 'the native' as one born within the Church who is in possession of its truth and good in respect of doctrine and in respect of life, dealt with just above in Sell; and from the meaning of 'the sojourner sojourning in the midst of you' as one who receives instruction in the Church's truth and good and accepts them, and leads a life in keeping with them, also dealt with above, in 8007.

[2] The expression 'in keeping with the commandments of faith and charity' is used because of the difference, which is that before regeneration one leads a life in keeping with the commandments of faith, but after regeneration in keeping with the commandments of charity. Before regeneration no one knows from affection what charity is, only from doctrine, whose commandments, which are called the commandments of faith, at that time direct a person's life. But after regeneration he does know from affection what charity is. This is because he now loves his neighbour and has a heartfelt desire for his welfare; his life is now directed by a law written on his heart, for an affection that belongs to charity governs his actions. This state is entirely different from the previous one. People in the first state are in dim light so far as the truths and the forms of the good of faith are concerned, but those in the latter state are in comparison in bright light. They see truths and corroborate them in a state of enlightenment, whereas the former see truths and corroborate them not in a state of enlightenment but because they have been convinced that the teachings of the Church are true. And since they do not see them in a state of enlightenment they are equally capable of corroborating falsities as truths, and having corroborated them they see them altogether as truths. From this one may recognize what is meant by leading a life in keeping with the commandments of faith, and what by leading a life in keeping with the commandments of charity.

[3] With regard to sojourners, the people were commanded several times in the Word not to make any distinction between 'the native of the land' and 'the sojourner sojourning with them'. The reason why was that gentile nations from whom sojourners came are just as much received into heaven as those within the Church are, after they have received instruction in and accepted the truths of faith. Regarding gentiles in the next life, see 932, 1032, 1059, 2049, 2284, 2589-2604, 2861, 1863, 3263, 4190, 4197. This was why it was commanded that as it was with the native, so it should be with the sojourner, as in Moses,

If a sojourner should sojourn with you who would make a fire-offering of an odour of rest to Jehovah, he shall do as you do. As for the assembly, one statute shall there be for you and for the sojourner who sojourns, an eternal statute throughout your generations. As you are, so shall the sojourner be before Jehovah. There shall be one law and one judgement for you and for the sojourner sojourning with you. Numbers 15:14-16.

In the same author,

As the native among you shall the sojourner sojourning with you be to you. Leviticus 19:34.

In the same author,

One judgement shall there be for you; it shall be for the sojourner as for the native. Leviticus 14:22.

In the same author,

When the sojourner has sojourned with you, he shall keep the Passover to Jehovah, according to the statute for the Passover, and according to the regulations 1 for it. There shall be one statute for you, both for the sojourner and for the native of the land. Numbers 9:14.


1. literally, statutes

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.