스웨덴보그의 저서에서


属天的奥秘 #9392

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9392. 出埃及记 24:6-8. 摩西取一半的血盛在盆中, 将一半的血洒在祭坛上. 然后, 他拿起约书来, 向百姓耳中读; 他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从. 摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上, 说, 看哪, 立约的血, 是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的.

“摩西取了一半的血” 表已经变成生命和敬拜之事的神性真理.

“盛在盆中” 表与人同在, 在形成其记忆的事物中.

“将一半的血洒在祭坛上” 表从主的神性人身发出的神性真理.

“然后, 他拿起约书来” 表与天堂里的圣言结合的文字上的圣言.

“向百姓耳中读” 表为了倾听和服从.

“他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从” 表接受从主的神性人身发出的真理, 出于内心和灵魂服从它.

“摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上” 表使人适合接受它.

“说, 看哪, 立约的血” 表主的神性人身通过这真理与天地结合.

“是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的” 表主通过圣言的每一个部分实现这种结合.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #10112

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10112. 'And a stranger shall not eat them' means no making of good their own by those who do not acknowledge the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'a stranger' or a foreigner as one who is outside the Church, dealt with in 2049, 2115, 7996, and they are said to be outside the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord (among the Jewish nation those who did not acknowledge Jehovah as their God or allow themselves to receive instruction in the ritual observances of the Church [were called 'outsiders']; those who did acknowledge Him and allow themselves to receive instruction were called 'sojourners', who had the same rights as natives, see 8007, 8013, 9196); and from the meaning of 'eating' as making good one's own, dealt with in 10109. The reason why good is not made their own by people who do not acknowledge the Lord is that acknowledging one's God is the starting point of religion, and among Christians acknowledging the Lord is the starting point of the Church; for without acknowledgement of Him there can be no transmission of anything from Him, nor consequently any faith, nor thus any love. So it is that the chief thing the Christian Church teaches is that without the Lord there is no salvation. For whatever a person calls true and believes and whatever he calls good and loves cannot be said to be true or good unless it comes from the Divine, and so unless it comes from the Lord. For no one left to himself is able to believe what is true or do what is good; rather, as is also well known, everything true and everything good comes from above. From this it is plainly evident that people within the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord cannot possess faith, nor thus any love to God, and therefore cannot be saved. This was represented among the Israelite nation by their acknowledgement of Jehovah as their God, by the acceptance of their worship and its being called holy, and by their being sanctified then, regardless of what they were like inwardly. For things of a representative nature were no more than outward forms, and with that nation an interest in these alone was sufficient, see the places referred to in 9320(end). Those of them therefore who did not acknowledge Jehovah but some other God, however much they offered the same kinds of sacrifice and worshipped in the same kinds of ways, were nevertheless banished from the Church, such as those who honoured baal and other gods. From this it may be recognized what kind of fate in the next life awaits those who have been born within the Church and yet at heart fail to accept the Lord, whatever the ways in which they have behaved towards others. Much experience as well has led me to see that they cannot be saved, as also the Lord teaches explicitly in John,

He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him. John 3:36.

As regards nations outside the Church however, those who, true to their religion, have led lives in which some kind of charity towards their neighbour has figured, and some kind of love to God the Creator of the universe in a human form, are accepted in the next life by the Lord and saved. For after receiving instruction from angels they acknowledge the Lord, believe in Him, and love Him, see 2589-2604.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



诗篇 106



1 你们要赞美耶和华!要称谢耶和华,因他本为善;他的慈爱永远长存!

2 谁能传说耶和华的大能?谁能表明他一切的美德?

3 凡遵守公平;常行公的,这人便为有福!

4 耶和华啊,你用恩惠待你的百姓;求你也用这恩惠记念我,开你的救恩眷顾我,

5 使我见你选民的福,乐你国民的乐,与你的产业一同夸耀。

6 我们与我们的祖宗一同犯罪;我们作了孽,行了恶。

7 我们的祖宗在埃及不明白你的奇事,不记念你丰盛的慈爱,反倒在红行了悖逆。

8 然而,他因自己的名拯他们,为要彰显他的大能,

9 并且斥责红便乾了;他带领他们经过深处,如同经过旷野

10 他拯他们脱离恨他们人的,从仇敌赎他们。

11 淹没他们的敌人,没有个存留。

12 那时,他们才信了他的,歌赞美他。

13 等不多时,他们就忘了他的作为,不仰望他的指教,

14 反倒在旷野大起欲心,在荒地试探神。

15 他将他们所求的赐他们,却使他们的心灵软弱。

16 他们又在中嫉妒摩西耶和华的圣者亚伦

17 裂开,吞下大坍,掩盖亚比兰一党的人。

18 在他们的党中发起;有火焰烧毁了恶人。

19 他们在何烈山造了犊,叩拜铸成的像。

20 如此将他们荣耀的主换为之牛的像,

21 忘了神─他们的救主;他曾在埃及事,

22 在含行奇事,在红行可畏的事。

23 所以,他要灭绝他们;若非有他所拣选的摩西站在当中(原文是破口),使他的忿怒消,恐怕他就灭绝他们。

24 他们又藐视那美,不信他的

25 在自己帐棚内发怨言,不耶和华的声音

26 所以,他对他们起誓:必叫他们倒在旷野

27 叫他们的後裔倒在列国之中,分散在各地。

28 他们又与巴力.毗珥连合,且吃了神(或译:人)的物。

29 他们这样行,惹耶和华发怒,便有瘟疫流行在他们中间。

30 那时,非尼哈站起,刑罚恶人,瘟疫这才止息。

31 那就算为他的,世世代,直到永远

32 他们在米利巴水又叫耶和华发怒,甚至摩西也受了亏损,

33 是因他们惹动他的灵,摩西(原文是他)用嘴了急躁的话。

34 他们不照耶和华所吩咐的灭绝外邦人,

35 反与他们混杂相合,学习他们的行为,

36 事奉他们的偶像,这就成了自己的网罗,

37 把自己的儿女祭祀鬼魔,

38 流无辜人的血,就是自己儿女的血,把他们祭祀迦南的偶像,那就被血污秽了。

39 这样,他们被自己所做的污秽了,在行为上犯了邪淫。

40 所以,耶和华的怒气向他的百姓发作,憎恶他的产业,

41 将他们交在外邦人里;恨他们的人就辖制他们。

42 他们的仇敌也欺压他们,他们就伏在敌人

43 他屡次搭救他们,他们却设谋背逆,因自己的罪孽降为卑下。

44 然而,他见他们哀告的时候,就眷顾他们的急难,

45 为他们记念他的约,照他丰盛的慈爱後悔。

46 他也使他们在凡掳掠他们的人面前蒙怜恤。

47 耶和华我们啊,求你拯我们,从外邦中招聚我们我们好称赞你的名,以赞美你为夸胜。

48 耶和华以色列的是应当称颂的,从亘古直到永远。愿众民都:阿们!你们要赞美耶和华